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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page: 2 f Clean Work With Our Brand New Van Norman Pertea000 :00ring Bar and Sucker - Outer There are no grit and grindings left when we give your Motor a Re-Bore Job This new piece Of elUlpment is just another of our teps to +keep 'our+h0P fUily equipped to ]lve you effic- ient and complete vehicle repair service. SHELTON GARAGE 24.Hour Wrecker SePVlCe 1st '& Cots - Phone 52 You want to Buy A cow, "or a horse, or a pig, or Maybe You Want to Sell A mtfle, or agoat, or . Some chickens, or MaYbe You Want to Buy A car, or 9, bicycle, or a tractor, or Maybe You Want to Sell Some furniture, or some +lumber, ,or some clothing, or Maybe ou Walt Some PropeP00y or you have something you don't need Maybe YOu'I1Call I00 and try a Journal want ad , Just try it once. .... --Welljthe Oreuwo r0000nal beany maybes about what'll happen! The+ d " ":& -" ++ • ,' " .,. ;+., ., , +4 ......... ' ' * .... , " S1TELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAE , , ,._,+ ..................... -- .......... ' m ..... SOCIAL EVENT S Goldy.Marshall Wedding Held November 1S Monday eveninR', Nowmbev 18, Miss Maric E. Marshall, daughter of Mrs. Mary :Marshall, and Robert D. Gohly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Din-1 Goldy, all of Sl]elton. werc ttnited in marriage, The wedding was held in the tome of Mrs. Irene White. sister ('if the hride, at 8:30. The decors,imps were attractive with ehrysanthemums and candles. The Reverend Eh, in D Strankman performed the ceremony before a group of rclatives and friends. The bride chose a grey suit with white hat and wore an orchid cor- sage. Mrs. Christine Ellison. sister of the bride, was matron of Ironer and she wore a gold colored Suit with a rosebud corsage. Don White- ner was best man. Ray James saug "I Love You Truly" accom- panied by Mrs. E. D. Strankman. Mrs. Marshall wore a navy blue suit for the wedding and Mrs, Go]dy wore a 1)rinted silk dress, Following the wedding a recep- tion was held, The lace-covered table was centered with a tiered cake and ligtted candles added lheir warmth to the table. Mrs. h'ene White and Mrs. Betty Mar- shall served. B6tl] Mr. and Mrs. Goldy at- tended ttle Shelton schools, and will make their home at Matlbck. For her going-away ensemble the bride nddad a, rose colorcd C O II t. \\; ........ O. OF H. TO ELECT The Degree of Honor wlll meet 'Tuesday, December 10 at 8 p.m. at the "I.OO.O.F. hall for an elec- tion of off trees and a. Christmas party. Tim committee in charge includes Ida Downie Helen K'ay- zers, Nancy Nutt,'Ellen Howe, Al- ma Nye nnd Ida Lundquist. Christ- ma, gifts will be exchanged. ONE: OF L.I.FE'S } G R F:'ATEST ACCOM- PLISHMENTS IS bad-weathe;r driving change::now tc ,0000olden Shell Gollen Shell Mtor "O11 brings you another development of Shell Rtsearch--an improved oxidation inhibitor. Added to Golden Shell during manufacture, this new inhibitor ,.esiSts'thegum,rlacquer and sludge formation which cause engine wear and breakdown, It makes Golden Shell an oil that stays free flowing and on'the-job from one oil drain to the next. So for good bad-weather driving, you'll find it pays to change now to Golden SIM1 Motor Oil. t '.Oar.;ll Dealer'help yoU.'to  bad,weather driving,. mlmml Seattle Visitors Spend Weekend :In Angle 'Home ]h'. and Mrs. Mattrice Necdham, Jr., [l'S. Charles Culpepper. ntoth- or (;, Mrs. Necdhum, and Eher Thomas, brother of lIrs. Grant C. Angle, all of Seattle, visited at the Grant Anglc home over thc week- end. Mauricc Ncedham, ,It'., has just returned from a three-nmnths' trip in the East to the plants (if tic %Vorthington Pump Co., spon- sored by the com I)any for 16 of their representatives. :Mr. Need- ham m merchandising manager of the northwest district of the com- pany and two were elmsen from Seattle for the "educational tour." BETTY HAYDEN IS GUEST OF HONOR Miss Betty Hayden was the re- cipient t)f a sllower given recently by imr ,;i.*er. Mrs, Fred Burgess, and her mother, Mrs. Lee Olsen. Games were play, ed during the eve- sing and prizes went to Mrs. Orle Gonter. Mrs. Ivan Biehl and Mrs. Thehna Ells. Guests present were Mrs. Wil- liam Robertson, Mrs. Alvin Tidy- man. Mt:s. Elvan Strankman. Mrs. Charles Dillin. Mrs. William Hall Mrs, Rollin Keller. Mrs. Orle Cen- ter, Mrk Mae Burgess, Mrs. Thel- ma Ells, lrs. Paul Davidson, lIrs. Ehner Marike, Mrs. :Harold Ridiey, Mrs. V. Rodgers, Mrs. Vlc Ellison, Mrs. Gerry Pinckney, Mrs. Ivan Biehl. Shirley Thorpe, Pcrcella Aucoin., and Mry Lou Jamtson. I !JEANNE LSLNDERS IIONORED I Jeanne Lenders. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Lenders was rc- eently elec.ted Queen Sigrid IX, by the student body at Western Washing'ton College at Belling- ham. She ruled during the festiv- ities of I-Ionmeoming week and the official coronation took place dtwing th half-time festivities of the Vlking-Luthcran grld battle. Vik 'Captain Moose+Zuriine placed ]th'e crown on her head. / Jeanne is in her senior year and active on the camtms. She is presi- dent of Flcns Hall and was re- cently initiated into Vaklyrie, an honorary organization of active students O11 tile canlpns, MR. AND MRS. ENGILSEN ]IERE FOR VISIT Col. and Mrs. F. O, Woods. their two children Dorothy and Edward of Shelton, and Miss Grace Engel- sen of Olympia, returned Sunday front Altair'a. WaSh., where they had gone to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Engelscn, parents of Mrs. Woods and Miss Engelsen. Mr. and Mrs. Engelseu re,timed to Shelton with Col. and Mrs. Woods where they will make their home for an indefinite time with another daughter, Miss Clare Engelsen. BORDEAUX P.T.A. MEETS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY L. E. Lindman. assistant super- intendent of the department of ed- , ucatiou, will be guest speaker at the meeting" of the Bordeaux P.T.A. Thursday evening,+ Decem- ber' 12, at 8 p.m. The meeting will be of special interest to both 'teach- ers and parents. A special Christmas program has been arranged and refresh- men,s will behervcd by the lmSt- csses, Mrs, Cole. Mrs, Ralph Crab- ill and lgl's. Alfred Mtchaelson, who rcpresent the tWo first-grade rooms at tile school. NO. 1871 NOTICF TO (ltl,DlTOll IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASNINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY, In tim Matter of the Estate of Jolln F. Stotsbery. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tim Undersigned, Alice Stotsbery, has been appointed and has qualified as Administratrix of tim Estate of John lv Stotsbery deceased aad tlmt all persons havhg claims ahnainst the said estate are.iereby required to serve the same dmy verifies up6n the said Adminlstratrix, R. R. 3 Shelton, Wash- ingtou, or upon her dul appointed agent and attorney named beow at his!te 5 G0vey Bldg,, Sheltt,n, wasfllllgton, itle saute nay- ink been designate.d as the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, and file the stone witil tim Clerk of above', entitl ,d cOUrt together with pr(mf of such service, wit|fin six months afire' date of first pfibllcatioa of tills notice, to wit: December. 5. 1946. or said claims will be forever barredALICE STOTS:BERY, Adnflnisl.ratrix of };aid Estate. 3 W, GRAHAM, Attorney for Administratrix, Suite 5 Gove.y TIdg,, Shelton, Washington. 12/5-12-19-26-41 NO. 1795 NOTICE OF I[F*AItlNG ON FINAI ItEPORT AND YNTITI()N FOR DISTRIRUTION IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ]%IASON COUNTY . IN PROBATE In the Matter of tle Estate of Sarah Carlson. Deceased, NOTICE IS I=IEREBY GIVEN that Esther Roles, Adnllistratrix of the estate of Sarah Carlson. deceased, has filed with tile Clerk of tl'm above en- titled court her Final Report and Petition for Dlsirlbtition among other things ask ng 'the court It) settle apd approve said Final Report. distribute lhe property to the persons thereto en- titled atRl to discharge said Admtnis- tral rig. NOTICE IS FURTIIER GIVEN tlmt ,lie hearing on th.,,, said Final Rei)ort will be heard en Saturday, tim 4th day of Janum'y, 1947. at the hour of 10 o'clock. In the forenoon, at the Court. Room. at the Court House, in Shelton, Washington. t SEAL) cLARE ENGELSEN, County. Clerk CHAS. R. LEWIS. Bell Building, •119 South .4th Street, Shelton. Mason County. Washiagton. : 12-5-12-19-26--41. NOTICE OF SALE OF TIIIf, ER ON RTAT.F LAND 'APPLICATION NO. 19590 Notice is hercl)y given that Applica- tion Nn. 19590 has been filed in the office of the Commissioner of Pab- lic Lands'at. Olympia, Washington, in accordance with the provisions of ChaP- ter 66 of tim Session Laws of 1933, for the purchas, of timber oU tim following described, land in Mason Concert Dec. l0 By Mixed Chorus December 10. Tuesday evening, the Shelton Mixed Chorus will sponsor their annual Christmas concert in thc .utditoritmt of the Irene S. Reed high school. Lynn Shel'WOOd is (lil'vt'tor al/(l ?vll's. Charles Flllfl.hOtlset" is 11cconlptln- ist Tile progr;un follows: "Voice of Spring" by Strauss, hy the of chestra: "Syivia" by Speaks with a solo by John Steinberg; "I'll "VValk ,Beside You" by Murray; "Anf Wiedcrsehcn" by Rombcrg; "I Got Plenty of Nuthin' " by Gershwin and '%Vay Over Jor- dan" by Zimmernmn. all by the chorus. The orchestra will play "Second Movement" by Mendelssotm and "Pizzicato Polka" by trauss. The Chorus numbers during the second half of the program in- clude "Beautiful Savior" by Chris- ,Jansen with vocal solo by .Iosc- phine Dickey; "I Wonder As I Wander" by Nilcs. vocal solo by Opal Pnekard; "Beautiful Yule Tide" by Chrlstiansen with a quar- tet selection by Bernice Stewart and Jean Thoday, sopranos and Lillian Norvald and Bird Dotson, altos: "Lullaby On Christmas Eve" by Christiansen with solos by Mac Miniecki, and "Fanfare For Christmas Day" hy Shaw. Stage decorations will he in charge of Mrs. Caroline Lentz and Mrs. Marguerite Ferwerda. who is also In charge of the hospitality committee; and the reception will be in charge of Mrs, Hazel Rous- cher and Mrs, Rnll)t Horton with their assistants. XMAS PARTY SLATED The Oakland Bay Women's Club will meet at the hmne of Mrs. Roy Batstone Monday, December 9, for the annual Christmas party. Mrs. Charles Castagno will be assistant hostess. Small gifts will be ex- changed. MRS. CARR IMPROVING Mr. Roy Carr, wife of Commis- sioner Carr. is showing improve- meet after her recent illness, how- ever she is still remaining in Aber- deen. GIRL FOR OLYMPIANS Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Hansen of Olympia+ are the parents of a girl born Wednesday November 27 in the Shelton General Hospital. EDWIN LANEY'S IIAVE SON Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lancy are the parents of n boy born Friday, November 29, in thc Sholton Gen- eral Hospital A. ZEItES IIAVE DAUGHTER A daughter was born to :Mr, and Mrs. Artlmr Zehe Snnday, December 1 in the Shelton Gen- eral Hospital. V.F.W. AUXILIARY TO MEET FRIDAY Friday evening, December 6, the V.F.W. Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting at the Memorial Halt starting at 8 o'clock. RAINBOW MOTIIERS CLUB MEETING TI IURSDAY Rainbow M()thers Club will meet at the Masonic Temple Thm-sday, December 12, starting at 8 o'clock in the eveniug. Mrs. Lawrence Munson and Mrs. Claude Rhodes will be hostesses. MISS MALLOY LEAVES FOR CALIFORNIA ] Miss Virginia Malloy left Sat- ]urday for a six week's vacation ,and visit to California. She will retttrn to Shelton at the end of the vacation. As a result of her absence, she Ires resigned as Police Judge. TItlNGS AS THEY SEEM (Continued from page 1) nation being awarded because of the benefit it provides for the largest number of children. In addition and in furtherance of their +policy of service, the Forty and Eight Society als0 purchased a bond of the Anti-Tuberchlosis society, the money to be used by that organization in fighting the dread disease. Another maniSfes- ration of service by the Forty and Eight is the procurement of a handsome silver trophy to be awarded the championship jun- ior Legion baseball team of the FOurth District iu next year's competition. The Legion or any other service organization would have no reason for being, Other than a social organization, unless their efforts were directed toward the welfare of those Who were comrades in arms during the two World Wars, and unless they took a prominent part in things for the good of the community. In ,this respect Shelton service organiza- tions play a leading part. HE State of Washington thru its monopolistic liquor control board has probably done the greatest service possible for the Cause of temperance and pr6hibi- tion this week, when they ordered general price increases that make the cost of liquor to the consum- er almost out of reach of the average income person. The rea- son given for the increase in price is blamed on new cost schedules effccted by the distillers, which claim is inconsistent with facts when stocks, purchased in tlm past and in storage will be sold at prices far above former rates. The revenue from liquor has pro- vided much of reltef to counties nd cities of the state in financ- ing many of their services, with a share of the profits being appor- tioncd between the state and the other divisions of government. county ........... t d Profits have been large in 'the A) roxlmalely J0 uou leer tmsta' last b ., IP.. .... k .^; 'd-- - -'t-'rd -f r I , ut wlth increased costs to ill" anQ lo,uuu ,Lt;Vt. I ow,, u, a the co on the 'SYa of SW of Section 36, .. nsumer, revenues can be ex- township 2( noftt/:.2"ange 6 west, w.M. pected to drop, because a major- App, aisea at evu uu it" of " " ml...,:.."., tl:w ab'oxe aeo-,''e a land .v people who use the stuff .,.,,.,e,' ,. - ' +  °'" "" + ere1 ' ' wil! be sold on December 15, 196 i m . Y m observance of socml to the al)plicant .at the .appratsi amenities are not going to pay x duo pr iae(l tna no offer la w! " thc boo-" ....... "" '. . ' ..... ,. nct ...... " +; .... tle SLera tariff lquor cannel; ill* O[ el2 ll'/lmt at/ it, ll[olt t |lttll ,' " . .tl)raiscd .value accompanied by" a sLll- be classified as the same necessity tic'ten{ "delmsit. i rbcelv.ed by+ tlw US cutter, clothing and other such cmnmissioner )f Ptkblic Lhds at least commoa,, :: - - . ' " ' ' " e roues ana when such a lux- two d s prior to the, da e of sal.. Ter y of sale--CASH, he urelas=.Lury and non essential gets beyond 11 haw one year from tt dat'thest + e ': er wl ag of decency in price, then of stile to ctlt and remove 'the timber. / a lot -+ -- -%' ..... ",6th de.. of X'o"ember m u xormer customers of the ,)area trim -  ,, v ' "state ' " A.D., 1946. " ["o r" hquor monopoly aye g,,om,g, A. / eIrain Item going o ne wen I of cheer." Miss Kirkland, Emmett Brown Wed December 1 Choosing: the first day of De- cmuber for her wedding, Ida Mae j Kirkland, (hmghh,r of Mr, nnd I Mrs. Chu(le Logan of Shelton, be-[ camc the bride ot7 Emmctt F.] Brown of Tumwater, Washington.] The beautiful 'tingle ring so'i'vice| was read hy the Reverend ttard- wicR V. Harshman of lhe First Methodist Church at 2 o'elock un- der the archway of the lovely home of the hride's parents on Arcadia road. Greenery made a most ap- propriatc setting fro' tile occasion. The bride chose for her wed- ding a wool suit of French bhtc with hlack accessories and wore a corsage of l)ink rosebuds. Her on- ly attendant, Mrs. ]bel ,laekson of Scuttle. "aunt of the bride, was attired in a light grey dresslnaker suit writ blacl: accessories and corsage of red rosebud,s. For her daughter's wedding the bride's mother chose a dress of black crepe with accessories to match and wm'e a era'sage of 1)ink carnations. The bridogroont chose Dr. Law- rence Wolfgang of Olylnpia as his best man. Following • the wedding service a lovely reception was held at the home of Mr. nnd Trs. L. D. Hack where mere thnn 75 gllests had as- selnblcd to wclconm the bride and roonl. The bride's linen-covered table was centered with a three- tiered wedding cake trimmed with silver leaves and flanked on either side by lighted tapers. White and pink ('hrysanthcnmms decorated the reception rooms. Mrs. Frank Rushell of Olympia aunt of the bride, cut the cake and Mrs. Louis Sanders of Seattle, another aunt of the bride, presided at the urn. Assisting Mrs. Hack at the re- ception were Mrs. Esnta Jordan, Mrs. Mary Smith, and lVlrs. Annie Anderson. Following the opening of the many lovely gifts the couple left for Olympia where a wedding din- ner was held at the Crane Cafe for relatives and friends. The couple then left for a wed- ding trip to Victoria B. C., and upon their return will make th:ir new home in Tumwater. The bride has been employed tim past two years with the Li- cense Dcpartment in the State Capitol at Olympia. She is a mcnt- ber of the Order of Eastern Star of SheltmL a Grand Warder of the Grand Court of Amaranth of the State of Washington and a Past High Priestess of White Shrine in Olympia. The groom is a building con- tractor in Tumwater. Out-of=town guests for the wed- ding included Mrs. Thurman Gib- bons and Mrs. Zenola Lorenz from Tacmna: Mrs. Betty BoRon. Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sanders. all of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rus- sell and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wal- lace of Olympia; Mr, and Mrs. Vern Wilson 6f Ttllamook; Mrs. Myrtle Christenson of Mansfield, Washington: James. Jack, Vincent and Patrick Brown, all of Turn- water, Belfair The Belfair cornmunity has met several times lately in regard to organizing a nltlch needed com- munity church. At a recent meet- ing it was decided to organize under the Baptist conference. A committee to draw up the consti- tution and by-laws was appointed and will bc submitted to the group at the next meeting for their ap- proval. So it looks now like it won't be long until out. commun- ity will be attending church serv- ices in our commmflty. Mr. mid Mrs. David Crosswhitc had as their Tltmtksgiving guests Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mechem and family of Bremerton and Mr. and :Mrs. Garlow Crosswhite and fam- ily of Belfatr. Miss Katie Foster was the hon- oree of a bridal shower on Novem- ber 20th at the home of Mrs. A1 err. Thirty-five guests attended the shower. Miss Foster and Re- rner Barns will be married in Bremerton on December 1,1th. Miss Foster is a graduate nurse and is employed at the Roosevelt lmspital. Miss Foster received many beautiful and usefnl gifts. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Fos- ter. mother of the bride-elect, served a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Thompson were Thanksgiving guests at the Tom Norman residence. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heming and family spent Thanksgiving at Puyallup, Wash. Thur.-,day, December FAREWELL DINNER GIVEN A Thanksgiving going-away dinner was given at the home of Clarence Bare Thursday evening honoring Mrs. Lillie Crisman "tnd her son, B.ron Crisman wile left for Long Beach, Calif., after "t thrcc-week visit here. Guests inchlded Mr. qnd Mrs. Robert Jackson nnd children, Mr. and Mrs. t3eryi H.ustman and daughter, Mr "and Mrs. George Thompson nnd children and 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bare and ehil- dren. WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTH a( AssemBly of 'God Tabernacle 710 De'arb0rn PIt0ne 476-M Rev. Sam McGill, Pastor CLlvary. Pentecostal ChUrch 120 "East Pine St. Sunday Schooi--9!45 a.. Morning Worship--'11:00 a.'iffL Sunday Evangelistic, g!00 p. fa. Wednesday Pra:yr :ieeting, ,8:00 p.m. Friday "Re_lar Meeting, 8:00 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. R. D, CatlSy, Pa'stbr First Baptist J.O. Bovee, pastor 5th at Cota Young People's Meeting 6:30 p.m. Sundy School, 9:45 a.m. Welcome TO THE Church of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Each ROUTE 2, BOX Sheltoh C S. Hamilton. "How wcre you This ;s a question fr,l askcd Cltristian ScicntisJ. of those healed through of Christi'an Sc! I cation w;,,, tinmnies of healin in the xvcekly y g s p Y };'i €o have the Sentinel's pra¢ ing urticles and eonv]nclag "t of healing each week. The Christian Science Publishing One, Norway Street, Boston 1,' Enclosed is $1 for .which pit the Christian Science 'Selltia¢l •'{0 (1 $ issues) Name .............................. - S t re e t ........................ _ --: Cty "-" -" -"-' .......... S  Key Clmrch Pa u I Swee ney, As i Evening Mr. Olive Lutheran The Church of the Lutheran Hour HILLCREST - HIGHWAY AT CASCADE Telephone •395-M and 230 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morhing "Worship 'tl LISTEN TO THE LUTHERAN HOUR Every 9 a.m. over KGY, KTW, KVI--2 p.m. KGY, 6 p.m. ,:- Fit00t Methodist "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Community" Fourth and Pine Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. rn. Sermon Topic: "The God Who LeftHIs Thr06e" HARDWlCK W. HARSHMAN, Minisler Parsonsge 320 N. 4th TelelJhone 27B First Church-of Christ, SHELTON Branch of The Mother Clmrch, The First Church of Christ, Boston, Mass. Subject Next Sunday: ,, "God, theOniy Cause and Crest0 SUMDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O',CL06 i WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 80-CL06 LN Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alder 'Jr open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'elcl, and Wednesdays from 6:45 to 7:'45 o'clock. ,i All are cordially invited to attend the serviCes.and # the Reading 'Room, CHURCH AT 302ALDER STREET WE ARE NOW HANDLING . ,|" TEXACO PRODUCTS i. F I R ESTONE ANTI-FREEZE | Cbmplete Motor Rebuilding & Overhauling. 1 New and Used Auto Parts. 'Electric & Acet'elyne W and Cutting'. We buy and sell used and wrecked wrecldng '34 Sthdebaker, '34 Olds, and 2 Model A r Rogers 00rothers Garage Formerly Shelton AUto "Prts 'Phone 218-R-2 - 1 Mile S6Uth of Shelt6n on Olylpic' "12/5-( DA!NCE SATURDAY FEATURING CLIFF KELLY and His New -7-Piece Orchestra Delight P ark DANCE PAVILION--LAKE ISABELLA DECEMBER 7 I Delight Park Dance Pavilion Is Now Under the Direct Management 6f Owner Carl :Johnson Admission $1 Per +Person (Tax Included) .... iii :. :?/ "'i: • i