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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.... SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI5 Thursday, December 5L,: ....... HIGHCLIMBERS OPEN HOM - €' Ol00AOtlilll CDIIIA¥ • ,l w 'lay  T  I_ *! [i.coh P.T A is s ,onsorin I[. 41F-..HVH lillLIurit/ u-A-n-.,-=-il-v .,iotu,'.ay,e,,emb, --  I ...... _ __ SPONSORED BY GENERAL WELFARE CLUB e 'Ltltberme'. Mercantil( • " f-T'T--ra-- '" ' [ D,-L**- "..h.,lP". "..r, ::ler,rs Who are ,n'fl,in' a ron e have a shipment SP SORE BY LEGION ST r Ray . oo...o ,...,._...,... .om P.M ,o ,on,gn, 00,nbor. .JILaU JL iJIZ4L IJLJrJl. I *'  x, " , . oz new Who iS Mason county's best. will be held between halves of one U:-- [...1--...1.'.. GAMES POPULAR I Brings Silverdale Memorial Hall [/,', m:: ::::, ,,ove,nbe,'-Deo,,,,,,)O,U, _,(mee',, free-throw shot . of the Shelton Highclimbers con- l. lM l.JiLtlt:]L Mll3 • .)Sehol P;,svjli- ,,, ,, bv::t..,,.,.,,, am ns---- (Tet"e"n:eyobaSk°eLball s du:.lO,DurJ]zg Lhe firs, week ti],y -. - too o-timis'i- "-' ' Y ' " " have been offered, approximate- .t= for th eam;.- ....... Mustc by General .Welfare Club Orchestra bet 2, at ., [. Steel fi2o'G?, el°ed to inns:liT; rl e RAYONIER BOWLIrG L ' " ±'one- "v .c over l, rOS- . ber l 2 'f} • • - y half tile 135 eason tickets n.oh Che[ DOlTdrnlrl crtu hi  . , i . . . ,, entitling their holders to the -':'%'-loo-k-at the"-l "- ''¢L ": J " , Traps f [hiew t t ::: same reserves ..... seat a each oi zn's,ahers in• baske*on'  e,on,,,,gn- .... _ __ " : I , ,,,o tonic., .n. to ......... r0 --'- l?::4e[fe  t aeknet% l ioeL,:merinlee; again net TuesdayUen "l',e  .ll,r D  II No. 0 $ ' ",  sends them against Bremerton, [lL li Wag Sills P  lY lI*lII r B[ _'q I 1 ;..e..t..., s.hl, .ith .ch scho_l .c . p o'e, .ju. or .a den.- Grease Bahs ................ ,5 z, ,my. that order, the latter two on Shcl- KkA M Ai Ji / holding its own elimination con- m' students, the 3umor high diw- Bleach Plant 13 23 to " ' ' h "on slon students in the seventh, • ..............]t)!i ii:/it!i!;! :::c: - '!/: .'' ," ; test to select zts c amp] . ' h ' Hgh game---Art Jacobsen 220. t mg th and ninth grades, the ele- Ti h oral e US First For 4 Then theSmals to determine he . • g t Joe Rank 560. NO. . • mentary divismn pupils in the R  ' county champion m each divismn fourth fifth and sixt  r -ao aym ier s evenly-matched bowl- , , .... .. s .... inn league had three leaders shar- 'ca • ,no American .eglon's anle[le CATCH ANYTHING FROM committee and Commander Os- Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 11 F. & A. M. STATED COMMUNICATION Saturday, December 7 8 p.,m. Clarence Grunert, W. M, J. L. Carte, Secy. WEASEL TO A COUGAR Olympia Feed Company O'Neill Bldg.- Slelton Sponsored by HOOD CANAL SPORTSMEN'S ASS'N. at Masonic-Hall, Union Music by Cecil Morse & Washington Play Boys Six-Piece Orchestra Saturday, Dec. 7 car Levln are working closely with school authorities in arrang- ing details of the contest and with Coach Chet Dombroski of the Highclimber basketball squad in setting a date for the finals. FOOTBALL TROPHY DUE TO ARRIVE VERY SOON The first permanent trophy em- blematic of the Central League football championship has been offered by Fred B. Wivell Post No. 31, American Legion, and should arrive here within a few days for presentation, to its first winner, the Shelton Hlghclimbers. The trophy which has been or- dered stands 19 inches tall and is crowned by the likeness of a football player, while additional football players in various poses stand on the corners of the base. The name of each school win- ning the trophy will be engraved on placques on the shaft and ar- ound the base of the trophy and its permanent possession will be carried by the first school win- ning the league title three times. Whether that will be three times successively or not is a detail not clear right now. Placque bearing the names of ea varsity lettcrman on the team winning the trophy is also part of the American Legion's trophy deal, the latter remaining in permanent possession of the winning school. BOY FOR C. LINTONS A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Linton in the Shelton General Hospital, Sunday, Decem- ber 1, GIRL )R JACK PALMERS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pahner are the parents of a girl born Satur- day, November 30 in the Shelton General Hospital. Shelton Lodge :No. 81 I.O,O.F.. Meets Every Wednesday 8 p.m. L0.O.. HALL Visiting efiers will be Cordially Welcomed ELLIS WELLS, N.*G. GUY CALL, Secretary" -'tuby Rebekah Lodg-6--l Second and Fourth Fridays Elizabeth Simpson, N.G. Elizabeth Butler, Secretary / It Is Not Necessary.... . . . to pay an extra price for something really good. The difference be[ween good printing and poor printing is not in the price you pay but in the skill of the printer you choose. I It: costs an unskilled and careless printer just as much to do a sloppy job as it does a good printer to do a job worthy of his ability. We have been printing for many years. We have kept up with the changing trends of printing style and we feel that we can safely say that our work competes with the best, not only in quality but in cost. WIIEN YOU NEED PRINTING AGAIN GET YOUR FULL MONEY'S WORTH AT The Phone I00 JOURNAL .... 1.07 4th Street ing the top rung after Monday night's weekly competition, the Re- search Girls losing their edge on the field when their recent win- ning streak was broken in an odd- game loss to the Office while the Supervisors and Maintenance fives were taking a pair apiece and forcing' the league's only feminine entry to move over and share the throne three ways. John Gavareski connected con- sistently to pace the Office victory over the ferns while the Supervis- ars had Ernie Leraley's rolling to thank for their triumph over tall- end Bleach Plant and Maintenance gave the palm to Joe Rank for his league-topping 560 total and Art Jacobsen for his league topping 220 game as prime factors in its verdict over the Electricians. The night's fourth .match found Adrian Wright pacing the Grease Balls to, a 2 to 1 nod over the Chemists. The pulp mill circuit now finds six of its eight entries bunched within two games at the top and only seven games span- ning all eight clubs. The lineups: Office (2) Research Glrls (1) Handicap 489l Handicap 954 Thorpe 3991McKinney 370 Peacher 3251 Price 341 Brings 403 Mays 262 Gavareski 543 Cormier 345 Holt 486 Dammann 395 Total 2645 Total 2667 Grease Balls (2) Chemists (1) Handicap 6841 Handicap 705 H. Cole 399] Stay 375 352]R. Eage 344 C. Cole 4361J. Eager 387 Oliver 417J Dielle 374 Wright 4911Tabler 466 Total 2779] Total 2651 Supervisors (2) BI, Plant (1) Handicap 3781 Handicap 462 Lemley 504J Lemke 446 Moore 396 Lunsford 398 427 Dun]my 360 Young 483 Dummy 420 Dummy 531 Friend 511 Total 2719 Total 2597 Maintenance (2) Electricians (1) Handicap 297[ Handicap 525 Westlund 484] Stevenson 429 dacpbson 514 5oslin 416 Rank 560 Dittman 349 Temple 4401 Carlson 390 Skelsey 490 Bare 471 Total 2785 Total 250 Notes and Comment On Game Subjects District Supervisor Clyde Nor- ton of Aberdeen has informed the game department: "We had a good deer season throughout the district with an increase in deer taken over last year and with few violations. The upland birds were more plentiful than last year, but they proved difficult to get" . . . the opening week of November found 20,000 snow geese in the flats of Skagit and Port Susan Bays, according to District Super- visor Ole Eide of the Northwest Washington district . . . there was excellent goose shooting during the last week of October and first few days of November, he added • . the deer season in his district was successful, he declares, with 286 deer being checked at the Whidby island station alone, a to- tal which does not include the deer killed by local hunters the special elk season in the Wih" apa area was successful. District Supervisor Niilo Anderson of Kel- so reports. About 240 elk were taken in an area where they had been causing much damage. State of ashington OFFICE OF SUPERVISOlg OF II YDRAULICS Olympia NOTICI,I OF 'A'I'I';It IgIGiI'£ AI'PLICATION NO. 7528 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that M. M. Stewart of Lilllwaup, State of Wash- ington, undor (late of November' 7. 196. filed with the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington, a.t application for a permlt to divert the public waters of an unnamed stream, in the amount of 0.10 second- foot, subject to existing rights, for the purpose of domestic and commer- cial ues continuously; that the ap- proxhnate point of diversion is located wltlt the S*z of Government Lot 3 of Sctinn 34, Township 2A N.. Range 3 W,W.M., in. Mason County. A ]nap showing the location and l)lan of said diversion aJd the place, of the proposed use is on file in the office of the State Supervisor of Hydraulics. Olym- pia. Washillgton, together with such other Infornmtion as is requiz'ed by law. Any p(wson, firm or corporation whose right will be injuriously af- fected by said appliqation may file with lhc State Supervmor of Hydrau- lit:s, at Olympia, Washington, such ob.lections or representations, in writ- inK. as he nmy desire to make, within thirty (30) days after date of last publication, which date is December 5, 1946. Witness rny hand and official setd this ]4th day of November, A.D. 1946. (SEAL) RODNEY IYKER. State upervisor of Iqydraulics. 11-28--12-52t. %V. M. LANES HAVE GIRL A girl was born Friday, Nov- ember 20 to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lane in the Shclton General Hos- pital. I Fairbanks-Morse PUMPS For Every Purpose SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. Covey Bldg. Phone 154-W,:.,: The season tickets are being offered at $4 plus tax, which is a considerable sving over the season as-a-whole when the regular admission price of 50 cents a game and something In the neighborhood of 15 home ames is taken Into considers- on. With the first Highclhnber home game seh0duled for this Friday evening, those wishing to take full advantage of a sea- son ticket should act immed- Iately if they wish to get one. Grocers Share Top Rung In Feminine Loop After Victory W L Ritner's Corner .......... 20 13 Cash Grocery ............ 20 13 McConkey Pharmacy 18 15 Pastime ........................ 17 16 Mason Cleaners ........ 16 I7 Pantorium .................. 15 18 Mac's Corner .............. 14 19 Werberger Winery .... 12 21 High game: Dot Christensen 213 High totdl: Dot Christensen 535 Shelton Cash Grocery gained a co-hold on the women's bowling league top rung with Ritner's Cor- net" by shading Pantorlum last week In the odd game pf a tight match when Margean Gruver's scoring for the grocers offset some strong pinwork by Art Dundas for the losers, while Ritner's were be- ing setback by Mason Laundry and Merna Mifflin's scoring by the same margin. A general tigltening of the league resulted from last week's scores for in addition to the lead- er's defeat, tailend Werberger Winery also won twice and sev- enth place Mac's Corner scored the night's only sweep, leaving only eight games separating top from bottom teams. The winery girls utilized scoring by I.dga Kimbei and Bessie White to advantage in their victory over McConkey Pharmacy to counteract Bessie BelCh'S 508 series for the ptlarmacists. Mac's mustered their sweep over Pastime on the league's best individual work from Dot Christensen, who hit a 213 single game high and a 535 total for top honors in both divisions of the per- sonal scoring. Mac's Corner (3) Pastime (0) Handicap 205 Handicap 213 Frisken 399] Staley 473 Dummy 384 Kopperman 320 Dummy 354 IAndeman 385 Clristenscn 535 Sheffcnhauer 079 Edgley 475 Sutherland 406 Total 2352 Total 2176 Werbergers (2) McConkey's (1) Handicap 429 Handicap 89 Cormier 349 McConkey 429 Kimbel 401 Bolen 508 Jacobsen 346 Russell 432 White 383] Shermcr 316 Smith 340 Cole 396 Total 2248 Total 2170 Cash Grocery (2) Pantorium (1) Handicap 468 I-Iandicap 282 Brewster 379'Fro. Fredson 477 Barger 285 Dummy 345 Gruver 422[ Dundas 407 Hanson 326' Carr 298 Skelsey 386 Fra. Fredson 446 Total 2266[ "Total 2255 Mason Laundry (2) Ritner's (1) Handicap 90' Handicap 519 Smith 478 Godden 398 Simpson 3521McCaslin 326 Mifflin 453[ Wtllour 304 RobinSon 415[Hunter 318 Dummy 477 Bishop 380 Total 2265 Total 2245 Ordiltanc. No, 423-26 AN ORDINANCE VACATING '.I'IlF, ALLEY EXTENDING N O R T II[- WESTERI,Y AND sOIrTIIEASTER- LY T]IROLGH llI,OCK 34. MO|TN- TAIN VIEW ADDITION TO S]IEL- TON, WASIIINGTON, THE CITY COMMISSION 011' THE CITY OF SHELTON. WASHINGTON. :DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the alley extend- ing Northwesterly and Southeasterly through Block 34, Mot.nltain View Ad- dition to Slielton, Washington, be and the sallle ilereby is va(ated" tnd the City of Shclton he 'cby role;rues and relinquishes all right, title, equity and interest in the same as provided by .,..,: .sa...,. la"'o"'"" ""e .y,s ,,.t to th,, -- . ey lot water p|l)es and sewer pipes. SECTION II: Thin ordinance Mmll be in furl force and effect 30 days from and after its passage and pub- Licatlen according o law. INTRODUCED In regular Corn  is- don meeting this 28th day of May. 19,tL PASSED Ill regular Commissiot woting this 3'd day of Deccznber 1946, iv. A. TRAm'IS. ]'layor ]EGINALD SYKES. Commissinner of Finance alld Aceounting ROY J'. IMBEL, (ornnlissiotler of treet and I uMic Utilities. ATTEST : ALMA K. CATTo. Acthlg CLty ClerlL A pPROVD: cHAS R. LEWIS City Attorney. ' 12-5--1l. N O T I C I,; ].)lJrJng .the last Shiny sLovm, lhe lllLl| taI[RIS tIloa h 1 ( .:. ".'- 1" golt (h, cotm(y on|plalne(l that '. . the snow llad noL been (reined - ' " " ' away ft'Olll the lllall boxes. Sonm Deoph expected and a:k- ed road crcwa to do so with the l'O'Ld lflOtlghs ' Dtl t'J zig' ,% SlI')W S[ O|'|ll 01|1" l't)') (1 (I(WS fie hLIs 1" ' €' !''',.=(_ . ,Y l|gllt altl day ||'yl|]g IO at: 31 tll( roads opcn for the public tnd cannot Pes : '.. . sihly Spa|'n the neces- 41LF ll)n l'Ot 1. ( " 0 • " ".  t.lll b l'Vl(' , thel'(q',)l'O. we asl, your cooperathm ill takJ||g ,.a|'e ol your nmil hexes s,, (hat (ira ( I t %va ( }in ben '! ; d every effo|'L toward keeping the roads open, .:) . DICKINSON, ( Y CARR LYLE O' DE'LL ]OARD Qp COUN'TY Ct)MIb.'- SIONERs OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 11-2812-5-12-19--4t. .... :Use ih'e-- ourn- -ClaSs-ificds-- theY really get results. J the finals of the state high school basketball tournament last spring. Only one member of last year's Wildcat club is back this year but Coach Ken Wills, according to re- ports, has a substantial supply of likely looking materiaI to fill in the gaps. The Port Orchard team wh/ch will provide the opposition Friday night as Sheltn fans get their first opportunity to see the High- climbers in action at home, will present one of the rangiest prep casaba clubs in the state with six lads topping 6-feet 2-inches. Tall- est of all is six-foot-seven-inch Da- mon Roberts, followed by six-fool five-inch Ray Green, two six-foot- three-inchers in Don Thoreson and Jim Rokley, and two more six- tweets in Bob Pickering and Bill Campbell. Against such an altitudinous aggregation Dombroski expects to start a Highclimber lineup con- sisting of Ken Cardinal, six-foot- three, and Mary Cartwright, five- feet-ten, at forwards; Carl Sund- sten, six-feet-two, at center; and a pair o£ 'midget' guards in Gene White and Don Fraser, both five- feet-nine. All are lettermen from last year's roster except Cart- wright, who saw some varsity play and moves up from the B squad of last season. Behind this starting five Dom- broski will relieve with Ken Carl- son and Cotton Salisbury, for- wards; Ray Deffinbaugh and Ken Hagen, guards; Norm Buck, cen- ter; and Bob Rice, who plays either: guard or forward. None are lttermen, Buck is a sopho- more up from junior high, Salis- bury is totally inexperienced but showing plenty of stuff, the other four are all second team players from last year. Dombroski has been concerned over the team's weak defense and lack of condition, but figures the three games coming up in the next six days should go a long ways toward putting the club in shape. Cartwright's aggressiveness and driving play has been encouraging to the Highclimber mentor. Second team games will opefl both Friday and Tuesdy night's prep basketball programs at sev- en o'clock with the varsities tak- ing the floor at eight. DISCHARGED FROM ARMY Tec./4 Louis E, Meyer, RFD. 2, Shelton, has been honorably dis- charged from the army according to an announcement by Col. Max- well G. Keelcr. commanding officer at Madigan General Hospital, Ta- COlna. D. B. CASE Insurance Agency Complete Insurance Coverage Office With Shick & George 124 N, 1st St, Phone 46-J SATURDAYSI P.M. TO MIDNITE "  SHELTON RECREATION and Sporting Goods FIRST AND FRANKLIN PHONE 1124 Bowling - Sporting Goods - Tobaccos - Beer - Wine Olympia City League Logging Supplies @ Wire Rope - Axes Blocks iCh0kers Hooks rB asketballtO,00o.00uo0 o. 00ooos-., • ' Safe, Efficient Logging • :TePations. i € Shelt2aY;:; Gym !](lympla Feed i I Company Featuring Shelton's Home Entry |o Neill Bldg.- Shelton MORGAN LUMBER VS. ST. MARTIN'S COLLEGE Junior Varsity J Saturday, Dec. 7 - 8 P. M- Opening game of the league ,schedule For Shelton's Representative ADMISSION 35¢, INCLUDING TAX KIMBEL MOTORS Factory Approved - Chrysler - Plymouth - lnternatiolml SALES - PARTS - SERVICE We Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild All Makes of Cars - Truck - Tractors and Heavy Logging Equipment In Our NEW SERVICE BUILDING AT SOUTH FIRST AND MILL Electric Welding PHONE And Brazing 465-W Motor Testing by the Latest Sunmast, er Method Means No Guess Work INSULATIN ? Own a home 0 and ,pocket ,, I the landlord's p profit for p yourself. Y D :HAZE: G, W. DRAHA K. L. PARTLOW V. BRIDENSTINE SAVINGS & L( Telephone 7551 OLYM: IIIIIIIIIIIIiiii Have you been approached by self styled insulation experts? Your own dealer is selling insulation scientifically proven equal to ANY for approximately 50% the prices usually quoted by out of town canvassers. Keep your dollars athome, half of them in your 0WI pocket, and still have that insulation job done. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH US LAWTON LUiHBER COMPANY 420 South First St Phone 56 OWNED AND OPERATED BY EVERETT )ILLON AND JOE SIMPSON i h)l{ Shelton Hotel iLBId! STORE HOURS I ii,i,,i,||.i,.i