December 5, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 5, 1946 |
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Thursday, December
kLEP:'T"A'-PLAN'sATUII)AY .................. MRS. STEPHENS7 ...................................................................... AND MRS. lp, ' ji, il A,mJ- r =L ==== FINAL REHEARSAL FOR W.C.T.U. PLANS MEETING IiCENSE i'LATE IIEADY
[] N - C .1 = N - il ' Lv]l: ;i:32ss:::°:}:: I COM,[:.N :{ply,,, k" I I'1: LII| [ I ].. .... litkl il k I B.vFamilyllomlSuppercanal inndflClub DECMaEr l0 CgC,m' VOR r,IDA'Y ;EVEN,NG P,,.,,,,. ,v,o ,,,,'e ,',,.;.,'v,, a,-
" Members of the Shelton llixed ,Ionhers o[ the lielton Worn- 1omohih, liccnse plates up l:o nui.
,L ". ' 'Y' '; '['Mrs ,ohn Cormier were joint "l' '--t!-1" i 31[ -. I J 0 Frday tile ]Jth of December is Chorus are reminded that a short art's Chri:tian Temperance, Union b:,r q00 :u'(, requested t,),'aJ, fpr
, ne haraware deparlme$lt!hosesses tit the hoYlle of the former , .z[I,| I I__ b, t the date chosen hy thc, ehlbhouse rehearsal will be held Sunday :it ave renfin0,d lhat ih,, meeting will i.tu, 01ares at t.he anditor's ell'ice,
BY GENERAL WELFARE CLUB ultnbermen'. . mcreantne. I with a Christmas party and gift __ ' committee of the Hood Canal ,l o'clock m the high school and he hold in the,' :::tar(lab .u= c)llrth0ll'¢'N immediat,,ly.
,waG are.mku,ing ap.ronSlexchang e for thei,' bridge club t-- ----11-- "' ds Walte
• SATURDAY NIGHT ..,c are am(ed to send the " *; - "-ndt- evenino" The IlYI]I /g:nllltg: pl/:Mlr]oln ]. "woman's Club to hold a potluuk the last rebearsal will he held-7:30 Fri0av.. l)ocemb(,r 6.
to scim()l hy their (,hihh'on mcnmers me y a. Vllj .-ov.-.= ,--==-l- e supper and bingo party for mere- Monday evcning. - RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA
Lense was beautifully dccoratt,d bcrs and th('ir families. Thi:: I Thc,rt will ba : I)n:filioss; dl00til}I.
0m... M to Mid.igh* ., PiCke . .a+uraa' ..' ..M . (urch Monday ev,,n,ng wi,I ,,o a d,.,ss ,,..,,,i.,,, :,u*l..,,,;,.,, .'h,. M, ,,,,I '.,,,: :,,,,,.,, ,':ad r,.-
,er-Decenher meet- thewith('.loseChristmaSof thedCC°rati°nSevening aqnddelic-al ns 1 • . "F'nnily Party" will ha held in rehearse/ and all members of the Chri:;; lmrty, will l'olhw v:ith tm'm,d l,hidav. [rml a l.(.flh's trlt
the Hoodspor school at 6 o'clock,!
Memorial Hall the P.T.A. will be held "t The First Mcthodist Church with the bride, and daughter. Jean Miss In additioa to being a jubilee cele-/ chorus are requested to bc pres- an v:,:ch:mt<' of gifts, to California wh(,r, tlwy visited
heel Thursday afternoon iolls dinner was servecl. Guests . -
• were Mrs. Ncil lVlePhce. Mrs. its myriad of lighted tapers, tall Retha O'Connor, all of Tacoma; hrati0n of the successful bazaar eat. r(flati\\;'cs ap.d friends.
3eneral Welfare Club Orchestra 12. at 2:30. Lotli Larson. Mrs. Oscar Lcvin standards of pastel tinicd huclde- Mr. and Mrs. A1 Biggs of Brem- and jamboree of November 23rd. I
and Mrs. J. H. Gray. Members bcrry, and pink and white chry- erton; Mr'. and Mrs. A. F. Gook- which netted over $1,400 for the l
present we}'(; Mrs. W. F. McCmm santhemums made a beautiful ms and Mr and Mrs. Robert Grant
chlbhouse fund the affair will far-
Mrs. Edith Hickson. Mrs. Win. background Saturday evening, No- of Gig Harhor: Mrs. Gardner Kirk- thor benefit the fund since time
Noblctt, Mrs. Vivian Morgan, Mrs. vember 30. for the marriage of wood of Vancouver. Washi;ton; did not permit disposal of all the
:'DOI Roland Gerllardt, Mrs. Charles Miss Josephine Louise Needham. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Valley and articles so generously donated to
Hurst, and the hostesses, Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice :Miss Mary Helen Vallcy of Olym- the community enterprisc.
McPhee, Mrs. Levin and Mrs. Col Needham. Sr. and Walter Randall pia. Mrs. Frank Robinson has been
" mier won honors. Pickcns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott named as chairman of thc corn- [
Pickens of Grants Pass. Oregon. ,EATTLE REIDENT VIS;IT mittee on arrangements; Mrs. or-
US First For Reverend Hardwick W. Harsh-
man j'ead the impressive single Mr. and Mrs. David Niss and to Radtke of the food committee
. children of Seattle spent Thanks- and Mrs. Edward Radtke of the
, ,, ,[,o-;n PAINTERS ,.ing ceremony nt 8:30 o'clock in giving with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. entertainment committee.
YS--1 P.M. TO 10 P.M. ' the presence of more than 150 Cromer and Mr. and Mrs. Lantz ...........
LOCAL 1544 g,,ests
, Wiss. Glen Conner also spent the NAVY MOTHERS CONVENE
IYS--1 P.M. TO MIDNITE O Vt,,,°u--':es wai,.ng down the candelabra- holiday with his parimts. Glen is The Navy Mothers' Club will
lined aisle, Which was graced with a student at the University of meet tonight at 8 p.m. at 224 East
!ON RECREATION Next Meeting ,prays of pastel tinted :huekleber- Washington. Harvard for an election of officers.
ry and large white bows, the bride
• Sporting Goods wore a gown of ivory satin with
trimming the sweet-
heart .neckline. The long' fitted' ",IT,, STATION
sleeves tapcre'd to form points at STEN TO KG Y
- the wrists and the. full'skirt ended
Ig Goods - Tobaccos - Beer Wine 'WS - Axes Refreshments in a long train. Her full length
Blocks illusionveil was caught to an ivory Ill Olymlfia
satin coronet with a floral designs
of seed pearls. She carried a Sunday, Dec. 8 -- 4 P. M.
'Chokers white Rainbow Bible 'topped With
League Hooks Mason County Post No. 2694 orchids and showered with knotted
satin ribbon and bouvardia. Rebroadcast of irst Anllllal
k e t b a ! I Veterans of Foreign iss IngridarJdesmaidS'selanderG°Wns
Other Supplies Necessary W____
,,o. Ef,,c,e., Log,n wars of Eell,ng- Statehood uay
ham, mald of honor, wore,a gown IVAN
onNeWshelton,s' HomeGymEntry ion,,. Regtlar Meeting °f pink satin' fashi°ned °n thename lines as the bride's gown. COMM EM?RATION IFt0GRAMstate
it Play_e_d In .,. ., • Friday, December6--8 p.m. Shc carried a shower bouquet of Tile stbry of Washington 'Statehoo .as-given fom "l,J[JLJ][l,.][lVt'l',.'.J:l
nlpla Feed white carnatiOns while in her hair rotunda of tile Capitol BUildl,g oh N'v,mber "1'1.
ors. . Sponsored by State Dep'artrhent of,OGnservation
%mpany Morner,a, Buildin0 she wore a coronet of similar flow- J E W E L E R
Chosen asbridesmaids were Miss and Development. Secretary of States Office, 'arid Angle Bidg. Phone 74W
Lyle O'Dell, Cmdr., Phone 6F14 Dorothy Rankin of Spokane and Ii State Capitol Historical Association .......
O'Neill Bldg. - Shelton J.H. Gray, Q.M. Adj. :Miss Barbara Jackson of Seattle.
}RGAN LUMBER Phone 352J They wore identical gowns of pink
taffeta made like (he"bride's, vith .
VS. a tiny front peplum added and ..............................
styled with short cap sleeves. Com-
ARTIN'S COLLEGE pleting their ensembles Were long
Junior Varsity 0wn ahome EVERY FAMILY Iongsfora home pink taffeta mittS.were white carnationsTheir fl0werSwith the
of itsown, but many procrastihate same flowers caught in theirhair. r.,., ' , f[s
D 7 8 P M d k t Miss Ronkin and Miss acson .
y, ec. _ . . an poce ingoing beyond the dream stage, also acte'd as ca,dleliKhtels. k21
It will be for your happiness and Fred Loomis of Seattle acted as
game o, the ,eague sohedu,e the landlord's best man ond ,be ush0rs ,,,e,e ,
Shelton's Representative proHt to select a home soon, and }.ichard Smith of Portland and
Maurice Nedham, Jr. brother Of
profit for pay the loan balance from income, ihc bride. Greeting tle
Come in and see howwecan hclp they entered were Messrs. Grant *Td///b#l/#
| Angle, Herbert Angle, Jr.. and
yourse.,, you buy your dream home. Richard Angle, all cousins of the
bride. .
/ Bridal Music
Prior to the entrance of the wed- . .
Dlrectors ding party, MiSs Joan Soper, so- *' 41
KIMBEL =,. WALMER prano soloist, sang" "I Love Thee" ...
G. W. DRAHA:M CARLTON I. 'EARS by Grieg. While the young couple
knelt before the lighted Cross for ,gg
K. L. PARTLOW FRED HOLM prayer, she sang "The Lord's " Tussy , Dubarry
MOTORS v. BRIDENSTINE I-I. C. BRODIE Praycr" by Malotte. Bridal music €, ,@ '% ,
and accompaniments were played • , '
by Mrs. Charles Lewis. Lcnthcric Dorothy Gray
For her daughter's wedding,
Factory Approved - - Mrs. Needham chose a dinner
gown of powder blue and black i] Yardley Old SOuth
with sequin trim. Her accesser-
International TRSTON ,COUNTY FEDERAL ies were black with dusty rose , "'
" feathers and sequins trimming her
PARTS SERVICE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION hat.Mrs. Pickens wore a dinner l LcLong-Lucien Sca]orth Old Spwc -" Revlon For b[o/]ur:
gown of grey With chartreuse • .l.,ovcly pvc:,cnution
Telephone 7551 Security Building gloves and a feathered hat. I JR. MISS SETS -- MELINDA SETS in('!,,dcs Cotton Blossom Perfume.
Reception • S:.'lWt ,and large hand.made be(lie tfl'
lipped to Repair and Rebuild OLYMPIA, rASH. Relatives and friends greeted the ' C,')h)nc. 8.50
All Makes of bride and groom-at a reception ".
ck - Tractors and Heavy which followed at the Colonial .
gging Equipment """n"nn'd House where the parlors were.. .?. ",¢/gOl, ,G'tTx gel O]B
-- lovely with arrangements of pas- d '4 OT
tel tinted huckleberry and pink Copr. Adverfiett E¢hnle I€. 1946 ,
j and white chrysanthemums. The . .,.-
bride's table was covcred with an
In Our heir-loom lace cloth over white sat- *" .)..,
in and was centered with a wed- " ' •
;ERVICE BUILDING _ din" cake. made in the form of a
Maltese Cross trimmed with pink " ' .
IRST AND MILL STR rosebuds. Buy them b the Box! !
Presiding aL the bride's table • Y i
elding ]zing ] PHONE,6.W pIRF:: iC T B.auntWereMrs'CI'Pritcha"d'Mrs'A'GovCY,of theMrS'bride. J T.Mrs.BUrke.L.D. great-Hack ,'" I'1 ¢, d r,- s, ,rs-,, ," . 2 i t
'sung I _ and Mrs D. A. Grout.
Becky Protherough of Spokane 'Jl,,lt, For Dau,hte, r: Reminiscent
Latest Sunmaster Method cut the wedding cake and Jane :
2s No GuessWork McKay, cousin of the bride, pre- gaidty 0nd ramance of'an cxcitin dress
sided at the punch bowl. Miss ball. Talc, .Sa('het, Soap and Hobnailed
. -_ .... Jean Murnen, cousin of the bride, finest by "far! I)(mh. of C;ohgnc. 2.75
-" ......... was in charge of the guest book.
Others assisting included Mrs. --,, ----,,n,,,/__ gdo--a.t
James Hoagland of Seattle. a cou-
sin of the bride. Mrs. Eber Angle,
Mrs. Herbert Angle, aunts of the
bride; and Mrs. Robert Tembruell. ;[
Later Mr. and Mrs. Pickens left
by motor for their h0neymoon in F 2" .I
• Southern California, where they "
will make their new home. En-
ROBES route they Dlau to stop at Sail
' Francisco, Carmel and Catalina.
For traveling, the bride wore a
blue afternoon dress with gold
1 d by If jewelry. Her coat was of ermine :]
)rose le se and she Chose black accessories
with gold trim An orchid from
her bouq.uet made ill) her ,cdrsage. For 1,iltte Sister: This daimy gift Imx
, t'¢ers. I-Iis " ! Tile bride+'¢hItitS'graduatedBe]Hngham+t{'ll d +dfrom the I] .......... !by :; contains(:kmstCologncD¢cantc,.Sachet __
Irene S. 'Reed 'High School With I - I'ilh)w. ;File mid GUest Soap. 1".00
Leisure the class of 1939 and then went to I . .
i Western Washington College of JEWEL TREE--on¢of RICIIARD I'I:UDNIF ,,-, ......
selling insulation Moments ; she graduated in 1942. Wlfile many distlnctiv¢ .
Education in where ('¢ee' t/'SOU
equal to ANY for there she participated in cgmpus oxcd ssort,ncit
activitie and was a memIer of
l!y Vall,.rie Following her gradua- Its love at first,ht When you
tion she taught for two years in ivc a woiDan'l!DtBrry'Bcauty
the prices usua We're 0ivinfl you a the Seattle public schools. She b ' " " '" '-' • ''
then became a stewardess with the C[dstmas isn'L Ch'r lii,s without ho[id'ay te'ths. T|&c tt ! r Christmas. She It tcasmc
' United Air Lines which position particti[ar ' ..... ' ' ' ' ihe sCiencc-safb beauty prepara-
m canvassers, warm tip; give your
card% beautlflJ[y boxed, detsned wdh ,mne;tlon, tions they're fillcd with--be&usc
"fella" a robe for she held for two years, for particular pe0p[ wi[[ hih[iht your thoushtfu[ne nd
Mr. Plekens received his educa- ,lie knows thcy'vc l)ccn in'ovcd
Christmas and he'll tion at the Grahts Pass High seed taste.- ,lelCt. ,
• School in Grants Pass, Oregon,
at home, half of ,eve you forever, Noth- and following graduation entered .ny bo×cs to ctoosc [rom--e|[ fi[|ed with a, assortment
will please him Oregon State College of Engineer- o[ charmins and e0Iorfu! cards. Priced from t'ifty ecnLs to,two "."
Wh ]2" "
ing where he took his engineering do[[ars a'bo× Fro"
voce, ,,, still moro than a handsome degree. While at Oregon Stare'he 8.50, ]6.50. Ol]u'r /,'//s 7.50 h, /|unh'e:
,** ** ** t_,, 4"..#** *** ** **;**;**;*%* *
was affiliated with Delta Sigma .......,......-...e...........¢....€....... ..." ......... .......'. .,e..... .... • . .... • "';, .'." .... ...... • '.. " ""
J a.'0 h* all-wool flannel for Prfl fraternity. He worked at the , 75',00. All ,prwes p[ns lax. .. vonng Southcrn gcntlcman nnd
i Boeing Aircraft Plant in Seattle '* his love--on the cover. 'l'lm duct insid:
chilly mornings. A as an engineer fortwo years before Personalize Evershap .t/d ..... ,, ct,,,.,,, oo., or D,,,in,*. Vo,,,
wide selection of sot- leaving for the United States Navy' ..
where he held the rank of Ensign. Your ,r_.',e.(:ll t .Shaef-fer -..t Hobnail t.,ottr, o Co]o,. 2,15
ids, checks and plaids E He is now in the construction bus-" P - PC.tits
iness in Los Angeles, California,
VER WITH US to choose from. Don't where the young couple will make ! We imprint Xmas Cards, S --
today! their flew home. . Desk __-'ets
Wedding Guests Fountain Pens and
Out-of-town guests for the wed- Pencils, DeSk sets,
t COMPANY ding were Mr. and Mrs. SCott ,
Ask About Our Pickens of Grants Pass, OregOn; 15laying Cards,
Lay AwayPlan! Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Murnen,
Jr., of Sutherlin, Oregon; Charles Stationery, EverSht C-
Loomis A1 Bentz Mr and Mrs. Bit --
Phone 56 ( ;.. _. - ..--I I Floyd Loomis, Mrs. Charles Cul- 1 FOlds I --a PENS
i - - II, UU [pepper. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice I
. m,===-- w ,.--.--8- .Necdham, Jr., Mrs. James Hoag- I
ON AND JOE SIMPSON ...... . ......... .,u,u*,.,e.,.', ..:.
ia tl" . Shelton Hdtel Bldg. Illohe'09 :land, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stewart .:..:.:*.'..:*.:.,:...u.:...:.4'..:...:.:*.:.,;..:,.:.:.:.€...:-:..'.'. • • €.'
° , - ..... 6 P M 1 and Mr and Mrs. Day Willias,
II .,]D': STORE I-IOURS 9:30 ' ' a¢l all of Seattle' Mr and Mrs E. J.. .,=..=...,-=.-. ',..m,=.;-.=..'qtr.=,=.. .................... ' ....
,iqi., i*'.'`mH[(ii|ii|i||H|||||i|||H|i||i|||i||||||H|H||H||||||||H||||||||'` - Murnen, Sr.,' at, ri't md uncle of '; ........ *'7":*,',27"*','*"=,'.,**/',,,.,-:'.,'