December 5, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 5, 1946 |
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2 7. llU, Lmt i i i, i i n i , ,i i i inU|l J , i
i NEED ....... Oltman Member Of ) .......... t
j..ior College roup ) THi; i:flRilM I
I :. -,,. . /[ R. W. Oltman, Sllelton city I ||mBm mvmmlWm I
i \\; diiiibA R school superintendent, has a an- L ---- .'
other educational assignment now hint n Gre n
I 2 UL, / he has accepted appointment Re.K:,P.ySeed;. e
| , -- , as a, n-Jenlber of the advisory corn- I o'ffr fho fnllnx:in' n " ,qnlu-
! I mittee for tllc new Olympic Jun- tio]:'-o'th"su'c'c'u,detX dis"cus-
I : I ior College which is now conduct- , .... :,,, " '
I uraer e.:e.][id ing ,!lasscs m its first year o1 "";" Tl,'e*'growing of Christmas
|" /f-mdrm'TW existence in the old Bremcrton "r ' shorn - be handled b'" nu;"
.... " ....... ' " r t e£s ,. tl 3 y -
t .. Now! :]1*f .il, s,ho,,l lu,ld,. ....... i '- sine- and
t " • . • 1 series- l.Dls 1s Lfle r DuJ ,, S •
!. .... '//. .':..'.t.::'li,':r'g,.:',T,/n.'l..:l,O,iId l,,'ovlde year around work
• lii u_ffJA eH£t n t,l t(ff ,.L "L tuCztt ' J C uu- t . : l'" "f "l had
.... "- -"---------. . • . : ' ]or rnal y we "gets. 1 I: ns
| L n g tour Irom Shelton Mr Olt-[: . .. , .....
,. Tone and Monarch man said. 'i'be position on the ad-i peen smrtea :earsllaego ?ht...
| QUICK DILIVERY vlsory committee is purely hen- I ooys cotuona , . ca ea o . e .ut:
I P.O. Box 1046 Phone 7454 orry and the committee is corn- i se:y[)en :or sometnmg, to plan
, * ° " ...... , OU[ tiler() were non( avanaolc
I #",,)lta | Clt l uel posed of school authortl(s troln ,' , .... .• " . , :..
l .... , t " • n 2. Thin out uae tzees tney
m, Ol,,mia Wash. conunumties non: h cti the ju - . ......... .' .
' ] t ' , ........ iol' college draws its students, won t ?u De cut Uns yearner a:ta
.................... I .qaus'- ..... /knswel'---T:ne trees max
: .......... , i H "[ made Shelton what it is today were
m .... .. m l never "thinned out" as far as I can
' _ :,,, " "' P " " 1 s •
! l |ITli'C "-" . I I piling' are very favorable on the
I LIII . .'.Jk , ii present marl:eL, the future telc-
| I.l-Srdcor'vw'5l./ ml phone pole will be fir as cedar is
• I--7" ' I J L Morrow
BUSY ............................ _ • •
........... Shelton Valley Grange
[ ...... il Electron ! ue Tonight
• You may bet these kids are popular, we Keep thew clotnes Election ()1' its 1§47 officers will
i ., .... III night's Shelton Valley Grange
spotlessly clean--ready to take off to a juke box session or i hc the main business detail of to-
m coke jamboree at a moments notice kkeep our numoer ml .__, g ". -, .... • . .
_ • • meln , sene(]tue( for e i g n I.
before your youngsters, Plione 86. il o'clock, in the Shclton . Valley
m , m) Grangc hall, Master Archm Lem-
| • |[ ke reminded the membersliip this
m l Scheduled two weeks ago, the
m ' - -^- Phohe 86 ml election was postponed by the
m 215 S, zno :t. , m00s,,ow which made it impossle
..... t I I I ,I ,, .ql to hold the meeting at that time
,-.-7,g o.*o oUo,.o ,.*o o'.o o.*oo.*ooU ,-'oo-*o o-'oo-'oo:o o:-:o o:oo:o o:o oo oo,Xo ¢o o:o ,:o ,:, oo O o:oo:o o:oo::oo:ooo
o!o J-o
4 '
:!i December 5, 19,6
Yhursday, December ....... : ----r ............ ,-
..... /1 .
Shelton Traveler
Has Good Luck
Dodging Weather
Keeping head of bad weather
every minute for five weeks was
the pleasure of Mrs. R. W. Oltman
when she left Shelton by automo-
bile to tour the Western states
with her sister, Mrs. Lucille Cat-
terall, her niece, Mrs. William
Perry, and Billy Perry, all of I-Ion-
Losing only one trick to the
weather man, when she got caught
in a suow storm at Yellowstone
National Park, Mrs. Oltman ex-
plained that the trip was satisfac-
tory in every respect---the weath-
er, accommodations and scenery.
Going through Idaho and :Mon-
tana, the group visited Ogden and
Salt Lake City in Utah, followed
by stops at Bryce Canyon, Zion
National Park and the Grand Can-
yon. From the national parks
Mrs. Oltman traveled to Phoenix,
Ynma, the Mexican border and
Brawley in tile Imperial Valley,
where the travelers were interested
in watching the cotton pickers in
the fields.
In San Diego Mrs. Oltman vis-
ited her son, Dick, who is stationed
there with the Marine Corps. She
was able to spend three days with
him and reports that he is well
and happy.
A trip straight through on the
coast brought the ladies home to
Shelton, where they arrived a few
days before the recent snow storm.
Partnership Changes Ill
Ingram-Bridges Motors
His partnership interest in In-
gram-Bridges Motor Company, lo-
ca! Nash car agency, has been
sold by Chet Bridges to Einar
00FBRESIS Driving Charges
Keep Judge Busy
In Jt!ce oQ)Urt
For th. t •' ' eeks, Justice
\\;V. A. Magoon has been pretty
busy in his court with recldess,
negligent and drunken driving
charges which include the follow-
Clinton Lewis Wilson, Shelton,
l.)leadcd guilty to reckless driving
On negligent driving charges,
Leonard J. Fosberg of Aberdeen,
forfeited $25 bail;
After he pleaded guilty to drun-
]Cetcoicddtican Lemon post ;!p: ken driving charges, W. P. Cool:,
Shelton,' was fined $75 and costs
and his driver's license was re-
Post's dO & 8 drill team under the voked for one year;
direction of Commander Sethers David S. Coles pleaded guilty to
of the visiting delegation, drunken driving charges and paid
The neophytes inch|de Henry a $100 fine and his driver's li-
Boysen, Richard Springgate, W. I-L censc revoked for one year after
Adams, J, M. Axelson, C. F. Bos- allegedly strildng a car driven by
well, Steve Toney, M. F. Burslie, Ted Richert, near the White Spot
Jesse Wolfe, John Hardin, Jack last week;
Kimbcl and Robert Kimbel. Mere- Royal E. Day, Shelton, was fin-
bership applications of Chester ed $75 and costs af:ed pleading
Boswell, Morton Burslie and Wes- guilty to drunken drixing charges
ley Maulden were approved also. and his driver's license was re-
Plans for the annual post Christ- voked for one year;
mas party were outliued by.Chair- John M. Corey of Camp 5 plead-
ed guilty to drunken driving
man Bill Valley. charges and was fined $100 and
his license re;oked for one year,
Geologist Tells About but to extenuating circumstances,
Mineral, Oil Depletion hajfthefine'wasstjspende2'vv"
Dr. J. Hoover Mackin, member Shelton Valley
of thc University of Washington
forunl service and of tile univcr- vvvvv-,vvvvvvvvvv,-v-
stty's geology department, ad- It has just recent come to this
dressed members of the Shelton correspondent's notes that one
Kiwanis club at their regular more of our returned boys has
weekly luncheon meeting on Tues- taken a wife. This time it is Lee
day. Dr. Mackin was secured Schuffenhauer, son of Mr. and
thl;ough R. W. Oltman, who intro- Mrs. Albert Sehuffcnhauer, and
duced the ,npeaker and presided
over the meeting.
Dr. Mackin spoke on tile possi-
bilities of discovering new mineral
. { Don t BABY
, t From wher I st... A# Joe M: ,. ,.
. , . _Jr, o, you won t nece
] J 10uld your own, youl
) t How o " ! ':ke a lot of your tin
• " The best way is
...O r, ..or.lln re and let our me,
,, Ihape for the winter
I guess folks in our town do about bour after dinner, ,and ]'ll ^ #'- -* ......
as much worrying as in yours--over worrying over in one eone:' gtL LIIL LIW GiL
housing and prices, and crops, and period. When that s over, It __ : ..... ^...
.... Thul% i,au u, ,
jobs--and the httle domestic prob- over a friendly glass of [ ,1^.. ;, , m ., ,0,
lems that are always eom|ng up " Ma Hoskins--and they talkt . ..... u, ...... u- v
• . real car again.
Dad Hoskins, who's lived to the .pleasant thmgs together, t r
happy age of eighty, has a simple time. . L A
formula for stopping worry. About From where I sit, that' s F' ][ mWmm
every problem, hc asks himself: Is able a formula as you coulii In Connection with S
there anything I can do about it? right clown to the mellow : for-Kaiser-Frazier
If there is, he never postpones beer .tha seems to wink aW - .....
making a decision, or taking neces- worrzes, , t-lrst ano vine
sary action• ,k" .:b
If there isn't anything he can do ]/ff ...... :
about it, lie sets aside a "worrying / .... ]
Copyright, 1946, United States Brewers Fo 4 HERE'S WHY MOST M01
,. ....... , -=t ,---
Frozen. roo00 hen
L-cker- Gat©h
U r=tng, soothing re:
tom distress of colds st
hurry when you rub
NOW AVAILABLE VapoRub a bedtime.
VapoRub penetrates
bronchial tubes with
the girl he married is Miss Louise FOR USE
Dorsey of Centralia. Mr. and Mrs.: medicinalvapors.
Albert Schuffenhauer and little
daughter, Arlene, with their older
o"" Christmas Ca!ds .:.:"
, O O
O *-**
$ ;o.: :!:
ooooo:ooo oo .. + o:o o:o o:o o:o+o:ooooo + oo +o:o o:o o:o oo o:o oo oo oo oo oo o:o oo o° o° °:° °°°:° °:° °:°
Reiton of Raymond and the firm's
name will' be changed to Ingram-
Reiton Motor Company, accord-
ing to Hhrry Ingram, the other
Mr. Reiton at present is a
teacher in Raymond high school
and will not become actively en-
gaged in the partnership until the
end of the current school semes-
ter about the first of February,
Mr. Ingram said. Mr. Reiton will
take charge of the firm's service
department while Mr. Ingram
continues as sales manager.
it's easy and economital to plan your meals when you buy from Safe-
,way. Safeway features quality foods at saving prices... €ompare!
i G;P;00(r00it | BLENDED JUmCE...-0z35c
i ".' P:::' i00ff | 0RANGE JUICE...00,oz 39,
I lJ-0Z. ZIC 1 Ground Fresh <,b Pkg O5)
AIRWAY COFFEE 36c t a?eUA seAsN' ' AEE Dr a inMEdA'T2eP
, , . better in quality and better eat-
I * / WHEAT!yES'" 10c
Lucky Strikes, etc. Ctn, 1.69
_-_ - _
• 1 i
BAKER'S COC0k Breakfast Cocoa ............................................... ½. b. can 10c
QUAKER OATS, Quick or regular cereal ........................................... Pkg. 29c
MINCED CLAMS, Deep=Sea Brand-for chowder ....................... -oz. can 39¢
COVB OYSTERS, Small Eastern-swell fried ..... :. ................... 7½-oz. can 59c
CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP-it's condensed ................ 10½-oz., 2 cans 25c
1 1 .
RED HILL CATSUP, from Red-ripe tomatoes .............................. 3½ oz. 19c
LIGHT GLOBES, Sylvania Frosted, 40 or 60 watt ...................... 5 pack ctn. 55c
BIT'S O'DILL PICKLES, Doodle Dandy Brand ............................. 24.o7.. jar 25c
ing. Buy "Acme" Beef and you can
be assured of the best!
"Acme" Grain Fed Beef
Beef Pot Roast .. lb. 43¢
Tender & Delicious Eating, graded 'Good'
RIB ROAST .................. lb. 49¢
"Acme" Quality Beef, Graded "Good"
T-BONE STEAK .......... lb. 59¢
"Acme" Quality Beef, Graded "Good"
Sirloin BEEF STEAK lb. 49¢
"Aome" Quality Beef, Graded "Good"
GROUND BEEF ............ lb. 43¢
Specially Prepared Every Day
No Inferior Meat Included
PORK LOIN ROAST _. lb. 55¢
Young Grain-Fcd - Finest Quality
PORK LOIN CltOPS .. lb. 59¢
Yotng Grain-Fed - FineSt Quality
PORK STEAKS ............ lb. 55¢
Young Grain-Fed - Finest Quality
LEG OF LAMB ............ lb. 49¢
Tender, Young - Graded "Good"
LOIN LAMB CHOPS .. lb. 65¢
Tender, Young - Graded "Good"
IIALIBUT STEAKS ...... lb. 49¢
Medium Size
SALMON STEAKS ...... lb. 49¢
Red King or Chinook
/Ipq , ' , ,
.'11 I • •
12 tO a Box - Packcl for Easy Mailing
G R A P E F R U 1 T ........... lb. 6¢
Marsl Seedless . . . Sweet Tasting Grapcfruitl Servc for breakfast.
Calif., Rcd Ripe - For Slicing Calif. -Hydratcd 7'!,'I'Oz'
TOMATOES .... lb. 1.5¢ I}ATES .......... pkg. 29¢
Cuban (2-Lb, Average) Calif. - All Edible - Fresh
PINEAPPLES lb. 19(! Bi{O(]OLLI ...... lb. 18¢
SN().WI-]ITE (AULIIIA)WId{ lb. 15¢
Each Head Trimmed of Excess Lcavcs. Medium Size Heads,
Rome BeauLy
A! I LIS Ibo Ill/r( '!
I AKSN H S lb. l.l¢
CARROTS ........ lb. 7d
_ - _ _ q
" 'a°"°l 5S
25-1bs. 0
"_ _ - ___ •
ALBER'S FLAPJACK FLOUR ............... ,..40.oz. pkg. 27c
CANTERBURY TEA, Orange Pekoe 5lack.l-lb. pkg. 85c
VELVEETA, A Kraft ............ ½-lb. pkg. 3f c
MRS. WRi6HT'S BBEAD• while or wheat 1½ lb. loaf 16
DRIED PEACHES• Extra fancy Muirs ........ Cello 37c
SODA CRACKERS• "Hit,s" Brand ............ Pkg. 15c
LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE Twice Rich ....... 47.oz. can 26c
PRIHCE ALBERT TOBACCO, X'mas gift. wrap....1.1b. 81c
Sold At Auction
Eleven pieces of state tide litnds
in the Belfair area, and two pieces
of school htnd on Harstine Island
were sold by the county auditor
Tnesday morning for a total of
$4,735.10, the appraised value of
the property. One piece with an
appraised valne of $2,860.80 rc-
mained unsold, as therc were no
The sale was authorized by the
Commissioner of Public Lands and
was an auction sale.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Tayh)r,
former Sheltonians now living
near Arlington, were visitors in
Shelton over the Thanksgiving
holidays. Mr. Taylor, former high
school vice-principal here, is now
vice-principal and guidance ad-
viSOL' at Arlington high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan LaBissoniere
are the parents of a boy born
.Monday, December 2 in thc Shel-
ton General Hospital.
Christmas Trees.
(Contlnued from page 1)
once more. bale the sorted trees
and load them onto box cars for
shipment to their often remotc
Trees Travel Afar
Trees from this area have heen
shipped to Honohflu, Havana and
occasionally to the Philippine Is-
lands. In cases where the trees
are shil)ped over long distances
thcy are somctiules treated with
a parafIin solution wlaich further
protects the needlcs.
The Hofert company, which has
an investment of $125,000 during a
season here, is the largest Christ-
mas tree outfit in the country and
carries on cutting operations in
Newfoundland, Maine, British Co-
lumbia, California, Montana, Ida-
ho, Washington and numerous
other states.
Since 75 per cent of the Hofcrt
trces arc sold ou a COlasignlncnt
basis, certain divisions of the bus-i
iness are maintained on a yearly!
basis. The main office of the
con]pany is in Los Angeles With'
branch offices in Kansas City, Se-
attle and other large cities in the
United States.
This Christmas holiday Los An-
"geles residents may stand in awe
of the mighty d5-foot decorated
fir tree standing in the lobby of
the Plaza, Hotel, but Sheltonians
can smile knowingly and point out
a Christmas tree in their back
yard tha,,would put thc California
"crcation to shame.
Thc allntlal prodtlction of bor-
ax in thc United States is approx-
imately 40 million pounds.
Too Late to Classify
FOR SALE: girl's Dre-w;tr bicycle izl
good coudition. Phone 512 lJetwecn
10:30 am and 5:30 p.m.
F, ath-Mitts for ollly $I Als) other
hwely items f(r 'X ts gfts. EI-
vira's Beauty Shrl), ,t0-1 Franldin.
IllollC 563. 12-5
I,'OR SALE: toy ch,ctrit! train and
track $10,50. "/)ll011t) I'ISV. ]112-5
tO1L SALI] ski ot fit I' ,': green,
izc 1.1. Pa,'):a. gr,'('n stzc"i:i Sh.,,s
size • or 7%., Call 11SW 'I'2-5
FOI{ SALE: newly painted 3-year-old
|lt}LlSt, CILll |)t) lllOVCd, ';iz(! 20 X 28.
]llstlhthJd. Thr(q! large |'OOll].q alld
slmwer, Oil h. water |Ink, Kitchen
has 13-fl. built ins, Phone lreme)'-
lt)ll 1d79W. 1-'12-5-19
FOI 8ALE: 30-gaL hot wah,r tank
.III(I slRnd, 8o11t fittings. Ollly tlS(!(l
S)lOl't t[llit!. ]llqtlirc ,[tL 1233 Fr:tnklhl.
LAI{(;I2] LOT leOl L FAI.E: 1,)('atc'd
close i town on IIHI[II h]?A']lWay,
l,casOllab]y l)rJco,,I. Pholl 372J.
1,'()lL *'3\\;LE: 5-rt (, u n ode 'n h,mlo,
|']O0f [/ll'llll(N). Niv,' )lcighl)orhood O11
S t thsld lhll 'h I 5
k' ,' ' I ole gl.1
i 1, t)l-' * S,|,;: .E": ] :tl C 'OS lalHl, y )Ll)lg 1}'-
€ ('h;ll'd, h|l'gp, strawb(wr,v patch. 2-
car 'm'age, workshop, (,.hick(lls and
].al)btts, _good wdl. electric wat(!r
st I Well
'Y. : • built 2-1w.dvoom home,
2-rears-old on the old Belfair hgh-
W,', " school bu. ,, mill( and
11tl 1oil( d I )
I '. ' : 'ly, t h , Belfair 167
or Hqu re G:tl:l'y'a W( ldhlg hoD.
A lyn, Wash. 12-5
FOUND: oyster raft, Inquire Journal
oKic, ' J12-5
ores, a necessity because of the daughter, Marie, attended the cer-i
rapid depiction of oar mineral and emony performed in Centralia. Lee at
oil resources by demands of a received his honorable discharge:
from the army at Fort Lewis early
World War. in the Fall following service with l
-€ ..................... the M.P.'s in Hawaii and Japan. Mt View Lockers
Belfair Tidelands Miss Betty Slater is home from
Eugene, Ore., where she is at- m
tending college, to spend herE)
Thanksgiving vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slater,
and brother, Hewitt, and sister,
Mary Ann. Their daughter, Peg-
gy, who works in Tacoma, and
three of Mr. Slaters' sisters spent
Thanksgiving Day with the Slat-
Mr. and Mrs. John Kneeland
and children and Mr. and Mrs.
Gee. R. Kneeland and boys had
Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs.
Signc Kneeland and Alphie Knee-
land at the Highlands.
Mrs. Wayne Glovcr attended the
sewing club given this time by
Mrs. Ton: Knceland who lives on
Mountain View.
Hewitt Slater, with Betty and
Mary Ann Slater attended 4-H club
ill "Isabella Valley Saturday.
Miss Jcanny Baker went back
to Bellingham Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Baker accompanied her
as far as Seattle.
Modern Equipment
Operated By
Experienced Men
For Land or Water
For Hire
For Sale.
OPEN WEEK DAYS 7:30 A.M. TO 6:30 P.M. ,
H. F. Boysen -- Phone 62-R
In This Hectic Holiday Period
Let the Household Cool: Relax and
skin surfaces lik
it we
to bring relief w7
ehtlg sleeps! Try it tonig
DTIM£ rub throat, .,
and back with Vlcks
tlon starta nstanly
Sundays I/oppen befor
is domoged, or if y
and "
in|ury because of an
Evenings, los,?
Good, wholesome, nour,
ishing meals at reason'Jk ,-
able prices. O//cy| glves complete p
• I11 our ofe for a qm
District Agent
After a tough
,session on the
Xmas , shop-
ping front • • •
One of Ritner's
Hit the Spot
Ritner's Ice Cream Bar
You have but a few
days to have that
Christmas portrait
made. We specialize
in photography of
babies and children.
Don't Forget
Burgoyne Photographers
E. Grove - Phone 654
Govey Bldg. 4th & Railroad, Phone 268
During the war
bought War Bond
IT'S A (
Government bond
can. buy them unc
A Savings accoun
bial "rainy day."
going to want wh
Let us help y
with '
Ask at any of our