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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, December 5 1946 SI4ELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL; ............ Page hursday. December 5 .......................................................... ...... ? r • • , - ' - ----'I I Seattle-First National Bank Names.Newl Don't BABY The Old Bus " , " id - - - I Personnel Director and Vice Pres entl .... ............... • m Id chairman '":"*":":::' :: ...... "  " a wher I sit... A Joe Ma , . • • Lawrence :IV[. Anm ,. , . I sit_. y Joe No, you wont necessamly spoil it, as you land Thos F. Gleed, pres,dent, an-  ] :  " ,    I " W0nl ................  hnf,1 ut it will I nounce that the board of directors] :_- - -. - - ....  / I .fi'  ................... • . . th ,=,,-, nst ::::,: - HOW tO e a lot of your time and patience. Bmantkinatontheti:sdre.garem;hly i ] I   !  i&Vq 71 lira l , '_ I IK'J'I re,nl | -.** uwu wo.y  . .....  .... . president and personnel director.: L  "   , r  Ir  T  . . V W "  i .li t- ' I  |ere and let our mechanics ut xt p . Mr. Smith has been connected I i  ,% n '  • K  R I I 15 L  e  Iku | ,, ihape for the winter ahead---Potr until you wtls the d bank for " the paStta2 / ii  J 1% 15  Jt ]t¢ a v,, [' I $1$I1  L] Kndoabont hour after dinner, and g : . .  .......  ........... ' ' :1 ... • . a  r v,ce president in char e of the . " ours--o,'er wo.'ry.n oer,, one eon ,et that new ca. bmflt'sbranchexaminatn de-art Il J i    _ml i A MIT crops, and period. When that's over, het Then, instead of requiring a lot of petting ment in recent years. He hasVhad /. I ! i_  H ]B llR1tlli II, iV%'I]W | .esticprob-overafriendlyglassofl. al,,n- i* will -et u- and go and act like a .41ycars of exp. erience in the bank- RTi: I ] F&  .... | IMlli |IKI IIlLJ  17 | sing up. Ma ltoskins--and they taB| _ .' " . u  • mg ousnaess,..naving started as a  I [  B f   1 1 1 lj  V 1 -   ,  _- m •. 1 ..... +,l.:. ..,.. un rein car again, messenger w,tn the e'irst Nationat  - "--7:! / I 2 1 "l • 1 41• • IB I•  | . IF • • .L ...- -,w .... ! :w " +^ +he v--,,o- .-.,so ,,s-v-, ---, Bank of AI-1 .... v,, • . ,a= x_ 3:- h---5 - : -_! / i q] t*..,- ! mm mm-  ] I II I i I   i I ,s a simple lnae. . / . --A -- .wlpi. ," was. later with the First National  ! I t . V  w r , . r K .'  I ,rrv About From where I sit, that'sss| II'IU m 1,IIO1, Ban^of Billings, Montana, and -- -I I !, i=?l " _ __  .,% --------,_ a _ | himself" Is able a formula as you eoulfl ,, r------^,,- ..,*,. c r o-arson Local Aaent ot:,u yeaprior to comin.g to : - _ I]   __'_ !111---= { .i P'&  1      | about,t?  ght down to the mellow g] ! for Kaiser-Frazier Cars and Rototfllers and manager of the First National : :! I : " • Iwlm au ml ostnones beer tha seems to wink aw ........ Bank in Lovell, Wvo  | * .i  ft.. :-_ - -- .. -i    • "   , V  "  I,, ,o,- " | F rst and One ........ Mr Arnold stal" * o Y  re::= | "' t i I  IW " "   v -- | . worrzes, . • ted h,. Mr ..= -..... - _ : -- --.......-..-.-----. .:-..,::v.:::.a  ' .......... Smith's new assignment would be ,!  . i: !}i :!i;:!:i@:  F  • T heeando  ]//A_ .....  entire oanK, including the cm- SlDNEY T. SMITII i }];i!!: :i::::::.::;:i:;Z.L::...`/`:..//::.:  . "worrying /,-/v ,-  pioyees in all the bank's 42 bank- " " . -"  ,v ing offices in the State of Wash- • T 0 A .... /44,,,., 9"' tngton, and he commented that Mr. U. . /-K[Ill UIII Copyright, 1946, UnltedStatesBrewersF 4 HERE'S WHY MOST MOTHERS ,u:i) DO THIS S/nith was particularly well qual- ..r a,  .* - -.-41.  .... !1'5., ='', • tried for these new important re- I/lPl I l",tifl | 11"I.!" .... -* / sponsibilities because of his broad , ., ........... ,. - , - ,, , ,, ,, ....... , .... , .... | "t- operating experience and his wide As a result of the recent cs- ..lX-lUOe/ Iwo-uana, ,at,-ut. blX-lUbe, IWO-tOfla, At..D ilia ,1 li • personal acquaintanceship with tablishment of new pay scales, a ,,. __ --..'i¢i di"Ai most of the 1,500 employees of private in the United States Ar- x£ ' ,/A//.... il 'II i -- JlIIInI00n InaaIiIllII the bank's staff, my now receives an income in  . //ii/Hg''-- fl'lll " In ggg.  m ""m  m  -- All employee activities and re- excess of that enjoyed by half the  N/# ,..,_ " ]///.___._ G iiBi UUIiil .... lationships with the bank will be families of the United States as ' .x.-'/,,.//,/r  1/-....._" ........ | i i i i •  under Mr. Smith's direct supervi- of last year, according to a. sur- € iA"// -- U l I g.AIAHll gAIA sion, which include, a comprehen- vey recently completed by Sixth : ',]/   .=.=... -- , !  WVilii sive training program and job Army Recruiting headquarters, ,i    I'lilill   llltll | v ...... evaluation studies which are the Presidio of San Francisco. _'_'_'_'_'_  |IW Immm$6111iB ..... --"'Ik IU -"m ih ............... .v..::: basis for assigrment of employees The cash remuneration of $75  /[Jill t[ ll[[a ',''.'''x." " - . --"_ ..... . -..-I,.- .v .,..- JlJll'Illlng, soonmg renez :.:; to work zor watch they are hat ...... ,h xrhioh ho nrivlato va ---- I11111 ! [ I : 1 ] ---llllllfll Inl.:.'\\;x'-.kk a-'*'''-_ " -- ]= .... 1 :V from distress of colds starts  adapted and for promotion and ceives is only a small fraction of ' -- - -- , ,a hurry when you rub on i::i::::: further advance training. The his actual income, the survey i[llll: [1 i]lm ] "- .':-:.:!6 :.:' : : :. :.:: :",  - ' :ll,ay: OlSVa oRub at bedtime Be :::;::!ii;'::i:r"' bank's corn rehensive reti, " mUUlI--'"" lllll Illllll]illll OW AVAILABLE . P .... • " ::: 2 ..... P "ernest s Hidden a m the form - "' "-; _ .::::: ,... • :.:. : . show. P Y , , ...... . .... -:i:,¢vapou peneCraes ,0 7, $ pension and group insurance pro. of free food clothing, lodging, I . "' . /." ..;'- ]lf%]l Y " ,)Or bronchial tubes with its i'? gram will also be under :Mr dental care and other benefits  ...... ' -- L' t.2Jt L..Jt . 1 " ":::/: .":i ':: :.': ....... " " ""'-: ;'. !aJ medim, nil vapors. : .. and [i:i'. Smith s drectlon. ,brings his weekly pay check to the ' Ulates skin sunaees ,iRe a  Mr. Arnom emphasized that the 'n,Hvalent of about '$4000. week NIMIll ! i.%. "_'qilllll IllHllllllll¢--':'=ll2blllll :[lltng poultice. Then it works i bank's management considers --total of .2080 a'xear " illllll i[lli .¢::;Jllilll IIII|III|I||IF "> " / - _.- ''" • g ' PP ' ' or the " " ' • " " staff of loyal employees, month was made for food of the 43 8@ same quantity and quality as the • :K DAYS 7;30 A.M. TO 6:30 P.M. ?. Boysen -- Phone 62-R c Holiday Period ielmld Cook Relax and RITNER'S Sundays and ' Evenings Good, wholesome, noUr') ishing meals at reason'i able I'ices. After a tough .session on the happen before you know ill If your is damaged, or if you are liable for damage in|ury because of an accidenf-2can you pay loss? olicy| gives €omplete protecHon af lower roles. 411 our ofli¢" for a quotation on your car. $ ]IILL PEARSON District Agent ' 118 E. Grove - Phone 654 OSCAR MELL Local Agent 1st & Grove - Phone 777 Early-Day Minister Comes Back To Retire :Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Shaffer, who first settled on Lost Prairie back in 1910, and left there early 30 years ago for Washington, D. C., where they have resided uu- til the last few years during which they have visited all ar- ound th9 nation, have returned to their old location to stay. Their property has been held through the years, but the habita- ties has about disappeared, and a truckload of lumber arrived last wk for rebuilding. :Mr. Shaffer is a retired,Congregational minis- ter and with his wife will spend their remaining days in Mason county and among people who were always congenial and neigh- borly, more so than those of any of the communities they have lLv- ed in, and they are content to re- soldier receives. This did not take into consideration the rapidly ris- ing costs on the outside. The medical and dental care a soldier receives would, it was es- timated, cost an unmarried civil- ian $100 a year, a married civil- ian $250 a year. The first year's issue o£ Army clothing was val- ued at approximately $215 and other estimates were of an equal- ly conservative nature. After 30 years service, the sur- vey notes, a first sergeant retires on $185.63 a month. A civilian would have to pay $1,200 a year for 30 years for a similar retire- ment income. Not taken into consideration was the loss of pay frequently suffered through loss of employ- I ment in the fluctuating civilian i market. - ' ,, i, turn to Lost Prairie and take up Game Dept. Plans peaceful living, they relate. I _..: WSC Cooperation uunuy,er's Closer cooperation between the Washington State Game Depart- T A X I ment and Washington State Col- lege in the teaching of game man- agement is expected as a result of recent discussions held by game department officials with Dr. Wil- Phone son compton, president of Wash- ington State College, Game Com- 620 announces.missies Chairman J. A. Loudon Commissioners Loudon, Marcus Stand at Chevron Gas Nalley, Sam Gjerde and Virgil Station - First & Cota Bennington, along with Game Di- rector Don W. Clarke and Nor- man Knott and Burton Lauck- X m a s "shop" ,. , " " Z- , II ping front... "1 i;":! :  I One of Ritner's  • ' It's- still smart I MALTED I Hit the Spot . Perfectly r ' Dur|ng the war Americ t • • • bought War Bonds and accumulated savings. - IT'S A GOOD pLAN TO KEEP SAVING I" FOR THAT "RAINY DAY" u have but a few ys to have that ristmas portrait de. We specialize photography of bies and children. t Government bonds are still a safe and patriotic investment• You can buy them under a regular savings plan. A Savings account in this bank is an "umbrella" for the prover- bial "rainy day." You. can save safely for the things you are going to want when they once more are available. Let us help you plat= a system o] savings that is i. keeping ,ith your present income and [uture needs. Ask at any of our 40 banking offices in the 5tare of Washington. 811ELTON BRANCII Member Federal Reserve S)'tem Member FDIC IL BAn00 hart of the department, conferred with Dr. Compton on the WSC game management program. The game department will furnish ani- mals and birds for nutritional studies and will also provide houses on game refuges for field studies by WSC students. Skokomish Valley (By :Mary Valley) The Grange drill team will go to thc newly organized "Twazioh Grange" near Belfair this Friday evening, Dec. 6, to confer the 3rd and 4th degrees on several new candidates. We hope there will be others from our Grange who can go. Mr. and :Mrs. Howard Bailey had as their guest oxer,,, Thanks- giving Mrs. Bailey's brother, John King of Wapato. Mr. King has just recently been discharged from the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hulbert of Shelton had dinner with Mr. and :Mrs. Alvin Hulbert last Thursday. Mr. and :Mrs. Fred Ferris spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Paddy Burke of Shelton. :Mr. and Mrs. Chet Valley and sons, Steve and Jim, of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. George Valley of Shelton spent Thanksgiving Day with tlleir parents. Let's keep in mind the white elephant sale the P.T.A. is hav- ing at the community hall this Thursday evcning, Dec. 5. There will be a program, after which they will sell hot dogs, donuts, ice cream and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burnett and children of She)ton enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and M's. Arthur Johnson. Carol Hunter spent the holiday wcck end with hcr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Fike Bruns and d:ughters of Poulsbo visited Mrs. Bruns' parents, lIr. and M!. George Dixon. Bill Sallee is convalescing at kts homo after several days in the Shelton Hospital wiU the flu, Walter J. Mylon of San Fran- cisco Slw.nt Friday with Mr. and /vlrs. W. S. Sallee. Mr. Mylon is home for the holidays wth his paredts, Mr. and :Mrs. Michael :Mylon of Olympia. Other visitors at th.e Sallee home last week end were Dan Vanderhof and Bruce McCaughaiL cousin of I Mr. Sallec. Mrs. Ed Stackhouse is recover- ., ing from a recent illness. tographers d Phone 268 Deaigned with an eye for style and an ear for music. This compacb set gives you handsome, rich appearance and console performance[ The smart tilted dial is easy to read, Domest/e sad foreign broadcasts. Six-tube (including rectLfler). Easy Budget Terms aeautiful walnut or mahogany. Dlstinetively I in., handsome 18t century cabinet. Greater aelectLtty and seusitivtty, Improved push.button tuniug. Fore& aad domel tic hroade&sts, l[tx-tube (LneludLng rectifier). EASY BUDGET TERMS A Gih Mere Will Really Wa.* Thrill Ju.ior with Thil F.I.F.CI'RIC IRON STAKE WAGON .......... 17.95 6.75 up v.. == • uuuty ,¢on or :.too.. th* d.. =.d ;=.r h== • Here'a a beatyl }/ly autonmtic sad ham a het ont:ol 41M coaster, iltuzd7 steel underomldo Im hMW0M bo'. with fabric markings, Rounded at the bok to pceyent eaey-roLLtng wheel with rubber MrN. ta mdaS, ilAIIY iliT TIH A Wekom'-Gih for Anyone T, I F,;e' I Ceoln Cet/ee ! Greyhound _ 'lrallB IIaAKWASTIa- •, ,.. re,,, =t= s=tt.a.. ' rk ,' ,n ,kth,,,',,m, t_W' ,,o. ,o.,., th. ,r.hl.=. F------,r- br.,k,.t..o .,,-,.  Detaehable eord and  modem--such a handsome  h&il A¢I. $] Ie it today. . J Safe ! Thriili.g ! Sturdy I  For Safer Winter Driving ll'lsla Mall . * ]l) ff as three safe r2 t ball bearing drive pax.    • dJn,tsh*, .,st ,rid - - no tel ' hle ire enie red. • ILSY DUDGET TERMS EASY |UDGrr TERMS Wheel Goods in Stock Now!! WAGONS • TRIKES • BIKES HAND CARS 0 SCOOTERS JEEPS AND RACERS COME IN TODAY! L, M, STOne i