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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FLOOR LAMPS from $26 to $45 BED LAMPS from $2.95 ' ' to $5.95 PIN-UP LAMPS from $4.25 to $5.95 Fluorescent Lamps of many kinds. II I I TABLE MODEL HOWARD 3195 RADIOS "R KILLME ELECrRIC 207 Cota Street Phone 664 $4.95 String J MILES OF AUTOMOBILE GADDING Sheltons "one-man Chamber of Commerce" returned home recent- ly after spreading tie good word over 11,000 miles and through 23 states. More titan pleased to bc back in the Pacific Northwest. the traveler and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hack. are still able to recount many pleasureable events of the trip. The highlight of the automo- bile trip was the return visit to Mr. Hack's home farm in Hum- boldt county, Iowa, where he re- newed many old friendships. The town of Humboldt, wlxicll was also revisited, was the site of Mr. Hack's first business enterprise chief bottle washer and floor sweeper in the drug store. The Hack's, active advisors of Rainbow and DeMolay orders in Shelton, visited the DeMolay head- BELFAIR WOMAN'S CLUB ENTERTAINED BY SINGER The regular meeting of the Bel- fair Woman's Club, leld Wednes- day, November 13, at the Belfair school, was conducted by Mrs. Dawn Eddy in the absence of Mrs. Florence Cady. Following the business meeting, the group was entertained by Mrs. Lena Albert, talented singer, who sang many of the famed Negro spirituals, following them with de- scriptive histories of the songs. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs, Alice Harris, Mrs. Clara Bernson, :lVrs, Cokclet and Mrs Evalyn Edmiston. The next meeting to be held December i1 Will be a Christmas party. Each member is to bring a 50¢ gift for a gift exchange. POMONA GRANGERS TO ELECT OFFICER S The Mason county Pomona Grange will meet Sunday, Decem- ber 8, at the Shetton Valley Grange hall at 11 a.m., for an election of officers. Progress Grange of Kamilche will meet Friday, December 6, at 8 p.m. Twelve initiates will be taken 1:o Skokomish Valley to re- ceive the third and four'th degrees on Friday, December 13, and Fri- day, Decembrc 20, to avoid the Christmas week meeting. Gif For Men All tiht,, ta.tS, ful "mav-ers" ! 98¢ to 1.98 WHAT THEY WEAR Sport Shirts Mufflers Lng - wearing, White rayo.n Sanforlzed. t crepe. 2.49 - 3.49 1..49 I" Siu'inkage will not exceed 1,. " l' " Men's Bil folds Choice of designs, some with transpa$:ent card tmlders, Glft-w0rtliy! 1.98 - £.98 Sweaters Warm, healthful coats. 3.98 Handker- chiefs Fine cotton. 49¢ Christmas Cards in beautiful assortments; each card new and. differ- ent! Envelopes. Boxed. 98¢ quarters in Ieanas City, Me., where "Dad" Hack transacted of- ficial business with thc grand of. ricers. They later called at the supreme headquarters of the Rain- bow Girls at McAllister. Okla. Also included on the itinerary was Gateway I,m at Phoenix, Ariz., wlere they spent the day with Mr, and Mrs. ftarry Perry, former Shcltoni-ms. Mr. Hack's sister was visited in Pueblo, Colo. Leaving Pueblo in time to miss the h'ig snow storm, the couple arrived in Pasadena, Calif., during a cold rain storm. On the way up from California the Hacks en- countered more rain and snow. After encountering bad weather all along the Pacific coast it was, as Mr. Hack said, "good to be back in Washington and home, where it rains and we don't have to apologize for it." CLUB CELEBRATES HOLIDAY The Lake Isabella Club held its regular meting and Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Grace Petty, Friday, November 29, The next meeting, which will be a Christ- mas party, will be held Wednes- day, December 18. at the home of Mrs. Helen Keysers• Each mem- ber is asked to bring a $1 gift for exchange. FANNIE L. ADAMS ESTATE Judge Wright signed the decree of tle final report and petition for distribution of Estelle Shumway and Margaret Smith, executors of the Fannie L. Adams estate. T-0-T-E-M Sandwich and Curio Shop 2 MILE SOUTH OF UNION r Unique - Beautiful Hand-Braided Horsehair BRIDLES Many of metal parts are over- laid (not plated) with silver and hand,engraved. Flat Braiding Round Braiding See our selection of unusual purses that are in stock--all tooling, tinting and sewing done by hand. Another new shipment of Navajo Rugs. New Carnelian Jewelry. Chimayo Rugs. Cldmayo Cloth Sport Coats. Navajo Jewelry. Weaver Ceramics-- Distinct- ive - Beautiful. Baskets Sweateys, Sex from tle SkoRbmiSh Reservation. Boudk/Vare Crackled Pottery. Socks Favored a 1 a € k model, part-wi. 55¢ Belts Stylish leather or plastic [ 98¢ to 1.49 Boys' Wool Shirts Bright plaids all young lads like, in wool or wool-rayon blends. 8-18. 5.98 FRUIT TREES ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS ALDERCROFT NURSERY Wilbert Catto Walker Park - Phone 591-W JACK MOFFETT DANCING LESSONS Chilieh and Adult TAP, TOE, BALLET, BALLROOM,. ACROBATIC and All Styles Ever .Wednesday 2 tO 6 p.m. Shelto Eagles Hall Pioie trnloil 385 6nA,,M THEATRE Thurs. - Friday • Saturday December 5, 6, 7 It's Your Night to HOWL: The MARX BROTHERS spend "A NIGHT IN ,, CASA BL/NCA Charles Drak0, ols Collier, SiC RUm/u, plus NEWS - SHORTS CAITOON snlay - tondiy December 8, 9 George Sanders, Slgne Hasso, Carole Landis "A SCANDAL IN PARIS" "The  time to say goodbye' •.. is the moment she is sure you wont'!" NEWS - CARTOON Tuesday, December 10 lbru Saturday, December 14 AT LAST IT'S IIERE! Howard Hughe's Daring Production "THE OUTLAW" Introducing Jane Russelllll with Walter Hasten, Thomas Mitchell Admilon for this Attraction Adults 50c incl tax ) . l J IIIIII I := ,. :,'  ,' Thursday,. Deccmheli[ .......................................................... " ........................... gbUiLt-CECEBR-Te-T i ..... ---"-' :- .... -------,:---&y, December 5, 1946. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY --  ..... I ..... S0CI00I, SPENDTHAN00SG,V,N00 I M 1 Ch On DAY IN SHELTON ea eaper Mr, and Mrs. M. 00cnnedY,[Tra i Shelt Sr.. enjoyed a visit Thanksgiving. llS9 01 Day Wit', their son and family, Dr. rl ]Fi and Mrs M.. E Kcnnedy. 00ar- I Couv,e .00.scover el and Peter: a daughter, Miss Lot- tie Kennedy, and two sisters of t Glad to be home and away from • California's piracy prices, Mr. and Mrs. Kemedy, Sr,, Mrs. Mabel Hbllis and Mrs. Mary Wyler, all Mrs. Earl Moore returned to Shel- Of Seattle• ton November 23 after a three- week combined business and pleas- ARCADIA CLUB PLANS are trip which .took them as far PUBLIC PARTY FRIDAY south as Los Angeles. A public card party, bingo and During the trip Mr. Moore fish pond is being planned by the transacted business in Los An- JkrCadia Home Economics Club. at geles and San Francisco in be- the Southside Community Hall on half of the Western Supply Com- Frida  evening, December 6, tt pany, which he and his brother, 7:3{). The public is urged to at- Otha, operate here. and visited his tend. parents at Santa Cruz and a broth- er, Genc, who operates a donut CALIFORNIA VACATION ENDS specialty shop in Naps, Calif. According .to a letter recei'ed The Shelton couple made the trip from l/rs. Frances F. Gladwin at by train and discovered to their Redondo Beach, Calif•, she will be surprise mcals were more reason- returning to her home at Belfair able on the trains than in the Los after an extended trip in Califor- Angeles and Sah Francisco res- nia While vacationing, Mrs. Glad- taurants and cafes, Mr. Moore re- win sold her former home and lated upon his return to Shelton. wound up her affairs there, corn- Their trip itinerary happened to pleting the last step which, she put them into Southern California says, makes her a "100 per cent during the terrific rains which Washingtonian." flooded t.he "sunny south" for a ....... week. their three weeks being DAUGHTER EXPECTED about half-and-half in good and HOME SOON bad weather and durhg the latter Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kennedy they found their Northwest win- have'receivet word from their ter clothes w'e mighty coinfort- son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and able to have along. Mrs. S. B. hiiles, that they imve Mi'. Moore reported that the left California and are on their southern retail stores seemed to way back home to Portland. They be in about the same predicament have been talcing a month's vaca- over Christmas merchandise short- tion and have been visiting in Los ages as most Northwest stores. Angeles, San Francisco, and Art, Tons, Mrs. Miles is tlxe former ,Tewel Kennedy. COMM U N ITY CLUB ORGANIZED PENSION UNION MEETS  The newly organized Mountain The VPashington Pension Union View Community Club will meet will have a birthday party tonight Monday evening at tlxe skating rink. Residents are urged to at- at 8 o'Cetock. All members are urged to be present and visitors tend. Officers elected are Bud Dunning, president; Marion Hels- are welcome, cr, vice president; Mr. Parr, treasure', and Mrs. I. V. Yule, HILLCREST CLUB TO MEET secretary. The Hilierest Homemakers Club will meet for its regular meeting WOMAN'S SOCIETY TO MEET at the home of Mrs. Ellis Wells on! The Woman's Society of Chris- Hillcrest. It will be the occasion tian Service will meet a the for a noon-time potuck luncheon. ] Methodist Chnrch parlors Wednes- ....... day, December 11, at 2 p.m. In- RETURNS TO SHELTON stallation of officers will be held. Mrs. W. A. Brodt returned Sun- Also a Christmas program is day from a ten-day visit with her scheduled. Hostesses will be Mrs. daughters, Mrs. George Whaley of Thomas 2owe and Mrs. William C. Seattle and Mrs. George toting Batchelor. of Tacoma. G A R D E N C LU B TO M E ET IIIlllllllllllllllllllllllll|lllllllllllllllllll The Evergreen Garden Club of Belfair held its regular monthly GREETINGS meeting Tuesday, December 3, at the home of Mrs. Alice Pope. FRIENDS . . . ON TERMINAL LEAVE I have s01d my papering Elwood Steen, son of Mr. and pJnting and decoratinj buli- Mrs. O, :IV/. Steen, is now on ter- hess to minal leave after seing six years in the Navy. His last naval as- OLIVER H. LYLE signment was as a pharmacist's mate, first class, on the U.S,S, and Sicily in New York. N. Y. ANDREW CARLSON ESTATE DALE WHEELER The time for hearing the final report and petition for distribution Two returned war veterans of the Andrew Carlson estate was who will serve you satisfactof set for January 4, 1947, in Super- ily and give you flood honest ior Court, Saturday. work. Peninsula Light Lines These boys were in my era- To Rmi In Mason c0tinty ploy before the war. Granting: of a franchise to. the peninsula Light Co., of Gig Har- bor, for ¢0struetion, opelation .and maintenance of . ten-mile el- ectric transmission and distribut- ing lloe has been approved by Clarence B. Shain, state director of highways. The llne will run upon, along and across a portion of second- ary highway No. I4-A from Sher- wood creek to Allyn northerly for abqut 1.8 mileS, and along .see.- 0naary state highw,y: 14-B from its jnctien with secondary:state • highway 14-A near Allyn, to Key Center. The-'bJlited States lavy still has openings as eleitgnic tech- nician mates. To young men of fine thai'sorer, and good physical condition the Navy offers a $5,000 elication in electronics. Take ad- vafitag¢ of this offer todaY. See your Navy Recruiting Office at Olynpia., Lake Cushman by Feances Radtke "Thanksgiving day found Mrs. Otto Radtke entertaining her son and wife, Corporal and Mrs. Lee Stout, Mr. mid Mrs. Walter La- master, Vernon Knott and Max McClelland, all of Seattle. Also Mr. Emil Radtke of Tacoma. The Don Browns, who spent the holiday With Mrs. George Ferris of Tacoma, left Penny and Donna for a week end visit during whicb time they will attend the stage play "Alladin." The Del Laramies spent Thanks- giving at DuPont with the L. M. Townsends, relatives of Mrs, Lar- amie. They also spent sometime in Tacoma and Olympia, returning home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore ate turkey in Tacoma With Mrs. Gilmore's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Seypmre Walton. The Steven Hales were guests Thanksgiving day of Mr. and Mrs, Mark Ryafl. " --r Guests of Dave Collins 0r ' "- day nd Sathrday duck htinting were Walt Arys and Darrell Funk of LaGrande, To celqbrate their 14th wedding anniverSkry; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Collins dtrled at clarmel Wednes- day with Mr _ , and Mrs. Archie Cal- laban.of Hoodsport. Another wartime romance end- ed in a happy marriage November 30 when Miss Dulcie Hair, reCent- ly a!:ried from Melbourne, Aus- traltd,, beqame the bride of Ray- mond Etheringt0n, nepI4ew of Mrs. 0. K. Lihscbt=. Th Yeddirig, at- tensed rbr he LlaSc0tt r ad Rains famines 'to0k place in Milton fit the Mthodist church. A recep- tion followed at the hme 'of tte room's a g Eth P rents, Mr. arid Mrs. A. I. eHngton. Raymond met his bride while stationed with the 4Ist Inf. in Astralla in 1943. They will make their home at La Grande Where lIr. EtheringtOtt is cmployed by the City of Tacomt, Rt. 1, Olympia 1.ighway, celebrated their silver wedding anmversary Sunday, November 2,i. at a turkey dinner. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson and their son, Jerry, all of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. James Frazier, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lorenzen and their son, Walter, also their niece. Miss Roseline Sheffield. all of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs, Guy Norris called on the group later in the evening wl]en a buffet hmch was served. STATIONED AT DENVER Word has been rece, ived from Private Bob W. Smith. U.S.A., that he is stationed at Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Denver, Colo., after five and a half months in the army• At present he is train- ink to be n fireman on the rail- road and is doing practical work in the Union Pacific yards at Den- ver. He also sends word of Jim Hoff of Lilliwaup, who is in the army transportation corp sta- tioned at Fort Eustis, Vs. SARAH CARLSON ESTATE - Judge D. F. Wright Saturday in Superior Court set t!ze time for hearing the final report and peti- tion for distribution of the Sarah Carlson estate for January 4, 1947. H. P. STEWART Painting COntractor 143 Rainier Avenue Bremerton Phone 1137 (This Service Is Available To Shelton People) IIIIIIIIIilllllllllililll IIIIIIIIIii11111111111 A Gift to Treasure... Picture the happiness you can give your friends and loved oneg this hristmas by giving your pho0r]h.  L't us "5d ;ofig: : your loveliest to catch the charm that is you. For a perfect Christ- mas gift make an appointment today I ANDREWS 119 Railroad AVefiue  LITTLE JIL-T- ffiffiffiffiHORN , ,.  :-%, High Speed tiesels £ -- For- here Holidays are . iAI dinners m FestiV;eleet a ires ing. ver s WIT'S '  :' l ii[Write nr Ihono for pr ces H . . ,.,% 120 Raih'oad Ph°IO{INE AND EQUIPMENT ¢0. Westlake 19. Seattl 9, 'ALder 1440 sTUD 2-   WRITE A LETTI" to your friends on our CfiHstmas Siaflonery . • ' hritmils disigns to choO@ sold by the sheet or -rY-  the Wo;Ids F,t jakera.of Aristooratlo  ¢ 1 . Pastej and White. ,',t ,,V' iiearChed the markets w | BOXED s.TATIONESY Wt,t t? y!i you te eet. .... /I i ''l i  _ ', ] €$ ,I : ,. L. I Tlb World's Greatest Designe¢ I M I N G Of Fine Stationery / Whlt- & Wbk0ff - , ffrederlk Katz Presents j Edged With a Ch,fiebe Design Dresden Sheer - Sacp, '  ..... Suedetone - A Bi Flora] and Thank YoU Notes A Pen Craft Creation CorreSpofiddn6 Cards Gold Edged We Will Personalize Youir Statibile' o:r ChriStmas Cards # We,Carry the Largest Stock of B0 .. Sftiotlery. I. 6helton ,., Cltrl00tmas Seals and - F" ( c:. ' Richard C0rklyn s Famous Lace 00i00at00onery Beautifully Boxed in Yellow, Blie aid White Give Her An VACU00 for Christm And se O TO .... :-- $ 0nly Authorized Electrolux Plone 2-W-: Kiilmen 209 Cots Stre( SHICK and SUNBE LECTRC:SHA Make ideal Xmas 'Present Man In Your Life Christmas Wrap ,, Gold and ilver Foil - White T.issu Piper - Holiday C.lllbs¢ Handscraft A OTTLE WARM][ AND VAPORIZE] 110 Fourth Str, Sheiton Printing & Station00ff New Yorker - Ambassador .......... T.. ...... -l LIGHT ']IXUI I COSS drRI GhiribuPh ]l  ...... Shadowtone . r  ,ll -o neauttty your nome,; A Real Creiiibri by Ritters Playing Ca ds. ':l] Your eyes more restful Four astel Colors in L, arge., Sipgle 9dn D.t}.!,e Dec.._ !1 Hinged Bbx -- A eautifUl Gift BibJ/cle atd P[nodhJe Decks ll , • DESK SETS * COLORING 'ENCILS it  COLOR PAINTS /]| __-------- THE FAMOUS TEMPERA SHOW CARD PI S -- COLORS