December 5, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 5, 1946 |
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HE TOyS which bring so much joy and happiness to
children--not only at Christmas time, but all through
the year as well- can have, in the future, a double
meaning to the boys and girls of Mason CoUnty. For
. this area possesses many advantages which could make
it an. important toy manufacturing center.
If these possibiliites were fully developed, every mn,
woman and child of the community would gain many
benefits. Mason County children who today would be
playing with Mason County made toys could look for-
ward to greatly increased future opportunities for
employment. They would grow up to find greater opportunities for establishing
business ventures for their own, if they so desired. They would gain extensive cul-
tural benefits, too -,- as children and as adults. For when a community is economi-
cally strong, that c0mff/Unity is able to build larger and
better equipped schools, beautiful churches and libraries,
fine playgrounds and parks. Everything a community is or
expects to be depends on a sound, diversified business
Mason County does have the basic advantages which are
essential to the development of a specialized toy manufac-
turing center. Many of the most popular toys are made of
woodmand this area possesses both the raw and the pro-
cessed materials. There are many men and women who have
gained war.time skills in metal work, too, which might well
be utilized in creating aluminum and other metal toys. In
the future, more and more plastic toys will make their
appearance, and here again Mason County has the necessary natural recources.
Before these advantages can be developed--before these benefits Can be realized
--another essential factor must be brought into play. Someone must "get the
thing going." Someone must establish the plants and the factories which will turn
out toys stamped "A Mason County Product."
Of course the man or woman who starts a plant to turn out toy furniture, for
example, faces the same basic problems which face the owner of a factory makingii!
full-size tables and chairs and chests• Money and time must be invested in develop,
ing designs, and in purchase of equipment. Markets must be explored for outlets.
Risks must be taken--for every new business venture entails risk for the individ-
uals who create it. On the other hand, however, every new business means greater
opportunity for the community as a whole. Because of that fact, individuals must
be encouraged to take the risksto make the effort--to establish new ventures
and expand present industries.
Mason Countyand all Americawas founded and built on
the fundamental principle that any man ca • woman should have
the right to work--should have the right to start a business of
his own and to enjoy the fruits of his labor. As a result, no
• other nation in the whole world can approach the industrial
might of America. In no other nation has the standard of living
risen so high for the individual willing to work for it. This
results from the American Way of Life, and is the,pathway to
an even greater America. Why change it?
The sponsors of this series of advertisements devoted to com-
munity betterment are citizens of this community. "i"ney own
homes here. Their children go to school here. They have a deep
sense of responsibility to the individual citizens and to changes
which will affect the commumtY. They are interested in devel-
aping a healthy community fcllowing the American Way of
Life, and thus keeping America and Mason County rong for
m gcncration to come.
That is the American way--the American ideal. America
ha always said in effect: "Here, in this great land, every
man or woman will have freedom of opportunity. Every
man and woman will have the right to work at the job of
the individual's own choice- or to go into business for
himself if he so desires. If the venture fails, that has been
the individual's risk. If it succeeds, the men and women who
created it shall be free to enjoy the fruits of his honest labor•"
The children who today play with bright red wagons and
educational games must be given this same freedom of
individual enterprise. For then--and only then--can they
grow up to gain the full opportunities of Mason County...
the full heritage of the American way of life.
One of a series of advertisgments devoted to community bert erment.
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