December 5, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 5, 1946 |
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Thursday, December f
'table, good looking
ve all, washable--
what this cotton
tress' can br()3SeOr. -"
other styles and
Sizes 12 to 50.
,wder Sets
December 5 1946.
You Need...
Glass for Your Car
To Keep Those Wintry Winds
out and the coziness in . . .
You'll find a plentiful supply of Safety
Glass for windshields and
windows at
Health Director
Endorses T.B.
Xmas Seals Sale
Although the nation-wide war
clinl tubercul°StSeffects in lowering is sh°wingthe
annual death toll, TB still kills
more people in Washington each
year than any other contagious
Dr. Arthur L. Ringie, State Di-
rector of Health, made the declar-
ation in endorsing the annual sale
of Christmas seals by the local
leagues of the Washington Tuber-
culosis Association.
years, but it stiI heads the list
of infectious diseases taking lives
each year in the state.
Dr. Ringle attributes the de-
creasing death rate of tubercu-
losis chiefly to "the cooperative
efforts of the anti-tuberculosis
leagues, the medical profession
and public health workers." But
he said that much more work is
to be done before tuberculosis will
drop to a minor cause of death.
Six-hundred and sixty-seven
persons died from tuberculosis
last year in the state. Of this
The Coast to Coast Mutual Net-
work Radio Choir of the Bible In-
stitute of Los Angeles will appear
in person in Shelton Monday
night, Dec. 16, presenting a pro-
nature gram °fasSaeredto be muSiCof vital°filCrhes
to all lovers of music. Simple in-
terpretations of the old hymns,
special arrangements of hymns,
and Negro spirituals will char-
acterize the evening's service.
The choir was organized and will
be conducted by Dr. Herbert G.
ett the singing of the Radio Choir
Trio, and the playing of the Biola
Brass Quartette.
This choir is making an eigh-
teen day tour of three states.
They are being heard each Sun-
d]aYt uF lentgw ::k 8 p0:o2r'amm °nTth I
will be a real treat to have this
noted choir in Shelton. They are
coming here on the invitation of
Rev. J. O. Bovee and were to have
PPueac d but in owing the tol°Calth e popular. Baptist
total, one person in Mason county
was a victim, giving a local rate]
of 7.2 deaths per 100,000 people. [
DRACT[CAL Highly commending the work[
of the Washington Tuberculosis[ ity of this group plans are being
gues,ASs°ciati°nsponsorsand ofits ,theC°UntYannuallea" [! To'vev, director of the musm" de- made to secure a larger auditor-
ARDWAgE partment of the Bible Institute of ium for their musical concert. If
Christmas seal sale, Dr. Ringle[Los Angeles. Of special interest this plan is successful the larger
said, "The funds of this associa= will be the playing of the golden place of meeting will appear in
tion go toward tuberculosis pre- harp by Miss Wands Jane Crock- next week's issue of The Journal.
US[FUL vention and the purchase of
Christmas seals gives everyone an -- '
,, opportunity to participate active- [
::} ly in the fight against this deadly H00dsp0 Are Guests In Seattle
" °" Week end guests at the E. H.] Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eekert
Osnmn home were Peggy Bunnell I were guests at a dinner party Sat-
and son, Lloyd, and Paul Rind of urday evening in the Benjamin
Seattle and Buddy Danlels of Franklin hotel honoring Lawrence
,Fisher, chief of the weather bu-
reau in Seattle, who retired from
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bearden and duty at the end of November. The
T O O L S Adams .............. : ..... 0...i.:i ......... 0 "family were Thanksgiving guests guests for the dinner were co-op-
Asotin .................... 0 ................ 0 of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bearden at erative observers, clerks in the
To Win His Benton .................... 3 ................ 8.9 Potlatch: main office and regional officers,
Chelan .................... 4 ................ 17.4 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilbert spent numbering about 80.
Appreciation Wenatchee ............ 5 ................ 37.7 Thanksgiving with their daugh- Mr. Eckert has been a co-opera-
Clallam .................. 2 ................ 16.8 ter, Shirley, and family in Seat- rive observer for the Seattle bu-
2 ......... ...... 19.8
00iJ: L.=.,,.o.CATTO HARDWoA!E
blue white dia-
monds to make her Christmas
.tinguettes.inrOundBeautifYmonddiamond.numBrightsquarewith s e r o t tPlati'bag'i nUset.cutn dg,
$200 to $1200
Exquisite e n-
semble. Spark-
ling diamonds
in 14k gold set-
$50 to $400
Beautiful bridal
ensemble with
quality dia-
monds in 14K
gold. Both for
Lovely eugage-
merit ring. Ex-
quisite beauty
and fine quality.
Brilliant m o d-
ern engagement
ring at
129 Railroad - Phone 143
Port Angeles ........
Clark ...................... 11. ............. .18.0
Vancouver ............ 5. ............... 12.6
Columbia ................ 0.. ............. 0
Cowlitz .................. 7. ............ .23.5
Douglas .................. 3.. ............ ..40.1
Ferry ...................... 2. ............. ..46.5
Franklin ................ 0 ................ 0
Garfield ................ 0.. .............. 0
Grant ...................... 0.. ............. 0
Grays Harbor ........ 5. ............... 24.0
Island ...................... 1. ............... 16.4
Jefferson ................ 6.. ............ .65.9
King ........................ 47.. ............. .31.9
Seattle .................... 213. ............. A6.3
Kitsap .................... 9.. .............. 20.3
Kittitas .................. 3.. ............. .14.6
Klickitat ................ 3.. ............ .26.0
Lewis ...................... 4. ............ 9.7
Lincoln .................. 1. ........... 9.1
Mason .................... 1_ .............. 7.2
Okanogan .............. 11.. .............. 43.6
Pacific .................... 6 ............. 36.5
Pend Oreille ........ 0., ............. 0
Pierce .................... 18.,..............71.8
San Juan ................ 0., ............. 0
Snohomish ............ 18.. ........... ..31.6
Spokane ................ 13. ............. 69.5
Spokane ................ 32. ............. 22.8
Stevens ................. 3.. ............ .17.1
Thurston ................ 6.. ........... ..24.5
Olympia .................. 2.. .......... ..12.8
Wahkiakum .......... 2 ............... .5L3
Walls Walls ........ 2.. ............ ..23.6
Walls Walls City.." 8................35.8
Whatcom ................ 4.. ............. .13.7
Bellingham ............ 9_ ............ .28.1
Whitman ................ 3.. ............. .10.7
Yakima .................. 24.. ............ .35.0
Yakima City ........ 7. ............. .20.5
Veterans--for your own protec-
tion, investigate the advantages of
enlistment in the new V-6 Naval
yourReserVerattng, fOr inllliVoll teY:lty,K:ll
keep abreast of naval affairs
full detaIs.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H Osmun were
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Daniels of Bremerton.
Other guests were Mr. and Mrs,
A. E. Osmun and daughters of
liagulHarb°r'Ring of Seattle. Peggy Bunnell and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sund had
as a weeek end guest A1 Cunning-
ham of Seattle who spoke at the
Youth for Christ rally in Shelton
Saturday night. Mr. Cunningham
is leaving witllin a few weeks to
continue missmnary work he be-
gan in Australia while in the Navy
during the war.
Sam Lockwood is spending a few
days in Tacoma this week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jackson and
daughter, Marjie, spent the
Thanksgiving holiday in Port An-
geles and Victoria, B. C. While in
aP° t MAr .g ? ! h Id ' tahm;:
former Potlatch residents.
Carrel Hill spent the Thanks-
giving holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill.
Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Hill and
family have moved into the Read-
er home at Potlatch.
A group of young people from
Hoodsport and Potlatch attended
the Youth for Christ rally in Shel-
ton Saturday night.
Next Monday night will be a
meeting of the young people's
group at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
:iraSng[strS'ThanksgivingWn'DyerhadvIr, as
and Mrs. Getchy md family.
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Lockwood were Mrs.
Frankie McCaller and son, Dale.
UnitedOf OVereane StatesSeVensuga r hundredis.annually.producedl°ngin t°nSthe
"B'y €0LLmR
reau for the past 39 years and
was the oldest observer present
from 'the point of years in the
Mrs. Kessel and Mr. and Mrs.
Past Matrons of O.E.S. will
meet at the home of Mrs. Leon
Hack Thursday, December 12, for
a 12:30 hmcheon. Christmas gifts
will be exchanged during the af-
If foUr,an d father the tWOasCUbS and the moth-he tracked them
:bUt was outsmarted by Mr. Bear
who so far has escaped the hunt-
ers' wries and eluded all traps
which have been set for him.
Phone 392
Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Doc
Tacoma Freight vta str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock,
No. 2
Time Schedule as follows:
Laves Tacoma dally, except Sunday at 5 p.m. for
Olympia and Shelton
Arrives Shelton daffy, except Stmy
Joe Anderson were visitors at the
C. L Anderson and LeGault homes
last week.
James Phrine of Tacoma was a
visitor at the Anderson home last
week end.
The Arthur Hlibokis were hon-
ored with a house warming party
last Saturday evening. Many love-
ly gifts were received from friends
and neighbors who were there.
The ones from out of the district
were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Daley
of Elms and Fred Freeze of Oak-
ville. There were about fifty
guests present,
The Cloquallum Priscilla Club
will hold its Christmas gift ex-
change party Wednesday of this
The stork shower that was ar-
ranged for Mrs. Joe VChiteing for
the 22rid of this month was post-
poned until a later date, as so few
tunmd out due to the road condi-
tions at that time.
Quite a numbe# from this dis-
trict plan to attend the Pomona
Grange meeting to be installation
of officers,
The bear family which has so
persistently visited the Leorsther's
..... II
I I A llll I.I - !H Iglllllllll
or about size, shade, or style [
He just brings us the
handy gift certificate and chooses
his favorite Stetson,
So if you'd like to rate applause
from the man in your life--
drop in for this handsome, original
gift real soon I
Mnfature hat n box whh gljt cerHftcate
' he redeems ]'or the Stetson he likes
Miller's Men's Shop
Shelton Hotel Bldg. Phone 609
STORE HOURS 9:30 A, M. TO 6 P.M.
After 10 successful years in our present location in the Runaeres Build-
ing at 321 Railroad Avenue, we have been asked on short notice, to vacate
on January 1, 1947.
However, after January 1, we will continue to serve our friends and cus-
tomers from two mhaller temporary locations until we can build our
new, modern and permanent store at Fourth and Cot# streets which
should be completed within six months after receipt of the necessary
building permits.
Appliances and some smMler home furnishings will be handled in the new
Andrews Buildng at 126 North Second Street. The main furniture
section will be located in part of the building occupied by Al Heurby
Motors at Fifth and Railroad.
We sincerely thank the people of this community for the confi-
dence they have shown in us during the past ten years. We are
grateful to George Andrews and A1 Huerby for their coopera-
tion in providirg space for us in which to carry on our business
until our new store can be constructed.
We of Olsen Furnitm'e are conscious of our responsibility to our loyal
friends and customers, old and new Mike. We pledge ourselves to con-
tinue serving them with the finest in home furnishings at moderate
prices and with good service, courtesy and sincere he|pfulness.
Sincerely yours,
Ole Olsen