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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t Q glq,LTON-M.A0N (30tlq 30U'RNAE , ...... ...... M,. ANd H,WK00 ...... : Watch Yo Step . H O N O R H O U S EG U E ST S  ,' ="-: dmr',rf , "/C  ; ur MARR IA G E APPLICATION S [ •ou00 ,,rst a,O oo,- and l, rank ,. 00,.00wks 0Ur=:.=. ...., Mr. Pedestrian, ' ElaineCharlesMarie:BUrkeweaver.Catr°n'21 21,botl,andof |  , sideratlon these clays Is your ing their Thanlcsgiving Day guests, " "" "._. :_.' ' -- ou,. ,00r,00an _ ..... ,,,. Cl00ief Algeo Warns POrtsholton Orchard. November 19 lit .................  ........... . " ....   , Melvin A. Strong, 24, and Lilly I liiBi,£aVn:::| a,,d daughter of Ttw.oma. Guests ..J. A step or two in the wrong di- :Mac Steurer, 18, both of Olym- I RmRJJIII; soeclaltv We want to help • for tile evening included Mr. and | ]!:': .€' , dA}!::t - -" Mrs. Curtis 'Onstad, Mr. and :btrs, There Is Yet HOpe . . . federal agencies, all wit:h powerful rection on the highways COSt ]naDy pin, November 22, at Shelton. | mBlg._.,:';;i| you all we possibly can. Eugene Burgoyne, Mr. and Mrs. To me it is a sign of new times political and l)ropaganda divisions, lives during the first nine months Ernest C. Hardison, 44. and Ed- of 1946. :recording to "Washington ith Olive Woodhall. 32, both of | dt!| ..... a , Rov Pcacher, IVD'. and Mrs. Ever 2 a coming, the dawn of a different are being liquidated, State Patrol Chief H. W. Algeo. Fort Lewis. Nave'tuber 22, at Shel- l S i'! Help IS 0y n, ring your et "lteiehman, the honor guests and day, this appearance of a bat' of Mr. Wyatt. ballyhoo artist de- Seventy - six pedestriaas were ton. I .;I ee calls. MARRIED SATURDAY the candy shelf of our neighbor- his flacks to rush tip props. The highways of the state during" the Francis Marie Jolmson 21, both ] 'T :'''' AIrERNOON, NOV. 30 hood grocery store Look at whaUs people simply want to see some period, and 6-'t of this number died, of Brcmert(m, November 23, at l ---- '- _ • _ . Ernest C. Iffardison and Edith been going on. old-fashioned building done by old Algeo said. Eiglaty per eent'of the Shelton. roadside tragedies occurred during George Gigandet, 5,t, and Ann I IIJl,cr,s i[ tt4-tr Q.4-,r,-m 11 #.|lldrxr Ollvo Woodhall, both of Fort Night and day you can tune in, reliable builders who know how to Lentz, 47, both of Aberdeen, Nov. LTIOt5UIIt JUItllltlb )Ot¢'ltlll liOt ,T Lewis, were married Saturday, without half trying, on somebody build and who only need freedom llotlrs of darknesS.said that and Dry Cleaners Phone  Novcmbtr 30, by Justice of the who is hollering up the energy to produce to do it. They don't Algeo the average 26 at Shelton. Walter Randall Pickens, 31, of | ' Peace, W. A. Magoon. content of the Sampson Candy care for radio comedy presented as Washington citizen killed in an Grants Pass, Ore., and Josephine , , , ,  ,, ,, - Bar; or the health-inducing vita- broadcasts on housing. They would auto-pedestrian atality is a mid- Louise Needham, 24, of Shelton, TIRE k (form°ely Heln FIRST Open Evenit Offering DELIV: CREAM--CAI --] HUNTING AND F rains of the Pepsy-Hepsy Bar like to see Mr. Wyatt go to work die aged man struck during twi- November 26 at Shelton. = ("Just ask for goody-woody old for Benny. ligtt or darkness while crossing John W. Gaby, 33, of Spokane , P-H!") ; or for that Wacky-Hieky- Sings are rising, too, that indi- the highway at an unmarked cross- and h'ene Reay, 40, of Seat-tie, Heels Bar. with its sticky stuff cate the public wants to have the ing near his home. Eighty-three Nov. 29 at Shelton. I)rought all the way from those re- old reliable style of federal for- per cent of the pedestrians killed BORROW FROM US • ,c0000oo oo You hearken, you hustle for the Wallace - Tug'4rell dream - policy cent were over 55 years of age, It is elairned that three-fourths PHONE 580 • of nearest candy shelf, you tackle which has prevailed since 1934. and 90 per cent lived within 5} the world's poptflation do not  II '_ .................. the products, and you end with through ballyhoo and phenagling, miles of the accident scene. [ sadder and wiser taste buds and a is put in storage for a spell. Half of the victims were jay- [  ' " ' i sour stomach. Everybody in the woods has walkers, crossing highways at[  Now. although it had to come all the way from Boston, at last known for yelrs that the Wallace- points other than marked inter- L Ode "0'[ LoJe/ 0 S our serv ce. s a r , easy an °st molasses candy bar has hit :foresters by big-city machine poll- pedestrians killed or injured had • the market out here. In my tieians---and now quite a few be- been drinking, while only four of :., ,C .......... neighborhood aged ex-drunks for sides this old logger are sticking the 76 drivers involved were under quick transaction to take out a loan with us. hloc ataund are tottering to the their heads out of hollow trees and tim influence of alcohol. store to sanapte the bargain. The are taltdng openly about tlae sit- The fact that more pedestrians demand has swelled t° glant Pr°" u'ati°n" The l)ublic is Imwling than drivers were at fault may be }I O ICE Q:ARBERs  portions in no time, and this back, "Louder, please! Don't be partly explained by the fact that though the Boston molasses bar skeered! We're for yon!" 75 per ceRt of the pedestrians EDDY BUSINESS SERVI -CE remains unballyhooed and unsung. Off With Their Stripes; struck by ears did not hold driv-i} A 18 OLYIPIC ][-IIG][-IWAY ! :; : It is a parable on the whole Only persons who are ptlb'licists ers licenses, and were therefore FI . country and a new time, I think-- themselves are capable of realiz- not familiar with the problems of :I }tope. ing to the full how much genuine a motor vehicle operator Alffeo Pepsy-Sepsy Bureaucraoy . . . government service has been saeri- said He suggested, thte 'basic We have been dished up a lot of riced to the topheavy political and rules for pedestrians' traversing , gooey government recent; years in propaganda divisions of the bu- state highways. Phone 540 " the lnediums of propaganda and reaus, The sacrifice is not only in 1. Wear light colored clothing. I} ••  V ballyhoo. But at last the people budget and in projects, but most Otherwise it is impossible for a have been caught by a belief that of all in character. It has become driver to see a pedestrian on a dark I/ 120S0Uth Third Street Shelton, Wash. simple, plain government services common in the governnaent for night against oncoming headlights. can be restored, that much better technical men of the finest train- 2. Always walk on the left, fac- gvernment work can be done for ing and highest ability 1:o be forced ing oncoming traffic. This 00ves PHONE 656 i much less money. 57 varieties of to act as errand boys for the the.pedestrian a chance to leap to i• ' ..... divisions of ballyhoo and phenag- safety if he is not observed by an ...... ling. oncoming driver. - - ...... -- .......... 3. Cross highways only at prop- • • In industry and business, as far erly marked intersections. as nay experience has seen. the publicity°Pp°siteried on toiSandgenerallYserveadvertisingproduction,trtlP'areThereear-not ....... v .......... Union "---" HAULING AND BUILDING SUPP r : ' :  ..... to dictate its policies. v ...............  k:4::'::. ,", " .. " There are exceptions, of coarse Thanksgiving Day found many ; , :e. --as with candy bars. In any case. homes gay with company. Mrs.  : " it is time to take the stripes off May Fryberg and John Moffett :. Big G propagandists and bust 'era entertained Mr. and Mrs. Lou Ras- to privates mu00son o, Seattle who spent the D St F Y Wi d week erd at their home. Mrs. Alice oes eam og our n s ,,, TUESDAY REVIEWERS Martin Mrs. Della Wilson, both clear visi ij PLAN TEA THURSDAY of Shelton, and Ed Heguas Mr. Tuesday Reviewers are planning and Mrs. AI Howard had at their Apply Fog-Go... and assure  a tea for next Thursday after- table Mr. and :Mrs. Rucker and ity for driving safety in rainy or free ' : .... noon at the home of :Mrs. Frank family, Phyllis. Lee and Jane, and weather. .... • C. Hawks. At that time each Rosemary Stevenson. At the Wy- :'::' % ...... member is to bring as her guest, a att home were Mrs. Polly Wyatt, " ::::i:,::: • .... %a,.,': newcomer to Shelton. with the Mr. adn Mrs. lZRleig'h Keller and Steamed-Up Mirror? Foi'res00t Flo hopes of getting them acquainted Mr. and Mrs. Orr of Belfair. Kuetts with people here. Plans are heing served a turkey dinner that day, made for about 30 guests that af- with all the trimmings. " Apply Fog-Go .... and shower steam 3 Railroad ternOon. Mr. and :Mrs. Stark celebrated not interfere with rapid shaving and . ..... their TlmnksgivinK the Sunday be- fect make-up. ,,a,' fore honorin especially their BOOK BINDING house guests, :iV[,.. and :Mrs. Frank  .... - w00tts .odge, 00owa Shut-In Hol!day Display Librarles and Schools Watts is R sister of Mrs. Stark. ... .,,... .. Songs and Prayer They were here about two weeks. Apply Fog-Go . where steam fogs " " ..... Books Other guests at tte dinner were i " Periodtcals, Magazines Mr. and Mrs. Hack and Mrs. Alice glass. Use n windows, display ca Newspaper Files Martin of ShelteR. Mr. and :Mrs. glasses you wear, bathrqom mirr --Old books repaired and Victor Lattier of Bremerton and rebound. Mrs. Gene Stark and children, windshields, gun sights! Prices Reasonable IV[rs. Ethel Dalby had as dinner guests her mother, Mrs. Morgan, Pencil, Liquid, Cloth . . . 50¢ any ty[ Karl Krupa and brother, Fred Morgan, of Se- Ask Your Dealer or Write Bookbinder attle, Mr. and Mrs. Schlee. Mr. Route 1--Box 114 and :Mrs. Ed Dalby and Dave BYRON 0 MINGUS Raymond, Wash. Dalby. * ....... At the lXTosworthy home were, Shelton, Washington Mr. and Mrs. AleXander :Mazurk- ii " " ' evits. ? The Douglas Grouts entertained SALESMEN WANTED H 0 M E , Ralph McKenna and Mr. ' :Murphy of Tacoma, Mr. and :Mrs. FOG-GO, now released, is the war-successful ehemicP Curtis Grout and their two chll- mula developed by scientists for .the Amy and Navy L L 0 A N S dren. easy application means clear vision protection of su-- Guests of the Judd Elliotts were permannecy to be really valuable to you. Distribut Mr, and Mrs. Joe Lewis, Mr. and tionally. AVOID ACCIDENTS USE FOG-GO. Mrs. Milton Cummings of Elma 'S W ] A'. and, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cum- O'f A[I Styh Convenient Terms mings of Olympia. There were doubtless many oth- and Patter er dinner parties but we have not • Reasonable Rates ,,ad . port. $L95 to WHAT 1 S ........................ : • NO DELAY Harstine Island a.d coat In Pull.Overs, Mason County Savings . (By Mrs. Earl Harriman) . ..-'. ..,, . * SHERRY WINE ? .LonAssoeit|on The dance' Saturday night spon- -" 'i sored by the tfarstine Soeial Club,. ':£ Title Insuranoe Bldg. was '° a, ..%'sre succeSSof dancesand withthey thePlannextgnl ""[ " S P 0 R T [ -o- , o ae eing in two weeks, December "' ' ' ' 14, and hope to see everyone out, .$2.65 t¢ RAMo-UN T with speclal ferry service for Build " Wal 1 dance nightS, 9:00 p.m. and rel;urn. " , p Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jacobsen B0$ an age.old variety of wine a moderate, delicately flavored A and two children of RancUe were THEATRE cobaon's parents, :Mr. ad mrs. grown solely from grapes appetizer or dessert wine ,,e,to., w,,,. Ocar Jacobsen. ' .j .... Mrs. August Carlson left on itb C B'I K A'- WOO] [tt Thursday - SatuPday calif., where she wm spend the [ tO le world's best invitation .oeber winter son =d wife, $6.45 und Mrs. Ike Carlson. :Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Housen Concrete blocks speed up the job, save time and to a good dinner Margaret O'Brien and children-and Mr. and Mrs. . Judy Garland Reid "Mitchell amd daughter of Sea- money. Wblls laid today are ready for the carpen(eI| beck brought theh' roasted tur- tomorrow, and there is no forms lumber problem. Henav xs the most populal' of appetizer wines. It is dae kind of wine that tastes,best "MEET ]WE IN key along and had Thanksgiving S dinner with the ladies' parents, Mr. Builders who have used concrete block= for has°me0 before dinner. Sherry wine is made entirely from grapes. ST. LOUIS" and Mrs. Ed Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carlson had[  walls like them because they are easy tk) work wit In producing Sherry the first step after grape picking is to orush the grapes and let Request Showing as Thanksgiving dinner guests J and when properly laid, assure a first class {oh'# the natural juice ferment. Before all of the natural grape sugar in the juice is fer- their daugtter and family, Mr. and[ • :Mrs. Earl Callahan and son of[ competitive east. mented, the vintner add a small amount of pure grape brandy. This arrests fermen- Stmday - Wednesday Bainbridge Island. [ :Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Glaser and I tatlon, and so some of the sweemess of the grape remains in the wine. December 8 - ql son, Billy; of Tacoma and Miss[ SS f;me, money! After that, Sherry is aged for months in warm rooms or in casks placed in the sun- In Technicolor Helen mad Miss Margaret Glaser, also of Tacoma, and Joe Glaser of Plan to do your next job wilh concrete blocks. Wt shine. Some of tho grape sugar in the wine caramelizes, and this imparts the nutliko Elvelyn Keyes - Willard Parker Bremerton were all week end} guests at the Hugo A. Glaser t have the blocks, he masonry sand, mortar cement Sherry flavor. Then comes further aging and finally the clear amber-colored Sherry "][-][E home. i waterproofing materials, etc. you will need. Call usf0r is ready for your table. Try some before dinner. Wine Advisory Board, 717 Market RENEGADES Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mathews and • son of Seattle were week end estimate on the materials for th# Street, San lo.. ncisco. A Real Show home.gUests at the Harry G. Sinclair, @ / job, or for any information yo0 ' The Harstine Women's Club x I'-, may require. Helpful descriptiV ,-1, "----"--.-. - C-0-M-I-N-G - /? literature is yours for the asking' /j/ --'"   meets this Thursday at the ahool 7 //Z house basement for a pot-luck -- ,..://,/ .. ,.- , _._. To Your lunch at noon with Mrs. Altha RABHOR al . fz;'7/////'fi" ''2fi/ll PARAMOUNT Page as hosL, I Famous I ' '  "NIGHT EDITOR" were hosts to a family Thanks-] R O.] ' ' giving dinner. Those attending be- ] r  t:2---=='-'aa:"" "THREEWISEFOOLS" sides the immediate family were NEEDHi ' , "COURAGE OF LASSIE" Mrs. Mamie Nicholson and Ronald t "HOLIDAY IN MEJ(ICO" the LeRoy Fessler home one af- f ,. , "BOYS RANCH" ternoon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Christensen 1:25 RdLROA ,. "THE UNKNOWN" entertained Mr. and Mrs. Glen  Harrimffn of Vaughn over thej -_ L " -( .... ' .... - ,..L/,I. _ i,: ..... : . '" - ......... -i ....... /: ............ k.d. i