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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ATIONS m, 21, and 21 both of ber 19 at , and Lilly of Olym- Shelton. 14. and Ed- 2, both of 22, at Shel- ,n', 22, and , 21, both er 23, at and Ann :deen, Nov. ens, 31, of Josephine )f Shelton, 1. ff Spokane f Seattle, ree-fourths [on do not TORE REP - .,-:. o- Ta00.Grocery (former'ly 'Helnie's Taxi;Grocery) : ...... FIRST AND PINE Open Eve.ings--Stmdays Offering DELIVERY SERVICE for RAUSCHER & 1528 Olympic Hiway PHONE 585 CREAM--CANDY-r-SOFT DRINKS -- Plus HUNTING AND FISHING EQUIPMENT [C'FIELO OIL PRODUCTS --'AUTO SUPPLIES iN LUMBER 'FICE QUARTERS [ OLYMPIC HIGHWAY O@  PHONE 656 00 LND BUILDING n Fog Your Windshiei o... and assure clear ing safety in rainy or English Bone China TEA CUPS DISH " GARDENS see 'Our ovely Line (if 'Beautiful CHRISTMAS CARDS by Dubfar, Ac-Sacra and Buzza-Carfl0za SHELTONIANS TRAVEL, HAVE tGUESTS ON THANKSGIVING DAY Despite lind %,eather and the in- flated prices of food, Shelton fam- ilies celebrated Thanksgiving in the most joyous and festive man- ner., 'In a holiday spirit surpassed only by the original homecomings, family reunions were the order of the day, according toga Journal runway. • Among the many local families whose plans Were limited by the recent bad weafher are the W. Rolls Halberts, who spent a quiet holiday 'at home with their chil- dren. Son, daughter, grandson and granddaught4 ere included at the Thanksgiving dinner at the home0f Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Wer- berger, when Mr. and Mrs. W, F, Werberger and their children, Gary and Patsy, ofSea£tle, and Mr. and, Mrs. I. L. Wilsbn Of Shelton ar-' rived at the Werberger home. It was hoped that the Wilson's son, Don, who is presenUy attending Washington State College, would be present. Mr. and Irs. R. "H. Fletcher, :newcomers to. Shelton. visited Mr. .Fletcher's parents. Mr. and lIrs. A TIP TO MEN err created just for her. It will give her new beauty, n4w' health--great comfort. • Give a Spencer Your wife or mother Wilt be delighted t o have a Span- FITTINGS IN YOUR HOME OR MINE BERNICE SCHREIBER 1416 Summit Drive Phone 799-JX S p e n c e r Individually Designed supports =med-Up Mirror? Forest l00lowers & Gifts For Abdomen, Back,'Breasts o .... and shower steam 311 Railroad Phone 432 / re with rapid shaving and t   ._ o . . . where steam fogs ' " on windows, display ca - I " mirr0[ ,u wear, bathroom i , guh sights, [ i! James Fletcher, in Seattle for their turkey dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kimbel tra- veled to Tacoma to be with Mrs. Kimbel's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. L. S Ferguson. Al Alexander took time d-ore his studies at the University of Washington to be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. George Ashbaugh entertained their four daughters and their respective families. Those included at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson, Mr. alld Mrs. Fred Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rutlage and Miss Laura Ash- baugh. Traveling to Olympia for the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Nell Zintheo who attended a family dinner at the home of Mr. Zin- theo's brother, E. J. Zintheo. Gathered around the table at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Calkins were their sons and daughter. :Place sttings were planned for Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Ruch of Seattle, .Ir. and Mrs. Tom Aaron, Mr. and Mrs. Harvard CaN kins, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Town- send and Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Wentz. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clary with the son-in-lav and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd George, attended a family dinuer at the home of Mrs. Clary's ibr0ther, Ernest Beet': bower of McCleary. Other mem- bers of the family present were Mr. and Mrs. Buz Over- b%ck and NIr. and Mrs. Forrest Beerbower, both families of Mc- Cleary. The GeOrge Cgrdial household is one of the few that was unable to celebrate the holiday in the cus- tomary fastiion as Mrs. Cardinal was in the hospital on Thanksgiv- ing. Due to the recent illness of Mrs. Ollie Cleveland, .he was nnable to go to Seattle as she had planned, but instead, spent Thanksgiving Day with her daughter tere, Mrs. Robert Bell. Col. and Mrs. F. O. Woods and their youngsters had Thanksgiving linner in AImira, We., with Mrs. Wood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Engleson. Also at the Engleson home was Grace Engleson who has been visiting there recently. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wingard and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Elliott for the holi- da[eaving-- Shelton for Centralia were Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Frisken and their two childreff, They'spent Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. Fris- ken's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lindfors. A neighborhood get-together was held tt the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Grunert•who shared their dinner with their neighbors, the Harry Coles and the Harold Meads. Guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. Ronald S OCIAL EVENTS Swan of C,tnation, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tembreull and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gruver of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eckert of GrapevieW were present at .the h0me of their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Eacrett of Shelton for Thanksgiving din- ller, Another family group which ap- preciated the fair weather over the holiday was Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Coburn, their son, Bill, and their sob-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Woods, and their daugh- ter, Dian, who were planning a trip to Medford, Ore., where they visited Mrs. Coburn's mother and brother, Mrs. Jennie Hoag and Leo Hoag. The Sheltonians planned to remain in Oregon tmtil Sunday. 3ourneylng from Seattle and ]remerton to Shelton were the guests 6f Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jes- sup. ThoSe to partake of the tur- key feast were Mr. and Nrs, Al- bert Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. William Wat, :Sr., Mr. and MVs. William Watt, Jr.. Miss Mary Jane Ganty, Wallace Ganty, all of Seattle, and Mr. J%sStp's mother, Mrs. W. B. JesSup of Brcmerton. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hillier for the holid.y were Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Connolly. Mrs. Cora Hepner was the guest of her daughter and Son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rector. Other guests at the Rector table were Mr. arid Mrs. AI Goodwin and family, Joe Botts and the Reeto son, Dick, wlm returned home from the University of Wshingt0n. Members of the Banner family Who were present at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Banner, Sr., included besides the host and host- ess, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Banner and daughter, Linda, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Banner of Seattle. Places were set around the din- ner table, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Berry for Mr. and Mrs. Max Schmidt, their son, Clay, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lunsford and their children, Sue and Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lobert Bell with only their immediate family, their two daughters, enjoyed their tur- key dinner at home. Among the guests at the Herb Angle home were Mrs. Ernest Ea- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell and their daughter, DorOthy, Mrs. A. L. Bell anc Mrs. Flo Bailey. Mrs. Bertha Cameron prepared a festive dinner for her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lewis of Marion, Mich., who are visiting Mrs, Cameron for the winter. Oth- er guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Prestel and son of Tacoma, MrS. Blanche Prestel of Centralia, Mrs. Helen Van Liew and daugh- ter Nadine, df Centtalia, Mr, and Mrs. Grover Brewster of Shelton, Mrs. Robert Million and daugh- ters, Roxanne and Valerie, of Olympm. Gosser for the holiday were Mr. Miss Terry Payee Bac6n, three- and Mrs. H. L. Hadsell, their week old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. daughters, Jean and Joan, Mr. and C. Henry Bacon, Jr., was unable to MrS. lrgnk Hadsell, ir. and Mrs. join her parents and her grand- H. Hargreaves, Jack Mattieson, parents, ] 'Mrs. C. H. Ba- con, Sr., of Seattle, in the turkey Bill Knight, Lorraine Gosser and dinner. Her dOctbr d requested LePta Pickerel. Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper ier to remain on a milk diet with their son, Freddie, joined awhile longer: however she was their oldest son, Donald, who is present as the fimily gathered attending Washington State Col- here for Thanksgiving, lege at Pullman, for a Thanks- A family dinner at the home of giving dinner at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Faubert was en- I baby daughter, Charleen, Judge and Mrs. John A. Fratdr, Mr. and Mrs. tJugh Burch and Jolmnie Burch, all of Seattle. Mr. and Mr.% W. H. Maxwell and Billie Maxwell spent Thanks- giving Day in Bellin.ghm with Mrs. Maxwell's mother. As guests of the Louis Gratzer household in Tacoma were Mr. and Mr,;. Walter Elliott, Jr., and ,family, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. John- son and their son, and Mr. and Mrs. W F. McCann and their son, Bill. Mrs. F. K. Sheeley of Seattle joined her daughter and son-in- law when she had turkey dinner with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McGi]l and th(ir daughter, Sheila. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McKenzle joined a party of out-of-town friends Thursday when Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Fraser of Tacoma en- tertained at Lakewood Center. A family reunion in Montesano was enjoyed by Mr. and. Mrs. Al- fred M. Michaelson when they speut Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs. Michaelson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawson. Mr. and :Mrs. Vivia, n Morgan entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ever Morgan and family of Ravensdale and Mr. and ]V[rs. laul Marley of Seattle. Grant Angle left his studies at Hill Military Academy at Portland to join his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Eber Angle: Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson of Suquamish was tire h01fday Sched- ule for Mr. and Mrs. H. L: O1- stead. The three sons Of Mr. and Mrs. Ddnovan Palmer, Dean, Phil and Dale, returned home from the Uni- versity of Washington for the hol- iday nd vacation that followed. Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Parrett and Dr. Parrett's mother, .Mrs. Mar- garet Loudon of Minneapolis, Minn., spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Mrs..Parrett's aunt, "Mrs. J. L. Winn of Seattle. Mrs. Loudon has been the houseguest Of the Parrett's for the past few Weeks. She4eft for her hmne in the East Thanksgiving evening. Mrs. J. Lee Pauley expected lier son and Iris family, Mr. and Mrs. .L C. PaUley, and their three d'aughters from Olympia and her mother, Mrs, Minnie B. iPlyes, for Thanksgiving dinner. A quiet family dinner was :planned by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Reichman which included Mrs. Reichman's mother; Mrs, Theresa Baskervllle, and he Reichman children. Susan and David. Spending tl/e holiday with Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Remsberg were members of Mr. Remsberg's fam- ily, including Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Remsberg, Mrs. E: C. Reins- berg, Misses Betty and Carol Remsberg, Vernon Remsfferg, and the three Remsberg children, Mary, Judy and Mary Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Tdmmy Thbmas entertained Mrs. Thomas' family Thanksgiving Day. '121ose in- 7 cludedr- were Mrs. Belle }Iopklns, ;M:s. Tllomas' grandmother, Mr. "ahd FS. Thdinas Rde, her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brad- berry, her aunt and uncle, and Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Harshman. Enjoying the turkey feast at the li0me of r. and Mrs. W. F. Roberts were 1r. and Mrs. E. S. uid, Cloth . .. 50¢ any ty[ sk Your Dealer or Write {ON O. MINGUS Shelton, Washington 5ESMEN WANTED ased, is the war-successful chemica scientists for the Arny and Nav: mass clear vision protection of suf  really valuable to you. DistributO ACCIDENTS--USE FOG-GO. Basement W¢II00 [oncrete BlockA ks speed up the job, save time and laid today are ready for the carpente[ J there is no forms lumber problem. ave used concrete blocks for basemen n because they are easy to work with )perly laid, assure a first class job d st. ves time, money[ ,ur next job with concrete blocks. W e ks, the masonry sand, mortar cemenl materials, etc. you will need. Call usW estimate on the materials for th job, or for any information yo. may require. Helpful descrlptiV literature is yours for the asking SWEATERS O'f All 'Styles, ColOrs and Patterns 'frbm $1.,95 to $i'0,95 In Pull.Overs, Sleeveless, and Coat Styles SPORT S IT$1T S $2.65 to $'9.75 ALL WOOL Sl00RfS $6.45 to $t0B0 ;A GIAND BELE CTI:ON OF DRESS GLOVES Yr0m $2,5O to $8.25 .nd EAIEE /ORK GLOVES 0m to $2.85 Pfedty ;of Fancy PAIAMAS at ,$6.95 a pair RABHOR and BOTANY. Famous N,mes in Ilannels  Terryclo'th  All Wools RO.BES from | Cropper's mother, Mrs. F. C. Kapp, joyed by Mrs. 'Della Jarvis and in Seattle. Donald returned to Mrs. Wendell Hemphill of Seattle, 'Shelton wide his fgmily for the "Mrs. Faubert's mother aldd sister, remainder of the vacation, respectively. .. Guests at the Winston Scott res-. Mr: and Mrs. Gilbert Oswam idence for the holiday were Mrs. and Mrs. Oswald's mother, Mrs. Scott's parents, Senator and Mrs. Robert llhfl, Spent 'the holiday Clinton S. Harley of Seattle, Mr. from Thursday to Sunday at the and Mrs. C. Frederick Harley with home of Mr. Oswald's mother, their children, Pttrlcia, Clinta, Mrs. Ethel 0swId of Spokane. Frederick and Edgar, Mrs. Jay Mrs. Oswald "then returned with I Augustin and children, Louise and the family to Sperid a few days in Hans, and the Scott children, Kar- Shelton. 3 en and Bobby. [ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cole and k reunion in Portland was Mr. and !Irs. dgar Cole returned 3 scheduled by Mr. and Mrs. Ben j Briggs and their children, Nancy and Scotty, who will join Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Briggs and Mr. and ! Mrs. C. E. Scott, parents of the Briggs, for turkey dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Chase e tertained Mrs. Chase's father.  ' Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chase and fleir son, Dick, for Thanks- giving dinner, Mr. and Mrs. George N. An- drews had Mrs. Andrews' mother, Mrs. Emma F. Miller, with them for the holiday. Guests from Tacoma were pres- ent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Duckham. Those included were Mrs. Duckham's mother and aunt, Mrs. Mabel Willis and Mrs. Bernice Buttorff, and Miss Edith Ackerman. Expected for dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Earl were Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Fisk of Clal- lain Bay, Mr. anQ Mrs. Robert i i to the home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Cole, fez the holi- day dinner. Enjoying the turkey dinner at the home of Mr. nd Mrs Roy Mc-. Conkey Were lVlr. McConkeys parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry c- Conkey, Mrs. McConkey's moth- er, Mrs. Elizabeth Purcell, Mrs. D. B. Davies nd the McConkey's sort, Joe. ' Nh's. Pauline Harris joined her son, Ric/rd, at the home of her Sister, fiss Flo 'Payne at CIark- ston, Wash. lichard is attending Washington State Co.Ilege at Pull- mall,  Guests of Mr. a/d rs. A1 Huer- by were Mr. and Mrs. Ha'r01d Sray£h of Olympia With their chil- dren, JeanYne arid Jimmy, r/d: Mr. and MrS. Frank Lynn of Shel-[ ton. ' ' S [ Joining Mr. and Mrs. Charle i Lewis for a holiday feast were Mr:. nd MrS. Jadk Lewis arid their %%. N See Our Beautiful . Rhinestone Dial Watc'hes P0000ECT OmIST00AS • OUR SI/PPLY IS EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD IN Waterproof--Antimagnetic WATCHES Shookpe0of -- Stai Md'ss Seel FREE CRYSTAL  FREE BAND  FREE SERVICE FOR ONE YEAR with any Watch We sell Morton and their children, Eddie, Chauncey and Jan, aI1 of Elma, Mr. and Mrs. Billie Rbberts, and their children, Terry Lou, Jerry Ann all Of Brerfierton, and Mrs. Roberts' mother, Mrs. Nellie Pal- mer. , , Afiother portion of the Roberts family, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer ob- erts and their son, Richard, had Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs, Roberts, parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, O. LeBarr of Kirkland. Mr. and IMh's. C. E. Runacres! were joined by their son, Chuck, 'for ThankSgiving dinner. Chuck, Who is working in Seattle, will be in the Shelton area for the next few weeks. Nl:i'. and rs. C. H. Irelenbatlm Ill were in SeattIe With their daugh-III ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, | Charles S. Robins6n. The Kreien-Ill baum's left Shelton Wednesday in I| I order to attend the wedding oft| [ Robert Seeley, Jr. that evening. |1 A frnily affafr was scheduled /l/ at the home Of Mr. and N/rs. Vir- gil Smith with Just the immediae family, •including 'their son, Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snelgrove and Mr. and MrS. W. H. Snelgrove Were [he guests of the Frank D, Pauleys fox' the hOliday. A family gathering Was held at the Elliot B, Sp'ringhome. Mem- bers of the family present Were ]ra Spring, Mr. and Mrs. Flem. ifig Byars wth their children, Su- san arid Cathy, and Miss Hazel Loomis Of Ol'Ymlia, Mrs. Spring s sister. Shelt0n Woman's cinb Christmas Meeting The annual Christmas meeting Of the Shel't6n Woman's Club was held 1onday, December 2, at the home of Mrs. Grover Brewster. A 1':00 o'clock luncheon was served by the hospitality committee: Mrs. William Batehelor, Mrs. A, Almaden and Mrs. Robert Price. After a short business session, at which time M'rs. W. A. Wit- siers, president, appointed Mrs. C. E. Runacres as delegate to the District Health Cmmcil, the after- sport's program was opened by roll call. Thoe present answered 'by namiIg ' Famefls Womeu of the Bible." . The subject for the afternoon's discussion was "The Origin of Christmas and Christmas Tradi- tions." Mrs. Nina M:iller was in charge of the program and she was assisted by Mrs, Alfred Mi- chaels6n, Mrs. Frank Wll]ard, Mrs. A. Almaden, Mrs. Don Me- Kay and Mrs. W. M. Elliott. MR, AND MRS. GEORGE KNEELAND HONORED Approximately 60 guests gath- ered at the lome of Mr. and Mrs. Maribeth PerdOe Ill In Spokane Hospital faribeth Perdue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Perdue of Spo- kane and former Shelton resi- dents, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gralmm of Shel- ton is reported to be in the hos- pital in Spokane where she under- went an appendectomy last Fri- day. This is the second time in the hospital for her during the Starting December 16, 1946 NORTHWEST EVERGREEN LOCKER PLANT Closes at 530 p.m. PROMPTLY Each Evening past montll. She would lJke to hear from her friends. She is ia the Dcacoless ttospital, Third Floor Annex, gpo- ka,}b. [:.llllllllllllllli|llllllllllllllllllllllllllli Mason County = Creamery Says: Washingotn milk production in September was approxi-  mately 176 million pounds, ._'_---- 2% over September 1945 and 9% over the ten year aver- , age. Milk cows on farms de. clined to 333,000 head, 5% below year ago. On Oc- tober 1 a of ilk producti0n per cow was estimated 17,8 pounds, which is .4 over the 10 year average. During Pc- = tober, butter.dairy-feed ra.  rio showed a sharp in'crease -- as prices received by fa:rners for butterfat advanced so re [ 12€ Witfi sour crettm ftt -- reaching a record level Of over 90€, == The best way to kee p yot/r friends is not to glve *the'm '= away. .lllllllllllmlllllBilfflflllll|llillllm Cliff Wivell's CERTIFIED TEXACO SERVICE Representative in Mason County for Olym pia Oil & Wood III imlii simi= l lll i PRODUCTS COMPANY High Grude Fuel and Deisel Oils PROMPT SERVICE 1st and Franklin Phone 397 We invite you to enjoy our COMPLETE AUTOMOT/VE SERVICE for all makes of cars and trucks. Our service depart, mast is a "miniature automobile factory" so to speak ... where you can get anything from a wash job to a complete rebtfilding job, without worry or care. EVERYTHING TI'/,T IS BEST FOR YOUR CAR AT A PRICE YOU CAN AIFORY) TO PAY. [ i TRUCKERS ATTENTION !l TRUCK MUD FLAPS 005.50 ' : P,ir Requirements iiii i i i ii i 'Hi: Yes, we know how to co p t y ubricate .. , your car, and have the right kind o[ 'Jj,xp: equipment and pecialized lubricant to - - _ _" ,/ do h thorough job. Don't neglect having i]]]g your car lubricated atpr0per intervals I,, and the old oil changedregula: It is • -l ll' the best "long life" insurance t you ..... - can have for your car ,. i' f' ' i ' '?" ' " ' i i CRAKE SERVICE Proper rake Adjustment and wheel alignment i o importantnot only for SAFETY . . . hut alo Wear and tear on car and tiles, Faulty brakes cause seri- ous aex:iderlta . ,. and it's not afe to drive a clir i[ brakes arc not working properly. i ii i i ,: MOTOR SERVICE " 'i ,i of a motor tune-up is slight p to the pleasure and economy it gives YOU in the operation of your We also inataII new rings, new pistons or rebuild your motor if necessary, L I , , RADIATOR AHD r"TTERY SERVICE all beiag stopped up. They should be /  [4, .'J cleaned outthoroughly before ou put in    [ TI'FREEZ ', Batterlea need water i]k9i] KS' b k L and ,oking after too. Iki  1 ii i i i i i i _ TIRE SERVICE r wear Be sure to • in the casings vul. a We handle NEW TIRES and are glad to take care o all your tire troublcs. i Transmission,00a00 it Clutch And Rear Axle When you hear a grinding noise be sm'e to looked after right away. Or a f/ _litplng clutch may meaua BIG REPAIR BIIL ,t not looked after. OUR COMPLETE SERVICE INSURES COMPLETE SATISFACTION. NEEDHAM'S MEN'S WEAR • 117 Cots Street Phone 633 1•25 PHON E 494 E XPERT WATCH REPAIRING -- DIA:IIONDS N'EW W.TBS OUR SPECIALTY Bruce E]more Saturday evening to .o.o..........o_.o... 00ELL00CeEV00OLET,00 land of Seattle. Mr. KneeIand; the , son of Mrs. Slge Kneeland of : " Shelton, is attending law school at the University Of Washington. The ': ]  ...... "" young couple were raarried re'c6nt- First & Grove :::" = ....... Phone 777 ly in Seattie. A buffet supper was Served during the evening. ..... _. .