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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ge 16 .MWMrMVW4 W¢ P&apos;V VVVTVTF : Miscellaneous ,VVVvVr vv v, v v v, v VV'V :FOR SPENCER FOUNDATIONS and supports, phone 799JX for appoint- ,nell< or cMl' at 1't16 Sunhatt Jgrivc. $9-26 }-ZK w-5;K--tT,JKt,-;7-es-5 . doatl benefit memberships. Men, Women, children--ages 1 to 70 yrs. ,, $3,00. Commission basis. The West- €;rn Washington Mutual Benevolent , Society, Inc,, 205-206 Sunset Buiht- ing, ]clllngham Wash. 10-31tin TE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- frigerati0n quipment, Home frcez- era, loelbr plants, milk coolers, etc., cold storage doors and insulation, , ortablo coolers, power meat sawsp • 'Cat Line' of Garden tractors. Kohl- ,,,., er Power Plants. Prica rlght-- quick deliveries. MISKELLA IE- . 'RLGEITION & EQUIPMENT,  Ph. 9690 Olympia, on ).he .llgnway : at Mud Bay "Y". P.O. Box ea2/ n : USED CARS FOR SALE: 193t iModel A ForTc good motor and tires $165. Pet'- , shatl's Associated Station, 4 miles outh on Olympia tlighway. 12-5-19 'OR SALE: '29 Model A couch, $175. ' "28 Chev. coach, $125 both good ' ¢onditioa. For Auto Rebuild, 5t3 .' Park Street, lhone 284-R, 12-5 ,,,.. ii CLASSIFIED ADVEIRTISING RATES 29 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. I week 5. Lower rate for larger ads aria more lnsertielm. Reader notices 8c per word. 75e l'nlnllllulu charge on each notice. Card o1 Thanku. $1.00; oriGlnm poetry 50e per inch; classified dial)lay rates on request. Advertisententa accepted over the telepltono from phone sub- scribrs, Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made within five di) days of the firs! lrlsel'Li()l), to save expense of bilL. lug. An extra charge of 10e will t)e nlado when billing Is necea* sary. PHONE 100 SW.TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAT] Thursday, December Iay, T)eeem:ber , 194 "'-- REAL ES A ....... ,,,ffi.v ' -" , [ .,...._ _ _ ...I. .,-,vv,-.-,vv,v,---:> , ' . FOR S00Jm FOR SA [ il i .dmn i i ! I ...................... .U.TOMOTIVE PAINTING =00tna. truer o, ,an00 --''--LE .................... ....... v • was  .......  .... -. • t. , • i • - ally new. AlSO ([lnu s Cl'l miles out on B}lyslloro facing hiway, anyone knowing her. Name . " ,., m s, r' el .... choice building lots on Angh'.slde, Mrs. Donna (Lawrence) Webb!!: last" I 00iiKK¢li00&&l0000 I 00°ou';Xui00L0000l°0000vcXC%ntoi0000:X,0000ne 00ood 00ondlt,on. e and 8 grecnhoue windows, like now. I knew. Write Mrs elazel ytcner l -  €, , - --, ........ ='"""" ' ]i.1%, I I l I P I size 3x4 ft. Pbone 760-J4, 12-5tin Jennings, Route 4, Box 181, Olyn- [ I h.,. .... v.u .... 12-s-12 .',-- "   .... Ilia, or call collect 23-F-4, 12-5-19 ' .....  ...... _""" _ __ "  FOR. SALE'. Genu'me leo.P IA I FOR SALE: 10 acres on road and vvv.rv-*-w'v",.vvv''v' nv'wv'v'vv'rr'wvqlwrv TrT -ALE" Vm,v,'o l,n',e oil cook beaver tot new, 1 .IJ.LU aaa highway--line 40 rods from lflghway, WANTEID: Seeond growth and small ...................... , • "  430WX. ]B: Sq00. Ten acres corl%el'inG, $150. BUZZ old growth logs. Accurate scalc arid Classified Service Classified Service Praeticallyrange with ndeluxec w. 521draftFairmont.bulnel" J.none ,,,,. _: Fender Works highest prices. Dinning Bros. Mill, Star" at. 2, Dayton, 12-5-12-19-26 Bo-vr-vv.rv ¢.rvvv,vv saw on wheels all located on Mat- look read nine miles west of Shel- ton. See Jim Churchill. on 1)roperty. FOI{ SALE: well built 7-room house. outl)uildings, 15t acres l)art bottom land. FPtdt, two good wells, mull, school busses, nmreantile delivery on crtms roads. $6,000. Routc 2. Box 210, Shelton, $12-5-19 FOR RENT: Beautifully located 1 North lay and state highway 11-28--12-5 lit Allyn, Wuslllngtoa, known as Baysido Apts. Management furn- FOR SALE: lot near ho.,.q)ital, Inquire isllcs ueual furniture and lurnish- Shelton Recreation, First and Frank- lin, ll-28tfn, Ings, lint arid cold runlling Water, refr|geratfon, etoetrie lights, oil burner ami laundry facilities, Apartment prices from $25 to $32.50, Cabin. $15 and $17.50. W. A, Beak. Icy, Manager. 8-28-tin urnishcd }louse Ior part-time care of youngster. Middle aged eouplo preferred. Inquh'e ltitncr's Cafe, -OSALE: 1930 Model A Ford coach. 12-5-tin , IBill Marcy, m(;ellanic at tile Olym- vv-..vv.pvvv'vvwv''"'*'v , Ic Mote, Sales. 2-5 WANTED TO RENT FO't SALE: 1935 V-8 coacll, 38 nlotor, ........... ' r&dio, heater, fog lighta, A-I thru- WANTED: partly furnislled 2-bedroolu OaL ittll Marcy, Olympic Motor Sates. house by Rayonier offlec mac with 12-5 - two children transferred to Shelton. Write Box D, care Journal. D12-5 WANTED: two or throe room house or apartment for lab technician at tile hospital wltl a 6-mos;-old baby. Inquire nt the hospital during the day or after 6:00 p.m. pliene 468R. T10-24tfn :FOR SALE: 1941 Dodge t/z-ton, pick- uI truck, 4-wheel drive. Powc, r w'imll and 850-ft. 3/8 cable on winch. " Phono 626-R or .ee Boh Nelson, P.U.D, No. 8. 12-5 ,F-()R SALE two wheel trailer spare tire, fights, Down sleeping bag, fl- feet Ggg skila, <.able binding and poles. #hone 538M. M12-5-19 "FOI:. SALE: '85 Chevrolet lt t011 truck. $95:00. Inquire at Journal office. McGI2-5-19 .]tUITY on 1946 Nash "600" amount- ,,.,,.4rig to $3_87.00. Fifth place on new car list. 1. t. Collins, l{te, 3, Box 243. 11-28--12-5 LOST /kND FOUND LOST: On the Shelton-Hoodsport Hi- way, 2 miles past tim airport an • English Setter dog, white with black pote. Owner's nalne and address on conar. $25.00 reward. Phone Abel'- deen 4941Wl. J12-5-12 LOST: Pah' maroon colored drapes between LHliwaul) and Potlatch, on Friday night Reward. Write P. O Box 194. Hoodsport, Wash, C-2-5 FOUND: Black dog on Angleside. Owner may haw' upon describing the dog and paying for Journal ad. 16O-M. E12-5 ' LOST: pair crocheted mitlens, wine eohn'ed, brown trim. Downtown last week. Reward. Phone 154R, S12-5 XMAS SUGGESTIONS FOR THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER Tripods Table top Tripods Developing tanks Printers ' Automatic T[ers Developing Trays Trimmer Boards Cellolus Sponges Scotch Tape ,{Opaque) X-Act.q Kliife.Set al'l, extra . bln:flis  . ,  , ,, " Enlarging Easels Darkroon Lamps and bulbs ,-,.,r.Fllm Clips ' NegatiVe tniles ,"Film Clips 8ram and 16nhn extra Reels and Cans 8ram and 16ram Film Chests Oil Coloring Sets ' i Books of Instructions Synchronizers Range Finders Thermometers • , 'Weston Master Exposure Me- , , toys • ! GE Exposure Meters ANDREWS STUDIO 119 Raih'oad - Phone 152 I I I I " r i J FOIt SALE: 2 bedrooms, living teem, dining room, kitchen and bath. Is in good condition, well located on l:tillcrest. Quick possession may be had, $3,500,00. Eddy Business Set'- vice. DON'T READ THIS AD IF... • YOU HAVE A D !: Gee PAYING JOB-- YOUR JOB ISFOR LIFE-- - •  No Seasonal or Other Layoffs) I: YOU GET 30 DAYS • VACATION WITH PAY ' EACH YEAR-- YOU ARE GUARAN rEED " AN AMPLE OLD AGE : RETIREMENT INCOME : AIiE 20 OR 30 YEARS! , BUT ." i If you are not now getting, er see the hope of getting, a mini- ,mum of these four important enlployment advantages, here's ' i food for ttlought.,-then use your ::own judgment .'<befit imnediate action. Men by the ttousands all over America are enlist- ing ill the New Regular Army. BECAUSE 1. AS a prtvate.-.,.mind you just a :l.rivatyour starting salary is ' $75 per month plus "hidden r r pay," bringing 5our pay up to the equivalent of about $2080 a year. Y01J also get regular auto- rna,tic pay increases. 2. As a career yoll thlyve 11o wor- ry about scarclty o jobs oz' sea- sonal layofDz 3. Normally you receive an an- nual leave of 30 days, with full i pay and allowances. , 4, YoLIr retiren(elt income after 30 years service may be a,s high as $1.85.63 per monttl for life. Thege are just four of the many l'Casons why an enlistment in he T!litcd States Army is making cnsc to tlu)usands of thinking men Loday. Why noL tiiscovrr all tile lle r advant',tg. tO ltll ltl'lTly enlistnmnt, Jr<st see tlle Army , Recruiting OffiCer nearest yoU,-- . he's located a[ ': " MEZZANINE FLOOR HOTEL OLYMPIAN - OLYMPIA, WASH. FOR SALE 2-room well built house located on water-front lot on Lake Nehwatzel. Includes furniture for living, Has running water in house and electric lights. Will make a fine place for FOR SALE 4 5-acre tracts, close in, $700 and up. 5-room modern home on Hill- crest. Full basement, built-ins, garden plot, fish pond, Nice view. $8,000. 3-room modern home on Bev- erly Heights. Garden space. $2250. year-round home or summer property. $2500 cash e 13 acres of land half cleared, 7-room home, 325 feet of wa- ter-front with all tidelands, fruit trees and grapes. Located on Bay about 12 miles East of Shelton. Can be cut up into 3 niqc tracts for water-front property. $8500.00 5 - room modern plastered home about 5 years old, with hit room, utility room, and garage attached. Includes oil crculator, incinerator, and electric hot water heater, Ex- cellent yard with sprinkling ystem in lawn. All pro-war material and a fine home lo- cated close-in. $8750.00 5-room modern Imme and din- erie. Electric hot water heater. -acre of land with fruit trees and berries. $4250.00 Herbert G. Angle ii • ", ': SUMMON8 IN TI-}E SUPERIOR COU/¢.T OF THE ' S'PAI'I OF WASHINGTON IeOR MASON C()UNTY. F. O. Granston, W. R. Granaton, R, O, Granston, D. F, Granston, J. II. (Iranston and E, E. Granston, copart- ners doing business under the firm nalHe and stylc of University Plunlb- ing mid Heating Contpany, Plaintiffs, Inquire Saeger's Grocery Arcadia Road 1 Mile from Log Cabin Service 11/28-12/19 I FOt-SALE.V-4-room house with bath. Three quarters of an acre ot land on paved highway seven miles to- ward Olympia, near school and sore. Eugene E. Taylor, Rte. 1, Box 115. 11-21--12-5 FOR SALE: view lot 8th and Turner, Angleside Add.. $850. Atle Eve, Me:. Cleary, Wn. ±l----e FOR RENT: 2-room furnished house. Electric stove. Inquire Ritner's Care, 11-14tin. FOR SALE: five-room house, incom- plete. Inquire at 518 Park St. F10-10tfn. FOR SALE g.bedroom house on Hillcrest, fire- place, roomy breakfast nook, en- garage, good view. Price $5000. M. c. ZINTHE% R, eaor. Phone 57. room modern home on W. Rail- road Ave. one mile from city con- ter; large garage, extra big lot, city water. Price $5 500. M. C. ZIN- THEe, pheno 157. phone 157, • * . Partly finished 4-room llouse ill Stewart's Addition, with two lots 100 x i39 ft, City water and elec- tricity. Price $8500 on terms. M. C. ZINTHEO, Plmne 157. 80-acre improved fm'm on Har- stino Island, regular ferry service; 12 acres cleared, plenty of thnber, emall stream, piped water; 6-room house, good barn, chicken house, family orchard, hayland re-seeded; price inclu es some stock, imple- ments and furniture. A real buy at $5,500.00 on terms at 5%. M. C, ZINTHEO, Re.alter,. phone 157, tIigh-class, ul)art'nent- produgi..g good stcaaY inconlc, l'or a0tall ace M. C, ZINTHEO. Realtor. 11-7-14 Franeidse Applieatlon NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR FRANCHISE vs.-- IN THE MATTER OF J ] leynolds Del'c, ndant. SATi)] )t  WASHINGTON to J.E. The pplieat on of the United States o/Anterlca for a franchise to construct, leynolds, Defendant. opernto and maintain one or more You arc hereby Summoned to ap- elect,'le power transmission l i n e s pear within sixty (60) dnya after the date of the lqrst publication, of this across, over" and upon certain eonnty roads t)r portions thereof in Mason summons, to-wit, Within sixty uays County, Washington. . ...... after tire 24the'day of October, 1946, WHEREAS, the Umteu tates ot and defend the abovo .entitled action Ameriea has, under the provisions of in the court aforesaid, and answer Cbaptcr 187. Laws of 1937, filed with the complaint Of the plaintiffs and the "Beard of County Commissioners of serve n copy of, your answer upon Mason County, WashinGton, an appli- the undersigned attorney for plain- cation for a franchise to construct, tiffs aL his office address hereinDelow maintain and oDeratc one or more stated, and in case of your failure so pow:r translnJssion lines, to- t{) do. .Judgntent will be rendered wltta tile necessary towers, aatnst you according to the den<and oles and other fixtures appurtenant o£ the, complaint which has been flied Ilereto, across, over and upon the with the Clerk of said court, heralnufter described county roads or 'ho object of the action Is to re- cover judgment upon a contract for tho purchase Of goods, wares and merchandise, J. W, GRAHAM, Attorry for I lalntiffs ()ffiee AddresS. Gooey Bide,, S]mlton, Washington, 10 -24-31--11-7-14-21-28--18-5--7t0 Slai.e l)I] Washiagton• O 1,.1,,i C ic e S|L[ El€VISOR ()If HYDRAULICS Olympia NOTI('E OF WATER IllGl[T AI'PIACATION NO. 7499 portions thereof in Mason County, Washhlgton. for apcrlod of fifty ycars. ]'OW. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bearing will be held on aid apllcatien by the ]3oard of County Comrnissloners ef Mason County, in the Mason County Com't IIouse at Shelton, Washington, on the 16th day of December, 1946, at 2:90 o'clock P.M. The following described roads or l?or- tLons t imreof are tne ones referred to above : The center line ef the 115-kv trans- intssion line erosses tracts: ' CA-220ACounty P.oad No. 2 at BPA survey statiou 1003 + 46 in the E SW%tSW4 (?f Section 7. Township 20 North, Range 3 Wcst, W.M.. as shown TO Wtl()M IT MAY CONCERN: Notice ia ]e,reby given that A. l). on drawing serial No. 29252. *4nd Grace E, Stebbins of Tacoma, CA-220B--C0unty Road No. ]13 nt State of Washington under date of BPA survey station 1015 + 44 in the ()cLober 15, 1046. filed with the, State SNE,.,SW  of Section 7, Townehlp Supervisor of Hydraulics. Olympia, 20 North. Range 3 West, W.M., as Wasllington, an apl)lieation for a per- shown on drawing serial No, 29252. mlt to divert Ille public waters of CA-220C--County Road No, 33 at (oultu' Cre(k ir butary of Cases In- SPA surw'y station 1023 + 66 in the let, ia the amount of 0.01 second-foot, Wx/4NWdSE_ of Section7, Township subj0ct Lo existing rights, for the pur- 2u iNorln, .leSSee 3 WeaL, W.M.. as I)oSb of donlcstk', Sill)ply continuously; shown on draw ng serial No, 29252. that. tim approximate point df diver- CA-226A--The Johns Creek Road at ;:)f"  '('.t /);<'9". T;wJ'][i 22' N:""u'(","""tC''tth'np S''i-'f I NwL4ange BPA survey station 1104 + 24. in the SEINWISE% of Section 5, Township 1 W,W,M., 'in Msson County"A rnal) 20 North, Range 8 West, W.M.. as howing tlu, location aad l)lan of said shown on drawing serial No. 29253, diversion and the plaen of tltc prola)S- CA-232A---A Mason County Road at ed 1 s is ¢)n 'It'. tn the of flee of the BPA survey v;tation 1195 d- 37 in tile SLate Supc)'vlsor OI ]lydraulics, Olynl- WrSN?tzISWtl, nf oetion 84, Town- l)bl, Washington, tog'ether with such ship 21. North, ]lnnge 3 We,qt, W.M. ot}er iu'(rnat nt Its is r2quir¢.d by as shown on drawing, serial No, 29255. law. CA-25.1A--County Road No. 68 at AnY perl(.)n, firm or corporation BPA survey station 1613 -{- 31 in the Wl o ' ght Wt 1 be injurleuslk" " affect- NE!,SESV of Section 3, Township tt bY said app! caii)li may 1lie with 21 orth, Range 2 West, W.M,, as IIe tale Sup(wvlsor of Hy(h'aulics, at shown on drawhrg aerial No. 29268. Olymi)ia, Waviiington suc'h objectioa. (SEAL) HARRY DEYETTE, o" reprseultations in as ne Mason County Auditor, nluy (toMre to slake, within tl)irLy (lit)) Shelt0n, Washington. days after date of las pul)llcatlon, 11-2812*5--2f. wltich date is l)ccenlbcr 5. 19.t6. Witness Iny band and offh,,ial seal lhts 13th day of Novesff)or. A.D, I!i4G. Sis,to of 'ss]|inglon (SEA1,) RODNEY IYI(EIt, OPI,'ICE OF SUPERVISOR Stat( Sllpet'vlor of Ilydraulies. Oil' ]IYIII{AULICS 11-2812-5 Olympia NO. 1873 No'rICE OF %VATEIt RI(IIIT IOTICE TO CI{I,DITOIIS AI PI,ICATION NO. 749"1 TO lell,'l*J CLAIMS --'- IN TIlE SIIPEIIIO1 COURT o]e TIfI TO WHOM IT MAY CONC:DIRN: STATS ('lie 'WASt-IINGTON IN AND Notice Ls hereby given that: Arthur FOIt 'I']II,3 COUNTY OF MASON. 5. Bcael) of Br(uuerton, State of Wa,b- ]N I'R(IllATE ington, undrr date of October 9 J946 la the M'atter of the Estate of fih.d with the State Supecvisor of lly- Frank L, Chase, Deceased. draulics, Olymphl Washington at1 up- NOTICE 1S I]EREBY GIVEN, }hut Idication for a pcrnlit to divert the Lrtlers q'oatanlentary on tbc EsLate of puhltc waters of au unnamed stream Fl'ank L. Chasc, dec{.astKt, -wet'e grant- ul the anlount of 0,01 second-foot, ed lo the undersigned ou the 16th mH3ject to existing rights, for the pur- day of Novembcr 19,16, by the .aid pose of domestic supply continuously; Sup u'h r Court, that the approxbnat( point of diver- ( 1/, 1 A 1 l)cra(.ms haviu4" claims against sion is located within SI,j of SE,.I 8aid estate /u'e rcquil;ed t0 serve them el Scctton 22. Township 24 N., Range W |1) |h0 neccssal'y VOtlC}lers ilpon the 8 %V,,W. M,, in Mason Connty. A nlap mldc 'sigl:tcd at lhc Law ()ffice t)i' AI- sltowtng the ha:at[on and ])lan of said den C. BItylcy, Title Insurance Iuild- divcraion and the. place of lhe pro- tire S m t,)n W tul ington thtt bang f)osed use., ia en i'ile ill t)le office of the l)l lv' dcsignaied for tile transac- the State Super,lsor of' llydraulics, t on A' the bnsinesg of 'the estate, Olynlpia, Wa,htngton, iogetbcr will] wllhiu SlX mnnths after ill date 0f sueh (ithcr infornlatlen as is rcqmrea ttl frst Dubllcat[on of this nottcc, by law, t )-wJL: Wit lin sin Iilonths after the Ally persou, flrl i or corporatioll 2ist 0ay el' NowtlDber, 146, all(| Hie wlloSe right will be injuriously affeeted sanl( wills 1he Clerk of tlda Court, by said application nlsy file with the, t0gOtller with tnoof of .such service SLate, SLlpervisor ()f ttydraullcs, at 0r they will be rorevcr Darreo. Olympia, Washington, such objections l)ate.d this 21st day of November er re[n'esentations, in writing, as he may desire to make within thirty (30) 19.16, NAOMI PAULEY CHASE. days after date of la.t publication, ],x0cutrix of th0 Estate ,ff which dale is December 5, 1946. Frl[nk L. Chase, Deceased. Witness my lrand and official seal AIA)]N C. BAYLEY, this 8tic day of Novenlbcr, A.D. 1946. Attorney for Executrix, (SEAL) Title Insurance Building, ROI)NEY RYKER. Shelton, Washington. Stato Suporvior of ttydraulica. 11-21-28--12-5-14t. 11-28--12-5-z-2t WANTED TO TRADE:.ncw Spindrier washing machine for a good used wringer type washing machine. James Derlck, St. Rte. 1, Box 66-A. I1-28--12-12 WANTED: ride to San Francisco or Los Angeles between now and Dec- ember 15, Will share expenses. Ref- erences, Write or inquire Box 1, c-o Journal Office, 11-28--12-12 WILL TAKE CARE of children by hour, day or week. 1411 Raih.oad. Bll-21--12-5 WANTED: 48-inch nsertod tooth rip saw, center hole 1%-inch. Write or seo Leo E. Mundell Rural Route 2, Box 129A Shelton. '(Philllp's Lake) ' 11-21--12-5 WILL PAY TOP PRICES for first or second growth, fir logs, delivered to our mill. Single loads or contract. Castle Mill six miles out Bayshore Road, or 'phone A, Tucker at Shel- ton Hotel, 11-712-26 WANTED: young couple, no chil- dren, wish to rent furnished house or apartment in Shelton. Perma- nent residents. Pllono 541R. Mll-7ttfn, WANTED: watch charms and fobs. Inquire Journal office. 10-I0tfn WANTED: Experienced woman for general housework and care of one child. Room, board, good salary. In- quire Journal. 4ll-tn WANTED: women to wor aa oyster cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long am- tance, Oyster BaF, collect, ask for Oscar Zadell. 10-18-t W AIT.RE@S and kitchen lleIp wated,. APPW otel Shelton Coffee Shop, 5-atta W AT TO IUy: old horses for;Mink ieed. Myers and HanSen Mink Farm, OIympla. Phone 4678 eolledt. 1-1tfn WANTED: ALDER, MAPLE, TOP PRICES, honest scale, short haul. Brame Mill. Lynch Road and Hi- way, four miles south of Shelton. 8-29tfn. THE GIFT BOX 200 West 4th , . Olympia, Wash. We invite you to visit our shop of Catholic religious supplies and gifts. 7/8-tin Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Medical Contracts, Old Age Assistance, or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 CHIMNEY AND FURNACE CLEANING Heating System REPAIRS And Service William Graham Phone Union 383 or Write Union, Wash. I I I 1 • NO. t866 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO I)RE - SENT AND FILE TIIEIR CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Cur- tls C. KIdd, Deceased; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Harry Ktdd, llas becn appointed and has qualified as the Admhlistrator of the eetate of Cur- tis C. Ktdd, deceased, and that all persons }laving claims against the said estate or the said deceased are here- by required to serve the same, vedlfied, with the necessary vouch= ors attached, upon the underslgneu Administrator or his Attorney of Rec- ord, Chits. R. Lewis. at his office address, to wit: Bell Building, 119 .South 4th Street, Shelton.. Washington, the same being designated as the place for the transaction of the busi- ncss of the asld estate, and file such claims with the Clerk of the above en- titled court together with proof of service within six nlontha after the date of first puhlicatlon of this notice, to-wit: December 5, 1946. or all claims riot so served and filed shall bo Iorever barred. ) IIARRY KIDD Adnlinistrator el the estate of Curtia C. K dd, Deceased, CHAS. R, LEWIS, Attorney for Said Estate, Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street. SheRon, Mason County, Washington. 12-5-12-19-26-4t NO. 1874 Nt)T1CE TO CREDITORS TO I)REENT AID FILE TIIEIR CLAIMS, IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PRORATE In Tire Matter Of The Estate Of Earl F, Jacobs. Deceased. IOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Polly Jaeobs; has been app01ntcd nnd has qualified as the Adminlstratrix of the estate of Earl F. Jacobs, deceased, and that all persona having clainls against the said estate or the said deceased are hereby r(quircd to serve the same, duly veriiied, witl the necessary vouchers attached, upon the under- signed adminlstratrix or her Attorn(v of Record, Chas. t. ewls, at his o- flee addreas, to wll': Bell Building, 119 South 4th StreCA., Shelton, Wasli- iugton, the same being designated as the place for the lransaetion of the business of the attld estate, and file such elainm with the Clerk of the ab()vt) entitled cout:t..t0gethcr wttll proof of Sl'viee w'ltnln six months after the date of flrat publication of this notiee, to wit--: December 5, 1946, or all claims not so erved and filed shall be forever barred. POLLY JACOBS, Adnliniatratrix of the estate of Earl F, Jacobs, deceased. CHAS. R. LEWIS, , Att(n,ney for said estate, ,,, "leIl BuildinG, 119 South 4th Stt'o. Sheltou, Mason County. Washinl.ton. 12-5-12-1921-4t BURGESON RADIO REPAIRING ser- vice on all makes home and auto radios. Across from Junior High school, 1221 Franklin. Phone 112W, Pick up and delivery. Closed Sat- urdays, or leave work at Klllmer Electric. ll-Ttfn. PRESCRIPTION SERVICE on medi- cal contracts, old age assistance or dh'ect with you on your doctor's order. Prepp's Drug Store, Second and Railroad. 10-3tin. WELL DRILLING: Work and mate- rial guaranteed. Vern Davidson, 903 Ellinor, Shelton. Phone 229W. 7-18tin ELECTROLUX CLEANERS. SALES, Service and supplies. Free pickup and delivery. Jack Manley. only authorized fac- tory representative. Phone Hoodsport 2W2 or Killmer Electric, phone 664. 7-18tin. PORTABLE STEAM CLEANER for truck and auto motors. Work eve- nings and Saturdays. Ernest Booth, 41i Harvard. phone 478-J 6-20tin. DANCING every Saturday at Hatchery Grange Hall. Good music, goodtine. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING. also partsor all makes of sewing ntachlnes, Phone 596J. B10-3th CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING and moa grinding. ]:lave your locket" meat cut Jy an experienced meat cutter. Beet. pork. veal and elk and deer in sea- son. Cut. wral)ped and tritmnings round. 3e pound. Don Williams. 4 Dearborn. Phone 381M. 9-12tin USED TIRES: passenger and truck recapping and repairing. Sam B. Smith Co., Legion and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. U. S. Tires and batteries, ll-15tfn. HEMSTITCHING: 10c yard also buto tonnming. Mrs. Ellis Wells 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadia and Boundary Streets.) 2-28-tin HEMSTITCItING 16c ARD. Knlfe and scissor sharpening. Would like to continue with Mrs. Twohy'e cus- tomers, Mrs. Fred Elson, 427 Belle- vue. 8-7-tfn IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIANS contact C. L. Col- lins, Business Agent, 1612 Divlsion. Phone 240W. 3-30tin NEW BEARING SERVICE WE HAVE ADDED A NEW LINE BORING BAR AND TOBIN ARP BEARING RESIZER TO )UR EQUIPMENT. Also Federal Mogul Bearings Cracked Cylinders and Block Repaired by K W COLD WELD METHOD MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP d07 South First Street, Shelton Phone 628 ! IF YOU HAVE CAR TROUBLES COME IN AND SEE US Ignition, Carburetor and General Overhaul Fender Repairing and Painting TIRES AND BATTERIES FOY AUTO 513 Park Street REBUILD Phone 284-R 12-5-26--4t. SIXTEEN INCH forest wood to party with truck. Wo cut it, you deliver It. W. C. Bradley inquire of Dean Bradley at East Dickinson off t)l' Cascade, 12-5-12-19 FOR GOOD Paper Hanging and inter- ior decorating Phone 760-J-I, Frank W. Giblet'. 12-5-12-19-26 N--'YL-ON H0SE MENDED: Runners and snags, Phone 217R2. P12-5tfn. _ I Ii Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st Phone 126 CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E. Pine -- Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 236-RX Prompt Service AUTO BODY REPAIR I WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK • 'E AT°O N Body and Fender Works Third and Grove Streets PHONE 84 Shelton FIX-IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furniture Repair O Appliance Repair "O Cabinets Built or Repaired O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box 182-A Phone 462-JX DON'T READ THIS Unless Your Radio Needs Repair THEN CALL BURGESON RADIO SERVICE Phone l12-W 1221 Franldin Closed Saturday Or Leave Work at Kllhner Eleetric CARD OF TIIANIiS Wg• wish to express our hear(felt gratltU¢le for the synlDathy, kin(luess and Lmsi.stance, also tim ht, autlftll fief S] oIIerlngs given ns during tile h)ss of our loved one l 1 Jeanne  .. Mrs. Mc Tiel Sae- ge ", • aeer, Mr. and Mrs. Don Saeger0 Donda Lea. W, .CARD OF TIIANES e Wsr] to express our hear(felt gr/J, iLud.e }or the 'sympathy. kindness ana ststance, also the beautiful flor- al otle.'lngs, given us during the loss dt[ t,ur loveu One. Grace Forbes, Glen- lilt ]iorees, Mrs, Virginia Sullivan, Mr. 'i/nd. lvtrs. W. D, Forbes and George lorb0. SWEDISH MASSAGE Zone Therapy And Mineral B/th MONDAY THRU FRIDAY " 9 = 6 p.m. 228 South Second St. A. F. OPPELT Phone Hoodsport 24J4 or Shelton 448 r RAY'S JEWELRY O Prompt Watch Repairing O 117 Cota Street Phone 633 MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP o SPECIALIZING IN MOTOR REBUILDING REBORING the Clean Way VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDING BRAKE DRUM REFINISH" ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shelton i KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For hnnxediate Delivery PHONE 645-W SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Gardcn Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs Sleyster's Fixit Shop Ttfird and Cota PHONE 243 OIL CONVERSION UNITS types to changc your wo(d or coal range for oil, S'ame units as used by factory nmd- els. CAL WILSON CO. Hoodsport - Phone 10 or 17 1,hone 431W. E12-5 FOR SALE: Dry old groWS1 wood, second growth dl - FOR SALE: four I)ut'ham nlilk cows. I'hillil) tiardie. Rte. 3, B0, one calf. one milk eoolcr and other t.'honc 305, Feed Dept things. S,,,'en tons of hay. CaU at io--LL i;-OR SALE "25 N0rm- [he l)l'izner [arnl at Matlock, dH.*tll- . a its Gl'ant. OWller, 12-5-12 St,, Mrs. FOR SALE: breakfast tablc and four FOR SALE: One c, hairs. S(.e J. A. Waltqrs, 1239 Laur- el St., Mr. View, 12-5-12 FOR SALE: man's bicycle. Inquire at 1222 Cots. Tll-28--12-12 FOR SALE: one light weight Vauglm drag saw and OIIC wood heater. Call evenings at 829 Ieranklin. Gll-28tfn FOR SALE : one lsed white trash burner with coils, burns wood or c0al, one nsed Colon}Ill wood range" with coils, both in good condition, Phone lIeodsport llWd after 6:00 p.m. Mc11-28--12-5 KITCHEN cabinets, linen closets, store fixtures, and custonl nlill work. nlado to order. For ree estimates Phone 217R2 or 217R3. Peterson Bros. 8-1tfn. GIFTS, NOVELTIES Souvenirs, Party Favors Baby Things OLYMPIC HiWAY & NORTH G (Mr. View) Hours 1]. a.n. to 9 p.nt. FOR SALE BOATS & LAUNCHES 27 /-ft. CABIN CRUISER, powered with 4-cylinder Con- tinental Priced for quick sale, only ........................ $1350. Also have an 18-ft. stock mod- el, Vee bottom, 6 h.p. air- cooled inboard motor boat .... $860.00 For Particulars See L, E. Miskella Refrigeration At Mud Bay "Y" Olympia Highway 11/25-12/5 CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN RANGE to oil. See the new Therm silent Air Flow Burner in operation at Sam B. Smith Co., Legion Way and Cherry,. Olympia. Phone 7753. ll-15tfn. FOR SALE: see Olympic Motor Sales for at<to parts and accessories. First and Mill Streets. ohone 595. 7-4tin BRIGGS AND STRATTON air cooled gas engine. Sntith and Binger, Le- gion Way and Cherry, Olympia, Phone 7758. 11-15tin FOR SALE: two nlen's blue tweed • sport jackets, size small. Inquire Journal 8-22tin. iii HILLCREST HARDWARE Builders' Supplies - Paints Spotting Goods Plumbing &I-IettTlg ...... ';" 1209 Olympic Hwy., Phone 499  We have a few 40 and 50-gal- lon Electric Water Tanks. No priority needed. And a few 2-h.p. Evinrude Outboard Motors. All Steel Lawn Mowers $26.45. Get one for 'Spring. Range Conversion Burners and lots of coppcr tubing and fit- tings. You will find lots of hard to get merchandise at our store. FOR SALE: hand crocheted baby sacques, caps, boottees and soakers. Assortrnent on lnlnd or orders taken. Mrs. W. A. Brodt, 121 E. Cedar Street, Phone 582J. 10-24tin FOR SALE: baby buggy, two tables, one a drop leaf. Coolerator. one heater, one small wood and ceal cook stove, one comnmde table, kit- chen stool, bedroonl set including dressing table, ctmst of drawers, and bed. Turn right at Pine's Court, two blocks, turn left, second house. N. E. White. 11-14tin, PHONE 26 for home milk delivery. " Mll-14tfn, FOR SLE: man's Tuxedo. size dO. Worn very little. May be seen tt Journal. Dl1-14-28 FOR SALE: prdwar man's bicycle, good condition good tires. $30 cash. Inquh'e Journal. A-1. All-7tfn. FOR SALE: hosl)ital bed, complete with mattress. Just like new, $90 cash. Inquire Journal, A-1. A11-7tfn FOR SALE: picked King al)ples, $1.50 per oox, t coxes $10. Bring con- taincrs. Jacoby Ranch, Route 2. phone 6F12. JII-21--12-5 1). 1]'88 NOTICI' Oi" IIEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION Felt DITRInUTION 4 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN I IIOnATE In the Matter o[ tim Estate "of An- drew Carlson, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LLwrenee A. C.arls0n. Executor of the Last Will and Testament and oI the estate of Andrew Carlson. has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court his lnal Report and Petition" for Distribution asking the court to settle and approve said Final Report and Petithm for Dislributieu, distri- bute the Droperty to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said Executor. NOTICE IS FURTttER GIVEN that ibe heating ou the said Final Report will be heard on Saturday, the 4th day of January, I947, at the hour of 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, at thc Court Ih)onl. in i}le Court Ilouse, in Sllelt on. Washington. Dated this 30th day of November, 1946. (SEAL) CLAR:C ENGELSEN. County Clerk CHAS. R, LEWIS. Bell BuildinK, 119 S,lutlt 4th SLreet. Shelton, Mason County, V'ashiugton. ) . o ) 12-o-1-19-26--,It. dO, 20.00; one wood er. I0,00; one hand $1b.00 ; one electric Iron, lUI* ncckplece, $5.00. iLion, B.oute 2, Box PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE NO. 1875 NOTI('I,] OF P|<TITI(}N I:OP AI)OPTION 1N THE SU1)ERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASt{IGTON FOR M AS()N COIJNTY In t]|c Mtltt('r of lhe Adol)(ion of 1)oh)ros Anlla l)ost aud Donald Char- les Post. Miners. TO I)ELMAt't POST: NOTICE IS IIERERY GIVEN: <hal Janles F. Snlitb of HoodspeI't, Wasb- ington, IIs .filed in above entitled ceurt his pelitiou for adoption of 1-)el- lores Anna Post and Donald Charles Post. minors; that: you are hereby re- iquired tu appear lrl said cause on or )eft)re 15 day.s front date of first pub- Ileal}on of this notice, to-wit on or n K before 1,) days from the otb day of December, 1946 io show cause, if any yoU nnty }lave, why the prayer of said petition should no be granted. I SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN. 1.-o-12--.t,d' ,,.- o Clerk o£ -aid Court, WORK GUARANTEED 1 Mile South On Olympic Highway 0GERS BROS. GARAGE Phone 218R-2X FOR SALE: 1 Guernsey cu, old, good family ceW  nlilk goats, 1 ndlking, 10l]i lo.t the two. Call evcningJ 1. . or fercn0on Sat. and. nlith, ltoutc 3, -BOX "21, cycle. Cocker Spaniel puppI away. 761-1).-4. SALE: Led woO--TZ_." SCHNEID[ FOuRrning beater. Clara l:, si00,. i. ,ox DAN FOR SALE: Eas i =, Easy Sprindrie' machine, Inquire at <,he BI' EVERY SAT Now -€ Mason-Coun SMITH BROS. " Playing Req trlc tore, ; Music To Suit A WILL PAY CASH for US0d:I machine. Phone 596J. }: LUNCH AND BO' FOR SALE: ladles all-W0°i/ suit, box jacket. Green* .$ Never been worn. ReaS Dancing 9 quire Journal Office. -- ..,,l $1 Per Per FOR SALE: 150 gallon inY'lB water tank and uprlgbt, , • boiler, $80 cash. Inqur0 "- - , .... _2__ -1 ..... .; _ FoR ono set inch wl els and one VaIL saw. Inquire at Pershall'S : ! _ L, .... FOR -ou or woou.--i:-  ""__-_=---- ... ,h . _ naee, -") in Our Hot air See G, C. FOR SALE: cook I Nount b(d, play pen in Mrs. Marksl Rte. "FOR SALE: two range COl Ideal for oil burner conVV, i' J. ]3. Schott. Laurel St..', and K Iron, 9:OO a.m. un0 .-- -- IJhelto00 )long ta¢7t I o ate}is No,'sl:  m .an YES . . . V('. n)w havck Shcltoa Electric Co. 'pb FOR S*L: beauUful dl' Due to present c, gagement ring quarter %1 three chips on'each side, YI very little. $200 value fo'i. will be limited f qnire at 1,229 Cots. ,r"a** i ], ............... soon as possibl complete line of B. Franklin ATT( Courthouse, Phone 312 PHONE 657 Personalized. Acoou 4' , Service ;[, Address: Shelton,  /:!|" Rt. 3, Box 54A!,i Phone: Shelton 11} CRAIG P. ELECTRICAL Eliot Electric E( Title Insurance A! HOLiD Charles T. | WRIG00'00I ATTORNEY-AT' Angle Building, SheltOn, } --.Teleph°ne  C00AaLES R. ATTORNEY AT I-!• 119-121 South Fourtqi Bell Buildin i] A ALDEN C. BA . lld SEASOH| WITSIERS .,i Yes, holiday ti= FUNERAL H0 It's a time tO , Llcen=ed EmbalWcrf W. A. Witslers, 1° loved ones.., a Phone 180 = - Sheltom the warmth of ...a time to ren ELLIOT B. SpBl a time tO relax Accounting Tax S#I, The Union Paci Bookkecplng 8yt?l 123 4ti St. INSURANGB UNÁÜN