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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, December "' ! FOR SALE DL/ICIIiIIO, 1: hi's oil,oiler, ape. One ally new. Also child's crib el)orator, ross in good coildition, i cement , Elinor.• Eox 232. i 12-5-12 FOR. SALE : Genuine oil cook i bcaver trim. Almost neW. burner. Phone 'I30WX. airmont. E12-5 FOil SALE: Dry old ..... [ wood, sccond 'OWt ilk coxv:L l']tiliil, Ilardie, tte. nd other i t' lone 305, I, eed Dept. Call at :k. Juan- HOLLY t)'OR SALE; "225 12-5-12 I St., Ml'a..McKay. t and four JY()II SALE: One inan's 139 Lau: .10, $20.00; om wo(,d and 12-5-J or, $10.00; one hand ---- $15.00; one electric Inquh fur lmc.kpie, ce, $5.00. • 28--12-] ilton, I.oute 2. Box Vaugh tier. Cn lrOl', SALE: i Guernsey ll-28tf old, good iamily cow, lllilk goats, 1 lllilking, |o ll'as J'of tile two. Call eycnl wood £ 1).111. OV fort'noon Slit. )d l'allg nlittl, itoute 3, BOX ollditiol 'ter 6 :l 73ecember h, :1.94. "IVE PAINTING : GLASS INSTALLED IDLEY'S Body and Fender Works PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED 1 :Mile South On Olympic Highway BROS. GARAGE Phone 21SR-2X CITY LEAGUE CAGEMEN OPEN PLAY MONDAY MORGAN LUMBER OPENS OLYMPIA LOOP CAGE PLAY SATURDAY Hoping to match the success of their diamond contemporaries of last summer, a Shelton entry in the Olympia city basketball league opens its schedule with a home game Saturday night in the new Shelton gym at eight o'clock by entertaining the St. Martins Col- lege junior varsity. The Shelton quintet will wear the colors of the Morgan Lmnber Company and will be managed by Mel Morgan A team built around Bill McCann, Dan Cormier, Bill Steelhead Season On; Ducks To End Lacking the enthusiastic wel- come of some previous years, the three-month 1946-47 steelhead fishing season opened last Sun- day with high waters and gen- erally unfavorable fishing c.ondi- tions discouraging all but the hardiest anglers oRains and snow of late have played hob witlf favorite steel- head waters and followers of the winter angling sport generally agree the fighting fish are not as plentiful as usual this ycar. So principal interest of sports- TOURNEY OPENS HERE SATURDAY Firing opens In the first: an- nniti Shelton handicap bowling 1 ournanmni, I Ilia alurday after- noon at 1:45 o'clock with the opening weekend of tile two- week end tournanmnt being taken np entirely by visiting kegelers from SedroWoolley to Long'view and points between. The closing week end, Dee- emher 14 and 15, will fnd local bowlers shooting for tile prize money and aiming at ,Scores set hy lhe out-of-town contingents whh,h open tim tourney Salur- 8 Teams Square Off On 14.Game Basket Bender In 2 Gyms City league basketball teams raise the curtain on a 1,t-game championship sclmdule next Mon- day evening with a three-game program in the new gym starting at seven o'clock and follow up with another triple treat next Wednesday night in the old , gym also starting at seven o clock. Playing twice-a-week, in the new gym on Mondays and in the old gym on Wednesdays, the city leaguers are slated to wind Ul) their season on February 17 af- Page : ................................. .:/ ........ L_;.: ........ i":'. " ........... .... .............. : Washed Sand and Gravel I I ] I JOHN'S CREEK N ) , " "' ' SAN]) ANI) GI,AVEL CO. Locally Owned and Operated P, USINII PHONE 19-F-:I EVENINGS PHONIC 655 Shelton, Wash. ....... = ................ ."-- T ,..; .... 7 ..................................... ---7- ii ii , , i High Sehool BASKETBALL SHELTON [-28--12-5 )to, store I work. .stimates t)etevson 8-1t fn. & 1) hi. :S [SER, Con- quick 1350. Wn. /4'till SALE: Nearly new cycle. Cocker Sl)aniel t away. 761-II-4. SCHNEIDERS PRAIRIE i)uvnJllg lmater, Clara Star Route 1, 13ox ¢16 DANCING 12-GAUGE Winclmter ]Vlod and 4 boxes shells, $50. Ph ]felt SALE: Easy Sprindri( ,,,a01,i,,e. I,,,t00,ire a00,ho, EVERY SATURDAY, NIGHT er at tlle l-loodsport Auto ]) D --- izcul 'OR ALE: lontag c'" er in excellent conditi( practically new carl)el owe . Phmm' 1-1;-J. - ' :i Now sponsored by ' Mason, County V. F. W. Post SMITH BROS. DIXIELAND BAND Playing Request Numbers and C°{:-Il°] Music To Suit All Dancing Tastes WILL PAY CASH for machine. Phone 5965. teOR SALE: ladies suit, box jacket. Green• Never been worn. quire Journal Office. FOI. SALE: 150 Gallon water tank and boiler, $80 cash. A-L "OR BALE: one set of inch wheels and one saw. Inquire at Perslmll' Station. F'O:R SALE: ht'ge size Coca tric cooling machine, tion. Inquire leg end St., phone FOR SALE: Western nace, oil or wood, Hot air circulator See G. C. Angl 9. FOR SALE: cook stove,, bed, 1)lay pen i :Sirs, Mai'ks I.te. FOiL SALE: two range Ideal for oil burner 5. B. Sclmtt. Lain'el and K from 9:00 a.m. :FOR SALE: tte set. light oak. Four chairs, ble. $25. Blonde dinin witi buffet, cilairs, $100. , Jersey, $100. Stella Nor oasis da¢ YES • . . V,5 n.w have ertL Slleltoll Electric FOR SAt,E: beautiful gagcment ring, three chips on very little. $200 value quire at 1229 Cota. PROFESSIONAL LUNCH AND BOTTLED BEER SERVED Dancing 9 P.M. to 2 A.M. $1 Per Person, Tax Included Now Open for Business in Our Location on Mountain View Lumber Company Due to present centurions our services Will be limited for some time, but as soon as possible we will handle a € complete line of building materials. B. Franklin ATTORN EY-AT-L A Courthouse, Phone 312 PHONE 657 P. O. BQX 598 Levctt, AI Eaton, George Valley and Warren Woods will attempt to repeat the championship per- formance which the Shelton Log- gers turned out last summer in winning the Olympia city baseball leagne title. Other players than those nam- ed will be added to the :Morgan roster as their play in the Shel- ton city basketball league is ob- served and warrants their addi- tion to the lumbermen's squad, Morgan said. The Shelton club will play at home each Saturday during a schedule which will include two rounds of play in the seven-team loop. Other entries in the league beside Morgan Lumber and St. Martins J. V. include teams spon- sored by the Olympia Elks, the Olympia Round Table, Olympia Y :MCA, Cammaranos, and Carlson's Shoe Repair. Games will be played in the Olympia Y and at St. Martins Col- lege in addition to here in Shelton. The St. Martins Junior Varsity which comes here Saturday night to tangle with Morgan Lumber is composed of athletes attending St, Martins College who were not quite good enough to make the Ranger varsity squad but still showed sufficient ability for the Ranger coach to keep them play- ing so he could observe their de- velopment and promote any of them whose play shows sufficient improvement. Charles Babbitt of Taunton, :Mass.. discovered and patented Babbitt metal in 1839. TREE TOPPING Tree and Brush Removing High Climbhg Estimates Given PHONE 221-J-5 I I • NEED A PL'UMB ER, Phone 48 J. L. CATTO HARDWARE I I IIIII II : A. K; Mc{ Personalized, Accoun Service Address: Rt. 3, Box phone: Shelton CRAIG P. ELECTRICAL ENGIN Eliot Electric E( Title Insurance • Phone 645 Charles T.. WRIGH'00 Angle Building, Shelto, 337 CHARLES R. ATTORNEY AT L# 119-121 South FourO Bell Building Shelton, WashlngtO ALDEN C. ATTORNEY AT b/ Title Opposite First Phone 23 - ' WITSIERS FUNERAL Licensed Embalmed W. A. Wltslers, Phone 180 - - Shelton, ELLIOT B. Accounting Tax Bookkeeping 123 4th St. ANGLE I Orrce at Angle i: L .AT HOLIDAY TIME,.. AS AT ALL TIMES $ SEASONED TRAVELER GOES BY TRAIN nections, will take you in com- fort to any part of the country. Thisyear, make it a real holiday ! WINTER VACATIONISTS- Remember Sun Valley reopens December 21 Yes, holiday time is travel time t It's a time to visit friends and loved ones...a time to bask in the warmth of old associations ...a time to renew one's youth... a time to relax at the year end. The Union Pacific, with its con- For travel information, inquire of City Ticket Office 114 South Ninth Street Ta'coma 2, Washington Phone BR 2275 UNION PACIFIC RtlILROAD..,,. P E C ! F I C . . . S A Y U H | O N P A € [ I € " men in these parts continues to remain in duck lmnting, which is now in its death throes for 1946 with its closing scheduled for next Monday at sundown. Duck htmting again has been gcnerally poor this year through- out the Northwest with scattered flights, although the weather in general has been more favorable to the htmters than the hunted for the past couple of weeks and a few fair bags have resulted. Both Major Pin Loops In Action This Evening Idle last Thursday because of the Thanltsgiving holiday, the men's major bowling circuit will make up that postponement to- night by rolling their matches at seven o'clock, before the women's major circuit takes over for its regular bi-weeldy compctition at nine o'clock IDELINE LANTS by BILL DICKIE COULD BE--LET'S HOPE Sometime in the immediate fu- ture the all-state senior all-star prep football team, which will meet a similar aggregation pick- ed from Seattle's nine public schools next August 30 in Seattle will be named. The choices will be made by a five-man committee appointed by the State Coaches Association, who will also have the responsi- bility of naming the three coaches to tutor the all-state ag'gregation. Gone White, Shelton's stellar T-formation runner, has a fair chance to be on the 24-player roster selected by the coaches committee, and Norm Hillyard, the Highclimber's coaching wlz- zard, stands a slight chance of being one of the three coaches. Here are tile reasons, acording to the grapevine. White's brilliant record this past season has been called to the attention of Harold Torberg- son. who is handling the game's publicity for its sponsor, the Seat- tle P.-I.. who in turn has men- tioned White's name to the coach- ing committee, and Hillyard has also added his own word on White to the committee. That's a good start. But also contributing to Whlte's chances of making the all-star club is the fact that he is fami- liar with T-formation stuff be- cause, the grapevine reports, the coaches association wants its team to :play a T-formation offense on August 30 against the Seattle team, which will present a single wing offense because it will be tutored by Bill Nolan of Lincoln's Seattle champions. And that's also where Hill- day. So far Aherdeen and lIo- qulam arc sending 24 entries each, Olympia 16, Anblrrn 15, Sedro-Woolley ten, Brenlerton tell, Seattle anti West Seattle ten, and smaller, lists from Port Angeles, Contrails, Longvlew and Tacoma to make a total of tera split-season which will de- termine a first half title-holder on Jammry 15 (barring ties} which will meet the second half winner for the season champion- ship after completion of the sec- ond half schedule. approximately 180 out-of-town Honor of opening the schedule falls to the Pantorium Tailors entrants, and Simpson Logging Company , This Is tile opener of what entries, who meet in :Mmiday BowUng Alley Proprietor Patti night's seven o cl0ck clash. RaY- Berets plans to be an atuual handicap tournament 'open to a/l enter and Needham s Men S Weal" follow in the eight o'clock bili- Noi'thWestkegelers. ing while MeCmkey Pharmacy _ ,, ..... : ..... : .... , ........ "=- and last yea;'s championship Bur- [Associated Gains !goy.00 00hotogr.phors cio00e the i threegame opening night bill. Wednesday brings the rtmain- 1st Division, L.M. ing two clubs in the eight-team I circuit into action with Be]fair, Strengthens Lead 00the onl00 o.t.of.0000 entry, moet- i ing Nelham's in the seven o'clock CITY BOWLING LEAGUE til a/d Morgan 'Lumber tackling W LI Simpson Log in the finale. In be- Lumbermcn's Merc ......... 21 12[ tween Pantorium and Rayoner Pastime ................................ 19 14 take on each other. Beckwith Jeweh'y ............ 19 14 The complete first half scied Associated Oil .................... 18 15 ule follows:  Reed :Mill ............................ 17 16 I Dee. 9--Pantorium vs. Simpson, Active Club ......................... 13 20]Rayonier vs. Needham, McConkey .[ason Laundry ................... 12 21 ! , Burgoyne. ' , _ , . ' I Simpson Log ...................... 11 22 Dec, ll--Needham xs. elair  High game--A1 Ferrier, 255 I Pantorium vs, Rayonier, simpson t High total--Rip Allen, 616 vs. Morgan. ] Dee. 16--McConkey vs. Need- Associated Oil struck strongly ham, Burgoyne vs. Belfair, Ray- to move into the first division in enter vs. Morgan. " i city league bowling play last Dee, i8--Pantorium vs. Belfair, | week with a three-ply triumph SimpSon vs. Burgoyne, Morgan vs. over the Active Club while the :McConkey. leading Lumbermen's Mercantile nec. --Rayonier vs. Burgoyne, was strengthening its position atop the circuit on an odd game ver- dict over Mason I, aundry and Beckwith's Jewelry was pushing into a second-place tie with Pas- time on the same margin of vic- tory. Last place Simpon Logging Company shaded its company ri- val, the Reed Mill, by 2 to 1, in the night's fourth match to assist !Associated's upward move. The Oilers victory was a case of in- dividual scoring hot streaks for Jess Daniels 210 did the work in the first game, George Young's 223 accounted for the second, and Bill Noblett's 234 stowed away the third. , Buck MackeY'S 556 total paced the L. M.'s victory and Beokwith's shook down Pastime despite Rip Allen's 616 which topped all indi x idual totals for the night. AI Ferrier's 255, also high for the evening, salvaged the final con- test for Pastime after Fire Chief T. E. Deer, Warren Earl and Phil Bayley had racked up the season's • second best team game at 1023 pins. The.jewelers had a wide open l opporttmity to knock over the team total, too, with "i99'8 ptns in their first two ga-mesr but they faded to 843 in the finale so fell about 30 pins short, The lileup.: Pastime (1) Bekwl1:h's ($) handicap 48 " 'handicap 189 llen 616[ Dodds 521 Staley 459 Deer 511-, Kopperman 455] Pearson 518 ! Dotson 573] Earl 564 Ferrier 606t Bayley 538 yard enters the picture as a  Total 2757 Total 2841 slight possibility for a place on L.M. (2) ' Mson Ldy. (I) the three-mint all-state coach- , handicap 72 handicap 192 tng staff as he Is one of the few I Stewart 559 Dunbar 408 coaches of a championship club ] Giblet 481 D.Woods 491 which mind the T. Dummy "495 B.Smith ' 84 If ,the coaches committee sticks Llndeman 40 I;H.Woods 470 strictly to its reported instruc- Mackey 558 W,Woods .40 tions to make its coaching selec-i Total 2623[ T0tat zo0a tions only from league champion- Reed,M1H (1) . 6hpsoa L0g'() ship teams the field will be nar-I handicap 228 handicap 150 rowed very greatly for not many L.Sergeant 4931 Ar0ns0n 508 used the T. ] A.Drumm'd 417 Peterson 503 The Central League, of which W.Elliott 489] F.Snelgrove 4S4 the Highclimbers are 1946 champs, M.Carter 459 P.Funk 474 isn't a very highly rated circuit M.Fredson 509 P.Fredson 534 and that's the drawback to Hill- Total 2595 Total 2633 yard's chances of selection, but if Active Club (0) Associated (8) handicap 306[ handicap 120 J.Bishop 4861Noblett 522 R.Gardner 395 Skelsey 538 C.WiIlour 362 Holt 498 Price 447[ Young 560 R.Godden 4601Daniels 583 Total 2456[ Total 2821 ing in Seattle last Saturday when Slats Gill, famous Oro|0a State basketball coach, put o a casaba clinic for the ga_m lng of Waslflngton. high "htff athletic mentol. The tlU|f tlonal delegate from el 1 Frank Wlllard, junior hj[h € princlpal, who went tO to spend Thanksgivlg Vd relatives, met some of lfl 01 coaching pals in the Clt. Destiny, and was perS! d accompany them to Itttla the meeting and clinic. Did you know that Norm Lattge, reserve varsity end, was the only ex-serviceman on the Highettmber football roster this past sason? • , . that frmer Shelto junior high coach and city league bask- eteer Hugh Clark bewame the fa- ther of a-baby girl November 18 in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where he is now operat|ng a frniture btlst- ness for himself? . • , that the stork also visited Jim 2)0(Ughfor- met Hlghclimber and Logger base- ball player, bringing-a seven- pound-seen-ounce third bseman named :fames Alfred oh NOv. to Jim's present home In Abilene, Texas ? . . . that Harbld Ahlskog, former WSC all.American tackle who now superintends opera t!ons of the Olympic Plyw0d lant, pulled a real deaderedick hunt- ing trick recently when he bagged two ducks off a single shot three different tiines the same day?  Enough energy is contained in a single new [igh-energY flash- light batteT to lift a 110 pound girl 99 feet straight up. The production of Angora wool is /'stimated at about 24 million )oufida annually. the committee sticks strictly to the championship, T-formation theme they'll have to give the Shelton grid mentor consideration. It will be quite a feather in Shelton's bonnet to hav White chosen on the all-star squad, an honor the Sideliner believes he has earned. To have Hillyard honored also would be a double distinction for this community. IN TIIE SIDE POCKET Take it from Clint Williams, president of the Shelton High Al- umni Association, this Johnny Lu- jack of Notre Dame is an All- American in other ways besides his football ability. Clint became well acquainted with Lujack when they were in the same company during Navy officers raining school at Columbia University dur- ing the war and played touch foot- ball with him on their company team• Clint asserts it was very difficult to get Lujack to talk foot- ball or about himself, that he was a modest, unassuming sort and a swell guy generally. • Published statements In Olym- pta ,recently bemoaned the lack of a "natlral rival" for tt Thanksgiving Day football game for the Bears during a sports writers discourse on the Olym- pla-Bellingham Turkey Day fra- Y€as, but the Sldellner has a no- tion the Bears need look only about 21 miles west and nerth to find all they'll wish to handle ia a Tlmnkgivlng opponent from now on. Among tlte 8,000 who witnessed the annual Aberdeen-Hoquiam football gmne last Turkey DaY was the Sideliner and while he watched the Bobcats score an up- set 13 to 6 triumph over the Griz- zlies he became quite thoroughly convinced the Highclimbers would have dished up a ,drubbing to either one of the harbor dubs this year. Quite by accident, Shelton had a representative at the State Coaches Association medt- Needham vs Simpson. Pantorium vs, McConkey. Dec. ri0--Simpson vs, Rayonler, Belfair vs. Morgan, Needham vs. Pantorium. Jan. 6--Morgan vs, Burgoyne, Simpson vs. :McConkey, Rayonier vs. Belfair, Jan. 8--Belfair vs. :McConkey, Morgan vs. Pantorium, Burgoyne vs. Needham. San. IS--Morgan vs. Needham, Burgoyne vs. Pantorlum, .Belfair vs. Simpson. Jan, 15--Rayonier vs. :McCon- key. Have you read the story Of the atomic bomb tests at Bikini? Did i you realize tle value of electronics in these tests ? The United Satcs Navy offers a $5,000 education in eledtPonlcs fo eliglble men. ASk your local Navy recruiting office about enlisting as electronic tech- nician mate. VS. PORT OROtARD Friday Dec. 6 SHELTON SILVERI)ALE Tuesday Dec. 10 2 Games Starting at 7 P M. New Shelton Gym Adults 50¢, Students 30¢, Children 10€ (incl. Tax) PHONE 196 For Your HEATER - CIRCULATOR - OIL STOVE - FURNACE WE'LL FILL UP YOUR TANK PROMPTLY WITH BETTER BURNING, MORE DEPENDABLE ASSOCIATED FUEL OIL FOR YOU WeHave a SUPPLY of STORAGE TANKS from 50 to 1,000 gallons for new oil burner installaLions Frisken Oil ¢o, MatrOn County D'iStrlbutor for Associated Oil Products UG G E ST I O N Useful Gifts for [very of the Family For the Ladies . Lady Buxton Bill 'oldS and Keytainers Combination EVans Lighters and Cigarette Cases Robinson Reminders .Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets (Sheaffer's) Eaton's Fine Stationery and Note Books Photo Albums and Scrap Books Personalized Book Matches Personalized Cocktail Napkins For the Office Manager ..... Sheaffer Lifetime Desk Pen Sets Faber's Ball Point Pens Swivdex DeSk Sets and Telephone Indexes Genuine Leather Desk Pads Robinson Reminders Buxton Bill Folds and Keytainers Evans Lighters, Ash Trays and Table Lighters Appointment Books, 1947 Calendar Stands and Pads For the Student . . . Genuine Leather and Durable Fabrihide Zipper Note Books Pencil Boxes and Crayons Scrap Books and Photo Albums Kiddies Stationery For the Home . . . Poker Racks and Chips Table Lighters Family Files SEE OUR GIFT WRAPPINGS, TIES, SEALS AND TAGS We can still Personalize Sationery, Greeting Cards, Gift Matches and Leather Goods in time for the Holidays. MASON COUNTY STATIONERS Stationery, Office Supt)lies and Equipment 118 N. Second Street Phone 602