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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 6, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 6, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Ronald J. Kvande Jr., 40 North Goldeneye Lane, Hoodsport, $991. 365 days, 364 suspended, and reckless driving, $800, 365 days, 364 suspended; Karl L. Shrout, 60 East Ashwood Lane, Shelton, $2,139, 365 days, and driving while license suspended or re- voked, first degree, 365 days, and no liability insurance and open container of alcohol, $674; Brielle Ruth Love, 270 North Deer Creek Road, Shelton, $2,821, 365 days, 95 suspended, and driving while license suspended or revoked, first degree, $423, 365 days, 275 sus- pended; Sean P. Reinek, 40 East Balbriggan Way, Shelton, $2,000, 365 days, 360 suspended. Negligent driving: Courtney C. Ruhl, 5900 ll9th Avenue SE, Bellevue, second degree, $550; Roy F. Knox, 450 East Sherwood Hills Road, Allyn, second degree, $550. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Christopher Lorenzo Pablo, 381 NE Barbara Boulevard, Belfair, third degree, $450, 90 days, 84 suspended; Dan- iel Leonard Lee, Langley, third de- gree, $200, 90 days, 80 suspended, and violation of ignition interlock device, $500, 90 days, 80 sus- pended; Milton David Choate, 535 North First Street, Shelton, third degree, $400, 90 days, 84 suspend- ed and no valid operator's license, $600, 90 days, 88 suspended. No valid operator's license: Tory S. Underwood, 279 North Schoolhouse Hill Road, Hoodsport, and no liability insurance and speeding, $1,244; Matthew Ryan Oakley, 280 East Pirates Creek Road, Shelton, and speeding in a school zone, $809; Francisco Antonio-Eastaban, 230 Anchor Drive, Belfair, $250, 90 days sus- pended; Bernata M. Montojo, 140 East Blevins Road North, Shelton, $293, 90 days suspended; Ronald L. Giles, 1919 Pioneer Way, Shel, ton, and no seatbelt, $674; Miguel F. Castro, 7900 West Cloquallum Road, Shelton, and no seatbelt, $650. No liability insurance: Grego- ryA. Tupper, 100 West Loganberry Court, Elma, and expired vehicle tabs, $766; Jeanne E. Miller, 321 South Third Street, Shelton, and no seatbelt, $674; Johnny Austin Johnston, 240 East Sunnywoods Road East, Shelton, $550. Speeding: Patricia M. Leon- ard, 19261 North Highway 101, Shelton, in a school zone, $353; Michael James Cameron, 40 East Colvos Place, Shelton, $298; David Dwight Markwick, 18243 Viking Way, Poulsbo, in a school zone, $353; Camas Rain Baugh, 3830 East State Route 106, Union, in a school zone and expired vehicle registration, $481; Kevin Edward Bradley, 4221 Robinson Road NE, Bremerton, in a school zone, $271. Littering: Michael Taylor Waye, 422 East Coulter Creek Road, Belfair, lit cigarette, $1,025. Possession of marijuana: Charles E. Boylan, 5673 West Skokomish Valley Road, Shelton, $700, 90 days, 89 suspended; Kirk Ramon Miklethun, 79 East Park Lane, Shelton $250, 90 days, 89 suspended, and use of drug para- phernalia, $350, 90 days, 89 sus- pended. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Laurie Ann Gibbs and Kendall Paul Gibbs. Theresa A. German and Jon A. German. Cynthia Marie Morigeau and Robert Lee Morigeau. New Cases TRA Industries, Incorporated "against Davic Custom Construc- tion, Incorporated, David L. Amundsen, Vicki L. Amundsen and RLI Insurance Company, commercial. Jim Joseph against Deborah J. Underberg, unlawful detainer. Beverly Peterson against Gary Lee Zarnke, unlawful detainer. Palisades Acqusition V, Limited Liability Company against Jeanne Rackley, transcript of judgment. Housing Authority of Mason County against Jessica Jackson, unlawful detainer. Housing Authority of" Mason County against Cherie Carr, un- lawful detainer. Richard Beckman Realty Group against Billy Manske and Julie Pendley, unlawful detainer. Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, two tax warrants against Helmer Con- struction, Incorporated. Excel Builders, Incorporated against Marc B. Resnick, commer- cial. Washington Department of Em- ployment Security, tax warrants against Bruce R. Gracie; Todd L. Mozingo; Sandy M. Brame; Jeff S. Bell; Tammi M. Hemley; Sherry M. Havens; Sheri R. Ellison; Kath- leen A. Rowley; Thomas A. Sher- rill; David W. Thornton; Michelle C. Hinton; Christofer E. Carroll; Gregory L. Alexander; and Claude M. Maney. Capital One Bank against Vin- cent T. Smith, commercial. Nancy Lee Brock against Ron- ald E. Lindholm, personal injury. Michael Brake against James Jenne and Jane Doe Jenne, un- lawful detainer. Fairway Collections, Limited Liability Company, transcripts of judgment against Patrick Rob- erts and Betty Roberts; Lawrence Sheedy and Jamie Sheedy. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: James Lawrence, 100 West Reller Road, Shelton, residence, $202,894.40; Rocky Bloomfield, 381 SE McComb Way, Shelton, res- idence, $172,701.35; David Wood, 351 West D.R. Wood Way, Shel- ton, replacement home, $121,691; John and Juli Croasdell, 2600 East Saint Andrews Drive North, Shelton, remodel, $30,903.20; Paul Buol, 5786 North Lake Cush- man Road, Hoodsport, residence, $164,281; David Nail, 750 East Greenview Lane, Shelton, resi- dence, $169,831.20; Brian Rabold, 201 East Park Loop, Sbelton, residence, $192,768.95; Kaestner and Downing, 23 NE Dusty Road, Shelton, residence, $138,021.40; Alderbrook Properties, 101 East Fir Tree Lane, Union, residence, $155,253.10; Janis White, 220 Seldom is heard a discouraging word Students from Oakland Bay Junior High School catch the attention of teenage mo- torists driving home from Shelton High School after class on Friday. Pictured from left to right are Hailey Cougher, Nicole Brownfleld and Stephanie How- ard of the Use Another Word campaign, which urges people to take a stand when- ever their peers use language that is rac- ist, sexist, inflammatory, homophobic or offensive and derogatory to anyone. They joined a rally celebrating the 26th birthday of SADD, the Students Against Destructive Decisions at Shelton High. East Deer Drive, Shelton, carport, $10,381.80; Gerald Nelson, 981 East Timberlake East Drive, Shel- ton, garage, $58,962.50; Joe Prins, 701 East McMicken Road, Shel- ton, residence, $108,113; Ken and Kori Arndt, 100 SE Kalium Drive, Shelton, residence, $163,395; Sharon Davison, 1530 East Is- land Lake Drive, Shelton, carport, $20,000; Lynne Fish, 1000 East Jared Road, Shelton, residence, $185,668.60; and Dan Wood, 10 West D.R. Wood Way, Shelton, ga- rage, $9,275.20. No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: Robert Haugan, 71 North Bass Place, manufactured home; Doris Mathis, 51 NE Dusty Road, Bel- fair, manufactured home. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT December 1:11:14 p.m., smoke investigation, 716 Kristi Court, Shelton. December 2:5:17 p.m., chim- ney, 104 East J Street. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, November 27 A caller said someone pushed over the "road closed" sign at the bottom of the hill on Northcliff Road. A caller from the 900 block of Olympic Avenue reported being threatened. An assault on a corrections offi- cer at the Mason County Juvenile Detention Center was reported. An alleged sex offense was re- ported. Complaints about noise came in at 3:55 p.m. from a caller in the 600 block of Cascade Avenue and at 11:29 p.m. from a caller in the 400 block of West Wyandotte Av- enue. A vehicle prowl in a parking lot in the 900 block of Alpine Way was reported. Wednesday, November 28 Burglaries at a business in the 3000 block of Northview Circle and at residences in the 1500 block of Olympic Highway North and the 200 block of South Eighth Street were reported. Officers were asked to assist staff from city code enforcement at a residence in the 1100 block of El- liner Avenue. A silver 1986 Chevrolet Camaro was reported stolen from a park- ing lot in the 300 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. Thursday, November 29 A caller from CHOICE High School requested police assistance with a student found in possess'on of suspected drugs. A caller from the 800 block of South First Street reported receiv- ing threats over the telephone. A caller from the 300 block of South Fifth Street reported iden- tity theft. At 2:40 p.m. officers responded to a report of a disturbance involv- ing "an irate customer" at a busi- ness in the 2200 block of Olympic Highway North. At 7:11 p.m. officers responded to a report of a disturbance at the skate park on Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. Friday, November 30 Burglaries at businesses in the 500 block of Railroad Avenue and in the 100 block of South Seventh Street were reported. A caller re- ported an attempt to steal auto parts from a place in the 500 block of Park Street. A vehicle prowl in the 700 block of South First Street was reported. At 11:10 a.m. a caller reported a man "shooting up" at the PUD 3 park at Fourth and Grove streets. A hit-and-run collision in the 400 block of East C Street was re- ported. Saturday, December 1 Officers responded at 1:21 a.m. to a report of a disturbance in the 100 block of South First Street. A caller from the 1500 block of Wingwood Place reported the theft of a 2000 blue Ford Ranger. Damage to a window of a ness in the 200 block of Cota caller an was reported by a , il dalism to a window of a bu ' in the 200 block of South Street was reported. .I]d A hit-and-run collision in.J u 1200 block of Franklin Streeti reported. . " Items were reported s from a vehicle in the 1300 bl Olympic Highway South. d Officers responding at )l[_  p.m. to a report of a distu.r j on Boundary Street requested, assistance of deputies. Sunday, December 2 if A caller reported being har k in a restroom at Kneeland P At "around 8:30 p.m. a c t complained about noise in v 1600 block of Jefferson Street. : Monday, December 3 t Shelton Fire Department [a tl sponded to 15 calls for service, fi At 8:02 a.m. a caller from i 1300 block of West Cota Street az ported that a mudslide had  i[ ti damage to a trailer. At 11:31 a.m. a fire in the d  trical lines near Arcadia Ave kc, and Pioneer Way was reporte$  At 10:50 p.m. a caller from 100 block of North 12th Stree$ m} ported a prowler in the area. irq MASON COUNTY 'o JAIL POPUITION a, The Mason County Jail reV Li ed populations as follows du the past week: I Wednesday 113, Thursday I y, Friday 117, Saturday 115, Su el 116, Monday 118, Tuesday 119 [il ( MASON COUNTY a] SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, November 27 h, A caller from West Dining 1 tl] near Shelton reported an ong0 ir problem with a neighbors d c: killing the caller's chickens. Vandalism to landscaping a residence on East Lakesh Drive, Allyn, was reported. Deputies responding at p.m. to the report of a on SE Mason Street requested assistance of Shelton police cers. Wednesday, November 28 Squaxin Island tribal ofii received a report at 2:36 a. a prowler near a residence on Klah Che Min Drive. Detectives received a an alleged sex offense. A caller reported the theft items from a storage unit on erty near Milepost 10 of East Route 106, Union. on Vandalism to a mailbox Mill Creek Road was re The caller said there has been ongoing problem with in the area. A caller from West Shelton ley Road reported fraud. Security officers from Diamond Resource Company ported the theft of boughs _l property on West Eells Hill lt0, near Shelton. i November 29 Thursday, ! A burglary at a place near post 23 of NE State Route 3, fair, was reported, o A caller from East Stavis reported harassment by people Timberlakes. compl ' : Detectives received a about threats posted on the In, net against a staff person at C Protective Services at the Shel office of Washington Departm of Social and Health Services. Skokomish tribal officers Jb ceived a report of a hunting 1 lation in the area of Wynooc Lake. A caller from East Island L Drive reported the theft of a dolly. A caller from a place about miles out West Matlock-Br Road reported identity theft. An alleged sex offense was ported. A caller complained about road vehicles on East Gal¢ (Please turn to page 29.) Alignments • Brakes • Suspensions "Insurance-00endly repairfacilit300_00, ii We . ,o.. of B! } Cars * Trucks * Semis * RV's * Trailers 1383 Shelton Springs Rd. :WlPr : Shelton, WA 98584 3108 29th Ave. SW #101 Tumwater t00ax 360-432-3614 ! Mon.'Fri. 8am-5pm.360- 943-8136 Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 6, 2007 p I MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Ronald J. Kvande Jr., 40 North Goldeneye Lane, Hoodsport, $991. 365 days, 364 suspended, and reckless driving, $800, 365 days, 364 suspended; Karl L. Shrout, 60 East Ashwood Lane, Shelton, $2,139, 365 days, and driving while license suspended or re- voked, first degree, 365 days, and no liability insurance and open container of alcohol, $674; Brielle Ruth Love, 270 North Deer Creek Road, Shelton, $2,821, 365 days, 95 suspended, and driving while license suspended or revoked, first degree, $423, 365 days, 275 sus- pended; Sean P. Reinek, 40 East Balbriggan Way, Shelton, $2,000, 365 days, 360 suspended. Negligent driving: Courtney C. Ruhl, 5900 ll9th Avenue SE, Bellevue, second degree, $550; Roy F. Knox, 450 East Sherwood Hills Road, Allyn, second degree, $550. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Christopher Lorenzo Pablo, 381 NE Barbara Boulevard, Belfair, third degree, $450, 90 days, 84 suspended; Dan- iel Leonard Lee, Langley, third de- gree, $200, 90 days, 80 suspended, and violation of ignition interlock device, $500, 90 days, 80 sus- pended; Milton David Choate, 535 North First Street, Shelton, third degree, $400, 90 days, 84 suspend- ed and no valid operator's license, $600, 90 days, 88 suspended. No valid operator's license: Tory S. Underwood, 279 North Schoolhouse Hill Road, Hoodsport, and no liability insurance and speeding, $1,244; Matthew Ryan Oakley, 280 East Pirates Creek Road, Shelton, and speeding in a school zone, $809; Francisco Antonio-Eastaban, 230 Anchor Drive, Belfair, $250, 90 days sus- pended; Bernata M. Montojo, 140 East Blevins Road North, Shelton, $293, 90 days suspended; Ronald L. Giles, 1919 Pioneer Way, Shel, ton, and no seatbelt, $674; Miguel F. Castro, 7900 West Cloquallum Road, Shelton, and no seatbelt, $650. No liability insurance: Grego- ryA. Tupper, 100 West Loganberry Court, Elma, and expired vehicle tabs, $766; Jeanne E. Miller, 321 South Third Street, Shelton, and no seatbelt, $674; Johnny Austin Johnston, 240 East Sunnywoods Road East, Shelton, $550. Speeding: Patricia M. Leon- ard, 19261 North Highway 101, Shelton, in a school zone, $353; Michael James Cameron, 40 East Colvos Place, Shelton, $298; David Dwight Markwick, 18243 Viking Way, Poulsbo, in a school zone, $353; Camas Rain Baugh, 3830 East State Route 106, Union, in a school zone and expired vehicle registration, $481; Kevin Edward Bradley, 4221 Robinson Road NE, Bremerton, in a school zone, $271. Littering: Michael Taylor Waye, 422 East Coulter Creek Road, Belfair, lit cigarette, $1,025. Possession of marijuana: Charles E. Boylan, 5673 West Skokomish Valley Road, Shelton, $700, 90 days, 89 suspended; Kirk Ramon Miklethun, 79 East Park Lane, Shelton $250, 90 days, 89 suspended, and use of drug para- phernalia, $350, 90 days, 89 sus- pended. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Laurie Ann Gibbs and Kendall Paul Gibbs. Theresa A. German and Jon A. German. Cynthia Marie Morigeau and Robert Lee Morigeau. New Cases TRA Industries, Incorporated "against Davic Custom Construc- tion, Incorporated, David L. Amundsen, Vicki L. Amundsen and RLI Insurance Company, commercial. Jim Joseph against Deborah J. Underberg, unlawful detainer. Beverly Peterson against Gary Lee Zarnke, unlawful detainer. Palisades Acqusition V, Limited Liability Company against Jeanne Rackley, transcript of judgment. Housing Authority of Mason County against Jessica Jackson, unlawful detainer. Housing Authority of" Mason County against Cherie Carr, un- lawful detainer. Richard Beckman Realty Group against Billy Manske and Julie Pendley, unlawful detainer. Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, two tax warrants against Helmer Con- struction, Incorporated. Excel Builders, Incorporated against Marc B. Resnick, commer- cial. Washington Department of Em- ployment Security, tax warrants against Bruce R. Gracie; Todd L. Mozingo; Sandy M. Brame; Jeff S. Bell; Tammi M. Hemley; Sherry M. Havens; Sheri R. Ellison; Kath- leen A. Rowley; Thomas A. Sher- rill; David W. Thornton; Michelle C. Hinton; Christofer E. Carroll; Gregory L. Alexander; and Claude M. Maney. Capital One Bank against Vin- cent T. Smith, commercial. Nancy Lee Brock against Ron- ald E. Lindholm, personal injury. Michael Brake against James Jenne and Jane Doe Jenne, un- lawful detainer. Fairway Collections, Limited Liability Company, transcripts of judgment against Patrick Rob- erts and Betty Roberts; Lawrence Sheedy and Jamie Sheedy. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: James Lawrence, 100 West Reller Road, Shelton, residence, $202,894.40; Rocky Bloomfield, 381 SE McComb Way, Shelton, res- idence, $172,701.35; David Wood, 351 West D.R. Wood Way, Shel- ton, replacement home, $121,691; John and Juli Croasdell, 2600 East Saint Andrews Drive North, Shelton, remodel, $30,903.20; Paul Buol, 5786 North Lake Cush- man Road, Hoodsport, residence, $164,281; David Nail, 750 East Greenview Lane, Shelton, resi- dence, $169,831.20; Brian Rabold, 201 East Park Loop, Sbelton, residence, $192,768.95; Kaestner and Downing, 23 NE Dusty Road, Shelton, residence, $138,021.40; Alderbrook Properties, 101 East Fir Tree Lane, Union, residence, $155,253.10; Janis White, 220 Seldom is heard a discouraging word Students from Oakland Bay Junior High School catch the attention of teenage mo- torists driving home from Shelton High School after class on Friday. Pictured from left to right are Hailey Cougher, Nicole Brownfleld and Stephanie How- ard of the Use Another Word campaign, which urges people to take a stand when- ever their peers use language that is rac- ist, sexist, inflammatory, homophobic or offensive and derogatory to anyone. They joined a rally celebrating the 26th birthday of SADD, the Students Against Destructive Decisions at Shelton High. East Deer Drive, Shelton, carport, $10,381.80; Gerald Nelson, 981 East Timberlake East Drive, Shel- ton, garage, $58,962.50; Joe Prins, 701 East McMicken Road, Shel- ton, residence, $108,113; Ken and Kori Arndt, 100 SE Kalium Drive, Shelton, residence, $163,395; Sharon Davison, 1530 East Is- land Lake Drive, Shelton, carport, $20,000; Lynne Fish, 1000 East Jared Road, Shelton, residence, $185,668.60; and Dan Wood, 10 West D.R. Wood Way, Shelton, ga- rage, $9,275.20. No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: Robert Haugan, 71 North Bass Place, manufactured home; Doris Mathis, 51 NE Dusty Road, Bel- fair, manufactured home. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT December 1:11:14 p.m., smoke investigation, 716 Kristi Court, Shelton. December 2:5:17 p.m., chim- ney, 104 East J Street. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, November 27 A caller said someone pushed over the "road closed" sign at the bottom of the hill on Northcliff Road. A caller from the 900 block of Olympic Avenue reported being threatened. An assault on a corrections offi- cer at the Mason County Juvenile Detention Center was reported. An alleged sex offense was re- ported. Complaints about noise came in at 3:55 p.m. from a caller in the 600 block of Cascade Avenue and at 11:29 p.m. from a caller in the 400 block of West Wyandotte Av- enue. A vehicle prowl in a parking lot in the 900 block of Alpine Way was reported. Wednesday, November 28 Burglaries at a business in the 3000 block of Northview Circle and at residences in the 1500 block of Olympic Highway North and the 200 block of South Eighth Street were reported. Officers were asked to assist staff from city code enforcement at a residence in the 1100 block of El- liner Avenue. A silver 1986 Chevrolet Camaro was reported stolen from a park- ing lot in the 300 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. Thursday, November 29 A caller from CHOICE High School requested police assistance with a student found in possess'on of suspected drugs. A caller from the 800 block of South First Street reported receiv- ing threats over the telephone. A caller from the 300 block of South Fifth Street reported iden- tity theft. At 2:40 p.m. officers responded to a report of a disturbance involv- ing "an irate customer" at a busi- ness in the 2200 block of Olympic Highway North. At 7:11 p.m. officers responded to a report of a disturbance at the skate park on Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. Friday, November 30 Burglaries at businesses in the 500 block of Railroad Avenue and in the 100 block of South Seventh Street were reported. A caller re- ported an attempt to steal auto parts from a place in the 500 block of Park Street. A vehicle prowl in the 700 block of South First Street was reported. At 11:10 a.m. a caller reported a man "shooting up" at the PUD 3 park at Fourth and Grove streets. A hit-and-run collision in the 400 block of East C Street was re- ported. Saturday, December 1 Officers responded at 1:21 a.m. to a report of a disturbance in the 100 block of South First Street. A caller from the 1500 block of Wingwood Place reported the theft of a 2000 blue Ford Ranger. Damage to a window of a ness in the 200 block of Cota caller an was reported by a , il dalism to a window of a bu ' in the 200 block of South Street was reported. .I]d A hit-and-run collision in.J u 1200 block of Franklin Streeti reported. . " Items were reported s from a vehicle in the 1300 bl Olympic Highway South. d Officers responding at )l[_  p.m. to a report of a distu.r j on Boundary Street requested, assistance of deputies. Sunday, December 2 if A caller reported being har k in a restroom at Kneeland P At "around 8:30 p.m. a c t complained about noise in v 1600 block of Jefferson Street. : Monday, December 3 t Shelton Fire Department [a tl sponded to 15 calls for service, fi At 8:02 a.m. a caller from i 1300 block of West Cota Street az ported that a mudslide had  i[ ti damage to a trailer. At 11:31 a.m. a fire in the d  trical lines near Arcadia Ave kc, and Pioneer Way was reporte$  At 10:50 p.m. a caller from 100 block of North 12th Stree$ m} ported a prowler in the area. irq MASON COUNTY 'o JAIL POPUITION a, The Mason County Jail reV Li ed populations as follows du the past week: I Wednesday 113, Thursday I y, Friday 117, Saturday 115, Su el 116, Monday 118, Tuesday 119 [il ( MASON COUNTY a] SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, November 27 h, A caller from West Dining 1 tl] near Shelton reported an ong0 ir problem with a neighbors d c: killing the caller's chickens. Vandalism to landscaping a residence on East Lakesh Drive, Allyn, was reported. Deputies responding at p.m. to the report of a on SE Mason Street requested assistance of Shelton police cers. Wednesday, November 28 Squaxin Island tribal ofii received a report at 2:36 a. a prowler near a residence on Klah Che Min Drive. Detectives received a an alleged sex offense. A caller reported the theft items from a storage unit on erty near Milepost 10 of East Route 106, Union. on Vandalism to a mailbox Mill Creek Road was re The caller said there has been ongoing problem with in the area. A caller from West Shelton ley Road reported fraud. Security officers from Diamond Resource Company ported the theft of boughs _l property on West Eells Hill lt0, near Shelton. i November 29 Thursday, ! A burglary at a place near post 23 of NE State Route 3, fair, was reported, o A caller from East Stavis reported harassment by people Timberlakes. compl ' : Detectives received a about threats posted on the In, net against a staff person at C Protective Services at the Shel office of Washington Departm of Social and Health Services. Skokomish tribal officers Jb ceived a report of a hunting 1 lation in the area of Wynooc Lake. A caller from East Island L Drive reported the theft of a dolly. A caller from a place about miles out West Matlock-Br Road reported identity theft. An alleged sex offense was ported. A caller complained about road vehicles on East Gal¢ (Please turn to page 29.) Alignments • Brakes • Suspensions "Insurance-00endly repairfacilit300_00, ii We . ,o.. of B! } Cars * Trucks * Semis * RV's * Trailers 1383 Shelton Springs Rd. :WlPr : Shelton, WA 98584 3108 29th Ave. SW #101 Tumwater t00ax 360-432-3614 ! Mon.'Fri. 8am-5pm.360- 943-8136 Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 6, 2007 p I