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,00ourt roundup:
,,iwo0:waan5,(}JoaittorlneesedAj Iron arrested a d for assaulting women
a; ° " at 00o0000oo00,00era,00e00ut0000ro00e00u one foot 00o00so00a, cootact-
arraignment tar Mike Dorcy reported. Judge jeopardizing my safety." Kostad ed at 7:53 a.m. by deputies she
dly assaulting two women
ide a downtown Shelton
u.rant and lounge.
'll0rdus Gresham, 33, of
Bridgeport Way SW,
wood, was identified on
for December 14. She ordered
Gresham to have no contact
with LaVonne Peterson, Denise
Miller, Brett Peterson or David
Matthews and told the suspect
to stay away from the Pine Tree
Also on Tuesday, December
* Lauren Elizabeth Han-
sen, 22, of 1502 Wingwood
Place, Shelton, was identified in
an investigation of taking a mo-
tor vehicle withoht owner's per-
mission in the second degree.
She said she could reside at 584
Bellevue Avenue in Shelton.
Hansen is suspected of taking
her father's 2000 Ford Ranger.
She was arrested at 3:48 a.m.
on Friday by Shelton police who
said they were responding to a
stolen vehicle report from Gary
Hansen. She reportedly admit-
ted she took the truck and said
she did not recall where she left
it or if anyone else might have
been driving the vehicle.
Judge Sheldon appointed
James Foley as defense attor-
ney, set bail at $2,500 and sched-
uled arraignment for December
14. She ordered Hansen to have
no contact with her father or his
residence on Wingwood Place.
• Rene Rivera, 31, 6621
East 35th Street, Tacoma, was
identified in an investigation of
being an alien in possession of
a firearm and having no valid
operator's license.
He was arrested on December
2 by a Squaxin Island tribal of-
ricer who stopped the vehicle he
was driving for speeding. The
officer reported searching the
vehicle and finding a pistol in a
compartment of the dashboard.
Rivera reportedly admitted be-
ing in the U.S. for 12 years ille-
gally. The arrest was referred to
the Mason County Sheriff's Of-
fice since Rivera is not a tribal
There is a federal Immigra-
tion and Customs Enforcement
Sheldon appointed Jeanette
Boothe as defense attorney, set
bail at $2,500 and scheduled ar-
raignment for December 14.
A court-certified interpreter
translated the proceedings into
Spanish and English.
• Robert James Farmer
Jr., 27, of 13715 Easy Street
KPN, Gig Harbor, was identi-
fied in an investigation of four
counts of possession of stolen
property in the second degree
and driving while license is sus-
pended or revoked in the second
He was arrested on Friday by
a deputy who reportedly stopped
the vehicle Farmer was driving
for having a defective exhaust
and learned Farmer's license
had been suspended. The depu-
ty said he searched Farmer and
found four .credit cards in the
name of Brian Moore. Moore re-
ported the theft of his vehicle on
November 26 and said his credit
cards were inside it. Moore said
the cards were not inside the ve-
hicle when it was recovered.
Judge Sheldon appointed
Foley as defense attorney, set
bail at $2,500 and scheduled
arraignment for December 14.
She ordered Farmer to have no
contact with Moore.
On Thursday, November 29:
• Jackie Dean Brooks, 58,
of Shelton, was identified in an
investigation of two counts of
assault in the third degree, at-
tempting to disarm law enforce-
ment, resisting arrest and ob-
structing law enforcement. He
said he lives in a tent behind
the Fred Meyer store.
He was arrested around 5:20
p.m. on November 28 by Officer
Chris Kostad of the SPD who
was assisting Officer Mark Hin-
ton at Kneeland Park. Brooks
reportedly was intoxicated and
refusing to get out of a vehicle
which wasn't his. Brooks got out
and approached Kostad, who re-
ported that Brooks "got within
:day in Mason County Su-
lor Court in an investigation
Jsault in the second degree,
,ltult in the fourth degree and
"tructing law enforcement.
'Ie was arrested on Friday
0fficer Kenny Driver of the
.ton Police Department who
he responded at around 1
, to a report of an assault
o women at the Pine Tree
', Faurant. A group of people
standing in the alley with
* ale, identified as Gresham,
lhis shirt off. He was bleed-
i'from his upper ,and lower
nd nose, Driver reported.
.ham reportedly started
ng toward the officer, yell-
awith his hands in a fighting
ce. Driver ordered him to
. advancing and to get on his
. and used his Taser when
itham did not comply with
resham allegedly assaulted
Onne Peterson, who com-
ed of a sore shoulder, and
,ise M. Miller, who may have
flined a broken nose. Miller
he approached her in the
ly, yelling obscenities and
tched her in the nose. Ac-
Lag to papers on file with
Court clerk, Peterson saw
]ham assault Miller and
n she confronted him he
!bed her and she injured her
lder on a wall.
• rett Peterson said he
I !ched Gresham to defend his
and Dave Matthews said
:Saw the alleged assaults on
Women, according to court
ers. Gresham was taken to
8on General Hospital prior
being booked into Mason
aty Jail.
Udge Toni Sheldon appoint-
Ronald Sergi as defense
t ofhe aw ereslid?nd cc m ]d own"
hill into Purdy Canyon.
Squaxin Island officers re-
sponding to a report of an al-
leged firearms violation on SE
Squaxin Lane requested the as-
sistance of deputies.
Skokomish tribal officers
received a complaint at 10:28
p.m. about an off-road vehicle
on North Reservation Road.
Monday, December 3
Fire District 2 responded to
20 calls for service.
At around 3 a.m., a caller re-
ported a possible burglary in
progress at a residence on SE
Holly Place near Shelton.
Burglaries at a residence on
East Rose Point Lane, Belfair,
and at a place about 25 miles
out NE North Shore Road, Ta-
huya, were reported.
A vehicle prowl at a busi-
ness on SE State Route 3 was
A caller from East Lakeshore
Drive West near Shelton re-
ported an ongoing problem with
telephone harassment.
A caller from West Simp-
son Road near Shelton said a
neighbor's dog attacked and
killed three llamas.
A hit-and-run collision at the
Agate Store was reported.
d near Shelton.
J caller reported the attempt-
!heft of diesel tom machines
NE Sand Hill Road, Belfair.
day, November 30
Ikokomish officers received
port of a fisheries violation
Purdy Creek. A caller re-
2ed a "pack of dogs" in the
a of North Salish Court. A
r from North Enatai Court
rted a theft.
caller reported the theft
|items valued at $1,000 from
hicle at a place about six
!s out East State Route 106,
caller reported the theft of
t tub, appliances and other
s from a residence on East
hsby Place, Shelton.
caller reported the theft of
ain gate from a construc-
site near Milepost 17 of
t State Route 106, Belfair.
break-in at a residence on
t Phillips Lake Loop Road
etectives received a
alleged sex offense.
1' caller from East Rasor Road
[at, Belfair, reported chickens
ing in the roadway and a
r from East Point Wilson
ld near Shelton said dogs
acked and killed the caller's
possible structure fire at 24070
NE State Route 3, Belfair.
Deputies responding to a re-
port of a burglary and assault
at a place near Milepost 277 of
North Highway 101 requested
the assistance of the Skokom-
ish tribal police.
Skokomish officers respond-
ed at 6:12 a.m. to the report of
a disturbance at a residence on
North Potlatch Court.
A caller from NE Blacksmith
Drive, Belfair, complained
about four people on snowmo-
At 6:15 p.m. a caller reported
a disturbance in the parking lot
at the Matlock Store.
Sunday, December 2
Fire districts 12 and 16 re-
sponded at 9:20 p.m., to a re-
port of a structure fire at 2300
West Highland Road. Fire Dis-
trict 2 responded to reports of
possible structure fires at 311
East Cedarbrook Lane, Belfair,
and at 9440 SW Barney White
Road, Belfair.
A caller from a place on East
Mason-Benson Road requested
the assistance of the animal
control officer in dealing with
an injured horse.
At 8:53 a.m. a caller reported
a semi-trailer truck jack-knifed
Ckens. ,
ttttrday, December 1
ire District 2 responded at
on North Highway 101 on the
pushed him away and told him
to stay back but he approached
again. Brooks was arrested for
He allegedly attempted to
pull away from both officers as
they tried to handcuff him and
refused to get inside the patrol
vehicle. The officers told him
pepper spray would be used if
he continued to refuse. One of
the officers used the spray and
they were able to get him in the
patrol car and took him to the
police station.
Brooks reportedly refused
to walk and had to be dragged
inside. He laid on the hallway
floor and reportedly did not
respond to commands. Med-
ics were called but he refused
their services and began to spit
on the floor. Brooks was placed
in a holding cell. When the of-
ricers asked for identification,
he allegedly kicked at the offi-
cers and refused to comply with
verbal orders. Officers tried to
handcuff him and deployed a
Taser. Brooks allegedly rolled
over and grabbed Kostad's right
hand which held the Taser. He
was handcuffed after a second
electric blast from the Taser.
Judge Sheldon appointed
Foley as defense attorney, set
bail at $2,500 and scheduled ar-
raignment for December 13.
On Wednesday, November
• Tammy Bernice Walls,
49, of 135 East Terrace Drive,
Belfair, was identified in an
investigation of intimidating
a public servant, false report-
ing to 911 and resisting arrest.
She was arrested on November
27 by deputies from the Mason
County Sheriffs Office and is
suspected of threatening Shel-
ton Communications Center
dispatchers Valerie VanCleave
and Sara E. Gearhart.
They said that at 7 a.m. No-
vember 27 Walls reported a
burglary at the residence on
Terrace Drive the day before.
She then allegedly made a total
of 14 calls to 911 and demanded
to speak to an officer. When the
dispatchers explained a deputy
was on the way she allegedly
told the dispatchers they were
dead and she would kill them.
In one of the 911 calls, she re-
portedly said her house was on
fire, but she did not want the
fire department, she wanted
yelled about "her husband, his
henchmen and his church try-
ing to get her."
According to a report on file
with the court clerk, Walls re-
fused to leave the house be-
cause she had to take care of
her three cats and two pet rats,
saying she was not going any-
where and "absolutely was not
going back to Western State
Hospital." She reportedly told
a deputy she was "certified as
crazy." When deputies attempt-
ed to place handcuffs on her she
reportedly resisted by clenching
her hands to her chest, sitting
down on the couch and rolling
onto her stomach. They said she
stopped resisting for a while
and was taken to a patrol ve-
hicle and refused to get inside
it. After the deputies forced her
into the back seat of the patrol
vehicle she allegedly kicked at
the windows.
Judge Sheldon appointed Fol-
ey as defense attorney, set bail
at $2,500 and arraignment for
December 10. Sheldon ordered
a mental-health evaluation for
Walls at the Mason County
• Joseph James Tindall,
23, of 147 West Frisken Y Road,
Elma, was identified in an in-
vestigation of possession of
methamphetamine, use of drug
paraphernalia and driving while
license suspended or revoked in
the third degree.
He was arrested at 1:he Mat-
lock Store on November 27 by
Trooper Rob Atkinson of the
Washington State Patrol. The
trooper said he was parked at
the intersection of Shelton-
Matlock and Deckerville roads
when he saw a passenger with-
out a seatbelt in the vehicle
Tindall was driving. When the
passenger got of the vehicle At-
kinson reportedly saw a pouch
on the seat near Tindall. There
was a glass pipe inside it but
the passenger denied having
any knowledge about it, accord-
ing to the trooper. He learned
Tindall's license had been sus-
pended and arrested him. The
pipe reportedly contained burnt
residue as well as white resi-
due, which field-tested positive
for meth.
Judge Sheldon appointed
Sergi as defense attorney, set
bail at $1,000 and scheduled ar-
raignment for December 8.
Microscopic meth
means prison term
A 41-year-old Mason County
woman was sentenced to prison
after being convicted by a jury of
possession of methamphetamine
after a two-day trial in Mason
County Superior Court.
Mary L. Balaski, of 270' NE
Trudeau Mountain Road, Belfair,
was sentenced on November 26 to
12 months plus one day in prison
for possession of meth. During the
trial she claimed she found a small
baggie which she thought was
empty but which contained meth-
amphetamine residue. She was
arrested July 11 at 1210 Deerview
Circle on Harstine Island on prop-
erty which had been condemned
by Mason County Public Health. A
jury found her guilty of the crime.
Deputy Prosecutor Mike Dor-
cy said the sentencing range is
from six to 18 months. He recom-
mended a sentence of 366 days.
Sentences of less than a year are
served in the Mason County Jail
and sentences of one year plus one
day and above are served with the
Washington Department of Cor-
Defense attorney Ronald Sergi
argued for a sentence at the'bot-
tom of the range. He said the
amount of meth found inside the
bag was "microscopic" and that to
Balaski "it looked pretty empty."
Judge Toni Sheldon said Balas-
ki would be on nine to 12 months
of community supervision and
ordered her to have a substance-
abuse evaluation and to follow all
recommended treatment. She im-
posed legal financial obligations
of a $2,000 drug fine, $500 to the
crime victims' compensation fund,
$975 in attorney-fee recoupment
for the county, a $250 jury fee and
$583.32 in court costs.
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Thursday, December 6, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29
,00ourt roundup:
,,iwo0:waan5,(}JoaittorlneesedAj Iron arrested a d for assaulting women
a; ° " at 00o0000oo00,00era,00e00ut0000ro00e00u one foot 00o00so00a, cootact-
arraignment tar Mike Dorcy reported. Judge jeopardizing my safety." Kostad ed at 7:53 a.m. by deputies she
dly assaulting two women
ide a downtown Shelton
u.rant and lounge.
'll0rdus Gresham, 33, of
Bridgeport Way SW,
wood, was identified on
for December 14. She ordered
Gresham to have no contact
with LaVonne Peterson, Denise
Miller, Brett Peterson or David
Matthews and told the suspect
to stay away from the Pine Tree
Also on Tuesday, December
* Lauren Elizabeth Han-
sen, 22, of 1502 Wingwood
Place, Shelton, was identified in
an investigation of taking a mo-
tor vehicle withoht owner's per-
mission in the second degree.
She said she could reside at 584
Bellevue Avenue in Shelton.
Hansen is suspected of taking
her father's 2000 Ford Ranger.
She was arrested at 3:48 a.m.
on Friday by Shelton police who
said they were responding to a
stolen vehicle report from Gary
Hansen. She reportedly admit-
ted she took the truck and said
she did not recall where she left
it or if anyone else might have
been driving the vehicle.
Judge Sheldon appointed
James Foley as defense attor-
ney, set bail at $2,500 and sched-
uled arraignment for December
14. She ordered Hansen to have
no contact with her father or his
residence on Wingwood Place.
• Rene Rivera, 31, 6621
East 35th Street, Tacoma, was
identified in an investigation of
being an alien in possession of
a firearm and having no valid
operator's license.
He was arrested on December
2 by a Squaxin Island tribal of-
ricer who stopped the vehicle he
was driving for speeding. The
officer reported searching the
vehicle and finding a pistol in a
compartment of the dashboard.
Rivera reportedly admitted be-
ing in the U.S. for 12 years ille-
gally. The arrest was referred to
the Mason County Sheriff's Of-
fice since Rivera is not a tribal
There is a federal Immigra-
tion and Customs Enforcement
Sheldon appointed Jeanette
Boothe as defense attorney, set
bail at $2,500 and scheduled ar-
raignment for December 14.
A court-certified interpreter
translated the proceedings into
Spanish and English.
• Robert James Farmer
Jr., 27, of 13715 Easy Street
KPN, Gig Harbor, was identi-
fied in an investigation of four
counts of possession of stolen
property in the second degree
and driving while license is sus-
pended or revoked in the second
He was arrested on Friday by
a deputy who reportedly stopped
the vehicle Farmer was driving
for having a defective exhaust
and learned Farmer's license
had been suspended. The depu-
ty said he searched Farmer and
found four .credit cards in the
name of Brian Moore. Moore re-
ported the theft of his vehicle on
November 26 and said his credit
cards were inside it. Moore said
the cards were not inside the ve-
hicle when it was recovered.
Judge Sheldon appointed
Foley as defense attorney, set
bail at $2,500 and scheduled
arraignment for December 14.
She ordered Farmer to have no
contact with Moore.
On Thursday, November 29:
• Jackie Dean Brooks, 58,
of Shelton, was identified in an
investigation of two counts of
assault in the third degree, at-
tempting to disarm law enforce-
ment, resisting arrest and ob-
structing law enforcement. He
said he lives in a tent behind
the Fred Meyer store.
He was arrested around 5:20
p.m. on November 28 by Officer
Chris Kostad of the SPD who
was assisting Officer Mark Hin-
ton at Kneeland Park. Brooks
reportedly was intoxicated and
refusing to get out of a vehicle
which wasn't his. Brooks got out
and approached Kostad, who re-
ported that Brooks "got within
:day in Mason County Su-
lor Court in an investigation
Jsault in the second degree,
,ltult in the fourth degree and
"tructing law enforcement.
'Ie was arrested on Friday
0fficer Kenny Driver of the
.ton Police Department who
he responded at around 1
, to a report of an assault
o women at the Pine Tree
', Faurant. A group of people
standing in the alley with
* ale, identified as Gresham,
lhis shirt off. He was bleed-
i'from his upper ,and lower
nd nose, Driver reported.
.ham reportedly started
ng toward the officer, yell-
awith his hands in a fighting
ce. Driver ordered him to
. advancing and to get on his
. and used his Taser when
itham did not comply with
resham allegedly assaulted
Onne Peterson, who com-
ed of a sore shoulder, and
,ise M. Miller, who may have
flined a broken nose. Miller
he approached her in the
ly, yelling obscenities and
tched her in the nose. Ac-
Lag to papers on file with
Court clerk, Peterson saw
]ham assault Miller and
n she confronted him he
!bed her and she injured her
lder on a wall.
• rett Peterson said he
I !ched Gresham to defend his
and Dave Matthews said
:Saw the alleged assaults on
Women, according to court
ers. Gresham was taken to
8on General Hospital prior
being booked into Mason
aty Jail.
Udge Toni Sheldon appoint-
Ronald Sergi as defense
t ofhe aw ereslid?nd cc m ]d own"
hill into Purdy Canyon.
Squaxin Island officers re-
sponding to a report of an al-
leged firearms violation on SE
Squaxin Lane requested the as-
sistance of deputies.
Skokomish tribal officers
received a complaint at 10:28
p.m. about an off-road vehicle
on North Reservation Road.
Monday, December 3
Fire District 2 responded to
20 calls for service.
At around 3 a.m., a caller re-
ported a possible burglary in
progress at a residence on SE
Holly Place near Shelton.
Burglaries at a residence on
East Rose Point Lane, Belfair,
and at a place about 25 miles
out NE North Shore Road, Ta-
huya, were reported.
A vehicle prowl at a busi-
ness on SE State Route 3 was
A caller from East Lakeshore
Drive West near Shelton re-
ported an ongoing problem with
telephone harassment.
A caller from West Simp-
son Road near Shelton said a
neighbor's dog attacked and
killed three llamas.
A hit-and-run collision at the
Agate Store was reported.
d near Shelton.
J caller reported the attempt-
!heft of diesel tom machines
NE Sand Hill Road, Belfair.
day, November 30
Ikokomish officers received
port of a fisheries violation
Purdy Creek. A caller re-
2ed a "pack of dogs" in the
a of North Salish Court. A
r from North Enatai Court
rted a theft.
caller reported the theft
|items valued at $1,000 from
hicle at a place about six
!s out East State Route 106,
caller reported the theft of
t tub, appliances and other
s from a residence on East
hsby Place, Shelton.
caller reported the theft of
ain gate from a construc-
site near Milepost 17 of
t State Route 106, Belfair.
break-in at a residence on
t Phillips Lake Loop Road
etectives received a
alleged sex offense.
1' caller from East Rasor Road
[at, Belfair, reported chickens
ing in the roadway and a
r from East Point Wilson
ld near Shelton said dogs
acked and killed the caller's
possible structure fire at 24070
NE State Route 3, Belfair.
Deputies responding to a re-
port of a burglary and assault
at a place near Milepost 277 of
North Highway 101 requested
the assistance of the Skokom-
ish tribal police.
Skokomish officers respond-
ed at 6:12 a.m. to the report of
a disturbance at a residence on
North Potlatch Court.
A caller from NE Blacksmith
Drive, Belfair, complained
about four people on snowmo-
At 6:15 p.m. a caller reported
a disturbance in the parking lot
at the Matlock Store.
Sunday, December 2
Fire districts 12 and 16 re-
sponded at 9:20 p.m., to a re-
port of a structure fire at 2300
West Highland Road. Fire Dis-
trict 2 responded to reports of
possible structure fires at 311
East Cedarbrook Lane, Belfair,
and at 9440 SW Barney White
Road, Belfair.
A caller from a place on East
Mason-Benson Road requested
the assistance of the animal
control officer in dealing with
an injured horse.
At 8:53 a.m. a caller reported
a semi-trailer truck jack-knifed
Ckens. ,
ttttrday, December 1
ire District 2 responded at
on North Highway 101 on the
pushed him away and told him
to stay back but he approached
again. Brooks was arrested for
He allegedly attempted to
pull away from both officers as
they tried to handcuff him and
refused to get inside the patrol
vehicle. The officers told him
pepper spray would be used if
he continued to refuse. One of
the officers used the spray and
they were able to get him in the
patrol car and took him to the
police station.
Brooks reportedly refused
to walk and had to be dragged
inside. He laid on the hallway
floor and reportedly did not
respond to commands. Med-
ics were called but he refused
their services and began to spit
on the floor. Brooks was placed
in a holding cell. When the of-
ricers asked for identification,
he allegedly kicked at the offi-
cers and refused to comply with
verbal orders. Officers tried to
handcuff him and deployed a
Taser. Brooks allegedly rolled
over and grabbed Kostad's right
hand which held the Taser. He
was handcuffed after a second
electric blast from the Taser.
Judge Sheldon appointed
Foley as defense attorney, set
bail at $2,500 and scheduled ar-
raignment for December 13.
On Wednesday, November
• Tammy Bernice Walls,
49, of 135 East Terrace Drive,
Belfair, was identified in an
investigation of intimidating
a public servant, false report-
ing to 911 and resisting arrest.
She was arrested on November
27 by deputies from the Mason
County Sheriffs Office and is
suspected of threatening Shel-
ton Communications Center
dispatchers Valerie VanCleave
and Sara E. Gearhart.
They said that at 7 a.m. No-
vember 27 Walls reported a
burglary at the residence on
Terrace Drive the day before.
She then allegedly made a total
of 14 calls to 911 and demanded
to speak to an officer. When the
dispatchers explained a deputy
was on the way she allegedly
told the dispatchers they were
dead and she would kill them.
In one of the 911 calls, she re-
portedly said her house was on
fire, but she did not want the
fire department, she wanted
yelled about "her husband, his
henchmen and his church try-
ing to get her."
According to a report on file
with the court clerk, Walls re-
fused to leave the house be-
cause she had to take care of
her three cats and two pet rats,
saying she was not going any-
where and "absolutely was not
going back to Western State
Hospital." She reportedly told
a deputy she was "certified as
crazy." When deputies attempt-
ed to place handcuffs on her she
reportedly resisted by clenching
her hands to her chest, sitting
down on the couch and rolling
onto her stomach. They said she
stopped resisting for a while
and was taken to a patrol ve-
hicle and refused to get inside
it. After the deputies forced her
into the back seat of the patrol
vehicle she allegedly kicked at
the windows.
Judge Sheldon appointed Fol-
ey as defense attorney, set bail
at $2,500 and arraignment for
December 10. Sheldon ordered
a mental-health evaluation for
Walls at the Mason County
• Joseph James Tindall,
23, of 147 West Frisken Y Road,
Elma, was identified in an in-
vestigation of possession of
methamphetamine, use of drug
paraphernalia and driving while
license suspended or revoked in
the third degree.
He was arrested at 1:he Mat-
lock Store on November 27 by
Trooper Rob Atkinson of the
Washington State Patrol. The
trooper said he was parked at
the intersection of Shelton-
Matlock and Deckerville roads
when he saw a passenger with-
out a seatbelt in the vehicle
Tindall was driving. When the
passenger got of the vehicle At-
kinson reportedly saw a pouch
on the seat near Tindall. There
was a glass pipe inside it but
the passenger denied having
any knowledge about it, accord-
ing to the trooper. He learned
Tindall's license had been sus-
pended and arrested him. The
pipe reportedly contained burnt
residue as well as white resi-
due, which field-tested positive
for meth.
Judge Sheldon appointed
Sergi as defense attorney, set
bail at $1,000 and scheduled ar-
raignment for December 8.
Microscopic meth
means prison term
A 41-year-old Mason County
woman was sentenced to prison
after being convicted by a jury of
possession of methamphetamine
after a two-day trial in Mason
County Superior Court.
Mary L. Balaski, of 270' NE
Trudeau Mountain Road, Belfair,
was sentenced on November 26 to
12 months plus one day in prison
for possession of meth. During the
trial she claimed she found a small
baggie which she thought was
empty but which contained meth-
amphetamine residue. She was
arrested July 11 at 1210 Deerview
Circle on Harstine Island on prop-
erty which had been condemned
by Mason County Public Health. A
jury found her guilty of the crime.
Deputy Prosecutor Mike Dor-
cy said the sentencing range is
from six to 18 months. He recom-
mended a sentence of 366 days.
Sentences of less than a year are
served in the Mason County Jail
and sentences of one year plus one
day and above are served with the
Washington Department of Cor-
Defense attorney Ronald Sergi
argued for a sentence at the'bot-
tom of the range. He said the
amount of meth found inside the
bag was "microscopic" and that to
Balaski "it looked pretty empty."
Judge Toni Sheldon said Balas-
ki would be on nine to 12 months
of community supervision and
ordered her to have a substance-
abuse evaluation and to follow all
recommended treatment. She im-
posed legal financial obligations
of a $2,000 drug fine, $500 to the
crime victims' compensation fund,
$975 in attorney-fee recoupment
for the county, a $250 jury fee and
$583.32 in court costs.
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Thursday, December 6, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29