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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 6, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 6, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Christmas services and events are in the works Angle Hunt.Hawkins and Steven Hupper 0 't-Iupper ,00:ngaged to Hunt-I lawkins Steven Hupper of Belfair and gie Hunt-Hawkins of Belling- ra plan to marry on June 8, 2008 Safeco Field in Seattle. JThe groom is the son of Randall d Tracey Hupp)elr of Belfair and a 2003 graduate of North Mason gh School. The bride-to-be is the daughter Kathy and Harry Hawkins of llingham and Bob Hunt of Lake Stevens. Hunt-Hawkins is a 2003 graduate of Sehome High School in Bellingham. Both will receive their bache- lor's degrees this coming May from Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Hupper's degree will be in civil engineering and Hunt-Hawkins' degree will be in business admin- istration. tems Note the library: schedule of events The North Mason Timberland Library in Belfair has re- Used a new schedule for the month fbecember and part of January. atThe library is located at 23081 NE e Route 3 and can be reached by ling 275-3232. or information on any topic for help finding information re- rces, the TRL Central Reference btarians are available toll-free at 00-562-6022. All Timberland programs are free charge unless otherwise noted. [Yone needing special accommo- lions to participate in a library's [Ogram may contact the library at st four days in advance. NOW HERE is a quick look at upcoming .schedule: • The Friends of the North Ma- 1 Timberland Library will meet at 'a.m. on Tuesday, December 11, the library. The group meets on second Tuesday of each month. The library presents Book Itbies from 10 to 10"30 am on ednesday, December 12, for ba- es birth to 24 months. Join in Program of short stories, songs ld rhymes. Discover the joy of guage learning with your baby. erwards, adults can visit while Lbies play with toys and sturdy ks. Each baby must be accompa- ed by an adtilt. The library presents Preschool ry Time from 10:30 to 11 a.m. on -dnesday, December 12, for chil- n 3-6 years. Join in a program ories, rhymes, songs and move- lt games. Parents or caregivers welcome to attend with their ldren. The library presents A Classical !iday in Lullabies and Nursery es from 7 to 8 p.m. on Wednes- December 12, for adults and ilies. The Annas Bay Community ir will perform holiday-themed sical arrangements of lullabies the "Nursery Rhyme Suite," a 'ly history of western classical • ic showcased through familiar sery rhymes. The Friends of the th Mason Timberland Library ! sponsoring this program. The library presents Junior eTurners Book Group for Kids Mason or Grays Harbor County I i 526 W. Cedar St., Sheiton I i]948 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton 426-9701 from 4 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, De- cember 13, for children grades 1-3. Meet for a book chat, games, snacks and a craft. Register at the library a week before the program and pick up the featured book, Rattlesnake Dance: True Tales, Mysteries and Rattlesnake Ceremonies by Jennifer Owings Dewey. • The Timberland Regional Li- brary Board of Trustees will have a public meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, December 19, at the Administrative Service Center, lo- cated at 415 Tumwater Boulevard, Tumwater. The public is encour- aged to attend. • The library presents Book Babies from 10 to 10:30 a,m. on Wednesday, December 19, for ba- bies birth-24 months. • The library presents Preschool Story Time from 10:30 to 11 a.m. on Wednesday, December 19, for chil- dren 3-6 years. * The library presents PageTurn- ers Book Discussion from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursday, December 20, for all ages. This month enjoy refresh- ments while watching a light-heart- ed film. * All Timberland Libraries will be closed Monday, December 24, and Tuesday, December 25, for the Christmas holiday. Libraries will resume regular schedules Wednes- day, December 26. All Timberland Regional Libraries will also close at 6 p.m. on Monday, December 31. And lastly, all Timberland Regional Libraries will be closed on Tuesday, January 1, for New Year's Day. Li- braries will resume regular sched- ules Wednesday, January 2. • The library presents Junior PageTurners Book Group for Kids from 4 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, Janu- ary 10, for children grades 1-3. Meet for a book chat, games, snacks and a craft. Register at the library a week before the program and pick up the featured book, The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry. (Continued from page 1.) of salmon or ham. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for youth and $40 for a family and will only be sold in advance. The church is located at 25140 NE State Route 3. To get more information on this special event contact the church by calling 275-3714. • On Sunday, December 16, North Mason Bible Church will of- fer a Christmas choir concert and a play, "The Richest Family in Town," at their regular 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services. The church is located at 82 East Campus Drive, just below North Mason High School. To get more information call the church di- rectly at 275-4555. • On Sunday, December 16, A1- lyn Baptist Church will present a play, "The Mystery of the Missing Manger" at their regular 11 a.m service. The church is located at 221 East LakeLand Drive in Allyn. For further information call the church at 275-6992. • On Sunday, December 16, Grapeview Timberland Commu- nity Church will host its Sunday school's play, "Twas the Night Be- fore Christmas," at 6 p.m. with a "birthday party for Jesus" after- wards. The church is located at 460 East Mason-Benson Road. For more information contact them at 275- Salmon center has changed meeting times in December The Pacific Northwest Salmon Center is changing the day and time of its regular monthly board meetings. Beginning in December, the board meetings will be held at 6 p.m. on the second Wednesday of every month. The December meet- ing will be held at the Bistro at LakeLand Village in Allyn. Licensing office has changed hours for the winter season Belfair's vehicle and vessel li- censing office began its winter hours November 1. The office, located in downtown Belfair in the old county annex building, is now open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesdays through Fridays, with a one-hour lunch 3750. • The holidays can be a time of struggle, especially if there has been the death of a loved one, a job loss, or separation from family and tradition. With those needs in mind, North Mason United Methodist Church will host a new type of gath- ering, called "The Longest Night," to be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, Decem- ber 21, at the church. The non-tra- ditional service will include medita- tions, songs, and prayers supportive of those who are feeling a bit less joy during this season. • Belfair Community Baptist Church will present its annual Christmas cantata at 7 p.m. on Fri- day, December 21, and at the regu- lar 11 a.m. service on Sunday, De- cember 23. The church is located at 23300 NE State Route 3. For more information on this event contact the church at 275-6031. * At 6 p.m. on Sunday, December 23, the New Community Church of Union will present its annual "The Baby Born in a Barn" non-tradi- tional service, held in the big barn at Hunter Farms. Hunter Farms is located at 1921 East State Route 106 in Union. From Belfair, simply follow State Route 106 (South Shore Road) towards Union. For more in- formation on this event call 898- 7855. 3 p,m. on Saturdays. The licensing office's new hours will remain in effect until April of 2008. Christ Lutheran set to host a fair trade bazaar December 8 Christ Lutheran Church, locat- ed just past Belfair State Park at 3701 North Shore Road, will host a fair trade bazaar in the afternoon on Saturday, December 8. The event will feature unique Christmas gifts that come from developing countries where pro- ducers receive fair pay for the products. Organizers say that more than 20 countries will be rep- resented at the fair. Items at the event, which is sponsored by vari- ous nonprofits, will be sold at cost. Many of the gifts will be priced at $10 or less. There will also be fair trade chocolate, coffee, tea, hot chocolate and more. • The annual Las Posadas ser- vice will be held at 4 p.m. on Mon- day, December 24, at North Mason United Methodist Church. This youth-oriented service in the His- panic tradition was begun in 1587 to introduce Christianity to the New World. The service will include familiar words and music as well as, of course, a pifiata. SEVERAL churches have also planned special Christmas Eve ser- vices: • Saint Nicholas' Episcopal Church will hold a Eucharist ser- vice at 2 p.m. • Christ Lutheran Church, locat- ed at 3701 NE North Shore Road, will have a service at 4 p.m. and also a candlelight service at 11 p.m. • Belfair Assembly of God Church will have a candlelight service at 6 p.m. • The North Mason Bible Church has a service set for 6:30 p.m. • The Allyn Baptist Church will hold a candlelight service at 7 p.m. • Belfair Community Baptist Church will have services at 7 and 11 p.m. • Christ Lutheran Church will hold a candlelight service at 11 p.m. • North Mason United Methodist Church has set a candlelight service at 11 p.m. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Locally owned • Licensed 15 years experience 1-360-277-9241 Cell 1-360-401-0048 HOODCCP979NN DISCOUNT HEATING OIL $3.129 gal 400 gallon rate* Senior Discount and Payment Plans Automatic Fill up 1-800-339-2491 IF UEL.S00.00 OUR $1NGI CHOfCE FOR FUEl. *Price subject to change ANCHI'S BARK AND GRAVEL } 5419 GRAI EVIEW LOOP ROAD closure from noon to 1 p.m. The of- • Driveway Gravel Custom Spread FREE : rice will also be open from 9 a.m. to • • Bark (U-haul) ...... s9/Yardlll-- '* Garden club " RiverRock " '  * to host "25 Ib00.,o 00000 Ibm. -- set : • Topsoil • Compost • Cedarnd Ader (hips : special show CLOSED SATURDAYS" U-HAUl BYAPPOINTMENT ONtY The Evergreen Garden Club will be presenting a standard flower show which they are call- ing "Home for the Holidays" at the Mary E. Theler Community Center in Belfair from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, December 7, and Saturday, December 8. Organizers say that the show will consist of flower designs, min- iature designs, horticulture ex- hibits, crafts exhibits and various educational displays. The show will be judged by Washington State accredited judg- es and the public is welcome to at- tend the event free of charge. There will also be a boutique with gifts, swags, Christmas decor and more during the event. Those that would like further informa- tion about the show or the garden club itself should call club member Marie Ennaro at 275-5763. NORTH MASON FIBER COMPANY Re. Box 275. NE 431 LoI Yard Rd. • Belfair, WA 98528 The Place To Take Your YARD & WOOD Waste , Contractors Welcome ,,, , S'mrtirtgq[lir Per Small l  Per . Price I at "P' J Truck Load __ qCl "Trailer °aiSeaonl dlW (Pick, up Size) UK' I  Load vehicle OPEN MON-FRI 7AM-5PM • WEEKENDS 8AM-4PM 27S-0228 Pleoe ’a, for dire’tion end mor= iaormatio. NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE I II SEARCHING FOR GREAT INSURANCE RATESP.? JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY ........ A'S'I Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency, Inc. 11 NE Old Belfair Hwy., Belfair, WA 98528 360 277-5300 "Since 1970" Visit us at our website at Thursday, December 6, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 Christmas services and events are in the works Angle Hunt.Hawkins and Steven Hupper 0 't-Iupper ,00:ngaged to Hunt-I lawkins Steven Hupper of Belfair and gie Hunt-Hawkins of Belling- ra plan to marry on June 8, 2008 Safeco Field in Seattle. JThe groom is the son of Randall d Tracey Hupp)elr of Belfair and a 2003 graduate of North Mason gh School. The bride-to-be is the daughter Kathy and Harry Hawkins of llingham and Bob Hunt of Lake Stevens. Hunt-Hawkins is a 2003 graduate of Sehome High School in Bellingham. Both will receive their bache- lor's degrees this coming May from Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Hupper's degree will be in civil engineering and Hunt-Hawkins' degree will be in business admin- istration. tems Note the library: schedule of events The North Mason Timberland Library in Belfair has re- Used a new schedule for the month fbecember and part of January. atThe library is located at 23081 NE e Route 3 and can be reached by ling 275-3232. or information on any topic for help finding information re- rces, the TRL Central Reference btarians are available toll-free at 00-562-6022. All Timberland programs are free charge unless otherwise noted. [Yone needing special accommo- lions to participate in a library's [Ogram may contact the library at st four days in advance. NOW HERE is a quick look at upcoming .schedule: • The Friends of the North Ma- 1 Timberland Library will meet at 'a.m. on Tuesday, December 11, the library. The group meets on second Tuesday of each month. The library presents Book Itbies from 10 to 10"30 am on ednesday, December 12, for ba- es birth to 24 months. Join in Program of short stories, songs ld rhymes. Discover the joy of guage learning with your baby. erwards, adults can visit while Lbies play with toys and sturdy ks. Each baby must be accompa- ed by an adtilt. The library presents Preschool ry Time from 10:30 to 11 a.m. on -dnesday, December 12, for chil- n 3-6 years. Join in a program ories, rhymes, songs and move- lt games. Parents or caregivers welcome to attend with their ldren. The library presents A Classical !iday in Lullabies and Nursery es from 7 to 8 p.m. on Wednes- December 12, for adults and ilies. The Annas Bay Community ir will perform holiday-themed sical arrangements of lullabies the "Nursery Rhyme Suite," a 'ly history of western classical • ic showcased through familiar sery rhymes. The Friends of the th Mason Timberland Library ! sponsoring this program. The library presents Junior eTurners Book Group for Kids Mason or Grays Harbor County I i 526 W. Cedar St., Sheiton I i]948 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton 426-9701 from 4 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, De- cember 13, for children grades 1-3. Meet for a book chat, games, snacks and a craft. Register at the library a week before the program and pick up the featured book, Rattlesnake Dance: True Tales, Mysteries and Rattlesnake Ceremonies by Jennifer Owings Dewey. • The Timberland Regional Li- brary Board of Trustees will have a public meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, December 19, at the Administrative Service Center, lo- cated at 415 Tumwater Boulevard, Tumwater. The public is encour- aged to attend. • The library presents Book Babies from 10 to 10:30 a,m. on Wednesday, December 19, for ba- bies birth-24 months. • The library presents Preschool Story Time from 10:30 to 11 a.m. on Wednesday, December 19, for chil- dren 3-6 years. * The library presents PageTurn- ers Book Discussion from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursday, December 20, for all ages. This month enjoy refresh- ments while watching a light-heart- ed film. * All Timberland Libraries will be closed Monday, December 24, and Tuesday, December 25, for the Christmas holiday. Libraries will resume regular schedules Wednes- day, December 26. All Timberland Regional Libraries will also close at 6 p.m. on Monday, December 31. And lastly, all Timberland Regional Libraries will be closed on Tuesday, January 1, for New Year's Day. Li- braries will resume regular sched- ules Wednesday, January 2. • The library presents Junior PageTurners Book Group for Kids from 4 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, Janu- ary 10, for children grades 1-3. Meet for a book chat, games, snacks and a craft. Register at the library a week before the program and pick up the featured book, The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry. (Continued from page 1.) of salmon or ham. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for youth and $40 for a family and will only be sold in advance. The church is located at 25140 NE State Route 3. To get more information on this special event contact the church by calling 275-3714. • On Sunday, December 16, North Mason Bible Church will of- fer a Christmas choir concert and a play, "The Richest Family in Town," at their regular 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services. The church is located at 82 East Campus Drive, just below North Mason High School. To get more information call the church di- rectly at 275-4555. • On Sunday, December 16, A1- lyn Baptist Church will present a play, "The Mystery of the Missing Manger" at their regular 11 a.m service. The church is located at 221 East LakeLand Drive in Allyn. For further information call the church at 275-6992. • On Sunday, December 16, Grapeview Timberland Commu- nity Church will host its Sunday school's play, "Twas the Night Be- fore Christmas," at 6 p.m. with a "birthday party for Jesus" after- wards. The church is located at 460 East Mason-Benson Road. For more information contact them at 275- Salmon center has changed meeting times in December The Pacific Northwest Salmon Center is changing the day and time of its regular monthly board meetings. Beginning in December, the board meetings will be held at 6 p.m. on the second Wednesday of every month. The December meet- ing will be held at the Bistro at LakeLand Village in Allyn. Licensing office has changed hours for the winter season Belfair's vehicle and vessel li- censing office began its winter hours November 1. The office, located in downtown Belfair in the old county annex building, is now open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesdays through Fridays, with a one-hour lunch 3750. • The holidays can be a time of struggle, especially if there has been the death of a loved one, a job loss, or separation from family and tradition. With those needs in mind, North Mason United Methodist Church will host a new type of gath- ering, called "The Longest Night," to be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, Decem- ber 21, at the church. The non-tra- ditional service will include medita- tions, songs, and prayers supportive of those who are feeling a bit less joy during this season. • Belfair Community Baptist Church will present its annual Christmas cantata at 7 p.m. on Fri- day, December 21, and at the regu- lar 11 a.m. service on Sunday, De- cember 23. The church is located at 23300 NE State Route 3. For more information on this event contact the church at 275-6031. * At 6 p.m. on Sunday, December 23, the New Community Church of Union will present its annual "The Baby Born in a Barn" non-tradi- tional service, held in the big barn at Hunter Farms. Hunter Farms is located at 1921 East State Route 106 in Union. From Belfair, simply follow State Route 106 (South Shore Road) towards Union. For more in- formation on this event call 898- 7855. 3 p,m. on Saturdays. The licensing office's new hours will remain in effect until April of 2008. Christ Lutheran set to host a fair trade bazaar December 8 Christ Lutheran Church, locat- ed just past Belfair State Park at 3701 North Shore Road, will host a fair trade bazaar in the afternoon on Saturday, December 8. The event will feature unique Christmas gifts that come from developing countries where pro- ducers receive fair pay for the products. Organizers say that more than 20 countries will be rep- resented at the fair. Items at the event, which is sponsored by vari- ous nonprofits, will be sold at cost. Many of the gifts will be priced at $10 or less. There will also be fair trade chocolate, coffee, tea, hot chocolate and more. • The annual Las Posadas ser- vice will be held at 4 p.m. on Mon- day, December 24, at North Mason United Methodist Church. This youth-oriented service in the His- panic tradition was begun in 1587 to introduce Christianity to the New World. The service will include familiar words and music as well as, of course, a pifiata. SEVERAL churches have also planned special Christmas Eve ser- vices: • Saint Nicholas' Episcopal Church will hold a Eucharist ser- vice at 2 p.m. • Christ Lutheran Church, locat- ed at 3701 NE North Shore Road, will have a service at 4 p.m. and also a candlelight service at 11 p.m. • Belfair Assembly of God Church will have a candlelight service at 6 p.m. • The North Mason Bible Church has a service set for 6:30 p.m. • The Allyn Baptist Church will hold a candlelight service at 7 p.m. • Belfair Community Baptist Church will have services at 7 and 11 p.m. • Christ Lutheran Church will hold a candlelight service at 11 p.m. • North Mason United Methodist Church has set a candlelight service at 11 p.m. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Locally owned • Licensed 15 years experience 1-360-277-9241 Cell 1-360-401-0048 HOODCCP979NN DISCOUNT HEATING OIL $3.129 gal 400 gallon rate* Senior Discount and Payment Plans Automatic Fill up 1-800-339-2491 IF UEL.S00.00 OUR $1NGI CHOfCE FOR FUEl. *Price subject to change ANCHI'S BARK AND GRAVEL } 5419 GRAI EVIEW LOOP ROAD closure from noon to 1 p.m. The of- • Driveway Gravel Custom Spread FREE : rice will also be open from 9 a.m. to • • Bark (U-haul) ...... s9/Yardlll-- '* Garden club " RiverRock " '  * to host "25 Ib00.,o 00000 Ibm. -- set : • Topsoil • Compost • Cedarnd Ader (hips : special show CLOSED SATURDAYS" U-HAUl BYAPPOINTMENT ONtY The Evergreen Garden Club will be presenting a standard flower show which they are call- ing "Home for the Holidays" at the Mary E. Theler Community Center in Belfair from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, December 7, and Saturday, December 8. Organizers say that the show will consist of flower designs, min- iature designs, horticulture ex- hibits, crafts exhibits and various educational displays. The show will be judged by Washington State accredited judg- es and the public is welcome to at- tend the event free of charge. There will also be a boutique with gifts, swags, Christmas decor and more during the event. Those that would like further informa- tion about the show or the garden club itself should call club member Marie Ennaro at 275-5763. NORTH MASON FIBER COMPANY Re. Box 275. NE 431 LoI Yard Rd. • Belfair, WA 98528 The Place To Take Your YARD & WOOD Waste , Contractors Welcome ,,, , S'mrtirtgq[lir Per Small l  Per . Price I at "P' J Truck Load __ qCl "Trailer °aiSeaonl dlW (Pick, up Size) UK' I  Load vehicle OPEN MON-FRI 7AM-5PM • WEEKENDS 8AM-4PM 27S-0228 Pleoe ’a, for dire’tion end mor= iaormatio. NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE I II SEARCHING FOR GREAT INSURANCE RATESP.? JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY ........ A'S'I Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency, Inc. 11 NE Old Belfair Hwy., Belfair, WA 98528 360 277-5300 "Since 1970" Visit us at our website at Thursday, December 6, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3