December 6, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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donation: s10°°
f, 1947
$1t=[16S CIND4A$
Rise of the
Daily 4:50, 7:0Opm
Additional snows
FrI-Sat 9:00pm
] Sat-Sun 2:45pm
I~ Playing for
Dally 4:45, 7:OSpm
Additional Shows
Fri-Sat 9:15pm
] Sat-Sun 2:30pro
Midnight Show
The Hobblt
An Unexpected Journey
111ureclay 12/13/2012
Doom Open at 11:15 p.m.
Serving oil organic, fair trade espresso drinks
CM] 426-4412
to subscribe
All day, Walmart, 100 E.
Wallace Kneeland Boule-
vard, will be collecting toys
for Toys for Tots as part
of a partnership with The
Marine Corps Toys for Tots
Foundation and Pepsi. All
58 state locations will take
9 a.m.-3 p.m., The Ma-
son General Hospital &
Family of Clinics Auxiliary
will be selling See's candy
in the Washington Room at
the hospital. For more in-
formation, call 426-3064.
11:30 a.m., The Repub-
lican Women of Mason
County Christmas lunch
and meeting will take
place at The Grill restau-
rant, 116 W. Railroad Ave.
Lunch is $15. Visitors wel-
come. For more informa-
tion, call 432-1092.
Noon, The Irene S. Reed
Class of 1947 will meet for
its quarterly luncheon at
Taylor Station, located at
Lynch Creek Road and U.S.
Highway 101. For more in-
formation, 426-7151.
7-8 p.m., A free nativ-
ity play will take place at
901 E. Agate Loop Road.
Animals, hot apple cider
and a performance by stu-
dents from Pioneer School
will occur. For more infor-
mation, call Nancy at 427-
7:30 p.m., Three Shel-
ton residents will be
among those performing
at the Olympia Choral
Society's free Christmas
concert "'Tis the Season,"
at the Koval Center for
the Performing Arts, 600
Sleater-Kinney Road N.E.,
Lacey. Donations are ac-
cepted. For more informa-
tion, visit www.olympia-
2-3 p.m., The Hoodsport
Timberland Library pres-
ents a harp concert with
Emily Hageman for all
ages. Several of the local
harpist's students will also
perform. Sponsored by the
Friends of the Hoodsport
Timberland Library. For
more information, call 877-
7:30 p.m., Three Shel-
ton residents will be among
those performing at the
Olympia Choral Society's
Washington" s
Wild Cat Sanctuary
Tax-deductible donations:
Wild Felid Advocacy Center
of Washington
3111 E. Harstine Island Rd. N.
e~ Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 427-'4466 "~'!
free Christmas concert
"Tis the Season," at the
Koval Center for the Per-
forming Arts, 600 Sleater-
Kinney Road N.E., Lacey.
Donations are accepted.
For more information, visit
A Skokomish Culture
and Arts Committee Win-
ter Bazaar will take place
at the Skokomish Tribal
Center, 80 N. Tribal Center
Road. Native arts, crafts,
jewelry and food will be
available. Vendor space is
$25 per table. For more in-
formation, call 426-4232.
1 p.m., Bringing in the
Yule Log and a Christmas
sing-a-long will take place
at Schafer State Park, 1365
Schafer Park Road, Elma.
Everyone is welcome; bring
a small plate of holiday
treats to share. A Discover
Pass is required for access
to the park. For more infor-
mation, call 789-9953.
2 p.m., The Shelton
Community Cinema will
screen its Second Sunday
movie at the Mason Coun-
ty Senior Activities Center,
826 Railroad Ave. Dona-
tions are encouraged and
go to SOCK (Saving our
County's Kids) programs
and the senior center. For
more information, call
432-3229 or email bobbott-
2:30 p.m., Three Shel-
ton residents will be
among those performing
at the Olympia Choral
Society's free Christmas
concert "Tis the Season,"
at the Koval Center for
the Performing Arts, 600
Sleater-Kinney Road N.E.,
Lacey. Donations are ac-
cepted. For more informa-
tion, visit www.olympia-
3 p.m., Faith Lutheran
Church presents a Christ-
mas concert in the church's
fellowship hall at 1212
Connection St. in Shelton.
The concert will feature
the adult and youth choirs,
Praise Band and~aith Ring-
ers Bell Choir.~ae event is
free to the pub~. For more
information, call the church
office at 426-8611.
9 a.m., The Port of
• Drawings Every Saturday
in December
• December Special:
10% OFF when you
find the Bunny
• Vendors Wanted--
Sell your creations with us/
Unique & Hand-Crafled Gifts
Made In Washington
~:': "::':: : : ...... 5113 Capitol Blvd. SE
Tumwater, WA 98501
Open 1~les-Sat 10-6
Hoodsport Commission
regular meeting will take
place 24113 N. U.S. High-
way 101, Hoodsport.
1 p.m., United Way of
Mason County will have
a community services
group meeting at the Pub-
lic Works building, 100
W. Public Works Drive.
The meeting will feature
presentations on grant
writing, community fund
grants and housing coali-
tion. For more informa-
tion, call 426-4999.
2-3 p.m., The Shelton
Timberland Library will
host E-reader Petting Zoo
for adults and teens. Li-
brarians will talk about
the library's downloadable
books, audiobooks, movies
and music. Bring a smart-
phone or e-reader to follow
along. For more informa-
tion, call 426-1362.
10:30-11 a.m., The
Shelton Timberland Li-
brary presents Family
Story Time -- December
Holidays for all ages. Join
in a program of stories,
rhymes, songs and holiday
themes that focus mainly
on children 6 and under.
For more information, call
3-5 p.m., Shelton Tim-
berland Library presents
Teen Game Lounge. Play
Xbox Kinect, Wii and oth-
er games, or bring your
own laptop and connect to
the library's WiFi. Snacks
and supplies provided by
the Friends of the Shelton
Timberland Library. For
more information, call 426-
7 p.m., the Navy Band
Northwest presents "Home
for the Holidays," a free
holidayconcert at the
SheltonPerforming Arts
Center.Santa Claus will
make an appearance and
the United States Marine
Corps will accept Toys for
Tots. For more informa-
tion, call 315-3447.
Dec. 13
8 a.m.-2 p.m., The
Washington state Depart-
ment of Social and Health
Services' mobile communi-
ty services truck will be at
Hood Canal Grocery, 24100
U.S. Highway 101, Hood-
sport. During the event,
attendees can apply for
cash assistance, basic food
assistance, medical assis-
tance programs, drug and
alcohol treatment services,
and child-care services.
6 p.m., The Lilliwaup
Community Club's month-
ly potluck dinner will take
place at the club's building.
This month will include a
Christmas white elephant
gift exchange and caroling,
sponsored by Bible Cha-
pel, along with a potluck
dinner at 6:30 p.m. Bring
a nonperishable food item
or personal items (soap,
shampoo) to donate to the
food bank, an unwrapped
toy and a potluck item. For
more information, call 877-
11:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Vol-
unteers from the Washing-
ton Statewide Health In-
surance Benefits Advisors
will provide personal coun-
seling for residents who
have lost their Medicare
Advantage plan. For more
information, call Janis
Rich at 586-6181 by Dec.
10 for an appointment.
Space is limited.
4-5 p.m., The Shelton
Timberland Library pres-
ents Read the Movie: "The
Hobbit" for teens in grades
6-12. Join in a book dis-
cussion of "The Hobbit"
by J.R.R. Tolkien. The
first 10 teens to register
at the library's downstairs
information desk begin-
ning Nov. 13 will receive
a free copy of the book.
One person at the discus-
sion will win tickets to see
the movie. Sponsored by
the Friends of the Shelton
Timberland Library. For
more information, call 426-
7 p.m., The Mason
County VFW Post 1694
will meet at 206 W.
Franklin St. Meetings
take place on the second
and fourth Thursdays of
the month. Veterans of
foreign wars are encour-
aged to attend. Bever-
ages and snacks provided
by the Ladies Auxiliary
Club, For more informa-
tion, call 426-4546.
• To submit a cal-
endar item, email pr@
Don,Miss Toys 4 K i'ds +
Live Auction at Bob s Tavern
Saturday, December 8~ at 1:00 p.m.
This green '96 Ford Taurus was donated to Toys4Kids+ by D&L Automotive. Parts were donated
by Shelton NAPA and labor also donated by D&L Automotive, so it runs well. More photos at D
and L Auto facebook, or preview it at D&L prior to the auction.
2033 Olympic Highway North • Shdton
Fellowship & Bible Study
Services Spm Sundays
Mee~ .t the new PUD## building
2621 E. Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton
O~fice phone: c*so)789-1209
www.prin ciplesfo
Celebrate the
Birth of Christ with us!
Dec. 16th @ 5pm -
Music & Drama Service
Dec. 23rd @ 5pm -
Carol & Candlelight Service
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
rraditionalWorship ............... lI:00am.
Offlt'e 426-6353
Day( are 42'7 3165
Sunday Morning Worship * S.S.
9:00 + 10:30 .
• Domingos - 6 PU
Servicios en Espahol
L- "L^r-n %urch" 1212 Connection St. .......................
UUIU it K/ il,=~ Shelton, WA SP~G ROAD CHA[']~L
A Christ-centered Church T (360) 426-8611FIRST CHURCH or GOD
[Sunday Morning Worship"~ ~ ~,~ ' 1113 E. Shclton Springs Road
l Traditional- 8:45 a m | ~ ] ~ [££A
[Contemporary-,l:O0 a.m./ T~'~~ ° Bible Study ~: Shelton,
WA 98584
Worship Service ~~ ~ J ~[g~_.~-~° Youth Activities (360) 427-6998
10 00 a m
: " • Pastor Ste,e O|sen Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Choir :'" Paster Brian Weinberer ~W FLCWA org~ "
Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed
in Rivers of Grace
Alliance Church
2320 Washington St.
Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m.
New Community
Church of Union
~ Sunday Gatherings
~,.* (All are welco~fie!)
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 All • Chfldcare both services Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
.... St.._,_Da dwhereallareOfWMeSwelcome
Epis copal Church
[:J~- 360-426 ~ ........ :. .......... ..........................................
......... ICelebratt ¢) " " 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 •
...................... 'Mid ........... Meets "~ new PUD#" ="'ildi""" -"~' ,"a
Nursery to 2 Ye,n-~ :::
........ I Celebratt .......... hlhh'en'sc, ......... ............ SUNDAY SERVICES Ancient Service of on Johns Prairie Rd.
AttendedNursery ~otlt FiRV YOt~TH, 6 ~ U L% In (;r.ldo
Chlldren~ Classes
4:00 n'M I ( at( way 1o R ! ' ver~ } Xh~ ouq~ .f ~ Ostte~Q~eo.,~go ~.. ,,, h,.h, ::::
c,,,,.,.. .............. . , .................. ~...~ ...................... :~ 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Chanting & Prayer su..-10:30 am. Thurs.-7:00 pm
Witness Wa~ar~=, and W,~rk tor Hi~, Kin,~d ..... ;:;:; ;:;; ;
A ...... 1 ..... 7th ........... P .... t ................ [ ........... ':(Ollfl 9:15 Conversational Bible Stuuy Every Thursday 5:30- 6:00 p.m. Church info .he:
............. (360) 427-4033
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
web site:
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Dec. 6, 2012