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Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 6, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 6, 2012
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' Journal photo by Emily Hanson Shelton junior Caitlyn Borys swings back for a throw during the Lady Highclimbers' match against Mt. Tahoma on Nov. 29 at Westside Lanes in Olympia. By EMILY HANSON ~nT, ilyrq~rtaso~tcourtty,com The Shelton bowling team dominated two opponents last week to improve its sea- son record. NOV. 29: Shelton .......... 5 Mt. Tahoma .. 2 .The Lady High- climb- ers first bowled against Lincoln on Nov. 27, winning 7-0 with a total 'hey're all also striv- ing for first team and sec- ond team in the 3A Narrows League," Snyder said. '~is makes them bowl the best they can regardless of the competition." Shelton faced Mt. Tahoma on Nov. 29, defeating the Thunderbirds 5-2 with a total pinfall of 1,643 compared to 1,261. "I think Mt. Tahoma is a higher average team and provided more competition," Snyder said. "Danielle bowled really well and consequently they couldn't keep up." Both of Ewart's single game scores were above 200 TOMORROW: Shelt0n vs. 1,489 c0m- South Kitsap pared to at Westside Lincoln's Lanes, 3 p.m. 1,255. "Lin- coln is a real fun team, but there wasn't much competi- tion," head coach Curt Snyder said. Senior Danielle Ewart led the team effort with a two- game total of 331. Senior pinfall of for a two-game total of 427. Smith, junior Caitlyn Borys and Hayman all broke the 300 mark with scores of 311, 304 and 302, respectively. Cox scored a two-game total of 299. "If there was any down- side to the event, it was Mt. Tahoma winning both baker games, so we're going to prac- tice on that," Snyder said. A baker game is when Brittany Smith contributed each team bowls one game with a pinfall of 330, while se- with each bowler taking nior Lindsey Cox scored 295 two frames. The individual and senior Holly Hayman fin- frames add up for the game ished with 294. total. He said when the Lady 'It goes really fast and is Highclimbers bowl against really a team game," Snyder a less skilled team, the girls said. "One person can not compete against one another, dominate a baker game. I like it because of that, because ev- eryone has to depend on each other's abilities to score well." The Lady Highclimbers (6- 1) bowl against South Kitsap at 3 p.m. tomorrow at West- side Lanes in Olympia. • Flat rates • Game system repair • Computer repair • Cell phone repair (all brands) • Pad Repair (ipad, Android) • Website design • Chip reflows • Upgrades & networks[] • SEO {Search Engine H Optimization) ~ll • Internet marketing coach, visit ~ [] ~. • ~ reoh Wan,m si Computer & { Cell Phone Repair/ Since 2008 2325 Olympic Hwy. N., Shetton (360) 426-6741 K vff_t~ ikeWh ~ ~ n r $995& UP Used Cars & Trucks Now Available Again At sun Auto & Rv Sale B~ck at the :Sa~ addres~ ~ Shelton 5961 E. State Route #3 . (Deer Creek Area) We Buy - Sell - Trade Closed Sundays Call: 360.426.2907 Shelton junior guard Taylor Stroud drives to the hoop Black Hills. during the Lady Highclimbers' home Journal photo by Emily Hanson opener on Saturday against Goldsborough Creek Apartments is accepting wait list applications for seniors ages 62 and better. HUD subsidized, controlled access, garden setting, minutes from downtown shopping. Non-Smoking Property. 23 1-Br. and one 2-Br. 303 S 7th St., (306) 426-3903 15634 ~,%~.~ Girls' ll ors with nine points while Overlin team has made between this season BBa put up four. Leach, Slone, Garberich- and last are starting to show. Continued from pa0e C-1 Wily, freshman guard Kiara Budge"We played Capital the first game and senior guard Willow Walker had of the season last year and got re- "For them to come out and run two points a piece, ally beat up," Leth said. "It'll be nice them with success is a big boost for "Lack of concentration to run to see this team firing on all cylin- us going into league play next week," our plays through and not focus-ders when we get into (3A Narrows Leth said. ing on finishing at the rim wereLeague) play." He said the team struggled on the two of our problems we faced," The Lady Highclimbers (0-2) are offensive end of the game. Leth said. set to play at 7 p.m. tomorrow against Stroud led the Lady Highclimb- He said the improvements the Central Kitsap at home. Newman Fam,ly • Work Injuries • • Car Accidents • Wellness Care UlWCh{ropractic Accepting Medicare Sarah Newman, DC and most Insurances OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK . Zumba Toning . Zumba Classes , Sauna/Steam Room • Personal Training • Weight Training • Swimming o Aerobics Classes . Tae Kwon Do Classes Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. FREE with membership o Kettlebell Classes Now in progress- See schedule at • Racquetball. Tanning • Cardio, Massage Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; Check us out on the web at shelt°nathleticclub'c°m Hours: Mon-Fri 4:30am-9pm. Sat & Sun 7am.3pm Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Dec. 6, 2012 - Page C-3 Ill, ii I / I r { II