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ife involves significant
milestones like buy—
ing a home, starting a
family and planning for your
children’s education. Amid
these, creating a will often is
overlooked. Despite its som—
ber nature, a will is crucial
for ensuring your wishes are
respected and your loved ones
are supplied for after you are
A will is a legal document
detailing how you want your
assets distributed posthu-
mously, serving as a guide for
your loved ones in managing
your estate. It helps avoid
the complications of intestacy
laws, preventing a time-con-
suming and emotionally tax-
ing legal process that might
distribute assets against your
Additionally, a will is in—
strumental in appointing
guardians for minor children,
a decision that might other-
wise fall to the court Without
aligning with your values.
Choosing a guardian ensures
your children are cared for by
someone you trust.
Furthermore, a will em-
powers you to make chari-
table contributions or leave
Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023 Shelton—Mason County Journal Page 5
Understanding importance of having a will or trust
specific bequests, creating a
legacy and supporting causes
dear to you. Regularly update
ing your will is crucial as life
evolves, with births, deaths,
marriages and divorces ins
fluencing its relevance. This
practice ensures your will
accurately reflects your cur-
rent wishes and estate com—
position. Having a will is a
responsible and compassion-
ate act, and supplies security
and clarity during an emo-
tionally challenging time for
your loved ones. If making
a will feels overwhelming,
know that youdo not have
to do it alone. You can talk
to me, your local estate plan-
ning lawyer, CJ Singh. Our
firm can give you the right
advice, answer your questions
and ensure your will follows
the law. I can also help with
more complicated things such
as reducing taxes and setting
up trusts. You can reach me .
at 360-870—7037 or stop by
our office at 108 S. 4th St. No.
202, Shelton.
I CJ Singh is an attorney
with Prime Legal in Shelton
LETTERS, continued from page
Bombing babies
Editor, the Journal,
A madman attacks a school bus whose
guard is sleeping and slaughters 20 chil~
dren. Aneg citizens attack a school where
the madman is hiding and kill the mad—
man along with 200 children trapped in
the school. That is literally what Israel is
doing in their war on Gaza to eliminate
terrorist llamas.
The history of war tells us do not do
what your enemy wants. Hamas wanted
this war and Israel has fallen into its trap.
The fanatical Muslims of Hamas believe
they will be met by Allah as martyrs and
rewarded with 40 virgins. In their effort to
kill Hamas, along with the collateral kill-
ing of thousands of women and children,
the Israelis will be met with worldwide
condemnation and be feeding the mon—
ster they’ve been fighting for centuries:
Anti-Semitism. I’m not a Jewish scholar
but I believe Semitism does not favor the
wholesale slaughter of innocent civilians.
Opposing that slaughter does not make
one anti—Semitic, though that is a false ass
sociation by many.
The ironic tragedy of Israel’s war on
Gaza is it is increasingly tantamount to the
N azi’s siege on the Warsaw Jewish ghetto
during World War II.
The long—going conflict between Israel
and the Palestinians is certainly a compli-
cated problem but the bombing of babies
is simply not a solution. We supply those
bombs to Israel. As Israel’s essential ally,
we can stop that. There are other ways to
protect Israel. Israel may eliminate Hamas
but they are creating a legacy of many
J. Anderson
Some questions
Editor, the Journal,
The left is conflicted between science,
ethics, logic and politics. Donna Holliday
blamed the “Christian right” for “crimes”
against humanity but provided no proof.
Evidently our “crime” is being Christian.
Robert Graham challenged Holliday for
her shotgun approach. Holliday, Darrell
Barker and J. Anderson then saruistically
accused Graham of hate.
Democrats say to follow science for
COVI D but ignore science elsewhere. Sci—
ence says the unborn are human, making
abortion murder. Democrats mutilate our
Constitution; they butcher the Second
Amendment on the right to bear arms
and ignore the 14th Amendment which
gives eveiyone the “Right to life, liberty
Democrats eliminate the death penalty for
violent criminals but celebrates death for
the unborn. How screwed up is that? Can
any Democrat answer these seven ques»
tions on abortion factually or is sarcasm
your only defense?
1. How can Democrats believe in sci—
ence and humanity, and still support kill—
ing the unborn?
2. The unborn at 6 months are viable.
When does partial birth abortion become
The Shelton-Mason County Journal encourages original
letters to the editorof local interest. Diverse. and varied
opinions are welcome. We will not publish letters that are
deemed libelous or scurrilous in nature. We reserve the
right to reject any letter for any reason. When submitting a
letter, please observe the following guidelines: Writers are
limited to one original letter plus one rebuttal or counter-
rebuttal per calendar month; Letters should be no more
than 300 words; Letters will be edited for grammar,
spelling, style, clarity and length. Priority will be given to
local opinion and topics. Letters about national politics
and topics will run on a space-available basis; The weekly
Journal Letter Policy
may be delayed.
deadline is 5 pm. Monday. Letters received after that
time will run in the following week’s edition. All letters
must be signed and include the writer’s name, physical
address and daytime phone number, which will be used
for verification purposes only. To submit a letter, email
it to Please type your letter
directly into the email or attach a Word document. Letters
submitted via external links or cloud drives will not be
opened. You may also drop it off at 227 W. Cota St, or
mail it to PO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. Due to time
constraints, the publication of handwritten or typed letters
3. IS a 48—hour cooling—off period and
counseling before having an abortion
4. If an unborn is executed because a
woman was raped, shouldn’t the rapist be
executed also?
5. Women demand reproductive rights;
50% of abortions are girls. How would
these girls vote?
6. Democrats promote DEI for those
already born; where’s the DEI for the
7. COVID shutdown Shelton’s Planned
Parenthood Office. Isn’t that great?
Rationality and humanity are foreign
words to Democrats. Killing an innocent
'nnborn is reproductive rights; saving bru—
tal murderers from the death penalty is
hmnane. That argument is repulsive. Will
anyone answer my questions? The choic-
es: admit the truth, hide from the truth, or
attack me. I don’t expect a rational discus—
sion; I expect journalistic sarcasm.
Ardeun Anuik
Can’t support both
Editor, the Journal,
Fora decade, I have watched masses of
people all over the world march the streets
in support of women’s and LGBTQ rights,
sometimes causing destruction and chaos.
Would someone please tell me why these
same millions of people are calling for the
annihilation of Israel, the most support—
ive of LGBTQ and women’s rights in the
world, while supporting Palestinians and
Hamas, whose culture and ideology is abu-
sive to women who have no rights in their
world, and worse, punish homosexuality
by death? Can’t support both.
In the early hours of Oct. 7, evil incar—
1ate crossed into sleeping Israel on hang
gliders or slinking through the tunnels
Hamas built with the money Israel had
given to rebuild Palestinian hospitals‘and
Wearing body cameras to show to the
world their atrocities against the vulner—
able Jews, they spread through the quiet
Israeli Sabbath morning, raping, shoot-
ing, beheading, burning alive, slashing the
unbomfrom inothcrs’ wombs. Hamas
is their own publicist and proud'to show
their work, yet Israel is accused of geno—
cide and war crimes?
’l\velvc hundred Israeli innocents were
killed that morning. That is the population
ratio ol’tcrrorists killing 55,000 Americans
in one morning. No one would dispute our
right lo retaliate. llamas hides strategic
weaponry in hospitals and schools, using
Palestinians as human shields, children
as suicide bombers. How do you fight an
enemy that hides behind women and chil—
dren as they attack yon?Hamas, who was
elected by the Palestinian people, cares
nothing for the Palestinians, blocking
their evacuation as Israel is encouraging
it. The son of a Hamas leader who left the
evil body stated that the best thing for the
Palestinians is to allow Israel to eradicate
Hamas. A cease-fire from Hamas would
bring peace. A cease—fire from Israel would
bring Israeli annihilation.
Katie Groves
Killing the
barred owl
Editor, the Journal,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife plans to deci—
mate the barred owl population by shoot—
ing over 400,000 over the next 30 years.
They say they’re doing so to give the spot-
ted owl more foraging opportunities and
supposedly to “save” the spotted owl.
The environmental impact statement
tells us, “This could affect not only spot—
ted owls, but entire eco-systems.” You can
read about this in the Nov. 24 issue of The
Capital Press Newspaper. (Article was
written-by Don Jenkins). This article goes
on to say that “the EIS draft states U SFWS
does not have sufficient information to
verify whether barred owls are effecting
specific species.”
The article states, “More than 20,000
barred owls would be shot the first year.
Thereafter, 13,400 to 17,400 would be
killed each year for 30 years.” They plan
to do their killing in forested areas of the
Olympic Peninsula, the Cascade Range
and Northern California.
There was a terrible proliferation of rats ,
across both Mason and Thurston conn—
ties for several years. Many people Were
looking for remedies to kill them. We had
never had them prior to this. They got into
our hayfield and w 1 had trouble control—
ling them. Where was the DNR when this
happened? Barred owls came to our rescue
and the rats are gone, We stziiicd hearing
the wonderful sound of thc barred owls
coming from the forested areas nearby.
Now, DN R wants to destroy the barred
owl, using the spotted owl as an excuse.
Nature has taken care of itself for lhou~
sands of years. Why try to change it?
Other species have been increasing in
this area, but i won‘t name them because
DNR may want to go after them, too. It’s
like Marshawn Lynch says in the plumbing
ad on TV, “What’s next?”
Bad headlines-
Editor, the Journal,
I wrote my first letter to the editor (to
the Journal) on Feb. 28, 2019. It was a
thank—you to Mr. Ardean Amik for his
“accurate, well-reasoned, and effective”
letters despite his being ganged-up on by
The title given to my letter then was,
“Letters page valuable asset to commu—
nity.” This, I thought, was a good one.
It was brief, accurate, and let the reader
know what was coming. I still consider the
letters section the best part of the Journal,
with only a few exceptions. It’s the genuine
voice of the people and most stimulating.
Good things break, though. A brief back
story: On Oct. 26, a Ms. Donna Holliday
of Shelton wrote what was, in my view,
a poorly constructed letter claiming that
some persons called “Christian national—
ists" and evangelical Christians were at
the root" of all deviltry in the U.S. today.
I was impelled to respond. My brief analy—
sis of Ms. Holliday’s letter was published
Nov. 9.
Then, the Journal jumped in. In the
newsroom, some Pulitzer—seeking staffer
decided to spray reader-repellant on my
letter and type above it the pathetic, mean»
ing-free title, “Reader‘s critique.” Wow!
What a grabber! Wonder what that letter
was about? ‘
Well, on Nov. 16, the Holliday—Graham
letters had been published and all hell
broke loose. I was ambushed by four
members (some semi-literate) of the Don-
na Holliday fan club.
My response to the letters:
1. Barbara Denton, Shelton — This letter
was the most temperate ofthc lot, though
I often wonder why kids still need “safe
places." Are there no teachers? Parents?
2. Donna Holliday, Shelton -— as, We
can expect more fact—free messages from
3. J. Anderson. Shelton Believes only
he has the correct opinion on abortion.
Sad. I
4. Darrell Barker, Shelton Shredded
his thesaurus seeking really big words.
Nccds new one. V
RE. Graham