December 8, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 8, 2011 |
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Unless otherwise noted, on Me at Home Care
all events take place at the
Mason County Senior Activ- Friday
ities Center at 826 W. Rail- 8 and 8"30 a.m., tai chi
roadAve. The Shelton senior 9-11 a.m., open line dance
center hours are from 8 a.m. 9 a.m.-1 p.m., sewing
to 4 p.m. Monday through circle
Thursday and from 8 a.m. 11:30 a.m., music: John9 a.m.-1
to 3 p.m. on Friday. The Osegreen's piano bar circle
center's telephone desk (426- Noon, Lunch sponsored 10:45 a.m..
7374) is closed for lunch byMCSAA:sloppyjoes Noon,
from noon until 12:30p.m. spaghetti
Monday 12:30 p.m.,
Thursday 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi up day before
8:05 a.m., gentle, restor- 9 a.m., beginning line
ative yoga dancing Wednesday
9-10:30 a.m., intermedi- 10 a.m., intermediate/ad- 8 and 8:30
ate/advanced line dancing vanced line dancing 9 a.m,-4
9-noon, EZCrafters 11 a.m., Page Turners:
10:30-11:30 a.m., blood "A Widow for a Year" 9 a.m.,
pressure checks Noon, lunch: Swedish dancing
10:45 a.m., Zumba class meatballs 10 a.m.
Noon, lunch: vegetable 12:30 p.m., game day vanced line
lasagna 1 p.m., intermediate wa- Noon,
12:30 p.m., bridge - sign tercolor class 12:30 p.m.,
up the day before i p.m., pinochle I p.m.,
1 p.m., bingo 2 p.m., treats from Capi- 5 p.m.,
2 p.m., treats from Lean tal Place S
Foot care
8:05 a.m.,
ative yoga.
bridge sign
tai chi
joy of
L: tuna cakes
lights at
van trip
Katherine J. Ketcher, DMD
Come see why everyone is
Stephen K. Edwards, DMD
Call for your appointment today !
In A Holiday Hurry ?
Continued from page B-2
"Ws those
that make
... it was even new to our
dietician," he said. ~%a~
Now Mason Gen-
eral saves money on food Mason General Hospi-
waste because patients tal Association events
are eating all their food. such as Fantasy Forest,
Patient surveys reflect works to make sure the
the change. The hospital program remains fresh
went from scoring in the and helps distinguish th~
60 percent range on food hospital each year.
to 90 percent or higher. In past years the hos-
"We were the highest pital has put newspaper,,
in the country for our on breakfast trays. Ev-
size," Cruse said. ery cup of coffee is made
Mason General be- fresh in the patient's
came a model for other room with a French
small hospitals to make press coffee maker and
the change, many look forward to
Now, while many has- Friday, when cinnamon
pitals still suffer with rolls roll out of the
the stigma of hospital en all morning.
food, Mason General at- "It's those little
tracts community mem- that make
bers for breakfast on bis- your service," Cruse
cult and gravy day. "People march on their
"We wartt you happy," stomachs."•
Cruse said. "A lot of has- The Mason General
pitals hav.& changed their kitchen uses fresh, sea-
ways." sonal and local ingredi-
Cruse, who also caters ents whenever possible.
rence in
time of year, the
regularly serves
and wild mush-
said. Cruse
and meat
[ason County
and works with
such as Dee's
~atdorf and Bran-
the Olympic
has also insti-
menu for Spanish
patients full of
Hispanic foods.
coming months
)lans to expand
even further.
[e Cruse has done
hospital and
over the past
cs, he said the pro-
just as much
[. ..... ,
done a lot for me
,rson," he said.
Buy a Gift
and we'll give you
Get a
$ 5.00 ............
for anything
• Pra,
Open daily
Credit card gassales
open 24 hours
U-cut tree permits
During the busiest Christmas tree Those
hunting and bough gathering weeks of the private
year, the Washington State Department of forest
Natural Resources (DNR) is asking for the
public's help to protect school trust land of beautiful
trees, for patrons•
Trees and boughs are not available for tions, view
cutting from the state's 2.1 million acres of members
trust forests.
DNR is steward of forested state trust Tree Associ
lands, managed to help fund construction Permits
of public schools, universities and other Forests
state institutions, and to help fund local cluding Mt
services -- mostly in Westside counties. Forest.
will find many
and the national
on federal
offer varied types
of experiences
Tree Asso-
for the National
state, in-
ualmie National
i:: Grace Baptist Church Contact tts:
Mailing address:
{{{: ... for the faith of the ~ospel ~ eo B0x 1025. Slide011, wa 98584
{ Times of Services: ~:~L........... E-mail:
Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. ~{~ ....... g,,
i{ Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a.m. "~i Listen on
'i : Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m. ~~dl KMA8 1030 AM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting..... 7 p.m.
Agate Grange BidS, on Agate Loop Rd. ~t Sand@ 9:30- lO:OOam
!: Sundm ' 9:30 a,m,' 728 Railroad Ave,
CrossPoint Service Traditional Service•
A nlore contemporary service A ITIOFp h'd ctilJolld] service i
Ihal begins al 9100 AM th,ll [legins at
• Praise Band • Praise learn 1 0145 AM
• Qmleml~orary Message Choir
Children and Adult ~ School 9 AM • Cl~iMcareboth services ~
C~ ....
Sunday Services ~ Wednesdav Night Service
7:00 .M I Mi~l "¢V~ek Service
9:00 AM I Celebration Service ~' Nur'serv to 2 Yells-S,
10:30 ,\M I Celebration Service
Chil d renL~ Closs¢'s
Attended Nursery ~ SOULFIRE YOUTH, 6z~l L2tt~ GF.ldc
Children's Classes \
4:0o ~,,x~ I (;alew,ty [o Recovery ] The purpose ~f ~ d3t,'ga~*~ ~qo~a~o is to help
Childcol~'ProvJdecl .j I)eol)le Im`:°nle ~*~°~ ~t ~7tt~l~ 12~" through W°rshil~,
Witness, VVarfare, and Work for His Kingchm,
ADDRESS I ~O5 S 7th St:, Shelton PHONE I 360 420 2758 W~BSITE [ www.gatewaycfcom
...for love of the
mn Chureh
United Methodist Church
I, Children's Activities. Spiritual Growth Classes
, Adult Ch0ir, Small Groups o Belt Choir
, Intergenerati0nal Ministries. Dynamic Worship EIperience
Open hearts. Qoen minds. Open doors.
Call 426-4412
to place your ad
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m.
Christian Education ................. 9:45 am.
Traditional Worship ............... II:00 a.m
Office 426-6353
DaYcare 427-3165
Sunday Night Worship 6 p.m.
9 + 10:3Oam
of Wales
Cedar St. • Shelton
,& 10:30 a.m.
of Union
:30 and 10:30
at the
Union 98592
~: www'thenccu'°rg
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 8, 2011