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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 8, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 8, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CALENDAR Friday 11:30 a.m., Shel- ton United Methodist Church Soup and Sound event - free homemade soup and rolls followed at 12:15 p.m. bythe music program presented by the Capital High School Cham- ber Choir. This is being held at the Shelton United Methodist Church at 1900 King Street. Everyone is welcome to attend. There is free childcare provid- ed. For more information, call the church at 426-4174. 7 p.m., Christmas with the Neighbors free choral concert at St. Edward's Catholic Church, 601 W C St, Shelton. The Harstine Island Community Choir will present spirited Span- ish and American carols at this fun family event, fea- turing traditional carols sung across the U.S. plus carols and lullabies from the Southwest. Local in- strumentalists join the choir for this joyous choral event. 7 p.m., Handel's "Messi- ah" at Shelton High School Performing Arts Center, 3737 N Shelton Springs Rd, Shelton; Anna's Bay presents its third annual performance of the beloved holiday oratorio with full orchestra and soloists. Tickets arc available in ad- vance at Sage Book Store, Lynch Creek Floral and Cameo Boutique & Wine Shop, or may be purchased at the door. Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Skokom- ish Cultural and Arts Com- mittee is having its annual Christmas bazaar at the Skokomish Tribal Center 80 North Tribal Center Road. The committee is a~ non-profit organiz:ation that has several :fundrais- ers throughout the year. The money from fundrais- ing goes toward buying basketry, carvings, weav- ings and any other hand- crafted goods that have been made by Skokomish Tribal members. At this event you can find a vari- ety of tribal arts and crafts along with baked goods and other great Christmas gift ideas. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Fifth Annual Winter Olympic Art Festival and Huge Sale will provide the op- portunity to meet the art- ists, purchase artwork at 40 percent off and support the Olympic Art Gallery, a non-profit organization set up to help local artists in the community. 7 p:m., Christmas with the Neighbors free fhoral concert at St. Hugh Episco- pal Church, 280 E Wheel- wright, Allyn. The Harst- ine Island Community Choir will present spirited Spanish and American car- ols at this fun family event, featuring traditional carols sung across the U.S. plus carols and lullabies from the Southwest. 7 p.m., Handel's "Messi- ah" at Shelton High School Performing Arts Center, 3737 N Shelton Springs Rd, Shelton. Anna's Bay presents its third annual performance of the beloved holiday oratorio with full orchestra and soloists. Tickets are available in ad- vance at Sage Book Store, Lynch Creek Floral and Cameo Boutique & Wine Shop, or may be purchased at the door. Sunday 10 a.m.-noon, Kidz- town at Olympic Middle School kids K-6th grades crafts, games, breakfast, music, bible lessons, skits and small groups to help your kids get the most out of every weekend. For more information contact Melody at 427-9092 (every Sun- day). 3--5 p.m., Christmas with the Neighbors free choral concert at Harst- ine Island Community Hall, 3371 E Harstine Is- land Rd N. The Harstine Island Community Choir will present spirited Span- ish and American Christ- mas carols, with the added beauty of marimba, gui- tar, and harp accompani- ment. Enjoy the traditional Christmas music of these cultures and join in singing some of your favorite songs of the season. ....... ,4 p.m., Handel's "Messi- ah" at Shelton High School Performing Arts Center, 3737 N Shelton Springs Rd, Shelton. Anna's Bay presents its third annual performance of the beloved holiday oratorio with full orchestra and soloists. Tickets are available in ad- vance at Sage Book Store, Lynch Creek Floral and Cameo Boutique & Wine Shop, or may be purchased at the door. 6:15-8 p.m., Candle Lighting Remembrance Service at the Hope Chapel, 421 West E Street, Shel- ton. Bereaved parents are invited to attend and bring a photo of your departed child or sibling. This ser- vice is to remember a child. Parent, siblings, grand- parents, aunts, uncles and close friends are invited. This remembrance service is in conjunction with the Compassionate Friends "Worldwide Candle Light- ing," which is celebrated around the globe at 7 p.m. and moves from time zone to time zone, providing light and remembrance for all the children who have passed on. Monday 9 a.m., TOPS ~1402 meets every Monday at the Harstine Island Commu- nity Hall, 3371 E Harst- ine Island Road N. If you are looking for a support group to Take Off Pounds Sensibly, come and join us. More information please contact Marlene at 427- 3873. 6 p.m., Mason County Optimist Club meets sec- ond and fourth Monday at Taylor Town Station Res- taurant, 62 SE Lynch Road. Tuesday 11:30 a.m., Mason Coun- ty multiple sclerosis sup- port group monthly meet- ing at E1 Sarape's, 318 W. Railroad Ave., Shelton. The meeting is open to those that are interested. To ob- tain additional information please call Debby Zillmer at 877-6959. Noon, Member Services and Ambassadors Meet- ing at Nita's Restaurant & Gallery, 325 W Railroad Ave, Shelton. The member services committee devel- ops and implements the Chamber's member benefit programs. The Ambassa- dors attend and promote new business openings and welcome new members to the community. For more information, email info@ 12:30-3: p.m, Parkin- son's Supp~ Group meet- ing will beVat the Timber- land Library in Shelton. Caregivers, family, support people welcome. For addi- tional information contact Rebecca at 426-6197. 1-4 p.m., United Way's Community Services Group will meet at Mason County Public Works, Bld. 1, 100 W Public Works Dr, Shel- ton. The Community Ser- vice Group's purpose is to collaborate with other health and human services providers actively working in Mason County. The first hour is an issue-based dis- cussion panel, the second hour is member-initiated breakout sessions and the remaining time is avail- able for client-based wrap- around meetings. 5:30 p.m., the joint meeting of Mason County Transportation Authority and Advisory Boards to be held at the Mason Tran- sit Business Office, 790 E. Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton Wednesday 8 a.m., Chamber mar- keting committee meeting at the Chamber Confer- ence Room, 215 W Railroad Ave, Shelton. The monthly meeting of the marketing committee has been moved to the second Wednesday of the month. The marketing committee develops and implements programs to market the Chamber bene- fit programs and to market Mason County. 1-3 p.m., Support Group for Chronic Pain and Other Invisible Disabilities please call for meeting schedule and further information at 426-0900. Meet every other Wednesday at the Mason General Hospital confer- ence room. 1:30 p.m., Tramper Sam's RV club will be hold- ing its annual Christmas luncheon, meeting and gift exchange at Steven's Res- taurant in Shelton. If you are interested in more in- formation about the club call 426-9217 3-5 p.m., Shelton Tim- berland Library presents Teen Gaming Lounge, for teens. Play Xbox Kinect, Wii and other games, watch movies and have refresh- ments with friends. Snacks and supplies provided by the Friends of the Shelton Timberland Library. For more information call 426- 1362. Thursday 10-11 a.m., TOPS meets at the Shelton Christian Church every Thursday. For more information call Ruth at 432-0870. Noon, Shelton Commu- nity Toastmasters meeting at Our Community Credit Union -- Mt. View Branch, 2948 Olympic Hwy N, Shel- ton. Develop your speaking and leadership skills at the Shelton Community Toast- masters. All community melnbers are welcome, so join the group to network and go through the lead- ership and communication programs at your pace. This is an international or- ganization with a history of successful development of strong leaders and public speakers. 1-2 p.m., Shelton Diabe- tes Support Group meets in the Ellinor Room at Mason General Hospital. Contact Sue at 427-7332 for more information. 6:30 p.m., Hood Canal Lions club meetings at the Union fire Hall, 4th St. in Union 7--10 p.m. John Lucas and Randy Linder will perform at Taylor Station, Restaurant and Lounge on Thursdays. JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE You're invited to our holiday open house & food drive. We believe it's important to express our appreciation for the opportunity to help individuals in our community. In that spirit, we invite you to bring your family and friends to our holiday open house and food drive as we say "thank you" to our clients, friends and community.** **Note: Edward Jones cannot accept cash or checks as donations. Cookies, punch, and holiday treats will be provided. When: December 12-16 • 8am - 5pro Where: 1717 Olympic Hwy North in Shelton Janis L Byrd, AAMS® Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy N Suite 100 Shelton, WA 98584 360432-8965 Member SIPC Edward Jones Regularly [ ove your ~:~:~ %:.::, Regularly Wishing You 50 More Love from -- Bob, Beth, Barry, & Bonny Stop by any Peninsula branch to buy homemade baked goods, including breads, brownies, cookies and specialty items like sugar free goodies, party trays and more! All proceeds benefit local food banks and are matched by Peninsula Credit Union dollar for dollar; N :il Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 8, 2011 - Page B-3