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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 8, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 8, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I Mason County Literacy shares spotlight with Anna's Bay Chorale Anna's Bay Chorale and the South Shore Cham- ber Orchestra will Donate the Difference to Mason County Literacy at their Dec. 10 performance of Handel's Messiah. This year marks the third annual performance of the beloved holiday masterpiece. Tickets are $12 in advance or $15 at the door. Patrons who purchase tickets at the door on Dec. 10 will have the option of donating $3 to Mason County Literacy and admission to the concert for $12. Donate the Difference encourages the sound learning provided by both organizations. Funds raised from this performance will be used to under- write Anna's Bay's work to supplement in-school music education and MCL's classroom instruction for adults. The concert begins at 7 p.m., preceded by a brief presentation by Mason County Literacy represen- tatives. About Mason County Literacy: Our mission is to educate adults to be equipped to succeed and con- tribute in our society. The non-profit organization is changing its name to Sound Learning in 2012. i~i~ili:iii!i!ii~!i!!iii!~;i~iii~i~i~ii!!!~iD~ ¸¸¸ + iiipl~U~ if¸ !] ~" ¸¸¸¸" iii+i+)i+i+i+i+i~ii~i+i+i~ii~i+i~iii+iz+i iiiiii!ii!iiiiiii!iz!iiii!i!iiiiii :: :~iiii ilili.: :,::i! &: Z > zifiiiii!iiii!iiiiiii!iiiiii]i!i i .ii+++++++++i++ +i+!ii+!iiii! i!iii ili iii ili+iii • Experienced pet groomer works with all breeds, all sizes • Full service pet grooming starting at $35 for small dogs • Bath and brush-out starting at $25 for small dogs • Walk-in nail clips $5 Call Jennifer at 462-DOGS (3647) Hwy N, Suite i01 Hours: 9am-5pm Search and Rescue seeking volunteers Several being sd Mason C dedicated, to voluntee and reseuil County. Aeeprdin County Sht dinator vol Search and Base Ca functions, base camp those that not choose Explorer marily use, from 14 an tions in the Mobile - conduct roe other units Dive and swift v erations. ATV - T operations hers are cr( Horse $t viduals wh horse moor An infor a.m., Dec. ] Facility; 1(3 Shelton off Anyone : and Rescue rected to S co.mason.w Office at 42 categories of individuals )ught to help out ounty Search and Rescue is seeking competent and credible individuals r their time and resources to finding lg lost and injured people in Mason to Sgt. Trevor Severance, Mason ~riffs Office Search and Rescue coor- mteers from several categories of the Rescue function are being sought. zip - Members conduct food service ogistical support and various other duties. This opportunity is great for want to participate but cannot or do ;o work in the field. Search and Rescue - This unit pri- t for ground search. Members range d up. The unit conducts field opera- brush, usually on foot. This unit consists of specialists that d searches and assist in transporting m - This unit conducts underwater ,ater search, rescue and recovery op- his unit conducts Search and Rescue From all terrain vehicles. Some mem- ssovers from other units. ~R - We are seeking interested indi- ) want to help create and operate a ted Search and Rescue Unit mational meeting will be held at 9 1, at the Mason County Public Works 0 W Public Works Way, just north of Hwy 102. nterested in participating in Search should attend. Questions can be di- t. Trevor Severance at tseverance@ .us or the Mason County Sheriffs 7-9670, ext. 313. Sheriff - Casey Salisbury l SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENCE Date: December 2,2011 Detective Adam Bulletin#: The Masoa County Slleriff's Office is Yeleasing Ihe/bltowing inlbrmation pursuant Io RCW 4.24,550 aud the WashingR (+!otl/~[ decisioR ill ~, which ataborizcs la~ cllI'orcertlel/t agencies I++) blform tbc public of a sex ol]~.'nders reb' discretion of the agency, the release of intbrmalion "~ill enhance public sat~ty m~d proteclion, The indi'ddual who appea has bee. convicted of a sex ott?hnse that requires registration with the SherifF's Otl~cc in the couniy of tlieir residence. F criminal history places them in a classiification level which rcflccts the potential to r¢-offc,~d. This sex offi:ndcr has serv imposed on him by tbc courts and has ad',ised the Mason County Sheriff's Officc that he will bc living h] file location lx WANTEII BY THE POLICE AT Tills TIME. THIS NOTIFICATION ms NOT IN'FEND[+;D rlO INCREASF FE. IS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORJYlED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason County Sheriff's OiIice has : direcl where a sex offender may or may not live. Unless courl ordered restrictions exist, this offender is constitutionally be chooses. Sex offenders have always lived in our cummunities, but it wasn't urtfil passage of the Connmmity Protcctic fwhichmandawssexqfjenderregistraei~r~that~awenf~rcementevenkn~wwhereth~ywere~ivh~g~ In many cases, htv able to share that infommtion with you, Citizen abuse of this information to threaten, intimidate or harass registe~vd sex tolerated. Furthec such abuse could potentially cud law enlbrcement's abilily to do commulfity notitications. We belier who wins if community notification ends is the sex oflimdm; since sex oftknders derive their power throngh secrecy. lfvou have anv information ~e~arding current criminal activilw of this or aav other offeade~: please Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason 'repared by: Qlliam 1-5O n Slate Supreme ~se who,l; in the s on this notification it[her, their previous :d the sentence ow. lIE IS ~R, RATHER, IT to legaI authority to "tee to live wherever Act of 1990 etl+i)rcemeln is now affeuders will not be the only persoll I1911. For other sex offender information ~://~o.ce.masor~.~a us/and go to :' ;,; ~+` ,! ERIC ALBERT WATS WHITE MALE-DOB: 12/17/1963 - 6'-0 BROWN HAIR & BLUE EYI Eric WATSON has recently parchased pro~e~y in sometimes resides on dmt propeFty. WATSON is properly Pierce County Sheriff's Office where his regular a, WATSON is required to register as a sex offender tbr a t Mo/esta~.iot) Im Degree, Pierce County SLtperior Court cat This conviction stems t?om WATSON at age 29, going to ', assaulting two little girls, ages 8 and 10. WATSON pulled a restroom and sexually assaulted them. WATSON ark assault a third little girl, age 5, but the two other girls w away from WATSON. WATSON fled the state when the s, reported to the Police mad a year later he was arrested in I 12/16/2004, WATSON was ,zonvicted of 10 comets of Po+~ of Minors Engaged in Sexnally Explicit Conduct (Child Pc County Superior Court cause #04-1-03470-3. W2 convictions including Assault, Failing to Register as a Possession of Dangerous Weapons. Due to these lhctors HIGH RISK. Eric WATSON is assessed by both the Pierce County and : Sheriff's OFfices as a Level 3 Sex Ofllende,; This is the hij to a Sex Offender, meaning lhat the sul2iect is at a HIGH 1 Eric WATSON has a i'esidencc within Ma Within the 200 block E. Stavis Road, Shelton County Journal - Thursday, December 8, 2011 )N I "-225 LBS. ~S ason County and registered with the Idress is located• anvietion of Child se #92-1-04728-6. park and sexually each little girl into mpted to sexually ++re able to get her :xual assaults were 4ontanm Also, on scssing Depictions mography), Pierce I'SON has, other rex Offender, and he is considered a he Mason Cotmty ;hesl level given :ISK to rc-offend. ;on County: of ,WA ' 3. :::3 .° ' ':. '~ +4> # +.N + .... , . ....,,,, ,,. % • .::+ / \ 4Q/ Margaret Ryan lbele Margaret Ryan llade (LeBlanc), 93, died Monday, Nov. 28, at Life Care Center in Port Orchard. She was a long time resident of Belfair and lived in Lynch Cove. She was born in Stuttgart, Ark. on Nov. 15, 1918. She came from a Catholic fam- ily. The family shared that masses in Stuttgart were held in the Ryan home on Dec. 27, 1887, and continued for about 10 years until the Holy Rosa- ry Church was built in 1897. She was once a Western Margaret Union op- Ibele erator. The family said communi- cations and meeting people and talking to them became her passion. She enjoyed visiting new places, like restaurants, parks and would drive the loop to visit places like Se- quim, Forks, Port Angles etc. with a stop at a new eatery and a glass of wine. She be- came involved with Theler Center as a volunteer with the Visitors Information Cen-: ter in Belfair. She could tell people where to go and from first hand experience about good eating-places.At 81, she survived cancer not once but three times. Her first bout was in 1988. She again faced : cancer in 1994. Early detec- tion and treatment cured her. She was involved in the ricksen, ~f Shelton; sons Tom Love of' ~ancouver and Jaime Lewis ot St. Regis, Mont.; grandch .ldren Vanessa Gilbert of Sheltt n, Serena Ceballos of Shelton Nathan Ceballos of Shelton Andrew and Gabri- elle Au( ~t of Federal Way. A me mortal service will be held ~t i p.m. on Dec. 17 at SI elton Presbyterian Church. 1430 E. Shelton Springs Rd., Shelton. Mem )rial donations can be ma&, to the American Lung Al ~sociation. ForeSt Funeral Home of Shelton is handling the ar- rangem rots. Robin I iue Sweitzer Robi~ Sue Sweitzer, 51, died Fri lay, Dec. 2, at Provi- dence S x Peter Hospital in Olympi; u She was a resident of Shelt m all of her life. She x ras born in Olympia on Apri] 1, 1961, to Freddie L. and t 'hyllis A (McGee) Campb 11. She e ttended school in Shelt0n She ~ ras married to Don- ny Swei ~zer until his death. She ~ ras a homemaker. She ~ ras a member of the Eagles a Shelton. Her hob- bies we e sewing and going to the Ca- enjoyed being out- doors, pick- ing mush- rooms, rid- ing quads, working on cars, going Ro bin to garage Swe [tzer sales and second North Mason Relay for Life hand ai~r 1994 and was awarded stores, e nd walking her dog the Survivor Award. 'WIack." Her family shared She is survived by her that she loved her grandchil- sister Agnes Wilson of Stutt- dren tre mendously and they gart, Ark.; brothers Paul S. loved he r, even to the point LeBlanc (Margie) of Onalas- of snea~ hag out at night to go ka, Texas and James E over to l ter home. They de- LeBlanc (Joanna) of Belfair; scribed :~er as being loving, son Charles Ibele (Beckie) outgoinI ~, motivated, friend- of N.C.; eight grandchildren ly, well : mown, a prankster, and 14 great-grandchildren, strong v ~lled and stubborn many friends and neighbors at times. She collected hearts and families, and sm~ 11 figurines. She was preceded in She i~ survive by her par- death by her parents and ents Ph' dlis and Don Lyon of husband. Shelten daughter Michelle Marks (Brandon) of Shelton; Percy "Lou" Eugene sons Jadkie Krueger (Nicole) Lewis of Shell, in, Brent Sweitzer Percy "Lou" Eugene and Jim mie Huff (Anna) Lewis, 70, died Monday, Dec. of Shelt, m; sisters Bernice 5, at St. Peter Hospital in Langley (Rocky) of Shelton Olympia. He was a resident and Cat Bernal (Rueben) of of Shelton. Shelton: brother Rick Ems- He was born on July 30, ley of St elton; grandchildren 1941, in Dixon, Tenn. to Amelia, Michelle, Dakota, Raymond and Gladys (Pate) Chad d Kennadi. Lewis. Her usband Donny He served in the U.S. Air Sweitze:" preceded her in Force from 1963 to 1967 and death. was honorably discharged at A ceh hration of life will be the rank of sergeant, held at a.m. on Saturday, He married JoAnn Lewis Dec. 10, at the Hope Chapel, on Dec. 30, 1982, in Shelton. 421 West E St., Shelten. He was the maintenance McCc mb Funeral Home of foreman at Mason County Shelten is handling the ar- Fairgrounds for 19 plus rangemt rots. years until he retired. Mem, rial donations can He enjoyed fishing, hunt- be sent o Adopt a Pet, 940 ing, photography, playing E. lense n Rd. Shelton, WA bluegrass and country music. 98584. He is survived by his wife Onli e condolences may JoAnn Lewis of Shelton; be sent t o the family at www. daughters Karen Ceballos i mccomb, of Shelton, Debra Audet of Federal Way and Patricia Did- :e Obits on page B-7