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Program seeking items for dients
The Lewis-Mason-Thur- not like going out. The client nary care v
ston Area Agency Informa- would like a $50 Walmart--Anot]
tion and Assistance/Casegift card. She also would ap- abled wido
Management Program is cur- preciate a hand held shower, home alone
rently seeking items for its -- A 65-year-old woman tors to kee
clients, lives alone and has little so- lonely. Shi
Many of its clients live on cial support. She has a lim- by watchh
limited incomes and without ited income and has physical ing to mus
much social support, mobility issues. She needs table CD p]
The program has a holiday grab bars for her shower for entertaine¢
giving time and a year-round safety. She would also ap- stopped wc
special assistance fund that preciate a Walmart gift card, would hell
uses donated money to help which would allow her to pur- spirits up
anyone 60 and older and dis- chase items for her home. bay during
abled adults needing in-home -- A 76-year-old woman, nizers said
care to meet basic needs such who has no familyin the area, -- A Ne
as utilities and medications, lives on a limited income der who is
The following arejust some since her husband passedtieslives o
of the things clients have re- away several years ago. Her He choose
quested f or the holidays: only family is in Germany foods and
-- An elderly, widowed since her son died several scratch so
man, who currently resides years ago and she is isolated not go far
by himself in his home, would but has a wonderful spirit, He would ]
really benefit from a gift card program organizers said.way gift ca:
to Walmart to help with pur- She would greatly appreciate ment his g~
chasing items to maintain his any gift cards to local stores More re,
home. to help her purchase grocer- in during tl
-- A local 62-year-old ies and possibly splurge on viduals ca1
woman lives on a limited in- something for herself, which gram's offi(
come and is unable to pur- she never does. She also has St, Sheltor
chase personal items for her- a large dog that was her son's Anderson
self. Because of this she does so any pet food and veteri- 101.
'ould help as well.
Ler client is a dis-
v who lives in her
and has few visi-
her from feeling
passes the time
g TV and listen-
c. She had a por-
ayer that kept her
but it recently
rking. A new one
, in keeping her
and loneliness at
the winter, orga-
tive American el-
ias chronic diabe-
a a small income.
to eat healthy
3ways cooks from
fis food dollars do
organizers said.
)enefit from Safe-
• ds to help supple-
ocery costs.
luests are coming
le season, so indi-
• drop by the pro-
e at 628 W. Alder
or call Merridee
at 427-2225 ext.
LPN Nolris named November
hospita employee of the month
Joanne Norris, a registered nurse in in- Everyone
tensive care, was selected as Mason General from co-~
Hospital & Family of Clinics November Em- tration -
ployee of the Month. better pls
This is the third time Norris has received Norris
this honor from her peers. "I decided to nomi- medical/~
nate Joanne when I overheard a physician say, departme
'She is the nurse I want taking care of me or departme
my family,"' her nominator said. "That is the care unit
highest compliment a nurse can ever receive." ployment
Norris started working at MGH in 1968 Joanne Each
as a licensed practical nurse (LPN) when the Norris 10 yearsl
hospital was located in downtown Shelton church-
and known as Shelton Hospital. Church
In 1972, she took time o£fto raise her f~imily, medical mission to Haiti.
returning to MGH in 1975.. While working as a "We go to the outer r(
LPN, she went back to school and received her don't have medical care av
registered nursing degree from South Puget "It is so rewarding to help t
Sound Community College in 1985. Norris is also a retired vc
"The best part of my job is helping the pa- from Mason County Fire !
tients," Norris said. "For three years I was former Sunday school react
the clinical care coordinator, and realized I When she is not workin
missed doing the patient care." husband Randy of 43 years,
It was then that she returned to doing bed- two adult children and five i
side care. Norris also spends time w
"I love working here," she said. "We are all Parker, and her family. Par
a family and work together for the patients, in the ICU and joins Norris
Mason County PUD No. I schedules
Mason County PUD No. ofapublic employee. Session
1 has scheduled a Special Agenda is as follows: 3 p.m.
Meeting of the Board of Corn- 9 a.m, Call Special Meet- Session an,
missioners from 9 a.m. to 3 ing to Order Meeting
p.m. on Friday, December 16, 9:01 a.m. Executive Ses- Questioi
at Alderbrook Resort, 7101 sion, pursuantto RCW special me
East State Highway 106 in 42.30.110(g) rected to :
Union, for the purpose of 12 p.m. Break for Lunch at 877-524'~
evaluating the performance1 p.m. Resume Executive net.
HUD awards consortium preferred sustaina[
The U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Devel-
opment (HUD) announced
recently that it awarded pre-
ferred sustainability status
to the Olympic Peninsula
Consortium, a group repre-
senting Clallam, Jefferson,
Mason and Grays Harbor
Counties. The award comes
in response to the group's ap-
plication to HUD's Sustain-
and therefore eligible for pre- with fundiJ
ferred sustainability status, sources: T
The status provides dowment f;
awardees bonus points or in- awarded ]
creased consideration on fu- to help co~
ture HUD and federal grant Olympic P~
competitions and access to economic
technical assistance resourc- toric presel
es. It lays the groundwork for design. Th~
Forterra and the Consortium series of ha
to implement their plan. for Penim
"We look forward to pursu- and techni
able Communities Regionalingthe opportunities present- portunities
Planning Grant. ed by preferred sustainability ties in 201~
The Consortium, which status," said Gene Duvernoy, Forterra
was led by Forterra (formerly Forterra president. "This a grant fr
Cascade Land Conservancy) Status gives us an important mental Pr
and includes representatives advantage as we continue to Building B
from Tribes, local govern- implement regional-scale ef- able Comrr
ments, working forest and forts for the Peninsula's eco- smart gro~
agricultural landowners,nomic development.' tance to fo
business owners, recreation- Forterra and the Consor-across the
ists and conservationists-- tium proposed to improvela and Cer
applied to HUD to fund a re- economic sustainability with region. Th,
gional transportation, infra- regional transportation plan- cal assistaI
structure and resource plan ning and infrastructure invest- communiti~
to enhance the Peninsula's ments, the utilization of natu- cally and
economic sustainability. The ral resources, and improve- sustainable
project would be the first ef- ment of connections between to grow.
fort of its scale in the region, the Peninsula's urban and Commm
Though the proposal was rural communities at the local, to apply to
not funded, the application regional and global scales, programs f~
was among the top 20 percent Forterra plans to advance and NEA g:
of the nearly 500 applications, its efforts on the peninsula early 2012.
Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 8, 2011
is so supportive,
orkers to adminis-
couldn't ask for a
'.e to work."
accepting wait
applications for
iors ages 62 and
r. HUD subsidized,
ntrolled access,
setting, minutes
)ing. Non-Smoking
erty. 23 1-Br. and
303 S 7th St.,
306) 426-3903
has worked in the
nt, emergency
nt and intensive
during her em-
at MGH.
rear for the past
Norris joins her
helton Christian
on a two-week
ions where they
liable," she said.
eople in need."
lunteer fire fighter
)istrict 13, and a
Saturday, December 10tht 201
for All Kids 12 Years &
• FREE Entertainment
• Hot Dogs • Soda
• Cookies
• Santa will be giving
stockings filled with
Boys & Girls Bikes
Helmets Given
Join the Fun - Doors Open rl 1:00
SE Crai td •
;, Norris, and her
mjoy visiting their
[th her sister, Barb
• er is also a nurse
m the Haiti trips.
Close Executive
t Adjourn Special
• s regarding the
eting can be di-
:~ristin Masteller
ility status
lg from two grant
ae National En-
~r the Arts (NEA)
'orterra a grant
amunities on the
~ninsula integrate
[evelopment, his-
ration and urban
grant will fund a
ads-on workshops
ula communities
.'al assistance op-
Know Where To Go
KIDzOUT is a highly detailed, GPS-based
prietary database of nearly 250,000 relevant Iocati
Diaper changing locations (sorted by women'~
~;" and fam y room nstal ations).
~,~,~ Family-friendly restaurant details (high chairs
~?' stations, playgrounds, gluten-free menu optior
,&. ~ Playground locations (bathrooms. water foun
~ Medical facilities (ER's, walk-in medical faciliti
This allows families to travel anywhere in the U.S., and Know Where To Go
take care of children's urgent needs
Company Bio: KIDzOUT is the first app of its kind to provide relevant, meaningfu
lies with more than 250,000 pre-populated locations.
As any parent with children can attest, it doesn't matter how much preparation you've
the house, once you're out and about it's inevitable: !t is going to happen. And. moderr
credibly on the go: they spend their weekends shuttling kids to practices and birthday r
ily goes on vacation. Most of us know which restaurant in our neighborhood is appropr
we wanted a solution for parents wherever they find themselves in the cquntry so they
go no matter where they roam.
that uses a pro-
ons with searchable
room, men's room
liaper changing
ains. playground
.~s, pharmacies)•
hen they need to
information to fami-
one before you leave
families are so m-
arries: the whole fam-
ate for our kids. but
~an know where to
The idea for KIDzOUT actually started quite simply several years ago starting on a vac ation in Hawaii, and
for two communi- was reinforced on a family road trips from Wyoming to Minnesota. Robb and Jen's kid., were quite young at
. the time, and every time they stopped the question was: "do you remember which gas ~tation at this exit had ..-
also has received the diaper deck?" At that time, Robb and Jen started dreaming of a kind ~)f parents' ro~ d atlas (so 1985, we
know) that listed rest stops and gas stations that had diaper changing stations• From tl ere the idea for
~m the Environ~ IDzOUT was born• i
)tecti°n Agency's k K J
Locks for Sustain ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......
~i Phone 307-217-1169 1
unities to provide
~i A map-based app for families E-maill:
th technical assis-
on the got Web:
~r to seven cities ]
31ympic Peninsu-
tral Puget Sound
~ targeted teehni- I ~~ii ~ ~ii~iiii~
ce will help make
,SenvironmentallymOre economi- ....
as they continue [ ~#~"~ ~ "~ ............. ~~.~'~.%: ...... ,,~°~%'~"~- ~.~ ~% ~y~ ?i~'~i~-~:~
,ities will be able
participate in the
mded by the EPA
'ants beginning in