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By EMILYHANSON Leth said. "We did some
good things on defense hold-
In the first week of its ign last year's second team
sesaon, the Shelton girls' all-league scorer Wilkerson
basketball team lost one to just five points and four
game at home and two on fouls, keeping 'her on the
the road. bench most of the night,
On Wednesday, Nov. 30, however our help side de-
the Lady Highclimbers lost fense was always a step
to Timberline at home 63- behind Capital's cutting
26. guard. We need to get more
"The girls played a good shots up, it's the same old
fundamental defense for saying: you will always miss
their first outing," Aaron 100 percent of the shots you
Leth, head coach, said. "The don't take."
defense is all new, but they Krumpols again led the
were able to hold Timber- team with six points while
line's guard penetration in Lolly Jones scored four,
the paint to just five times. Robins and Stroud pu£ up
Our turnovers were what two and Osberg and Hunter
put us in an uphill battle all each scored one.
game." The team made six of 18
Senior Jordanne freethrows.
Krumpols led the Lady Finally, on Monday, Dec.
Highclimbers with seven 5, the Lady Highclimbers
points while seniors Nicole lost at Spanaway Lake 64-
Osberg and Allison Hunt- 30.
er each scored five, senior "Offensively, we came out
Clara Robbins put up four better than we had in the
and sophomores Taylor first two games," Leth said.
Stroud and Chelsea Desicio "We are still struggling with
and senior Heather Sawyer the turnovers and getting a
each scored two. hand in their shooters fac-
"We played really well on es. The ladies are playing
defense,"Robbins said. "Our very physical with two of
offense needs a lot of work. the team's coaches stating
Our attitudes were a lot bet- we 'out-muscled them the
ter and our intensity was a whole game them the whole
lot higher that last season, game and they were glad to
It felt a lot better than last see the ladies playing ex-
year. Despite the loss, I tremelyhard.'"
think we played a lot better Stroud led the Ladies
than last year." Highclimbers in this outing
Robbins said that she with 13 points while Rob-
things as long as the team bins scored nine, Overlin
keeps its hearts inthe put up four, Hunter scored
game, it will do fine. two and Sawyer and Jones
"Our competition is each added one.
amazing but as long as we "We are working hard ev-
play the best we can, we'll ery day in practices trying
compete," she added, to correct our turnover is-
On Friday, Dec. 2, the sue and be more aggressive
Lady Highclimbers lost at on the offensive side of the
Capital 54-16. court," Leth said.
"The girls came out flat," As of press time, the
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Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Shelton sophomore point guard Taylor Stroud
dribbles to the hoop during the Lady
Highclimbers home game against Timberline
Lady Highclimbers (0-3) School.
had not yet played at home "Peninsula and Central
against Yelm on Wednes- Kitsap have good programs
day, Dec. 7. and we are going to show
The team is scheduled them how phsyical we can
to play at 7 p.m. on Friday, be defensively," Leth said.
Dec. 9 at Central Kitsap "Our plan is to shut down
High School and at 7 p.m. any penentration into the
on Monday, Dec. 12 at home paint and force bad shots
against Peninsula High and passes."
r bowlers rolling along
By EMILY HANSON "Lincoln had an extremely shortHenry Foss High School at Narrows
team with very few bowlers," Snyder Plaza in Tacoma.
The Shelton bowlers continue to said. "There wasn't much competition "I think the team will do well against
knock down pins and opponents as their from Lincoln; just enough of their bowl- Henry Foss," Snyder said. "Looking at
regular season draws to a close,ers showed up to have a match and I the statistics, there shouldn't be much
On Tuesday, Nov. 29, the Lady High- don't believe the best were there." competition, but like I said before, any
climbers defeated Yelm 7-0 at West Side Mishawn Ewart led the Climbers in team can step up any day so you still
Lanes, their home bowling alley,both games with scores of 183 and 189. have to bowl."
"I don't know that we could've beat- Al~er the week's matches, Danielle Snyder said he's concerned about
en Yelm any better," Snyder said. "The Ewart still has the highest average for the team's final regular season match-
junior varsity match was the most tim the Highclimbers. With an average of es. At 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 13,
because it was so close but the varsity 179 over 14 games, Danielle Ewart is the team is scheduled to bowl against
team just keeps rolling along." tied with Katrina Vercillo of Bellarmine Wilson High School and at 3 p.m. on
Lindsey Cox led the team in gamefor first in the league. Thursday, Dec. 15, the Lady Climbers
one with a score of 201 while Caitlyn Bo- As of press time, the Lady Highclimb- will bowl off against Timberline.
rys led in game two with a score of 183. ers had not yet bowled against Klahow- "Wilson and Timberline are the two
Next, the Lady Highclimbers defeat- ya on Tuesday, Dec. 6. that'll give us the most competition,"
ed Lincoln High School on the road 7-0 The team's next match is scheduled Snyder said. "I'm worried about next
on Thursday, Dec. 1. for 3 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 8 against week."
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