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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 9, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 9, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2 sl-rELTON--MAS0N COUNTY $OffRNAL- Publishe [ in "Oh isfrnaMown. Shelton, Washln Thursday, g m Thursday, Dec. 9 Girl Scout Leaders meeting, 9:30 a.m., St. David's Episcopal church. Shel-Toa O r t h o p e d i c Guild Christmas party, 8 p:m., home of Phyllis Tembruell. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Mind Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers restaurant. Golden Age Club potluck, noon, Memorial hall. ,lunior high basketball, opening season game, Shelton vs. Miller of Aberdeen, varsity game 2 p.m., Shelton gym. Shelton-Mason County Cham- ber of Commerce monthly mern- bership dinner meeting, Timbers Restaurant, dinner 7 p.m., pro- gram 8 p.m. ttigh school wrestling, Shelton at South Kitsap, B squads 6:30, varsities 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dee. 10 Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 pm., IOOF hall. Degree of Honor bake sale, 10 ram., Sears Catalog office. High school basketball, Shelton ~t Centralia, 6:30 p.m. B squads, 8:00 p.m. varsities. Cosmetics for YOU (This question and answer serlel on cosmetics is brought to you as a courtesy by NeWs ,Pharmacy 2o help you in your" choice In the proper cosmetic for you.) WHY USE A FRESHENER? Q. If I use a cleansing cream and can tissue all the cream off do I really need a skin freshener? A. Yes, because a skin freshen- er performs more than one func- tion. Besides removing every last bit of cleansing cream from the skin, a skin freshener does the following: @ It helps stimulate local cir- culation, thus imparting a fresher color to the skin. • It helps to refine the ap- pearance of the skin. PROTECTING WORKING HANDS Q. I use rubber gloves to pro- tect my hands when I am doing my housework. If I use a hand lo- tion underneath my gloves, will it provide me with any further pro- tection ? A. Probably not. It could, how- ever, serve as a kind of warm oil treatment for your hands while you are doing your housework. For further protection, apply a film of lotion to your hands im- mediately after you Temove your gloves. WHAT IS A 'NORMALIZER'? Q. What is a "normalizer"? What does it do for the skin ? A. A normalizer is a substance, ususally in liquid form, that is meant to be used as a rinse after the face has been cleansed with soap or with cream. Used in this way, it helps the skin to maintain its proper, or "normal," acid/al- kaline balance. It can ale0 be used by itself as a skin freshener. m Saturday, Dec. 11 Driver's license examiner, 10 a,m. - 5 p.m., police station. FOE card party, 8 p.m., airport hall. Soroptimist Club cookie sale, Sears Catalog office. High school basketball, Shelton vs. Chehatis, Shelton gym, B squads 6:30, varsities 8:00 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 12 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Ruby Rebekah Lodge and Odd Fellows Lodge Christmas party, 1:30 p.m., IOOF hall. Hillcrest Homemakers C 1 u b Christmas party, 2 p.m., Memorial hall. Monday, Dec. 13 PUD No. 3 commission meet- ing, 1 p.m., PUD eommi~ion room. Co,mty commission meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD auditorium. Coin Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD com- mission room. Shelton Garden Club meeting, 1:30 p.m., home of Mrs. Henry Hansmeier. Royal Neighbors Christmas par- ty, 6:30 p.m., home of Vi Laugen. Tuesday, Dec. 14 Kiwanis Club hmcheon, noon, Memorial hall. City commission meeting, 2 p.m., city hall. School board meeting, 8 p.m., Evergreen school. 4-H leader's council, 8 p.m., Ex- tension office. Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport hall, Degree of Honor Protective As- sociation, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. High school basketball, Shelton at Elma, B squads 6:00 p.m., var- sities 7:30 p.m. Lions Club board of directors meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1719 Center street. Dirt Dabbers Garden Club, 10 a.m., PUD auditorium. High school wrestling, Shelton at Tumwster, B squads 6:30, var- sities 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 15 hat's Cookin'? APPLE-GELATIN SALAD is one Minute Wigton likes to use for entertaining. It has two layers with a cream cheese filling in the center. With Minute In the above Journal photo is David, the Wigtons' youngest son. * * * This week we have a gelatin Measure two cups of syrup and salad recipe that is especially nice pour over one package lemon gel- Driver's license examiner,10 for entertaining. Minute Wigton's atin. Add one finely grated apple. a.m. - 5 p.m., police station. Apple-Gelatin Salad uses an un- Pour half of mixture into an 8x8 Laurel Court Order of Amar- usual liquid for dissolving the Jel- pan and refrigerate until set. anth Christmas party, 6 p.m., Ma- lo. It is a layered salad with a Blend one small package Philad- sonic Temple. cream cheese filling in the center, elphia Cream Cheese, ]A cup cream Thursday, Dec. 16 "Minute" is an unusual nick- and V4 tap. salt. Shelton Garden Club bazaar and name but Mrs. Charles Wigton, greens sale, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., wife of our First Christian church Spread over gelatin mixture and PUD auditorium, pastor, has answered to it for so return to the refrigerator to hard- I~Iood Canal Woman's Club, 11 many years Very few people re- en. a.m., Potlatch clubhouse, member her real name is Aramin- Pour remaining gelatin mixture Navy Mothers Club Christmas ta. Minute would have to agree party, 7:30 p.m., 1Vfemorial Hall. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., that life as a minister's wife is never dull. She is church choir di- rector, advisor of the Junior Youth Group and teaches second graders' Sunday school class. She also leads song in Sunday school and is pres- ident of the "Willing Hands" wo- men's group. She and Chuck have two boys, David, four, and Arthur seven. In her spare time Minute knits and when she can work it in she loves to do ceramic work. APlfle.Gelatln Salad Boil together until candy melts: V., cup Cinnamon Red Hots 2% cups water Timbers restaurant. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Mind Tree Cafe. High school wrestling, Shelton vs. Port Angeles, Shelton gym, B squads 6:30 p.m., varsities 7:30 p.m. JANUARY WEDDING DATE ON THEIR CALENI)AR Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Sienko, Shelton, annonnce the engagement of their foster daughter, Susan Pauline Kreitel, to Sgt. Chester T. Hedge, of Indianapolis, Ind. The couple is planning' to be married Jan. 7. Sgt. Hedge is stationed at Fort Lewis. MANN REAL ESTATE Where The Action Is Large Assortment NAPKINS Reg. 35c ¢ NOW ea, Reg.$24.95 ,$, NOW KNIFE Reg. 79c & 89c size NOW NORELCO ELECTRIC SHAVER Float!ng Heads ......$' Reg. $29.50 NOW . ONE ONLY PUNCS 12 cups and ladle.S ONLY LAMP ONLY Reg. 25c NOW HAIR ¢ Ihdoor & OUtdoor Lights String of 25 ONLY INDOOR String of 15 Reg. $2.29 NOW INDOOR LIGHTS String of 7 Reg. 98c NOW HEIL'S Franklin Square 426-3327 Applying for nmrriage licenses at the Mason county auditor's of- fice this past week were: Roy C. Ettlin, 30, Shelton, and Mary Lou Bramer, 28, Shelton. Ronald Lee Jonker, 19, Sbelton, and Theresa Blanchard, 18, Mon- tesano. William T. Waldberger, 34, Shelton, and Donna Hedgers, 21, Shelton: Paul L. Graffe, 19, Shelton, and Cynthia Pidefeire, 17, Shelton. Lyle B. Forehand, 44, Olympia, and Beatrice Allison, 41, Olympia. NEW ARRIVALS ~eiton General Hospital "- Mr. and Mrs. Steve "E. sagmU- ler Rt. 2 Box 98, a girl, December 1. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Townsend, Rt. 3 Box 636, a boy, December 2. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hansen, Rt. 1 Box 66, a boy, December 5. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Yeck, Rt. 2 Box 903, a boy, December 6. 'r ROYAL NEIGHBORS .YULE PARTY NEXT MONDAY Mrs. Vi Laugen'S home will be the scene of a Christmas party for members of Royal Neighbors of America next Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. Each member is to take something for the dinner. There will be a $1 gift exchange and election of officer's foilOwing dinner. All members are invited to attend. REPUBLICAN WOMEN Mason County Republican Wom- en's Club will hold a potluck luncheon at 12'.30 p.m. next Wed- nesday in the Memorial hall. GOLDEN AGE CLUB A noon potluck hmcheon will be held by the Golden Age Club today in the Memorial hall. T~ Journal I'Good WilI'T Amaranth ...... Be Tlleme F or : o Yule Members of Laurel ~: /Yuletide v of the Amarantt, are Part ~,,d the. p m poilu, Christmas party to be. | "Good Will is the theme of a VCednesday in ti~e Mas01 | Christmas program being' planned as an afternoon feature of next There will be an exch, Deeel.nber Garden Canal Club Schedules [Thur. ays meeting of the Hood and bring their fanfily. ~C~| 1 it/It .. m IH~ .....&|---- IUU--.,I,-L,---- /Canal 1~'oman's Club at Potlatch. gifts. Those bringifig IbltlD Jvl,eetlng IO Ut~UU[alNIi INUIK IIUp | 'ri~e Writers' \Vorkshot) group of shouht have a packed' with the child's name 0n n h W} 1 T,~ • Iff--. IA|~& ~l:...... |the club's Fine Arts depaitment De ~ w eeK r arly rul UUIIll UIIIIIU[ | is in charge of the program. Mere- Regular meeting will -- ~ .... 7. . Decorations for the annual joint| bets will answer roll call with a "lne. repumrmonu'~ly, m ecl:m,g at Christmas party honoring "hus-| "good wilr' Christmas sentiment. tne. ~ne|tol} t~a,[aen UlUO. wiu. De bands of Hood Canal Woman's[ There ,.viii be special Yuletide dee- nero D(~cemDer 1~, one wee.L( earlier .. ..... d "" . :, - .-..."1 mations a tlee and an exchan,;e th n " 1 d ~ " ... . . t~mo ana rloo canal uaracn ~mo. ..... s ofa,tneUSUa.noiiday UeseasontO ule nero hessmenabers., are to be fashioned~, at, tl of gifts,, to cost under $1. A snecial' (2hristmn~ nrnfr,.nma wolkshop at 1 p.m. l, rlday ln| The morning business session ,, ........... r-'--e,"~---- h chl h( is planned by the hostesses for the Potlatc b )use. | will start at 11 a.m. followed by this meeting which will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Henry A. Hansmeier. The*e will be an exchange of gifts and each member is to take a sprig of native evergreen for identification. Due to the Bazaar and sale of Greens scheduled December 16 members are urged to be present at this meeting so plans can be formulated for' the sale. Bridge Club Donates To Christmas Fund At a regular business meeting of the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club Monday night it was voted to give $100 to the 40 & 8-Journal Christmas Fund. Winners of the evening's play were Elsa Schlosser and Kather- ine VanArsdale, Walt Parsons and Bob Quimby, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Bennett, Eva Aamodt and Bertha Walker. The club meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the PUD auditori- um and welcomes all bridge play- ers. RACHEL KNOTT GUILD ']~O DONATE GIFTS Members of the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild will take gifts for the children at the Orthopedic Hospital and canned goods for Shelton Gener~ul Hospital when they meet at 12:30 p.m. December 17 for luncheon at the Shelton Hotel. There will be a gift ex- change, also. SHEL-TOA MEMBERS TO EXCHANGE GIFTS There will be a $1 gift exchange at the Shel-Toa Orthopedic Christ- mas party to be held at 8 p.m. to- night in the home of Phyllis Tem- breull. Co-hostesses will be Joyce over. and chill until set. Serves 4-6. Halvorson and Lois Hunter. Garden Club members are in , charge of decorations which will not only make a gay atmosphere for the holiday party, but for the December 17 Christmas meeting of the Hood Canal Woman's Club as well. Potluck dishes brought by those attending the 6:30 p.m. dinner will add to the roast turkey entree. En- tertainment is being planned by a committee made up of members of both clubs. SHELTON GARDEN CLUB BAZAAR NEXT TItURSDAY A bazaar and wreath and swag sale will be held next Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the PUD auditorium by the Shelton Garden Club. Everg, eens, holly and cones will be available for' people wishing to make their own decorations for the holidays. DIRT DOBBERS TO SEE SLIDES OF EUROPE Mrs. Josephine Moss will show slides of her trip to Europe at the next meeting of the Dirt Dob- her Garden Club to be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the PUD aud- itorium. There will be a regular business meeting before the program. Mem- bers are urged to bring their yearbook. NAVY MOTHERS' CLUB Navy-Mothers' Club will hold its Christmas party next Thurs- day in the Memorial Hall begin- ning at 7:30 p.m. ST. EDWARD'S WOMEN'S CLUB The Women's Club of St. Ed- ward's church will hold a 6:30 p.m. potluck meeting tonight in the church hall. hmcheon and the afternoon pro- gram. Mrs. T. Bryan Miles, Pot- latch, is chairnmn of the lunch- con commitfee. Rebekahs, Odd Fellows Yule Party This Sunday Members of Ruby Rebekah Lodge and Shelton Odd Fellows Lodge will hold their annual Christmas party this Sunday be- ginning with a 1:30 p.m. potluck dinuer in the IOOF hall. A gift exchange and program will be enjoyed by members and their families following the din- ner. The regular Rebekah meeting will be held this Friday when No- ble Grand Mrs. Maybell Daniels will honor her officers. A special presentation will be made at this meeting. k '[ I I 111111 In cooperation with other downtown stores will be OPEN 'TIL 9 FRIDAY NIGHT Starting Monday we will be open EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9 for your Christmas Shopping Convenience. Closed Sundays. Paul Ehrltch, the Century German conceived the idea could develop a syphilis, the disease l wiped out. He part of his life such a cure---and 606 compounds, found one that promise. He named it from the Latin ing "to save" . . • meaning "health." he had found a that would be the manldnd. Although since been su more specific cure for syphilis, lieh's dream of wi' disease is still far realized. Emergency Ph. Fifth & Franklin Open Dally 9:30 t~i Saturdays -- 9:30 ! To A An All Electric Cooking School Monday, DeCember :30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Weddesday, December 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. : DOZENS OF FREE PRIZES Featuring and a MRS. BETTY NELSON, HOME ECONOMIST FREE RECIPE BOOK and for HELEN BRADY, ASSOCIATE EACH PERSON WHO ATTENDS SpOnsored By q • • e EDWIN TAYLOR, President T. WEBB, Vice President JACK A. COLE, Secretary JERRY SAMPLES, Manager LIVE