December 9, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 9, 1965 |
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December 9, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in 'CChr{stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, PAGE 8'
Auto Firm
Bid On Oars
Motors was low bidder
cars to be furnished to the
County Health
Bids were opened Friday
district office in Olympia.
Shelton Motor bid of $2,-
plus four trade-ins was low
firm was awarded a con-
to furnish the vehicles.
Where The Action Is
Cooperation with other
stores will be
~g Monday we will be open
Christmas Shopping
Closed Sundays.
Ohrislmas Seal
Returns Going Well
Arnold Fox, Christmas Seal ve
Campaign Chairman, has received
a letter from the Honorary :Na-
i ,
ihonal Chairma.n of the Christmas
Seal Campaign this year, Astro-
naut Scott Carpenter.
Dr. William Schumacher, presS- By FRAN ROSS
dent of the Mason County Tuber- The Methodist Youth Fellowship
culosis and Health Association, re- of Shelton joined the Catholic
ported that returns from Christ- Youth Organization for a panel
mas Seals sent out last month discussion last Sunday afternoon
are coming in well and that he is at 2 p.m. in the Catholic church.
well pleased with the returns to The panel was introduced by
Pioneer School, which turned in the youth moderator, Bill Menden-
$45.57 to the association from its hall. The Methodist Youth Panel
consisted of Lind,a Barrom, Shayne
fund collection, is leading all Larson, Dan Bamom and Dale
schools in the amount collected Downing. Terry Stewart, Lynn
so far. Burfiend, Dave Mendenhall and
Ed Keenan composed the Catholic
Local Fire Oh•el In Youth. Panel.
Rev. Horace Mounts and Father
Fire Museum Formation Gabriel Donohoe were the MYF
and CYO moderators respectively.
She]ton Fire Chief Allan Nevitt Mrs. Gordon Craig is the M-YF
was one of five charter signer*s advisor and Charlene Smith is
who made possible the creation of the CYO advisor. Religious Ad-
the Washington Shale Fire Service visor is Mrs. Len Flower.
Museum Inc., at a meeting held The first question, "Does your
last Saturday in Bellevue. church recognize divorce?" was
Their action created the non-
profit corporation which will set directed to the Methodist panel.
The Catholic youth then responded
up a museum of fire fighting ex-
hibits in a 14,000 square foot build- to the question, "Does your church
ing at the foot of the Space Needle believe in the Holy Spirit?"
in Seattle where noteworthy ob- TIlE METHODIST youth dis-
jects concerned with fire fighting cussed what their sewice was like,
history and records will be stored wha:~ the highest point of the set-
and exhibited.
vice was and ,why they chose to
be Methodists. TOne panelists clar-
ified the role of the mother of
Christ in their religion and the
symbolization of the Lord's Mea[
in their church.
They discussed the individual's
mission in life and the possession
of a soul by the individual. The
panelists explained how, by whom
'and for what purpose the Metho-
dist Church was founded.
Why the Methodists do not have
compulsory attendance and the
length of schooling required for
anyone entering the Methodist
ministry, was discussed.
The Catholic youth discussed
Yule h
MATLOCK -- Bringing in the
Yule Log will be a community
affair held at Schafer State Park
Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is
welcome to attend.
Mrs. James Pike and baby left
Monday by plane for the Philip-
pines to join her husband who is
in the service there. She will be
remembered as '.Joan Treckmann
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier, I
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford, Mr. and
Mrs. Sat Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Bradberry, Mrs. Augusta Port-
man, Mrs. Clifford Combs, Carl
Portman and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
Hearing from the Matlock Grange
attended the joint installation of
Grange officers at Shelton Valley
last Saturday night.
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman called on Mr. and Mrs.
L. D. Portman of Shelton Satur-
day evening.
lin attended the wedding of Miss
Claudia Spalding and Mr. James
Mouncer at the Baptist church
in Elma last Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson were
host and hostess to the Traveling
Pinochle party last Saturday eve-
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Goodburn
called at the R. E. Bradberry home
Monday to pick up Lori, who spent
the weekend with them.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E• Bradberry
called on Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Booth of
Shelton were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer
Sr. Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing
spent Sunday evening at the Har-
And Up
why those of their faith abstain old Clift home.
from eating meat on Friday and MR. AND MRS. EARL Walker
why they believe a woman's head spent the weekend in Tacoma with
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Walker. They
Many To Choose From
At Less Than Half The
Nationally Advertised Price
$t Railroad
should be covered upon entering
the church. They defined the ac- also visited other relatives.
tual significance of mass, when Mr. and Mrs. James Rossmater
mass is held and when it is not. and girls of Shelton spent Friday
The CYO panelists outlined var- evening at the Lud Rossmaier
ious changes that have occurred home.
in their religion in the last 10 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossmaier
years. They delt also with the pur- and sons ofOlympia were week-
pose of confession and the equal- end visitors at the Lud Rossraaier
Sty of converted Catholics and home.
Catholics by birth, well spent Sunday in Tacoma and
A Holy Hour of worship preced- visited relatives.
Many Colors & Sizes In Stock
That's right, Capital Savings and Loan of Olympia now
offers you 7 different home loan plans for pu,rchasing or re-
financing your home.
D o,o ooove,,,,o, , DO.""
[--1 Construction and E] Contract Purchases
All these home loan choices are available through the
following Shelton Realtors. We suggest that you stop by or
call for further information:
Angle Agency
Angle Bldg. • 426-8272
Mann Real Estate
121 Railroad • 426-6592
Roy A. Dunn
Herb Rotter & Associates
124 N. 1st • 426-6642
LaBisson •ere Agency
119 S. 4th e426-4666
Himlie Realty
1717 N. Olympic • 426-3369
126 Railroad •~426-4447
Devereux-Hulder • 226 N. 1st • 426.8544
Mrs. Louis Lenten of Shelton
spent the weekend with her daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Dawson.
Next Sunday at the Matlock
Community church there will be
Universal Bible Services. Rev.
James Everest welcomes everyone
to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeMarch and
children, and Mr. and lVl:rs. Robert
S~h and children, all of Seattle,
were Sunday dinner guests of
their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Miss Virginia Hollatz and Dave
Belcher of Olympia spent Sunday
evening with the former's folks,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollatz.
Robert Trimble and Frank Hol-
latz returned Saturday evening
from their trip, bringing the new
school bus home from Indiana.
Allyn Residents Have
Guest From Seattle
ALLYN -- Sharon Floyd ferried
over ~rom Seattle last Friday
night to have dinner at Charlotte
and Tom Van Slyke's. Her parents,
Martha and Frank Jolley, also
were in for dinner.
Mrs. Anna Baker and guest stop-
ped by to visit the Frank Jolleys
one day last week.
Mkry Siegel is the house guest
of Mark and June Wilkerson for
the winter. Mrs. Siegel is June's
The Jewel Von Ostens, Mel
Hemphills and Carl Hurschs dined
and danced at Tacoma's new Elks
Club last Saturday night. They
later took in the floor show at
Steve's Gay 90's.
Joyce and Gil Duttman had rel-
atives in from Canad~a last week.
They were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Dewar and Evelyn and Harry
a fewKnLaayshlatedav to four-year-old
Anita g t. Anita entertained
a few of her friends last Tues-
day at her birthday celebration.
Lois and Earl Terrell shopped in
Seattle last Tuesday and later
called on the Steve Boyce's, who
formerly dlivedo in Allyn. Helen
Boyce is ing better after recent
illness, dw '
BetWE ard s mother, Doro-
thy Wr~enEd~ f Aberdeen, is staying
at the wards until after the
Ann Estler has been hospitalized
in Bremerton hospital latter sur-
gery last week. Hope you'll be
vcell on your way to recovery soon,
Be sure to have a clean car
for the holidays. A car wash is
being hel~l at Howard Wynn's
Dec. 11. Proceeds are going in
for candy for the old folks of
Allyn House.
Cub Scout Pack 12 had its pack
meetingNov. 30 ,at Bordeaux
schoO .L-Neww boys joining the pack
and receiving their bobcat badges
were Ron Freeman, Tim Gillie,
Miles Gordon, Doug Lane, Glenn
Thonu "re, Allan Saeger, Jim Wald-
rip and Mark Wilson•
other awards presented were in
the Wolf Rank. Greg Johnson re-
ceivedtt he gold arrow and Brad
Simpson the gold and silver ar-
The dens all had wood projects
on display. Cubmaster Keith Simp-
son reminded parents it is time to
re.register the boys.
ed the panel discussion. Father
Oabriel Donohoe welcomed the
Methodist youth. Following Father
Donohoe was a recitation of the
Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.
the Apostle's Creed. The Annuc-
iation was given by Tammy Tre-
bruell, the visitation by Jeff Kie-
burtz. Diane Frank gave the birth
of our Lol