December 9, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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: PAGe] 10 ....... : SHELTON--MAsON COUNTY JOURNAL --Pubiished in "Chr{stmastow '
TIED BY HAND---A Christmas tree worker at the Canadian-
American Chrlstma~ Tree Co., operated by Mrs. Royal ,Getty on
Johns Prairie, .hanoi ties a Christmas tree preparing it for ship-
ment. Activity on the numerous yards, both large and small, on
Johns Prairie, and in other places In the county are in full swing
gettlh~i the treei bundled and shipped.
tL II ...... .
Class in School
Financing Planned
The University of Washington
is presenting a class ill school fi-
nancing early ill January, it was
In cooperation with other announced this week. BUNDLED BY MACHINE--The only Christmas added to one of the machines this year. One of the
Insh~mtor for the cl~ass will betree company to use mechanical tree balers in its machines will replace 12 to 15 hand balers, a corn-
downtown stores will be Dr. George Strayer. The course operation is the G. R. Kirk Co. Thers are two of pany representative said. Use of the machines cuts
will include basic principals ofthe machines in operation at its Johns Prairie the cost of the baling operation. Kirk will ship
OPEN 'TIE 9 FRIDAY NIGHT public and school finance, admin- Christmas tree yard. Above, a bundle of trees is about 350,000 trees from here this year, mostly to
istration of cnnual budgets and fed into the machine, below, a bundle comes outtile wholesale market. There has been some ShOrt-
school accounting foITns and pro-pressed together and tied. The mechanical balers age of help this year, since the young men a year
Starting Monday we will be open cedures, have been developed and patented by Kirk. This is or two out of high school around whom the crews
The class will be concerned with the fourth year one of the machines at the yardhave bern buiqt iv past years just don't seem tO 10e
the new formula now in use for here has been used and the third year for the oth- around this year,
EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9 the distribution of state funds to or. A second side,'to make it a dual baler, was
school districts.
The class is open to anyone in-
for your Christmas Shopping terested.
Convenience. Closed Sundays.
__ ....... i _ __ ,, ,,,, ,i iiWhere The Action Is _
Ire :tor |
Auto Glass Floor Coverings
Expert Installation Linoleum
JIM PAULEY, INC, Carpeting
5th &, Railroad Ph. 426-3926 REX FLOOR COVERING
Mt. View Ph. 426-2292
Auto Repairing Furniture Repair
Major Overhauls
Brakes & Ignition Repairing and Refinishing
Welding & Tune-ups On All Types of Furniture
Special Winterizing
112 W. Cots 426-39926 214 So. 2nd. St. 426-8577
Beauty , Heating
C ompletv Safety Check
Wigs - Wiglets - Switches Clean-up
Merle Norman Cosmetic~ Minor & Major Repairs
Free Demonstrations STARKEY'S HEATING
6th & Laurel 426-4582 1409 Turner 426-4673
Chiropractor Landscaping
I Office Now Open ] Lawns, rockeries, trees
323 Franklin Street [ shrubs
Phone 426-8060 [ Top soil, tilling, leveling
Free Estimates
J 2-6 closed Thurs. [ SUNSET LANDSCAPING
I Herbert Haze 426-4718
Cleaning Service Rental Serwce
Weekly Service to Shelton [ Almost Anything Anywhere
| J anitor Service [ Bulldozers - Loaders - l:~lmps
I " auk - Upholstery Cleanthg I Folding Banquet Tables
| complete Line of Supplies | & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc.
[ 2103 E. 4th, Olympia 352-1387 I 2216 E; 4th, OlyPhpla 357-7731
Cleaaing Service Sand, Gravel
I C pe - Wall to Wall I I : Top so.
I Floors - Stripped, Polished I
I Windows - Walls - Upholstery I I Peat Soil
[ "SHELTON'S OWN" ~ [ Custom Tractor Work
I CLEANING SERVICE CO. I | Johns Creel~ Sand & Gravel
[ 426-3552 Norm Anderson
; D~YS .... 426 "!13S N' tes 426"43'6 I .~ ................. , ........... , '
Draperies, Custom Made Tire Service
Custom Made Used
For YOUR Home
Mt. View P h. 426-4832
Drugs .... Travel
Helena Rublnstein Air - Rail - Steamship
Cosmetics Bus - Hotels - Tours
No Extra Charge For
Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics Angle Travel Res, Center
NELL'S PHARMACY 401 Railroad Ave. 426.8272
5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 426-4134
, f
Electrical I TV Service I
I . airbanks-Morse Pumps I I Radio-T I
I Electric Heating I I . Phonograpli I,
I Westinghouse Appliances I I CB 2-way radio [I
I SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. I I LERov's TV SERVICE I I TREES ARE LOADED--A crew from the J. He- mas tree yards in the county are in full swing as
L41g Railroad Ph. 426-6283 J ~ Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 [ fert Co. load Christmas trees ipto a boxcar at the they get the annual crop of trees cut, sorted, bun-
t=-.. -...,,, ....... , ',, ,~" i'~ L "~' ............ ~" , ~,,,ii ,~i, ,,, .... , ..... ,t= Northern Pacific Railr0~id depot in Shelton. Christ- died ahd shipped.
ursd y, I
student ody Groups Feature Lively Discussions
On 2 SubjectS i StUdent Attends Seabeck Seminar
By CINDY WILLARD books, one selected by each of
Presently raging ill the SHS the four professors who were
Senate are two c0titr0versial pro, speakers at the seminar, were
posals, mailed to each delegated to read
It seems that the governmental lind Study.
body hasn't been the same since
"fanatical" underdlassrnbn b~gan
to exercise their rights of ex-
n.essing personal and class 0pin-
ons more frequently.
In past years, a Board of con-
:rol made up of the A.S.B. 0ffl-
Speaking on a general topic of
"Happiness and Society", were
Professors Gregory Dash (phys-
ics), David Merrill (Assist. Prof.,
School of Art), James Mish Alani
(Assist. i~rof., Philosophy), and
Frank Warnke (English).
cers, class ~epresentatives and One of the books which the
school club representatives, w~s Students were asked to read was
the student .governing body. of "LOrd of the Flies" a best seller
thelton High School., by Willia'm Gelding. The book is
Last yes'r, when the rei~ision of a flctibnal, ndi.rati~e Of the degen-
the Constitution was undertaken
by the board, it was proposed that
the governing body of ~he ASsoc-
iated Student Body of SHS be the
"Executive Board and the Student
The Executive Board officers
were to be the A.S.B. president,
vice president, and secretary,
chairman of the finance Commit-
tee (would head student commit-
tee Which would regulate expend-
itur, eS of A.S.B. fuftds), Boys' and
(Jirls' Club representatives and
cla~s presidents.
I~ has been discovered through
the actual functioning of a stud-
ent Senate, that the Exec Board
eration of social moral standards
amsng a group of young English
~C~i~)olboys who are isolated Oh ~in
island, away from the adult Wo~ld
of imposed social order. The book
was selected as representative of
contemporary prose literature and
was discUssed in relation to Shake-
spearean symbolism.
$ $ $
SHELTON'S basketball team
came out rather poorly at the
Jamboree last Friday at Silverdale.
The scores Wete: East 23, South
i2; Central 20, Shelton 15; South
14, Sheiton 10; and Central 15,
East 14.
assumes the respOnSibilities of a About the best that could be
"second house?' For this reason, said was that the one former let-
discussion has been very extensive teVman, Scott Swisher. made 13
concerning an amen~lment to the points in the two games, which is
constitution dealtn~ with thd func- somewhat consistent with his past
tiofl and composition of such a performances. Scott and Mike
body. Fredson: wei'e the high-point men
"~hould the A.F.S. Foreign Ex- for Shelton.
change student and/or the sdhool The "Bremerton Sun (Saturday
newspaper representative be ~t;
ing members of the board?"
"Should a 0ep staff or Lettermen's
club representative be i,n,'clud~d t~S
member~ of the board? '
These questions have been the
subjects of (lie dbbate~ irt th~ Shh-
ate, and; as yet, no policy con-
cerning these issues has been es-
Donna Reed, a sophomore,
moved that a Senate resolUl:10fl be
passed stating that the flag sa-
ldte and iJledg~ of ~i|l~gi~flee Be
said in the classrooms every morn-
ing, instead of just on Monday
mornings, fis isthe Case presently.
The proposal generated more than
mil~l intern§t! , ' " ' ~
It was pointed out (after the
proposal was discussed in the
classrooms) that the religious
views of certain ~hinoYtty groups
might conflict with such a resolu-
There was also the feeling that
such a frequent recitattoh would
bec~me a mechanical respon§e
to the meaning of the salute.
Though a motion was pasSed.
resblving that the salute and
pledge be given on Mondays and
Fridays, discussion within the bo-
dy cohtinded ~his, W:dk:
,, L.~ST WEEKEND, Cindy WiN
'lar~i' spent two days at Sepbeck
'~.~pr~enting Sh~lt0n High School
at a ~lilJeral arts seminar spon-
sored by the University of Wash-
Other htgh schools i'el~resented
by the 35 deleghtes at the discus-
~'~fl~ w~r.e Bellevue, Clallam Bay,
Coupeville~ Everett~ , Langley,
Mount Tdhttma. NOrth Mason, Okk
Harbor, Port Townsend, ~uilcene,
Quinalt, Sequim, Shdrecrdst, Sky-
komish. ~kadiUm of Ta~rha, To-
home, and Vashon Island.
The majority of the stUdeiits fit-
tending efirblled lid dd~iiflc~fl
or "accelerated" English courses.
PreceSding ttte semil~ar; four
Here's What We
k Inspect and clean bra
k Clean and adjust
e~litionl Briefly mention the SHS for full contact
efforts, reported tiiat "Central had , Clean, Inspect and
little trouble with Shelton's High-
cltthbe~s ifl th~ secotid game . : . " wlleel bearig~s
Since a Jamboree is not necds- ~t Clean and inspect
sarily indicative of a season's rec- k Clean an~ inspect
o~d, tl~e defei~ts should not dis- cylinde~
~oui:ag~ fans; althOu~li the Scords ~ InSpbc~ and re~ii[, I
could mean that this Will be a oyllfider ~
season of some real heart-stopping,
nail-~tting, hair-pulling~ contests ~t I~isp~ct shook absorbe~
betweefi Shelton and its opp0n- ~heok,front end oamb!
ents. * Check front ~nd" baster
Of cou,'rse, such Seasons are , Cheok'~oe in
m0~t stremmhS for "i:eferee- specifications
stomping" alumni, and there could
be som~' real "action" in tlie' ad- * AdJd~t toe In to
ult. section ~hls year. k Inspect muffles '
Conceivably; &ith ~ Couple qf k Inspec[ t~ll pt~
spectacular wins or lossds, Stiel- ~ lfi~pd~{[ iiteerlrfg
ton might regain the oRl "zip ~nd
fire" that the altimfii Often reflect CALL FOR
upon. This is certainly something
to look forward to!
GOLD "66" senior class pins
were sold in the Angle Hall dur-
ing the past two weeks. The cost
of the pins was $1.
Duahe Fagergren, senioi' chi§s
president, proposed and directed
the sale of the pins., 125 E
Several SHS students, attended.
the Scholastic. Aptitude .Test ex- Pho~le
amlnatlohs" iri Q!yml~ia-Saturd~y. "
The students left Shelton at Z:~, 426-3835 o~ a. scb oal - ~s~ and. re-
turned to Sheltoff at hoon.~
Next to Alderbrook Inn on Hood Canal
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A Christmas Card will be sent with each new or renewed gift subscription.