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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 9, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 9, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• 1965 ....... SI-I E LTON -- A[SON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Phbl] }idd in ¢:.6rlir str asfOw U.g.A?' Shelton Washln + • Tr C+E I:L bsl' ~By LOISPIERCE Masonic Temple Saturday. The la- DSPORT ---Right on the dies of the Order have many Iove- 'Thanksgiving begins house ly Christmas gifts to choose from, :,. Christmas shopping and .~ dinner will be served from 5 of Christmas ca'rds, every- to 7 p.m. tg too busy to do much go- eWs ix a bit scarce this week. ! Hood Canal Community l~ school will present "Unto !~ing" Dec. 19, at 7 p.m. All ~i of the Sunday school age Participate in the program. hndrew ScQtt is directing the am .and Mrs. Richard Bates I9~ic. Mr,~ Roy Pierce and PaRk Gray are issisting. ~+U'Most Angels 4-H group [~Vthg a Christmas party at ~'~odsport gym at 7:30 p.m. |*~, for the Hood Canal Junior ~tudents, A donation of 25 ~!1 be asked to help defray ~ae~Sombined christmas party W; m a's Club ~.pod C~l Ga:rden Club Will ~"6:30 ~J~.~r.; ]bec. i6 +at the [~{eh Clubhouse. This is for all ler~ apd. ,their, families, and ~ potl~)~ dither: Both Clubs iah,dzei Man oted I. Fofi e ~ty JESSIE TUPPER NAHWATZEL-- Frank Jr. has been promoted to 8gt. in the U. S. Air Force, ~ce Medal with lus y 0use of Hdq Air D~fe, nse arid a friend, Miss. :Nan- ruth ,of Everett spent last at the lake home of his Mr: and l~rs, Frank lhie Kelley is at the Good ~itan Hospital in Puyallup, ~. he will., receive several of therapy. ~;~a~ Mrs: l~'a]lk Hewson foui+-aay thp to Eastern gn, visiting, their son, ~.~w~ori and family in Spo- t:Sad son, Sam Hewson and at Granger, and other rel- ~in the vicinity. and Mrs. John Sommeffeld ~d a four-day visit with the PPers. " Lawrence Hansen and 'her l~Irs. Adelaide Durbin, also :~our-day trip. They visited Iansen's mother at Issaquah , where ~he is improving • ~, . ,.~ND MRS. R. L. Pete~- v~tport, and Mr. and Mrs. 18ilvia, Aberdeen, were f.or dinner at the Hector The Amaranth rllmn]ag'e sale held Friday and Saturday at the PUD in Shelton wax very succes';- ful. Mrs. Martin Smitl'~ was in charge. Mrs. Matt Kaa,re, Mrs. Mattie Backhmd and Mrs. De- Cheatham were among those who helped on the sale. THE HOOD CANAL Garden Club met at the Lilliwaup Club- house last Thursday. President Mai~tie Backhmd pre'sided at the business meeting. Fourteen men]- betswere present. Christmas fa- vors for the Shelton Manor Nurs- ing home were displayed and dec- orations started for the Woman's Clubhouse, which the Garden Club decorates each year. The workday for completion "of the decorating will be Friday at 1 p.m. at the clubhouse. A I~otluck hmcheon was served at noon by hostesses Mrs. Ed Hough, Mrs. Anna Johnson and Mrs. D. Pierc'e. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hm:rell of Seattle, spent Saturday visiting Mrs. Mac Dean and Mrs. Maurice Kaare. Mtaand Mrs. Barney Rishel of Taco, ma, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Rishel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Leimbeck. Mrs. Dick Addleman, Mrs. Rule Dickinson and Stephen Hale axe home again after spending a few nays last week in Shelton hospi- tals. Mr. and Mrs. Al Jensen enter- rained Tlmrsday evening Mr. and M;I:S. Frank Marlow and Mr. and -:Mrs. Frank Reade and gt~and- daughter, lvIilane all of McCleary, Reade was for several years heavy equipment operator on the Nalley Ranch in Lower Skokomish Valley Sunday guests at the Jensens were Mrs. Mary .Ells m~d daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jagnow, all of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Art Rogers of Sequim. • Rev. and M~s. Wesley Gain and daughters were honored by the Hood Canal Community Church last Sunday evening. The occasion being the sixth anniversary of their coming to Hoodsport. Ladies of, the church served cake and coffee in dining room in their honor following the Sun- day evening service. Mrs. Evelyn Nieholson, Mrs. Matt Kaare and Mrs. D. H. Pierce motored to Aberdeen last Thu~ day evening and attended the G~ys Harbor Cour~ of the Order of the Amaranth. Last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Chamberlain went to Tacoma to visit Mr. Chamberlain's r~. Thanksgiving Day. mother, Mrs. Bertha Chamberlain, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. who recently underwent major sur- :~ Shopped in Aberdeep. gery. Mrs. Chamberlain will neces- .y evening guests were MY. sa.rfly be ~onfined to the hospital B+ C. A. (Buss) Van Epps, for 'some mo~ths, ~ve certainly hope i[~.'~n. - :. for [~ss.~|me !t~hwn' anticipated. ~,~-~ visitors at the Kel|~-~ ...... ' .... ~ ...... ikW~,e, Mr. Kelley's ~lster~h.i{}~[ ~_~'~$ 'll~J~ ~.~a ~.~]~Lnd, Mr. and ~rs :~ohnl UUUI' q$1 IIIIUIO~ ~¢11~ ~5~remerton, Mr. an~ ~rs,/ i. ~a~l|m~|A~ ~] l~ituley and son, ..Ralph, of| |~ l~,||||U|~il ~zl, and Mrs. Pauleys moth-| Freauent questions about the ~a.£Hamilton, Centralia. [cost and upkeen of a saddle horse ~dward. Clancy, Olympia, | indicate the growing popularity k' mseer, Mrs. Clifford|of pleasure horses in Mason Coun- [~¢~8,/st Sunday, ~,nd picked up |ty, Herald Van DeFiet, county ex- [~^~oung sons Who had spent tension agent, noted today. ~"~e~end with the Heeves, i In answer to the growing flood f'~aa~ Mrs. Fr£nk Cooper re- of inquiries, Van OeRiet offered ~ birth of another grand- {his information on the cost of ~et, Regina:. . born to Mrs. buying and owning a horse: Co sst i~' spa, Wnltae-p. MaK ana estimm:es were provided by Joe ~. I:' ei at Leiden, Holland, Nov. Iohnson, Washington St.ate Uni- versity Extension livestock spec- The Action II , ialist. ~N REAL EsT/~Te X reasonabl~ well-trained horse ~t~ __ with some cluality and type can be bought for around $200. Riding horses are being bought and sold, .... of course, for ahywhere from a few I dollars up to several thousand. BELFAIR--Two North Mason directors, Dick Rnsnmssen and Ray Kronquist, accompanied b\, Supt. Norman Sanders, hfft Stu{- day for Spokane to altend tim Wrashington Stale School Direc- tors Con ['crcllcc Monduy ltnd Tuesday. One of the first groups to hold a Christmas party was Nuel Cur- tis VFW Post No. 5372 and Auxil- iary who had a gift exchange aft- er a potluck dinner Tuesday at the Masonic Temph,. Wednesday at 11 a.m., the W.S.C.S. Circle of the Belfair Community Church held their December meeting at the Wendell Harder home with a gift exctmnge. Veterans of WW I Barracks No. 2778 and the Auxiliary met on SundRy for '~ joint installation of officet:s followi'~g a potluck dinner at noon at the Masonic Temple. Installed as President of the Aux- iliary was lvh's. Emily Fi.~fl~er and I-lomer Stewart was" installed "IS (2oYn]~]andcr. Installing officers ',yore Mrs. Aubrcy Clark of Port Orchard, past district prosider/t, and W. D. Wilke, past district (!ornlntl l~der. The Rhododc, ndron Garden Club hqd a Christmas party on Tues- day at the home of Mrs. W. B. Thoml)son following a potluck dimmer at noon. The Fireside, Circle of the Bcl- fair Baptist Community Clmreh will meet at the home of Mr. and Country Style ........................ lb. ~"- Rath's l-lb. 53¢ Skinless ......................... pkg. Rath's Sliced l-lb. pkg. (2db. pkg. thick sliced $1.75) 89¢ Sharp Cheddar 1V2 years old .................... lb. Mrs. Wendell Harder at 7:30 p.m, for their Christmas party. Nancy Dreher and Frank Mil- ler, North Mason seniors, wero chosen to attend the Lil)eral Ar~s Seminar held last weekend at+ Sea- beck and sponsored by the Uni- versity of Washington. Dee. 9 several members of the Honor Society accompanied by Mr. Hawkins will attend the showing of "The Tragedy of Rich- ard III" nt the University of Washington. "Candy Cane L'me" will be, lhe theme of the Christmas dance sponsored by the GAA of North Mason. The Keith Baggerly I~and will furnish the nmsic for the dance which will be held in the U.S.D.A. Choice T Round Bone Chuck I il il ilii I III II i ill ii I i ill IIIlil L NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING PURCItASE 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON Mason County Savings & Loan Association TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING ,Hiill H .... i i I i II I II L " Ib cafeteria Saturday night, Dec. 11 from 8 to ]1 p.m. Committee chairmen are Marsha Tipton, dee- orations; Beverly tluson, pictures and I)and; Mildred Kisler, refresh- nlcnls and fttvor.,~ and Juli Allen, 1)ublieity. The basketball jaml)oree last Friday night at North Kitsap was heard locally on K[}RO-FM. Inci- dentally, NM placed second to Bainbridge. The team will jour- ney to Quilecne Fri(iay night for their first game. First home game will be Tuesday night, Dec. 1.1 against Charles %¥right. The regular December meeting of the NM Board of Directors will be Monday nigi~t at 8 p.m. in the Elementary Library. U.S.D.A, Choice Center Cut Rib ................................ lb. Loin End Cut - 3 to 4 lb. Aver. Pre-Sliced & Tied lb. 69c ...... lb. + + ++i+::!~++i :hiis);:ii~ INN : ~ ~ifi~ :~ !, ii!:i!',~ {;~ U.S.D.A. Choice U.S.D.A. Choice Boneless Beef ........................... Ib THE COST of upkeep can vary from around $365 to $780 a year. If the horse is kept in a com- mercial stable where somebody else is taking care of the feed i and medication as required, the cost will be around $65 per month, or $780 per year. This is a board Patio Frozen and room and care situation• .--- Cost of keeping a horse at home in available stabling f~eilities runs INNER 1+ oz. around = dollar a day or about D+ S ................................................ s,ze 49¢ $365. This includes around $150 for the tr~quired two tons of hay Beef or 12 ,oz. ~]~ and'a ~r~ of grain; $25 per year Chicken . ................................................... Size for health fees of various kinds; and miscellaneous costs. If breed- Beef or 24 oz. ~,~ tng fees. ,a factor, these run Chicken ................................................ Size ~- from $25 up to $250 and average: around $50' Beef 11 oz. • Cost of housing space only ca, Cocktail $1ze 49¢ Fan from $25 to $50 per month , oz1.,¢ depending on facilities available. . ............................................................... Size " Florida "6 oz. II ,A ......................................... y=,l I " ' Florida •12-oz. 11°"'"~ +U,~E +,o:,~ ................ ~ ........................ s,+o:~,~l I p • q Blade Cut O ........................................ lb. lb. Tin With Coupon CRiSCO--Price effective only with coupon at left, otherwise 3 lb. tin 69c Tradewell - Creamy or Crunchy lb. Jar $ '0 R 20 oz! n Size Frozen ,-%re o~ V;i:Lrieties FRUIT P'IEI BA, NQUET • Apple • Peach • Cherry TOmaio OatsUp Hunt's 2%°:e $1 Family Size .............. 4 • Slraw5erry Prdservos Serryland 40 oz, ............................ S,ze 69¢ Appl .,ue .+bbo. esauce Golden Delicious 5 oz. $1 .......... Jars Cake & Frosling Mixes J'Y ~k~. 10' .................... Only Chocolale Quik N.t,e's ~-,b. 69¢ ,- ......................................... Pkg. Margarine B,u, 4 ,,b $1 ................................ pkgs. eL:I" It_~. I~_~..~ Nalley's AI: 15 oz $~11 ............... + White or 2 |b. ¢ IIIIII UUH UiilIIIU With Beans ................ lip Tins Jl. Banp Popcorn Ye,,ow .............................. S,ze29 npn es Sta. by = oz. $t "°l''"'*'-- o. 2o ,oz. $. IIIUlIIIIIIIIII V U ~ .......................... ~ Tin'~. ~ll ~II ~,Vllllg label ...................................... ~ Size I. | ' ' Hillsdale Elberta ,4 25/2 $4 D..I ~...=J Blue Mountain ,q~ l-lb. $~II Frees,one Peaches Sa,ad Pieces . Tins-J I, u=[ ruu. ,o0+, Chicken .......................... + Tins 1 ear. So start now to save for next Christmm|i J~ln the seafirst Christntai ~lub. Put aside a little cash each week. ~y this time next year, you'll have all ~ou need for all your presents. Try it. You'll like It. l.Flmt NationaI Bank I I I I IIIII I APPLE JUICE +Pee To, '1 Frozen ............................................ v Rhodes Frozen I~ 1 lb. m~O¢ Bake 'n Serve .................. ~Loaves ..................................z 79+ i Booth Frozen 7 oz. I~1~¢ Breaded ...................................................... Size Prices effective thru Sat., Dec. 11. No sale to dealers. Reserve Right to Limit QUantity. Equal Oppo,'tunity Employer. ........................ L~ l0° SWEET Ib, 10¢ RUTABAGAS & 3 Ib, 19¢