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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 9, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 9, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 12 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNMJ PublisI/ed in '¢Chr s mas own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December ¢. UN Film To Be Shown By 8ahai's Friday First ?railers Get Shots; Junior High Honor Roll "Workshop for Peace", a film Posted, Students Busy With Christmas Projects prepared by the United Nations for Human Rights Day, will be shown in the conference room of lTOODSPORT SCHOOL magazine subscription contest. As the P.U.D. building Friday at 8 First Grade ---The class got a reward they will receive an all- p.m. by the Bahai's of Shelton. shots last week. They now have you-can-eat ice cream feed. Of a batch of very sore arms. course the number of ice cream The second part of the program Second Grade ---Mrs Cole-Wil- novelties eaten will probably be will feature William T. Spell of Lakewood who will speak on kie "has been ill with the flu as pretty light as the class has I well as ~teveral of the children, a preponderance of girls, who qmte "Working Together for Human/Mrs. Bryant has taken over the natura!!y.are l~.resumed to be war- Rights". class cnmg their weight. The public is cordially invited/ Third Grade -- Mrs Sioholm's Art -- The art class has been to attend. /husband buiit two' futuristic busy working on stencils for ..... [Christmas trees of a broom handle Christmas. They also have big [and veneer strips to represent plans for other ChTistmaSorP(:J~C~eS [trunk and limbs. The third grade SUCh as &ngem or many s. _ . [boys are uaintinw one and the smaents also wish to put aecora- I third grade'-girls sore painting the Lions on the art .clas~allb:ll~t~e ]other one. The children will make jDoara as well as the .. [aunronriate decorations in art HILITES has asked the class to [cfa'ss "for the trees. The last day[turn in some Christmas sketches ]before vacation, there will be a ]for the December ~ront page theme [drawing for the trees for a girltand ]which they are also busy at. [a boy, who are lucky, to k Home Economies---With one [home• Next we will make jolly two quarter of cooking behind the 8th [foot high Santas. The Christmas grade Home Ec class is now sew- [spirit has the whole school by the ing. They began making skirts [toes and fingers• as the first project as Miss Cal- l Junior High School --- The Hon- lahan wanted to pick something ]or Roll for the first quarter was easy as most of the class has not as follows: Ninth Gade: Darlene much experience sewing. This year I Gray and Jody Crumb; Eighth all of the girls in Junior High will I gv~de: Susan McDowell, Susan make Christmas projects. They [Morris, Wendy Bolender, Patti will take a couple of weeks off I Bourgault, and Laura VanderVeer, from sewing to make these pro- ]Seventh grade: Jennie Jensen, Vic- jects and also to try a few re- ] kie P~avel, Christine Radcliffe, cipes for t, zaditional Christmas I Johnna Winters, Dan Bolender, candies and cookies. t Loretta Kilbom-ae, and Kay Toler. : Drama -- Dec. 3, the class pre- J Seventh Grade --- The class has i sented a play "Life of the Party." I been busy writing to pen pals i It was enjoyed by all the stud- [around the globe with most of !ants who witnessed the perform- t them being concentrated to Swed- ance. The cast included Doug In- men, France and Germany. man, Marct Chisum, Karen Cultee, I Eighth Grade -- The Eighth John Morse, Kay Toler, Janeen / grade skating party went off very Deyette, Linda Brown, Rex Gray, t nicely. With most every eighth Donnie Rollevson, Donald Bene- [grader bringing a guest, approxi- dict and Christine Radcliffe. The [mately 85 children were in attend- class now holds its class on the lance. Everyone had a lot of fun, stage of the new gym which is i especially the eighth ffraders as appreciated by the players and the their evening was free being paid audience alike. Three puppet shows /for out of class funds made possi- are planned for the future. ble through the recent candy sale. CHOIR -- The eighth and ninth The "B" half of the class sold the ~.2~^-..~. ~i.~ .... ~ill ho ~n~,,~, most subscrlptmns in the all-school for the Women's Club, Dec 16 The school Christmas program will be Dec. 21. The sixth and seventh KffPS OUT COLD, HOLDS IN HEAT, Saves@to 40 onfuei • lUXlU.II • LAIT$ FOil YUItl Sw~ WL~lmm l --WE HAVE GENUINE FLEX-O-GLASS-- Plus Such Other Winter Protectors as: Aluminum Windows 0 St0rmDoors Storm Window Kits Insulation • Weather-Stripping ON HILLCREST PHONE 426-4522 grade choir will join the eighth ~.nd ninth grade choir for this program. Two sextettes and a duo will also sing. The school band will join in the program also. December 3 Mr. Bates and Mr. Lang's Fifth grade took a field trip to the Tacoma Mall, where Tital Missile was on display by the Ai.r Force. In the afternoon the class went on to visit the Washington State Historical Museum and the News Tribune office. A good trip which was enjoyed by all included free balloons. A variety of lunches at the Mall and the bus ride. A special thanks to the mothers who accompanied the children-- Mrs. Roger Williams• Mrs. Ken- neth Conally, and Mrs. Clayton Farrier. DOG PROJECT GROUP The dog project group of the ~It. View Busy Beavers 4-H Club met at the home of their leader, VIrs. Alan Ford, Dec. 3. A new member, Jeff Conklin, joined the group. He was appoint- ed treasurer. Aieca Ruddell gave a demon- strat~on. Refreshments were served after the meeting was adjourned. ---Gale Leamons, Reporter FOSTER 8¢ MARSHALL INC. ... offers you FREE for the asking the most sought after "forecast" in the investment field...the new 1966 Constructive, stimulating. . . "suxprismg growth and prosperity in 1966-with new highs for the economy.'" ,.. *. 10 SECTIONS OF INTEREST and INFORMATION •" • • 10 "Stocks for Action"-- stocks believed capable of outgaining the market ~n 1965 8 of the S&P Rapid Growth StoekJ 2S Low-Priced Stocks 27 Candidates for Stock Spli~ 41 Stocks for Capital Gain S Stocks Yielding 5% 9 Stocks that could outrun inflatmn 12 High-Yielding, Top Quality Bonds 14 Convertible Bonds and Preferred Shares for Income and Potential Capital C lkl 40 Candidates for Increased Dividends PLUS,..a vHal new "switch" list of 89 stocks to sell joe tax loss TODAY-MAIL THE COUPON OR PHONE FOR YOUR COPY ~ ~,~ INYE~T~|ENT BANKERS AND I}ROKER,t'! 31],L%IJiI.]R NEW YOI{I,~ ~;TOCK EXCIIANGE 115 WEST FIFTH AVENUE TELEPHOI~E OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98502 943-23~00 (AREA CODE 20~) Foster & Marshall Inc. Please scud me the new SAP Forecast. Address • ... ..........Phone ............, CRy ........................................ Bta/e ....... . .,.....,Zip ....... ,,. GRAPEVIEW -- Christmas -- the happy time of the year, the all too short a time when men's hearts are full of joy and good will and good fellowship--is al- most here, and, already, Grape- view's calendar of holiday activi- ties portrays an exciting picture of busy times ahead: Dec. 15, Grapeview Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary will start the season off with a Christmas party to be held at the firehall at 7:30 p.m. A potluck supper is on the agen- da Dec. 18 for Fair Harbor Grange members and will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis at 6 p.m. The firemen gel in the Yuletide spir'it Dec. 17 also when they hold their annual Stag Night at the fireball at 7:30 p.m. Silly gifts will be exchanged• The firehall will be in a gay mood again Dec. 17 for the Sarah Eckert Orthopedic Guild luncheon and gift exchange. Members bring- ing guests are asked to please contact Mrs. Einar Pettersen. Party time is 11 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend the annual children's program at the Grapeview Grade school Dec. 22, 7:45 p.m. As usual this prom- ises to be a delightful perform- ance, and will be followed by re- freshments, courtesy of the Grape- view Mother's Club. 4-H GRAPENUTS had not set their Christmas party date as of this writing. However, they are planning one -- and have also scheduled a Holiday Cookie Sale for Dec. 11 at the Grapeview store• Associate members did their baking at the home of leader Mrs. Henry Gatlin Monday after school• Mrs. Gatlin also gave instructions to the beginners knitting group at her home last Tuesday. The Mother's Club met last Wednesday afternoon in the school lunchroom and plans for the Christmas program and party were formulated. New member present was Mrs. Oak, who with aer husband and family, resides in the former Irvin Rowe residence on Stretch Island. A change in ownership of the Orin Buckingham home on Stretch Island occurred last month with the purchase of the proper- ty by Dr, and Mrs. Leonard Mor- ley of Tacoma. Fortunately, we are not losing the Buckinghams in this transaction, as they plan to continue living there for some time while they make plans for developing their beach property on the island's north shore. Orin and Ethel first came to Grapeview in 1926 and after 1931 lived in a log home on the present homes]re until it was destroyed by a fire in 1941. The cozy white frame bun- galow was built that same year and has been their home since that time, "JUEIE STOCK returned to Grapeview last Saturday after a short holiday "just visiting" with relatives. Leaving home Thurs- day, he drove to Bellingham to spend an overnight with brother Carl Stock and family and then went on to Kent, Friday for a pleasant visit with Jackie and husband, Glen Nutter. Last Friday was a big day for Betty Ann and Marnie Fulmer for t h e y celebrated becoming one- year old. They are twin daugh- ters of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ful- mar. Uncle Earl Fulmer drove out from Seattle to bring his best wishes and spend an overnight en- joying a long-overdue visit with Bruce and Sue. A family birthday party, which also included friend Bud Welch, was enjoyed Saturday evening with grandparents, the Henry GaLl]us, Uncles Sam and Dave and Aunt Peggy• The Olympic League Basketball Jamboree ~as held last ~riday eve- ning at Central Kitsap High in Silverdale with some of the old faithfuls from Grapeview in at- tendance: Eke and Ann Eacrett Walter Eckert, Walt and Salli Clayton and Don Somers. Chief Clayton saw action with the High- climbers team. A wrestling fan is born! Eliza- beth Gatlin is apt to become ad- dicted after enjoying the North Mason-Shelton J.V. match last Thursday afternoon in Shelton. Perhaps son Sam's victory over his opponent might have influ- enced her, just a little? The Don Andersons shouldn't have much trouble getting in the proper holiday spirit with their annual Christmas t r e e business about to get underway. They plan ix) have sales locations in Bellevue ~nd Des Moines open again this year. Two new pupils enrolling at the Gr~,peview School last week were Shirley and E~gene Wassmuth in fifth and second grades, re~spec- tively, This addition brings the to- tal enrollment to 39. TRE£SURE ISLAND Country Psalms To Provide Sdenlisl Text 'He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Al- mighty•" This verse from the 91st Psalm will open the Bible Lesson- Sermon this Sunday at all Christ- ian Science churches. The subject will be "God the Preserves of Man." THE READINGS from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook will explore some of the ways in which the "secret place" is dis- covered by man. These sentences from "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy will be included: "It is ignorance and false belief, based on a material sense of things, which hide spirit- ual beauty and goodness. Under- standing this, Paul said: 'Neither death, nor life .... nor things pre- sent, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, not' any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God' " (p. 304). Eve,nts Are I i i By NADI ~ RItODES ~zo~ecL may contact her The, doll snow on t ground, she ~|]~ A~ ~ PIONEER -- A con~munity will be on display at :/~Iiller s in It is dry and fluffy and c Ii$'~l[l~l~ll~ rl|% [Christmas party is planned at th'e Shelton Friday, and at Shoprite under your feet. • [Agate Grange Hall Dec. 19, be- Saturday. [ Her plans have changed ?lub Boa~ members hCldhaomm:e~f/ginning at5 p.m. with a potluck AGATE GRANGE will meet to-1 intends to spend Christma~ ._~ ......... o, a ...... , (firmer. morrow night at 8 p.m. at the iSon Willard will enjoy ha~ Captain Herbert Dowell. They dis- There will be a program pre- Grange Hall. [for Christmas for the fi~I cussed plans for. the reorgamz~- sented by the children of the corn- Jill Kjos Sagmiller made her l in more than seven years., non o] ~ne cLt!u wmcn.woum make nmnity, the Agate Tip-Top 4-H appearance Dec. 2. The proud par- ] Jimmie and Jerry no doU~ it a non-profit orgamzauon. Club, Boy Scouts and others, ants are Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sag- ~ find it a special event with l Members of the Mother's Club Group singing and an appear- miller, of Bayshore Road. Joining ] mother present. will gather at the Grapeview ance of Santa Claus will round three sisters" and three brothers,i Friends wishing to drop School Dec. 19, to decorate the out the evening. There will be the little newcomer is the pride/ a card may do so by send~ school's Christmas tree. The sup- a gift exchange, with a 50 cent of the whole family, needless to| c/o Sp. 5 Willaxd R. Cook, ! ply of ornaments for this purpose limit, for adults and children, say. Congratulations! | 6th St., A.P.O. Seattle 9873: has, unfortunately been dim]n- Here is an excellent opportunity Jack and Betty Shero left Tues-| ~,~H .... ~ ~a ,~a ishing each year so if anyone has for the whole family to enjoy the clay morning to attend the anuual.] ~=~-,~'~"~ ~'~'~,~,,~'B unused ornaments they wish to spirit of the holidays together Ev- Western Forestry Conference. This] da~"thisweel~: .......... donate to the school--please leave eryone is welcome to attend, year it is being held at Vancouver,| ~' s , . .-. ~. them at the store. They will be The party is sponsored by the B.C. [ Maggie Ogg, o~ ~ays~ greatly appreciated. Agate Grange. Betty Shero is pro- Mrs Mary Cook writes from| one of the severm women We have another mystery to gram chairman." ...... Fa!,'banks, that ~he solve A strange brass object Pioneer ~cnoo~ ~oaro wm mee~ a DeaudIul ingnt up when sue[ ~ ~,:;v,:; -u,~# , _~ found partially buried in the sand Tuesday at 8p.Ln. at the school, left.Shelton a rnontl, Her ar |j2~ t~es: a~iOU~rWf~ in Orchard Beach cove byresident Mrs. Kay ~usnaK reports tna~ rival was greeted With z~ oegrees/ ~,,~-- v--%..y~-~ ~ _. ,_, Jim McGuire was "discovered" by anyone desiring extra tickets for below zero weather, quite a/ Happy ~ir.thday ~o M!cn2 Mrs Louise Ewart recently, the Pioneer PTO (loll fund-raising change. There is now two feet of] ta, who was two years oia A true romanticist, Louise has ~ ~/ started a quest for the origin of HARY H KHIGH r SCHOOL HEWS [ the curious artifact The removal i of barnacles, mud and tarnish re- • , , , : RELIABILIT vealed an urn, 15 inches high, dee- _ ..... " i L ' orated with a flower crest and Girls Basketball Turnouts Start Tonight, Adult|' : Metropo,ta. has morn containing various orientalchar ..... - EduCation Classes Cancelled Until January 11 / Insurance in force than acters. To date, Louise has ascer- / i tained its identity as a Japanese The Girls Basketball turnout ueation schedule will remain the| othe_r.c..o..mpanp--a st, agll~ burial urn or temple ornament stazts toda,, All girls turning out ........... i ~lul DllllOrl. " and it is a arentl vel old If ~ ~. " , same ano will De nelQ here at thai, , .. , PP . Y, . 'Y "_ for basketball must attend prac- [ same time as previously plannned.| Why not Join the &g,~ the zlower eres~ is a cnrysan~ne- Lice every Thursday night Prac- ~. ........... i "" " .................. s it could be , .~ _ " - ." ,- T I Dee zz cnere win De a unrlst-I ~-~nle insured by MMN mum ,~ou,~u uu.uv,¢ Lice scares at l p.m. an(1 snoulo De • " ' ........ I r'-t" that of the ruling house of Japan. over at 9 p.m. mas program nelo ]n the .scnoo!/ ' tan. Call , Exciting as it is to speculate on Aa,,]+ ~'a .... H~, elasse~ h .... ] gymnasmm, mveryone m mm~eu| ...... 4-~,~ ¢~r,t,,al h,i~f.~,'~, n¢ *hi~ ant]hue .-~,,u,~ .~.,~o. ......... '~ 1CO atteno. / '' ~"~ ............. ~. ~"" ~ . ~. been canceled until Jan. 11, be- • " " ' E find, one thing ~s sure--it will ca - - - weather and Christ [ School will be let out an hour]. • JIM DONAHO make a dandy lamp. If any of our early on Dec. and will start an/.: : ; - * eot readers happen to be students of .... ....................... "i hour later Dec. 23. We start/ ................ ":_ oriental culture, Louise would ap- ~-------- Christmas vacation Dec. 24, and] "" Phone 426-346e; preciate your ideas. MANN REAL ESTATE will be back in school Jan. 3./ Our friendly postmaster, Julia Where The Action Is There will be a Christmas Dance[ _ _ ~. Stock wishes to inform us that and Party in the school recreation| ~,~|it~n the Grapeview post office will not ...... room Dec. 18, from 7:30 to 10:30/ 4,~w**~j~v~-~ close at noon these next two Sat- /~ p.m. It is sponsored by the sev-! urdays, Dec. 11 and Dec. 18, but ~~ enth and eighth grades. will remain open until 5 p.m. for ~~ ~ "'" your convenience. ~ ~ ~ • ....... All packages should include the yd~ ~e, .~ zip code of their destination fol- ~ll,~- r]l~ v~,~ ~mA---~----- .................. ~v mvM m~mm.~f]~l~r • . • mwmg the aooress ann pmase, ~11%A/Ay~ ' • " arl as a--a~m ==n= ~ . . . please bring mail m as e y • . possible. During this Christmas The free dining room and our rush, the mail load is very heavy and must be sorted each day as early as possible since it must leave Grapeview by 5 p.m. in or- der to make the next scheduled pick-up. Unsorted mail will then have to be processed the folowing day. Grapeview school directors will meet tonight at the school at 7 p.m. WINNER, AAA TRAFFIC SAFETY POSTER CONTEST The WonderfUl atmosphere of .:, , . 5'HELTON H OTEL , v-. L,; Perhaps YOUR home is eligible for a fO only • ,,,, .., , 8 months of the l year ...... - ...... ~ If you live on or near a gas maln, you may be eligible for our home heat plan. Fur- naces now burning oil, sawdust or coa cap. be successfully converted under this plv.u Furnace burner where C scade furnishes and installs the or space heater furnace burner (space heaters are included, too). All this'for only a month--added to your regular gas bill, October through M y. Service, if ever needed, is free. Thus, it is possible that your home is situated for an immediate swltch_to cle , quiet, dependable, fresh-air-ci Culated n tural gas heat.... nd at trifling cost. Call your gas company and let the Cascade Man check it out. It's worth i ves igating. It's worth much more than the pennies-a-da involved to know you'll be really comfort- able this winter....with the fiRe,t, mos economical he t money c rtbuy. ., CASCADE NATURAL GAS COEPOR~TI0t~ SHELTON 122 S. Third 426-8433 " !