December 9, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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lqELTON--MA 0N COUNTY ,TOURNAL " liahdd iri
Washin ' PACE 13
Gt{ET SIMMONS e~ation at tile home of his brother Iowa, to spend Thanksgiving with mind us of the gowns on some
....... e [Bennett. ]her sister, Mrs. Gordon Simmons lof the ladies in paintings bY the
u~ --- ~everm alum- I ........... e~ I of H'ustine siste, s Tony Fessler ] okt w.asters We a~e told that 91mi-
"" :, * ' " o I IVLI' an(1 IYLI'S 125arle i~lll'Kllalt' i ~ .......... • ....
ule Harstme Ismna Grande ' ~ • , " P~r Christmas balls sell lot as
..... I, d children M'tl.., b'rances and land Elnll~, Babcock and brother ] ..... ,
0 Shelton Valley Sattrday;m~,.. a :.~ T.~.~,.f~ ~,. ,.i. ~at Amos Bai)coek oil 'of Pickerin~ much am $6 apiece in Seattle oct-
,.. el the JOint }ns~.auauon ! urday and Sunday at ttle home of I Mrs. Lewis stayed about 10 days ] ter stoles.
cers meeung. ~uartm Aus- ] MLs ' Burkhalter's uarents, the Sid/ and returned to her home in Iowa [ HARSTINE ,~CHOOL children
ate De uty Master attnlin= n ' •
.. P - ' " ' [ l~'lun.~o'ards [ last Thnrsday After a taste of are beginning to prepare for thmr
the oath of office to Bud ':,: '~ :" ¢ ....... onr mihl weather Mrs Lewis qnnual Chi'istm~ls pt'ogl'afil D~c. 21
and Gien and Ca,'men Yate.~ i .,,Z,?U,?),%og~,Ls~s,o~ ~Y~Y,.,~cT, I dread(~d ,'e.,rning t. the sn,,w and lbegimling prompUv at 7 p.m. It
, ~ l esPe(.t]vc offices. Glen ..~ ~ . ....... I bel )w-zero weather of the mid- I {sn t tile earnest thing ill tile world
new Master of tile Harstine ~yan ana two sons (n ,a~ ........ west to m,t u,) a Christnlas Droglaln
Orange. [ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mchuliffe and ~ ', ...... {witl~ onP/six ")u-)ils but u[ldm tile
and Mrs. George Waite Jr., l s°n Danny attended the I I.blc di,, :cUon'of' .nr teacher, Mrs.
ani " E d e 1 ,~ oi ~llsan Toney one l~al'l ~livv y ' •
P ed by.sons ,d al d • ~'i' " .... " L, .Y. to .sll()~, ,mr nt the C~onlnlllnitv ll.dl, I Morton, we know we shall have
P nt the weekend ill Seattle/ ~ .~ 1~ .... 14 t~ trim the, hall and tree an evening of fine entert nlent.
e aL l ~lltll Lutnel'an Unlll'Cn 111 Shei ................ ., ' " sin
ton ~atlllday evening Danny wa
g'theii'daughter Cindy They/' • .. . • . . s e~,~.~'*~,:, ~':-.-~.'.;"~"~'~r~'~-',~-'s Club Iqarstine school is one of the few
i ' , ' . • . l~ ¢ % , I ' llll ~.11(I ~llll[l{11 ¥¥ ~|ll~II . '
lSlted George Wrote St. who t best n ,m ,it the w( ddmg. . .~ I C'h.l.t ..... n.,.tv Please brin~ dec- ] l(maining one room schools Ill the
~P~rating from a recent op-] Satjnday .(~empg abou\__f.~. ).,,i ...... tth ,;,-,,, ' the tree and st'~ie and althohgh most of tile
', " nelgnDors galnel'e(1 at tne home ¢ 1 ............. ,,.... fol • I: ' ' ' , .... ~one a ......
~~----l of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Petcrson for {tables, and dent forget to ta),c la!:,k'C,,he, C~lO:)i,;?tn~aVentertain~n~n~.
I ~ _ ,. ........ ,, ........ , t.~ "'~tel / a sack hlnch /dong l-lOt eoll:ee] \% ltfl L .... ~ .
i l sons who hay,.' sold their home { will be served. The decorations in hel'e (m the Island we like to main-
h R M ~ I~ ]" r)il i£1ekering Pmssa-e and are ,nov }the hall will se,ve three events I tain the old tradition of the dec-
' .... e, ~, " ' Dee 16 ) 'ated t~ee md school' room and
'~ l art of the Women s Club party '. .....
M ~ I| I# {g, •l,i-~ to T, eo,na the latte p . { .................. ;'~/ '"h lnd}lhe exchange of presents. Mostly
~._ {/this week. Mr. and Mrs, Ooraonlyp= ~"ap~.cLu."p'e;: u ...... ~j) ,, l_2 ':11-- q" see our children an(1
[l~]r ~I~K'~'I~I ~I7'A• • ~-vKz l!Silnnl01iS atte,dd el ore Harstine /tne boclal ~lUO olnner on tile cve-lwe ,~,e ~, - : ..
• ~a~J.V±~ V~LnLdmX I .. . ' ...... . ..... ,.'i nine, of Dec 18 /grandchildren perform 'in }ne pro-
15tlnoay eveniuE several ne~6u- / ~ ' '
~RANGE HALLI[bors of Mbnica and A1 Pridham[ If yot, should drop in on Har- andoltOmlai~lg::lkW2tther ~;
[ |, I dropped in to help them celebrate{ sttne homemakers' these days, you nmgnoors ~ : .
/their wedding anniversary. Eve-/might find many of them busily entertainment m over.
~f _ D~l 1 t I I ning guests were Margaret and}engaged In maktrig beautiful and { Wc expect to hear from, our reg-
~UI, I~ ~= { 1 I R~wmond McCulloch Mary and|elaborate Christmas bails of car- ular comespondent, LiZ AllisOn,
: "/ sid' Baunsgard, ileulall Basstnd~e,[~us shapes and sizes. Some ate from time to time on 1~i" trip tO
M U~'e~ BY THt= : llMabel a'nd Nels Baunsgard, and/eovered with velvet in deep redsCalifornia and Mexico, aItd Rnow
i,~"-~,,~.,~,~,~ {tgo/'don and Gret Simmons. [and purples, ingeniously deeorated/she will send u• news of former
T ..... ..... °|l Mrs. Ruvie Lewis arrived Nov.[ With gold and silver braids, laces, {Isla!lders whom she expects to vis-
,7_.y~.. 1'21 f l:otn her.home iil Waterloo, pearls, and other gems.£:hey re-It a,o,lg the w a.y. ----~
II: ! ' {
i ..,, • f
.............. ;•.::,~,A...+.¸ ....
........... ..... ~++.~i~~ -" .... ' '!. .... ~{i!:.~!~#!!~:i ::~::: ......... .....
T i.L vel --:1464 sq
r ...... ,.
j!j :Look for this sign on these twin
;i :i:}Bullt by The Roy S. Dowling Co.
CELESTE jANN :;i:i' :i ; CLARINDA i '
el --' 464 sq. ft, i Ranch Style- 1118 sq. ft.
11 p,en'H0use: 82! and: B27 S. 16th St.
]turd nCay, Dec. i1-12,1:00 to 6:00
i i'i.:/, ,: NATU .RAL GAS heating
II places; Sheetrock finished garage ... comPfortable, livable homes, b!lilt
II with care and precision throughout.
'I asc I(; Nail ral I; ,s
~ I ~I:' n [ I ..... : .i4 i '. i .... ~ ~ [ R A l I 0
Union Posimaster Wins. , , ,
Suggeslion Award Ill ][ II I I
By BETTY DEAN II [] , , • i[ ., I I
UNION"-- A s,lgg'estion subihft-II [] I I I II II I I
ted to the Regional office of the II [] I I I i~l 11 I I
American victories in Viet Nam the Jom'nal to publisll tile article. Post Office department regardingll • I | | ~|l d{ I I
are cut frdnl other patternh than excerpts from which follow: a fornl to be used at Christmas /I • I I I Inl I I I I
military fighting and firearms. CHU LAI VIETNAM Nov 18-- for pati'oils by star i'otltes wo,'t[[ [], ' • .... I I
Mrs. Kathe Stoudt of Benton It must have been one of the'most Postmaster Wanda Nilson,a $it)0/I • . I
Lakc, near AIIyn, learqed as m,iqh a.mazing, significant victories of a',',,,~l'(l from the post ae lI • \/JI{
in a recent letter from her hus- the war in Viet Nam That's what partment..'she amo receives a su. l! 1 /t/~gI_~k" I~L Eh~.Ji 1 I
band, Caplain Charles R. Stoudt, the Marines InvolVed said. And per!of accomplish.n~et.~t pil~ apd.a[I [] IL[~'~L"~Y~]~II I
a pilot for the aviation firm of there were only a few shots fired.: certificate, walma nas ~)een ~1// I |~f-'%~i~..'~"~£/Xl "i
Air Asia, which flies supplies to ~ victor,, came when tile M't charge of our pi~st office for i~ ~| 'II~( ~' '~Y~,~ "~] ~ 'I I
American and South Viet Nam .... __ +a .-" ......'" years and has been l)ostnlast~t~/1 I ~'.,~..,4~,.~,-'~'~-~ ~]1¢'~I {
rilles O[ I, company, 31'a ~attallOll • • " , r . • ~ l1 1 ~r+,'_~l((ll.I I • ]k|f 1 1
olltposts in the war zone. He is , , ~" ,, connselo [or six years.
7Ill Marlne,~ excel|ted O eradntl . , ". . '
Hercllle~ heal' tile ]llnCtllre el i[ic " " ' , ,,"
based at Saigon. , . ' ,. . P .... , Rcmdents Of I,Ilh)ll wdl be glad//I ,I /
IN TilE IA]TTER h~ enclosed Suoi Sau and Tra Bon~ rivm's It° know the State i,'ire l~.atlnlgJI • '~'.Yk~k!J+V th ~l !
" ' ' ~' ~ " Board has given the llniofi are~: ~,
ii clipping from an English long- at)out 12 miles southwest of Chu " in's tl;ank to-th~ ui, io-'°ll• ~-~" ~ 3W//)'~ ~I I
uage newspaper published in Sai- Ld {new rat g .~ ~ ~I/ 1 ~,~xJ/~...~211- • 1 1
gon telling of an evacuation of ' ' ' Vohmteer fire det)a,'tment. These'' "
It was a sealch-and-clear opera-I ratings will vary according to thl~l! I t!~~+# I I
village hatlves by American Ma- tlon intended to rout out a corn- ] distance honl the fire h,dl of thai[ I I |
,ines which demonst,'ates the na- pany of Viet COngellZl(t;eWll~t;I.nbe { reaideUee and their location l.,t!:}li • t'DdF • /
tive feeling against Ule Conimun- operat!ng! the ar L' . . es I fire Uistrict. The ratings have beeh II JI I
ist Viet Cong.
Mrs. Stnudt obligingly allowed were hewn ln Dy ne~.mopters m oc- [ reduced from number 10 t0 a ~ttiin.- [I • ~4~/" ~'~,[~ 4[I |
gin the two-day nnsmon. I ber 8 in some areas and a nqmbei,[| 1 " 1
~g-~ub~~as EARLY TItE FIRST day a VCi9 in others, with an appt'0prlate [| 1 Mt'i UlMW£111'£ 1 I
RI • ' security post was destroyed along savings on insurance pr'emiums £drll• Ill~IlIl~LIII. 1 /
With about 800 lbs. of cached VC most Union resLdent~, so-be gttrell I ~i,,ii.~Ja I 1
iSce. A VC tax collectm" was also i to check with v0ur instlra, hC~ It[p III IL-IMllUIllRll5 I 1
C-rsmashi[ Party captured. But that wasn't the big,eht when re-ne~/In,,IreinSu,ali6e.,I I ~'--::=..'_7_--.'.---- I I
thing. Tlie Union pln~Hle crab traveled II 1 PMltIM, _~AW 1 /
As the :Marines ent ed the !to ] velyn White's, h me I! Iv.inp, v n. I /
Village of Th~ich An Dong people shorle q~hursd/W fdr sit .a eHio'0h II I No,, pro~ql~i.n|i pq~p¢,uttdrI~ltd.. I/
At Fair Greunds started rushhlg' to the Mar'nes andl of plnochle.' I~,ei,n se'~¢,d "~']~"l • '~mSP'II%~i~'O~I~I"teI~II I
through an Interpreter pleaded to pie arid coffee to h~i" ~uest~. T ii~q~.II I I I
be taken away from the village so present 9¢ere Uladych Sh~,~ II 1 '' •/
they could be free of the Vlet .Vera. Bishop Betty Dean, Nll¢ i l| I chln0 n-r~= . ~u~ec.t~'~wturn~l. /
By MARG E BARIEKMAN Cong Rebman SLella HowAr0 Eaim[I 1 .w,.,o. ~io~Uit aI p~.u¢flon I 1
' ~ ' " ' " ~0 w a0 Ildl or Ito0pln Illl~
LOST LAKE The "Silver Aftermessaging the battalont W,lte,.. , and Glace. • Gardlter= w".ll• i /
Star Riding Club" held its annual comma"d ,~osL 130 villa,~ers the had high score for th~ day., TliellI36".Cutatpuupt94Joetln.dimet~r. ll
~, v ' ~" • 1 at: Wol hs onl l~ o ~$ IIU Dlr she
Christmas potluck supper at thefirst day (the Marines at first ~ext meeting w!ll be Dec. ,,6 ¢_a II• I I
fah'groUnds Saturday evening With ' tl' IlL onl about 60 Were Edith waiters'nome ~tt w,, oe Ill / M ~l
g . % , ,
lots of good food and dancing to had tho y .... • . Free DemonMra[o i ,
rec6rds later in tlle evening. Those involvedl, they were anlazed the theCnmswnl'stmaspa!tY" ' J''l. See~s,od,yl ~rI
attending were Mr. and Mrs, LOW- second ~tay to be swamped with The Union Lkdies' ~lvic ~l~tb II ~ ~,.tk,~.,,~ i..~.~ |
450 mo ~ natives in tlte area for will their (:JhriS[hmh pa~y{{ ' ~n~P~ ~UIUM {
ell Hardie and childten~ Mr. and a tw0-~aey total of 580. All" were today a~ noon, at Mai'y Jar~h0W'~}~ ' ..... /
Mrs.. Phil Hardie, Mr. and Mrs.
Watt Allen, Hap Braey, Mr. and flown by helicopter to Birih Son t6 honte ~tth BesSie MaWsoli as eo, II KHUP |
Mrs. George Magnett apd dough- begtfi a new life free of tlte perse~ hostess.. I! , /
ters, Mr. Lightbody,' Mr..and MI'~L cution of the Viet Cong which .... -- ........ II ' _,!S0aOllj~_ UO- 1
"' " r ' ' 1 larlofle 4.~b 4~U~
Clive Tt~Jy, Mr, and Mrs. Ben taxed each f~tiltly heavfl)in ctt~h ..... : ......... II , ." 1
and even heavier in rice MAI~IN REAL ESTATE {I We Service What /
Williams and children, the Cole , • , II We Sell I
Gi/'ls and friends, Mr, and Mrs.WOMi~N, CHILDREN, old men, Whet& t~e Act on Ii II : .. ,; .
Ralph Barleckman dhd ehildi;eri, all carrying ~verything from chic- ' ' '
The gift exchange .par[y aild kens tb .pigs, pots and pans, cloth-
the election of new officers, will tag, food. bicycles, anything they
be held Dec. 8 in the home of M:r. could pick and which c,mld be KEEP M,
and Mrs MaSilett. carried in the helicopters formed CLEA AND
A few shirttail people attended an amazing array of evacuees. N
Two very old blind men tears ' :
the horse •how at the Trails End
Arena ~ week ago, aRd Ed Reeves streaming from their sightless
again won a first plac~ trophy and e~ve~, wei~e among those taken Out,
bhm ribbon with his beiui[flhil Teh- §o iiiixious we~ they to leave.
nessee walking horse, stallion, At times Marines entered huts
"Judy's Silver Fleck". in the Eng- to fihd fires still• going and food
lish clams of the walkers, cooking which the people had left
Anyone that has never seen the behind in their anxiety not be
horses perform, should make it a left behind.
poirit to attend tlte "Grsenacres One native farmer showed the
Christmas (iymkahana", Dec. 19, Marines a small basket Of rice,
with the first part of the .~how about 15 pounds, which had been
starting at 10 I'm sure you left as his allotment and two large
would find it very enjoyable, baskets of about 150 pounds eacli
Our club. the "Tefines§e~ W/ilk- which the VC had confiscated for
ing ..kssociation", held a practice themselves.
Saturday in the evening with close The farmer and his wife. before
re 100 spectators, and 21 horses leaving with the Marines, took the
signed up..Dg~ Tib~its won a sec- VC rice, which was too much to
end place ribbon in the grown-ups remove in the evacuation, and mix-
class, with his Walking ho,se, Fli- ed it with cow dung and straw
ca. and Ralph Bariekman won a and ,burned it to make sure the
third place with his little walker VC would not be able to use it.
filly, Bambi. They were not alone The native re-action to the Ma-
th(~ugh because "Doc's son Dick rines arrival had been eiltirely
rode his horse in the under 18 spontaneous as there had been
"ears class '~ came up with a no advance annOuncement. It was
~econd place win and Rusty Bar- interpreted as a tremendous de-
iekrhiiil i'0de "Stih" iihd cali~ up feat for the Viet Cong, one Of the
with .a third place win also so that major victories of the war for us.
their dad's couldn't brag too much.
Well enough about horses for
'Alis week, but do hope that every-
one,likes to hear abmtL them.
MR. AND MiltS. JIM Swindall,
~ell me that their son, Jimmie
is stationed at Fort Welters, Tex.
now and has made Pvt. E 2 now.
,-Ie expects to be home for Christ-
mas which they are very happy
As of this date the Lost Lake
Sewing Club, has planned Dec. 9
am the time for their supper out
~or their ChriStmas g~t-tbgether
an~ then l~ter tl~y Will have an
~xchange of gifts in one of the
,nembers' houses.
Bob Huss Came home during the
weeit to celebrate his 24th birtl~-
,ay with his folks, Mr. and Mra.
M Huss and also to celebrate their
34th wedding annivmsary which
is the same day, Dec. 2.
Bud Eveleth called on us last
week for a visit for the evening.
We had a nice long chat. , .
For Hear
Australia I
" Dec. 3, a group bf approximate-
ly 50 foresters of the Southwest[
Washington chapter Of the Sd-I
ciety Of AmeriCan F0reste,'s gatfi-I
eredat the ~helton Hotel to eo~l-[
duct business ~nd to heat" an ad'-~
d, less by Dr. "i~. N. Stoate, retired[
Chief ~ orester of West Australia. [
Dr. Stoate deviated from the]
usual practise of dealing with tile[
f0i'est ec0ilomlcs of his homelafld/
and gave instead a humorous an~l/
eniigi~tening insight into the geol-]
ogle, ethnic, an~l historic back.-[
g.ound of hi~ native hontelan~l,~
Aust,alia. , , /
,, Ant~rlg other interesting nign;I
ligbts wlflch Dr. Stoate indicated1
as h~ving a direct bearing on thel
ihittlfl~i~ ifl WHiCh Australia ham de-|
veloped were ~n his references to: [
1. The exis~imce 0f ¢loss-contt-/
hent rabbit fences in Certain agrar-|
iati portions ot Australia--fences|
12" high which Stretched tmbroken/
for hundreds Of mileS, I
2. Vast atlas of arid lana where[
average annti~l rainfall measuresI inches or less. and /
3. The shortage of home-grown[
construction WOod which will con-[
Linue to fot.ce Australia to be ,,n/
~inpo:ter of lumber. /
Durii~g the business session of[
the meeting jack Winn o~ Olym-/
pia artd Dick McCarthy Of ten-/
ti~alia ~ere a~ign~d tb be Coordi-~
haters of the anhUal meeting of
the Pflget Sound Section of the
~ncth[V of American Foresters Ap- I
ril 28, 29, and 30, at Lhe Tyeel
,,~oto: Inn. Olynlpia. , |
The n~x{: meeting of the South. }
west Washin~;ton Chapter is sched-
,u|ea foi Jiiti. 7, in, Abe~d~eh wheal
' People P.ressl.tres' will be the fea- [
tured topic. 1
Serving all residents of Mas~fi ~U/~y i~xcept the City of Shelton
Servioe & Rates
Onoe a Week ................................................ $1.75 Month
Every 2 Weeks .............................................. 1.25 Month
Once a Month ................................................. 50 Month
Rates above.are for a One can plc[(-up only. "[here
is a 20¢ charge for extra cans,
Owned & Operated by:
Cliff VanderWal & Bob Nault
Phone 426-8729
If no ansWd 1 11! 42 -22B0