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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 9, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 9, 1965
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December 9, 1965 ttELTON--MASON COUNTY JOI_TRNAE--Publisliecl in "Ohridfmasf , U.B.,{.", Shelton, Wash|ng on PAGE 15 Cooperation with other stores will be RIDAY NIGHT Monday we will be open NIGHT 'TIL 9 Cllristmas 'Shopping Closed Sundays. FM/AM [: a brand newradi0 from lades 0Ny.'The TFM- an, AM pocket- cost, high , lt!s small but eight SONY lyto serve fringe areas. radio dear tone that II believe. for a demonstration SON x JOHNNY'S Music BOX 42B. 3 2 Census To Ask About Li Hunting And Fishing The Census Bureau's ammal survey of hired farm work and the first phase of a survey on hunting and fishing will be taken By FRANCES CATTO during December in this area as LILLIWAUP -- IL will be the part of the Bureau's monthly Cur- monthly potluck supper night for rent Population Survey, accord- the Lflliwaup Community Club ing to Director Johu E. Tharald- members and friends Dec. 10, in son of the Census Regional Office the Lilliwaup Community Hall. in Seattle. Following the 6 p.m. supper The farm work survey, to de- there will be a short business termine the number of l~ersons in meeting and then an evening of the nation doing full and part- pinochle playing. time farm work for hire, is being Plans for the next pinochle par- done for the U. S. Department of ty will be discussed at the business Agriculture. The hunting and fish- meeting, states President Evclun ing survey, to get national sta-Nicholson, as the regular card tistics on each activity, is for the party schedule date falls on Christ- U. S. Department of the Interior. mas eve. Some members have sag- BOTH SURVEYS will supple- gcsted a New Year's eve party regular monthly inquiries on instead. emente ployment asked by the Bureau Hostesses for Friday night's to furnish information for the card party will be Mrs. Oran B. 's Bu Lee and Mrs. Roland Willson. IT. S. Department of Labor " There are prizes and refreshment.~ reau of Labor Statistics. and the public is in;cited. Card m QUwe~l~ions on hunting and fish- playing starts at 8 p.m., following • g ' be asked about all survey familYinmembers in the area Whothe business session. are •' e years of age and over.Saturday night game parties The ?n~estions seek to determine hosted by members of the Hood Canal Lions Club in the woman's how ny persons hunted or fish- club house at Potlatch have been ed du~ng 1965, their ages, how well attended. Starting at 8 p.m., often ey engaged in these acLivi- these social game evenings will be ties, and approximately how much held each Saturday with the ex- they spent on them. ception of the coming Christmas The information will be collect- and New Year's Eve holiday ed during the work week starting nights. A turkey door prize is to Friday guests of honor, arc being made by members of the garden club. They are to meet Friday at 1 p.m. to plan and make the Christmas decorations for the woman's club- house at Potlatch, where the poL- lack dinner will be held at 6:30 p.m: Dec. 17. Mrs. Elizabeth B6aznis, Renton, daughter of Jack Johnston of Lil- liwaup, became the bride of Glen Bradley in a ceremony performed Saturday afternoon in the home of the officiating minister. Mrs. Beamis and her ,l.hree daughters have been frequent guests here at the Indian Beach home of the Johnstons. Weekend guests at the home of Lewis and Faith Evans were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Crosby and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baughn of Seat- LleLARRY-- SIiND, son of the Har- old Sands, is due home the last of this week for the Christmas holidays. Lain'y, with his brother, David: has been a student at the Western Washington State College in Bellin, gham. David is working and won t be home until he comes for Christmas eve. A senior, Da- vid will be doing student teaching during the winter quarter in the Shoreline school district. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson Dec. 13 from scientifically select- be given this Saturday night, were in Lilliwaup Sunday after- ed samp e households in this area AT A CEREMONY in the little noon and had dinner with John's as well as other sample areas community church in Brinnon, throughout the U.S. Mrs. Robin PoiLras became the mother, Mrs. Frank Robinson, and Census Bureau interviewers who bride of Sven Bragstad Thursday the Jack Cattos. They had spent will visit families in this area dur- evening. The Rev. Drake, pastor their Thanksgiving holiday in Palo ing December include Mrs. Pollyof the church, officiated aL theAlto, Calif., the guests of friends, A. Swayze, Shelton. wedding which united the two Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Roberts• Ac- companying them on their trip Hood Canal residents, by air were their children, Eliza- Wearing an aqua lace short TEEN DANCE DRAWS gown, the bride was attended by beth, Jo, I~ rances and Jim. Eliza- CAPACITY CROWD her d~ughter Elizabeth (Mrs. Wil- beth is a U. of W. student and • A capacity crowd of teenagers liam Baxter) in a pink ribbon inJ° Portland,a Reed College gave the Town Kryers SUlcport at knit dress. their first dance held last Satur- W.L. Lhamon, who was best To celebrate the birthday of man, is a long-time friend of the their daughter, Mrs. Farrell Glen day night aL the Pool Nuotare. groom, having known him when of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs• Fred Mar- The dance was chaperoned by soy- tin were hosts to their son-in-law both were residents of Alaska• en adults. Larry Baxter, grandson of the and daughter Sunday at a dinner at the Shrine Country Club at Check the New OK Winter Stars* with Deep Lugs for Positive Traction in , Mud or Snow *Available with Safety Studs at small added cost for Extra Go. bride, was the ring bearer and granddaughters, Susanne and Ros- ylan Baxter, were flower girls. A reception followed the cere- mony. Those present included the bride's sons, Richard and Law- rence Poitras and the William Baxter family, all of Seattle. Among local people attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lhamon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ham- baugh .and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Reeve. After a trip, the couple will be at home aL Longwood Beach. Plans for the Dee• 17 Christ- mas party, under the .joint spon- sorship of the Hood Canal Wo- man's Club and the Hood Canal Garden Club, occupied the atten- tion of members attending the gar- den club's meeting last Thursday in the Lilliwaup Community Hall. Decorations for the party, to which husbands are invited as 2226 Olympic Hey. No. Lake Ballanger. Saturday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Vance were Mr. and Mrs. Roland Aldrich and two sons and Allan Aldrich, a nephew of NeWs with his family. All were from Portland, Ore. Mrs. E. R. Ogg, sister of Mrs. H.~rry Smith, was a house guest at the Smith's Beacon Point Re- sort home during the Thanksgiv- ing holiday week. Mrs. Ogg is from Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Smith, with Mrs. Lulu Smith, entertained the bridge lun- cheon group Wednesday of last week. This week's hostess was to be Mrs. H. J. Range at her Ayock Beach home. Friends here will be pleased to know that Mrs. Ernest Campbell will be home in Shelton for over the holidays and will resume her Seattle medical treatments at Uni- versity of Washington Hospital after the first of the ytar•~o The Campbells joined the L. J. Evans of Hoodsporl: in a trip to Seaside Ore., last weekend• Their son Bill, engineering stu- dent aL Olympic College in Bre- mcrton, spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and :Mrs. Starr White and aided Start in his construction work on their new beach home. Work has been slow- ed by an eye condition, caused by Starr's getting some lime into his eyes. Among the holiday comings and g'oings we missed last week was the Thanksgiving Day family par- Ly attended by Dr. and Mrs. H. E. ()degard at. the home of his bro- ther, Ed Odegard, in AubuFn. Pre- sent also aL the dinner was their son Richard, just recently out of U.S. Navy and presently I~i i I w°rking in Seattle" ...... LI: rT 16: , the sons of God came to "present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them." Job 1.7~ "And tl e Lord said unto Satan, dtl ~'I~ ~koot" 1154 Piece / ~- I~ A T whence comest thou? Then Sat- qNNERWARE / curl Woak crew, men, fence, / |te Solid S te circuitry gives you I I earth"Fr°m andg°ingfromt° walkingand fro upin andthe ~etlve Oelden Wheat pattern / banner, ~dge =upporte, lop J music ~e.instant you turn it on. I I down in it." ~.White, Oven-lProuf. Dlshwosher ] counter and Instruction manual. I Belg^e.wh/teand red case. I I There was a time when most ~.~,..$stv!e~ 8, (WH054N) (TU0200-a) ~Mr uJyy-~/ " I tion. But ften now it is a [place to go to when there is no ]place else to go since the day of ' ~"'" ]cars and quicker ways of getting ]to places, more time is spent on I the road going to and fro from lib°me'the home.than is actually spent in I Sometimes these people are /bored to tears if t,hey don't have i . l enteriainment of some kind all lll~b~gJ 41j the time" H°wever' there's an°thor Lao~/ ' [ side to the story. There are people : " ' Consoletto HIGH /who would like to be able to slay tin their homes more and enjoy HAIR DRYER INTENSITY ~ 8(1~~, [ then,, but their many activities MiLE RADIO / Blue. Adlust the hood to your | WAU. I I are liable Lo call them' away fro],, ltilt o-"oker, Antique w~lfe [ height. 3 temperature controls, | I./'kl'lF I I l]ome at anytime. ' eL ~" ........ _.J / Hood .closes into compact corw. [ Choice of green, mocha or ¢om|. I / Hence, they are coming and go- A~Y. kellW. (~kPOIU4~ --- ing cosec (WS0265-5) UL opprovsd. (FH0050.1) [ ing, here and there, to and fro, ....................... ! ] doing first ne thing then another, I ., ]until I wonder sometimes if they /r .qll / li/.w. "" [ This is one of Satan's ways of distracting the minds of mankinct from their right relationship with } the Lord. It keeps them in a state • , /of burry and confusion all the ]time. There is very little peace • [ y ] Ahmg with the hurry and bustle [ of everyday life, there is noise of • [ some kind that can be very tire- : #I; I I '14" / ran.,,, ,,.on, [ nlachine|'Y of ,~¢)llle kind, as this I JOE PRETZEL / is a ma('hine age, and the so called " " V / ...... V [ uzlce w / ] kinds of music nile hears on every =Hs'deutS,nflcMod~e°m / aeliciou, pretzels TOASTER-BR01LER ]:0RH jl:::/Ll::l.. Zg~ suit In small, medium / In only two minutes. Six?.'o~'~-. | Teflon coated troy. 6 position / | Christ in our heart we can have . . .TL0832"5) [ ages of pretzel mix incmuen° | ~hermostat control UL approved, ] | T~eace that passes all understand- I~rge. fl'L0a2e 1 / (TE01aB.5) . | (W50243-2) . j / Ing. | Romans" 15.33: "Now the God,, " ~----~ ~ ] of Peace he with y,m all. Amen . Open Fri. Night 'Tel 8:30--Startin g Man. Open Every Night 'Tel 8:30| ve ene Fari•en PROUTY, Owner • 123 S. 2nd • Phone 426.3111 / ] MANN--REAL--~:TA-TE / Wheee THe Aotlon OOo o o For Her Perfumes -- Cologne -- Toilet Water Gift Sets Hallmark Cards Wrapping Seals for those who want the Best. Lanvin (Arpege, My Sin) Cresendo (Spanish Geranium) Revelon (Intimate, Aqu,amarine) Houbigant (Chantilly; Flatterie & Quelques-fleurs) Coty (Emeraude; L'Origan; L'Amaint Paris & Impreru) Jean Note' (Soaps; Bath Oil; Bath Powder Bubbles & Friction Cologne) Du Barry (7-Winds) Faberge (Tigress & Woodhue) Prince Matchabelli (Wind Song & Golden Autumn) Amity Bill Folds Butane Lighters Electric Razors . RonsOn " Shick " (Sun.bea~ ex . ~em,n~;~o~) Norelco .... Wren Sets bY • . ~ardley " .007 " St. JohnS. . . Mennens." (G'lI;~?Spice. Sc°tch fe?&d ~'v e~:n~: aMt':':' ) ,~, Biackwatch " curt Kits Sets .._ l=rave- pipes &pipe Russell Stover Chocolates Whitman Chocolates Applets & Cotlets Almond Roea Novelty Xmas Candies by Rogers KODAK INSTAMATIC $17.95 to $99.50 Agfa 150 Rapid Kit $14.95 & $17.95 POLAROID $19.95 to $59.50 Christmas Decorations LIGHTS TREE DECORATIONS TINSEL TREE STANDS ORNAMENTS Gifts BED LAMPS--TABLE LAMPS FLINT CUTLERY SETS FLINT COOK & SERVE TOOLS TOASTERS--- PERCOLATORS WAFFLE IRONS (Teflon) STEAM IRONS--- HAIR DRYERS FLAME COAT ELECTRIC KNIVES SNOW (Sunbeam - G.E. - Hamilton Beach STYROFOAM & others) ~v~~ ! Cornmg Ware Single Pieces or Sets Syphons Playing Cards STUFFED ANIMALS ' Ash Trays I1 ! GAMES ; _Banks !|; (Monopoly- Clue | James Bond - Bingo £/ec | 11 • & Many Others) .... nt Special at Novelty Tops " 0 'POCKET RADIOS by ,( 16.81 : Sony Radio Phonograph '! Comb. Traveler ill,, by Mercury . , . o $59.50 ,~,~~ ~ ,, " ---- I;E, ........ OPEN EVERY NIGHT 426-3456 | EXCEPT SUNDAY Square 426-4456 FREE PARKING,