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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 9, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 9, 1965
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Lday, December 9, 1965 SRELTON--MA 0 COU% 30UR AL--PubllMied in', Shel on, y Gives Festive Decorations • • jim _ :':30¢1@1 I:vent$ ' Name. _.Service Highlight. ,.._ n,December ili uonauon mee.ns m lo ans :i: Society Ed,tor • Mar, .oobse. • Phone , 6.12 • % -- - e,~t 's of the VFW Auxiliary Traditional Christmas decors- : .......................................... .....~ to donate $6~ for the Viet tions gave a festive background ~;;~;**;";`~i"`.~i`*~"i``*°`°~°i"i~;"i"``~i~`;.°i.°:`~`~~"`*":**~*@~"~**g":"`:":**;~*;*~i*~; ° ;" ° Service Center ~t last Fri- for the December meeting of Iota meeting. Chapter of Delta KaPl)a Gamma plans were ma(le for the held at Hcinie's Broiler. 17 Christina:; party *'Group singing of Ch~;istmas will include a. 6:30 p.m. pot- songs led by Mrs. Robert Keenan a gift exchange, pro- opened and closed the meeting. and v~:it from Santa. [)aces at the hmcheon tables were I)lans \Yere nlPlde for'[~cd by YlllC ltal~lO carc|s ln2.(]e bazaar which is being held by the chapter president, Mrs. PUD Auditorium. There Thchna Maxwell. be lots of fancy work, Christ-. Mrs. Clyde Faffergren, 2nd vice decorations and baked goodspre:*ident, g:~ve an interesting his- from. tory of the chapter's scholarship Fifth District met in leay-fund which provides grants in aid last Saturday. next meeting will be held 7. Helen Kunkle won the gift was brought by Arma at the last meeting. DEGREE OF IIONOR SALE TOMORROW , variety of baked food, aprons Christmas decorations will be at the Degree of Honor sale and fancy work sale to starting at 10 a.m. Friday Sears Catalog office. uare Church 910 East Dearborn B. Wysong, pastor School ........ 9:45 a.m. Worship .... 11:00 a.m. ' Y.'s & Cadets ...... 6:00 p.m. Service ....... 7:00 p.m. Study (Wed.) .. 7:00 p.m. 11/11 tfn to young women of Mason and Thurston counties who plan to make leaching their profession. Members presented their gifts to the scholarshil) fund by placing them in a hllge silver bowl. William Williams presented a group of Shelton High School stu- dents who sang several beautiful and unusual madrigals. Guests at the meeting included the State Chapter president, Mrs. Beverly Kinney; the State corres- ponding secretary, Miss Anita Kanzler; and Miss Gladys •Miller, a member of the State research committee. One of the founders of the State Chapter, Mrs. Helen Grotjohan, of Honolulu, was also an honored guest. Delta Kappa Gamma is an in- ternational honor society for wo- men educators. EAGLES TO CONCLUDE CARD PARTIES SATURDAY The Eagles will hold their last card party of the present sez~es, which will also be the last party of the year, at 8 p.m. Saturday night in the airport hall. Winners at the Nov. 27 play were Bertha Johnson and Phil An- derson: high; Jen Tratnick and John alter, second high. Mrs. Tratnick and Mrs. Riter had pin- ochle. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE RADIO SERI'ES Sunday, December 12 a Christmas Message "What Shall I Give?" KGY Radio, Olympia 10:15 a.m.---1240 K.C. MT. VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts. Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ....................... 6:00 a.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Alex C. Motes, Pastor SHEL TON OF GOD 130 East Pine Street , MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL --- Classes For All Ages ........ 9:45 A.M. :IV[ORNING WORSHIP .... 11:00 A.M. CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS ...................................... 6:00 P.M. ~VANGELISTIC SERVICE ...................................... 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY---BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER ...... 7:00 P.M. MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD qYmplc Hwy. So. Cascade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor School ................. ,..,~.,... ....................................... 9:45 a.m. Bible Class ............. :..~..~ ..... : .......... :......-..-: ............ 9:45 a.m. Worship .......................................... 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Chur~2t 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. ~r.~n. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:'45. ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M.---Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.---Church School and Adult Bible Class 11:00 A.M.--Divine Worship The Church Is always open for meditation and prayer FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wlgton School 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:80 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service THE METHODIST CHURCH North 4th and Pine Streets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER 8:30 and II:00 a.m. Wor~hlp Services ~:~5 a.m. Church School for all ages - 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship AUDITORIUM - 3rd and Cota ~bAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 a.m.--.Coffee Time. a.m.--MR. TOM PAPPA$ ;sifications at the Corrections Center" a.m.--Topic-- • "WHY RUN?" 7th and Franklin Family Worship Service: 8:30 a.m. Classes: Sunday School & Adult 9:30 a.m. 2nd Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Christian Worship, Education, Fellowship Service "A FRIENDLY, GROWING CHURCH" J. Carlsen, Pastor Phone 426-8611 LINDA CHARRIER , * • $ Before any social function can Executive Board. Outside of school be presented someone has to do she teaches nursery Sunday school some planning and preparing. Lin-class as Mt. Olive Lutheran church, da Charrier, Shelten High School is a member of JOGS and has senior, ham been getting some ex- worked for the past year and perience along these lines this one-half, summers and weekends, year. as .a nurses' aide at the Clinic She is program co-chairman for Hospital. Girls' Club and was chairman of After school Linda wants to be- Homecoming this year. She is also come a nurse. She would like to a senator and is helping prepare take her training at Emmanuel the new school constitution. Last School of Nursing in Portland. year she was a student co-director A five foot seven-inch brunette of one of the all-school plays, with blue eyes, Linda is fond of She is a member of AFS, Thes- swimming and water skiing. She plans, Pep Club and Girls' Club is the oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. News About Square And Round Dance Clubs In The County The Salty Sashayers Square Dance has sent special invitations to all known past members to join them in a grand reunion in the recreation hall at the Mason County Fair Grounds this Satur- day night. Caller Benny Berndson has brushed up on some of the calls that were popular a few years ago and will hold a workshop between 8-8:30 p.m. to refresh memories. All members of the club are urged to be present to join in this spec- ial occasion. Potluck as usual. Guests from other clubs are al- ways welcome. $ $ $ The beginners class of the Salty Sashayers were hosts to the be- ginners classes of the Fas-N- Eighters, the Lacey Daisies and the Do-Si-Do clubs of Thurston county December 1. Several couples from the Sa- shayers' Club were guests of the Curley Q's at Colby last Saturday night. $ $ , The Christmas Town Rounders will hold its regular dance in the recreation hall at the fair grounds next Thursday night. This will be a Christmas party with gift ex- change. Guests are always wel- come. Larry Charrier and was born Jan. 26, 1948 in Shelton. She has two brothers, Larry, 16, and Randy, 11. Daughters Visit Mrs. McKinney Miss Karen McKinney and Mrs. George B. Dailey and daughters Kristine and Debra, are enjoying a reunion this week with their mother, Mrs. Creel McKinney, here in Shelton. Miss McKinney has just return- ed from a three-year stay in Eur- ope where she traveled extensively the first year then worked at the 21st Evacuation hospital in Augs- burg, Germany the last two years. Mrs. Dailey and her daughters will leave for Anchorage, Alaska this weekend to be with her hus- band who is now working for Johnson and Leiber Brokerage Co. Homemakers Will Entertain Families Final plans for their Christmas party were made hy Hillcrest Homemakers Club members when they met recently for a potluck luncheon in the home of Mrs. Dar- rell Sparks. The party will be held in the Memorial hall this Sunday with dinner being served to members and their families at 2 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held January 5 in the home of Mrs. Clarence Cornell, 1524 Mason street,, with Mrs. Marshal White as hostess. , E. C. Knautz, Past~r DAy, DECEMBER 12, 1965 a.m.--Sunday School. a.m.--Mornlng Worship. ~:00 "PERFECT MEN" P.m.--Youth Groups. ?:00 P.m.--"IN TUNE WITH GOD" 5th & Cots iii Morning Worship B~0adcast over 1280 - 11:00 a.m. Yacht Club Plans Party, Christmas Ship A gift exchange and a visit from Santa Claus will follow the 4 p.m. traditional dinner at the Decem- ber 19 Christmas party the Shel- ton Yacht Club will hold in its clubhouse for members and their families. Tentative plans are being made for a Christmas ship which will cnzise Hammersley Inlet during Christmas week b r o a d c a s ting Christmas carols. Date and time will be announced later. WCTU Christmas Party Hostess Is Mrs. L. D, Hack Mrs. LI D. Hack was hostess for the December niceting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union which was held in her home. Miss Alta Russell acted as her co-hostess.. The business meeting was fol- lowed with devotions by Mrs. G. R. Eads, who as diz~ctor of Christiaz~ Citizenship, also led the salutes to the American, Christian and Temperance flags. Christmas readings were given by Mrs. Agnes Kangas who told the story of the writing of the hynm, "Silent Night:", in Arnsdorf Austria by Rev. Joseph Mohr, and the music by his good friend FranZ Gruber. "Memories of Christmas" by Kathryn Marshall was given by Mrs. Arvilla Wiley. Tea was served from a table decorated in Christmas motif with Mrs. Manilla Galh)way pouring. The exchange of gifts was held with Miss Marian Johnson act- ing as Santa Claus. • -Those present expressed their thanks for the Christmas spirit of the readings given and the Christian fellowship enjoyed. MANN REAL ESTATE Where The Action Is Soroptimist Club Cookie Sale Set Final plans were made for this Saturday's cookie sale when the Soror~timist Club met Nov. 29 in the Timbers Restaurant. The sale will be held in the Sears Catalog office and will feature homemade cookies which will be snitable for freezing for the holiday season. Following a short meeting mem- bers broke up into " individual meetings of the various commit- :ees to make further plans for the coming year. II IIII I I In cooperation with other downtown stores will be OPEN 'TIL 9 FRIDAY NIGHT Starting Monday we will be open EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9 for your Christmas Shopping Convenience. Closed Sundays. his coo S/ippem CUSH' N' LYTE- In Ginger or Burgundy with Cush' N' Crepe Sole $6.99 BRAID In Black or Brown with leather sole and rubber heel " $8.99 Operated & Managed by Christensen's for Shoes, Bremerton Open Fri. 'Til 9 p.m. Starting Dec. 13 Men. - Sat. 'Til 9 P.M. PAGE 17 iii i i iiii , ii I i i i i FINEST..• LOVELY 3/4 CT. DIAMOND OINNER RING .................................... $300.00 EXOUISITE DIAMOND BROACH ......................................................... $175.00 DAINTY CROSS WITH DIAMOND ........................................................ $45.00 GENTS 1/2-CT. DIAMOND RING ...................................................... $212.50 1/2-CT, DIAMOND SOLITAIRE .......................................................... $237.50 B ACCUTRON, SYMBOL OF ACCURACY ..................... ...................... $125.00 BULOVA 2-DIAMOND LA PETITE ........................................................ $65.00 21-JEWEL BULOVA, NEW TEAR DROP STYLE .............................. $49.95 GENTS BULOVA, YELLOW GOLD, WATERPROOF ........................ $45.00 BULOVA, MEN'S ALL STEEL, 17-JEWEL .......................................... $24.95 BULOVA, MEN'S CALENDAR DIAL ............................................ from $39.95 IKORA TARNISH-PROOF SILVER GIFTS .................................. from $4.95 HIGH STYLED F RASER'S STAINLESS HOLLOWARE .......... from $3.95 i ,J GERBER LEGENDARY BLADES CUTLERY .............................. from $4.00 BLENKO-VIKINO-MURANO COLORED GLASS ........................ from $2.50 iiiii ~ i LOCKETS --- CROSSES --- PENDANTS ...................................... from $1.95 LOVELY ANTIQUE GOLD BRACELET .................................................. $5.95 RHINESTONE & PEARL PIN BY EISENBERG ................................ $10.00 GOLD FILLED NECK & EARRING SET BY VAN DELL .................. $24.95 LINDE STAR RUBY AND DIAMOND PENDANT .............................. $99.50 YES: BECKWITH'S STILL GIFTWRAP FREE YES: BECKWITH'S WILL ENGRAVE YOUR GIFT FREE AS ALWAYS DIVIDED PAYMENTS AVAILABLE OPEN 'TIL 8:30 P.M. F RI DAY AND MONDAY THRU FRIDAY NEXT WEEK