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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 9, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 9, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 18 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAI --Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December 9 Sell Never Used Articles And Make Some For - Sale FOR SALE --- Several good used freezers reconditioned and guaran- teed. Lem Warren Refrigeration, 127 South Second. W 7/1 tfn ELECROLUX SAL,ES, service and supplies. John Rice. Ptlone 426-6108. after 5:00 p.m. Demonstrations. R 1/7 tfn YOU CAN PUMP more water and longer with Fairbanks Morse pumJ~s. See them at Shelton Electric Co., 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn LAMBERT'S OYSTER Bay Store for sale or lease. Liberal terms to right party. Route 1 Box 225, Shelton. Phone 426-8768. 9/23 tfn HOMEMADE CANDIES by AI. Peanut brittle, a specialty. Many others available. Order now! Phone 426- 8267. E 5120 tfn SEVERAL USED house trailers, large and small for sale. Herb's Second Hand Store, 426-3532 or Union 898- 2457. ." H 6/10 tfn FOR SALE -- Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn FOR SALE --- Large selection of re- conditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Ap- pliance Center. ' 6/5 tfn NEW MOON mobile homes! Nation's best seller, your best buy. DcTray's Mobile Homes, 1617 Fones Road, Olympia. Phone 352-~07. D 10/15 tfn TRY OUR CATALOG SERVICE -- Many thousands of items to choose from. Large discounts. We pay fretght. Shelton Marine Supply, Hill- Crest. M 8/8 tfn HAMMOND ORGANS priced from $850. Sherman Clay, 205 West Fifth, Olympia, Wash. Phone 352- 3791. 11/4 tfn for equity for $1200. Nashua 10'x50' '62 model, balance at $46.76. Call af- ter 6 p.m. 426-2634. E-11/25 12/16 able prices, dresses 50c up ; skate out- fits $1.00; pajamas 75c. Many more. Contact Laura Sheffield 426-2216. S 9/16 tfn Polaroi--------g color--------pae--; cmneras. Fully automatic from $59.95. Zlegler's Camera Shop, 124 N. 2nd. Z 7/1 tfn FOR A FREE MOUR of beauty call for a Merle Norman Cosmetic dem- onstration. Elaine's, phone 426-4582. :~ 6/4 tfn size rugs. Custonl-lnadc draperies. We measure, expert installation, Your satisfaction is guaranteed• Free esti- mates, You're always welcome at Olsen ~arniture, 4th and Cola, 426- 4702. O 11/18 tfn SHOPSM s-- tool is a (!omplete workshop which performs sawing, drilling, lathe, shaping and planing. Includes a Jointer and nearly new band-saw, plus numerous other accessories. Ph• 426-2244. T 12/2 tfn MAGIC CHEF unit, coppertonc, to he installed, brand new. $125 for both. Phone 426-8171 evenings. L 12/2-16 CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE -- About 600, six feet to eight feet. Ph. 426-4064. K 12/2-16 SPINET CONSOLE PIANO to be picked up and sold, Will sacrifice le responsible party in this area. Also electric organ. Cash or terms. Write or phone 916-922-9880, Adjustor, Kohler & Camphcll Pianos, 1615 Dcl Paso Blvd,, No. Sacramento, Calif. T 12/2-9 F()R SALE -- Reyal DeLuxe portable typewriter. Phone 426-6258. L 12/9 TD 18 INTERNATIONAL tractor, Is- aacson single drum, hydraulic straight Inllldozer blade, call Bcl- fair CR 5-6116 after 6 p.m, R 12/9-23 ACCORDION -- Era'ice Rosslli, 120 haas, $185. Phone 426-8945, Mc 12/2-16 STROUD DUO-ART pianola phtyer piano, some rolls, bench. Phone Hoodsport 877-5312. S 12/9-16 ii Excellent Quality Used Furniture 1--Full Size Mattress & Box Spring ........ l---Full Size Foam Rubber Mattress, Box, Frame & Headboard Davenport & Chair, wood knuckle arm .... 2--Davenos, Good Condition Your Choice ............ 1--Love Seat Daveno .................... 1--5-piece Chrome FOR•. I 50 Dinette- ALL 8---OII Heaters, all sizes. Guaran- teed to be in operating condi- tion. Your Choice, $1500 Cash & Carry .......... Drop Leaf Table and 4 Chairs .................... 4--Dinette Chairs .................. each Maple Desk, Formica Top ............ i ii For Sale ] For Sale WOOD- $20 per load, delivered. Well]HAVE MOVED from ranch to town. over a cord. Specify length. Phone~ Many items, too numerous to men- Hoodsport 877-5520. P 12/2-16 lion. Phone 426-6423. E 12/9-16 AMPLIFIER, Magnatone guitar ac-| HAND-MADE GIFT ITEMS for sale• cordion, two 12-inch speakers, $185. | Lovely Christmas articles. Mrs. A. O. Phone 426-8945. Mc 12/2-16 [ Cimrlson, 817 Cola, 426-6129. I 11/25 12/16 ALTO SAX FOR SALE -- Excellent [ condition. Call after 5 p,m. 426-8690. ] CLEANINGEST CARPET cleaner you O 10/7 tfn ] ever used, so easy too. Get Blue Lus- | ire. Rent electric shampooer $1. ~1 Coast-to-Coast Store. C 12/9 stamps for sale at the Journal, $1,50 J each. 227 West Cots. 12/1 tfnIBAR.DIN CHRISTMAS and Gift Shop, I 520 Franklin. Hundreds of hand- PeR SALE --- Good, effective and] mades, Novelty dolls and d011 bed- inexpensive advertising, Just call The Journal, 426-4412. 8/19 tfn l ding. Slippers, baby itemS, bags, | lunch cloths, artificial flower and ~~. [ ruing tree arrangements, cor/es, dec- [ oration items. Open Thursdays and day, 520 Franklin, Bar-Dins, the shop [ Fridays. 12/9-16 of 1000 hand-mades. B 11/18 tfn FOR SALE -- Three good oil heaters, ill ---Used Cars .... Exceptional condition. $30, $25 and $20. Pho*m 877-5521. K 11/25 12/9 11959 FORD Fairlane 500 convertible, / new top, rebuilt engine $525, full WOOD RANGE for sale. Also roundI ~ 426-8122.- H 11/18 tfn oak table, highchair, miscellaneous articles. Phone 426-2028. W 12/9] ]1959 FORD V-8, Fordor, good condi- | tion, reasonable. Phone Hoodsport 120 BASS ACCORDION -- Petosa, Ital- / 877-5352. Real clean. P 11/25 tfn lan made. Excellent condition, with if,case, Phone 426-2049. B 12/9 |~1963 FORD F-100 PICKUP -- V-8 en-- • glue, custom cab, radio-heater, wide KRESKY AUTOMATIC box. heavy-duty rear springs and bumper. Three-speed trans., two ex- WOOD HEATERS ira wheels. $1695. Phone 898-23£1, Union. S 11/25 12/9 26" firebox, brick-lined, automatic 1946 CHEVROLET PANEL, $85. Trum- thermostat & circulating fan pet, $10. Phone 426.859q. D 11/25 12/9 $159.95 or best offer. Phone 426-8788. No Down Payment $8 per month J 12/2 tfn Free Parking Free Delivery FOR SALE --- 1950 Chevrolet, pickup; 21" Admiral TV; twin raze Den. . OLSEN ,FURNffURE 4th &Cota 426-4702 Pets, vestock , LOST -- Small sandy colored dog with white markings. Last seen by Klmbel Motors 426-2260, R 12/9 HOwABOUT A for ;ll Take a look at our AUSTRALIAN TERRIERS The Newest Terrier in the U.S. Small, Intelligent, Lovable Good with Children Call or drop in and see them Phone 426-6152 Olympic Hiway North Across from the Airport 12/9 tf ( 426-6510. B 12/2 tfn 1960-'~-H~NDERBIRD -- Ex~elle--~-c~n- dillon, good tires, low mileage, must sell immediately. Phone Hoodsport 877-5426. P 12/2-9 i963 DODGE POWER wagon Fibre~" glass camper, $1950. Phone 426-8384 or 426-6877. N 12/9-23 L959 RENAULT -- Economical, good tires. Would make good Christmas gift for high school age. Make offer 426-2116. T 12/9-16 1948 INTERNATIONAL ~/z-ton pick- up. New tires and runs good. Phone 426-4289. A 12/9 1952 G.M.C. %-ton pickup, new t!res. Good condition, $400. Phone a~o-~ov. A 12/9 1957 Olds 98 conver , • 426-2547. J 12/9 1953 DODGE DUMP TRUCK, 8:2~ tires, five speed with two speed axle. Three-four yard dump. Phone 426- 8731 after 6 p.m. W 12/9-16 TRUCKS, TRUCKS One of largest variety of bet- ter resale trucks in the North- west. ~ to 5 ton. Pickups, flat- beds, trailer pullers, dumps, tractors, trailers, walk-ins, loaders and graders. Vans and van bodies from 10' to 18' FIDELITY TRUCKS & EQUIPMENT (Fidelity Motors) 7815 So. Tacoma Way Tacoma, Wash. '62 DODGE Wagon 9 PaSsenger Radio, H~eater, Auto, Pewee Steering '61 BUICK Invicta 4 Door Hardtop Radio Heater, Dynaflow P Steeritngp P Brakes '60 VALIANT V200 4 I~oor Sedan Radio, Heater Automatic 12/9-30 rll '62 RAMBLER Ambassador 400 4 Door Sedan Radio, Heater, Auto, P Steering, New Tires '61 CHRYSLER Newport 9 Pass Wagon Heater, Auto., P Steering Power Brakes Maple Desk, Birch Top ................ '58 DODGE D 500 '59 RAMBLER Custom 4 Door Sta. Wagn Radio, Heater Automatic 4 Door Sedan Radio, Heater, Automatic P Steering, P Brakes MONEY YOU INA '58 RAMBLER Wagon 6 Cylinder Radio, Heater, O'Drivo USED TRUCKS '62 INTERNATIONAL =/.2 T Pickup, 6 Cyl, Heater, 4 Spd, Wide Box NO MONEY DOWN -- EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS '62 INTERNATIONAL Travelall 9 Pass 6 Cylinder, Heater 4 Spd. Trans. '58 CHEVROLET Sedan Delivery 6 Cyl., 3 Spd. Trans. Just Ground Valves ,1st & Grove 426,4702 nil i I II II1 Illllll I - II I '59 INTERNATIONAL ~z T Pickup, 3 Spd, Heater Air Conditioning '54 INTERNATIONAL '55 DODGE PICKUP Evenings Call Jack Kimbel --- 426-8124 Lcs LaBi~onicrc --- 898.2292 426-3433 1 Ton Cab & Chassis 3 Spd., Dual Wheels i/= T, V8 Engine Heater, 4 6pd, Good Rubber 707 So. 1st St. [ I • [ Cash ! Wanted WANTED -- Babysitter to live in or own transportation. Schneiders Prairie area. Three scimol-age child- ren, one home. Weekends free. Call 357-8181 after 5:30 or weekends. C 12/~ HELP WANTED -- Male general • ' " 12/9 yours, from 9-9 week days. Phone 426-6418. K 10/28 tfn WANTED -- Ironing in my home, 90C an hour. Phone 426-6420. L 11/12tfnm WILL DO BABY-SITTING at my home or yours. Day or night, 426-2594. tt 6/17 tfn HOME REPAIR WORK, carpentry, • cement and brick work, roofing. Os- borne General Contracting. phone 426-6241. -O 4/1 tfn WANTED -- Cedar logs, Versapanel, Port of Shelton Industrial Park. John's Prairie. Phone 426-6426. J 2/18 tfn AUTO PAINTING $40 and up. Also house trailers, boats, etc. Phone 426-4822. Inquire 1202 Cola St, ....... R 4/9 tfn BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grad- ing, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Diets Kadoun, ph, 426-6893. 7/22 tf~ WANTED -- Alder saw-logs, top pric- es paid. Any length. Phone days Chehalis 748-3800, evenings 748-3530, C 2/11 tfn WANTED -- 1000 recappable tires. OK Rubber Store, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn Sporting Goods .._.F°r Rent 10 FT. PRAM, new, unfinished. AllFOR RENT ~ Two bedroom furnished metal shower plus fixtures. Phonehouse. Inquire 629 Cola Street. Ph. 426-4195. C 11/11 tfn 426-6663. No children, C 11/18 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS,• equip- NEW DUPLEX FOR RENT with gar- ment at W~It's Marine Supply, on age. Phone 426-3397 or 426-4d20, beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- G 11/4 tfn port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom house aw,ilable in 1.we weeks. Phone 426- Phone 426-2116. Call after 7 p,m. 3169. B 12/9 tfn B 12/2.16 NICE LIGHT fireplace apartment, one and sales. Clinton's Bike and Ski bedroom, furnished. Inquire 718 Shop, 223 Cota St, 12/2-16 North Sixth St. D 8/26 tfn Personal TWO BEDROOM house, for rent or sale, suburban. Phone 426-4147. ! S 12/9-23 ARE YOU HAVING an alcoholic prob- lem? Call Alcoholics Anonymous, I WAREHOUSE FOR RENT, downtown 426-4088. L 12/2 tfn location clean, dxy storage. Phone 426-8211~ L 3/4 tfn For Rent HOUSEKEEPING APTS -- One and LARGE three-room cottage completely two rooms. Dishes, linens, utilities furnished on south shore of Hood supplied. 426-2081. B 5/27 tfn Canal, 18 miles from Shelton. $50 Phone Union 898-2276. C 12/9-23 DR RENT --- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom house downtown. Call 426-8485 after 12 OR RENT -- One hedroom down- noon. S 12/9 tfn stairs apartment, downtown, Phone 426-3011 Carlon Apts. H 12/2 tfn room, modern, new apartments on Mt. View. Wall-to-wall carpeting, draperies, laundry facilities, appli- IMMEDIATELY anees, private parking and private locked storage space. Heated swim- ming pool. $99.50 month. Contact AVAILABLE manager. Phone 426-3100. E 11/26 tfn At the beautiful new LAMBERT'S OYSTER Bay Store for HOLIDAY HOUSE sale or lease. Liberal terms to right party. Route 1 Box 225, Shelton. 1 bedroom garden court Phone 426-8768. 9/2B tin apartment. F--~ ~ -- "~. ~ ~ Sparkling new, carpets, drape% Westinghouse appliances, off- For Rent Real Estate ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment, THREE BF-~ROOM house near wall-to-wall carpeting. Heat, water, stores and churches. FHA avP$ garbage furnished. Inquire 1119 ~- =4791.---- ~ ~[ Franklin St., Apt. 5. Phone 426-6496. B 12/2 tin HOOD CANAL -- View lots,. access, owner. Hoodsport 877:~ Real Estate NICE five-bedroom home on ACREAGE IN DAYTON area for sale. Road. Country living, yet 1~ Call evenings. 426-8113. B 11/11 tfn from downtown. Five acres.~ approved, Terms avallable,.~ 10 ACRES logged off land, all fenced 426-2442. N lU/ and cross fenced. 2 bedroom house, water, lights. Some other outbuild- CHOICE WATERFRONT --- 1! ings. 4~/z miles out Arcadia read. low-bank bulkheaded gravel~ Route 3, Box 394. S 11/11- 2/10 with two story olde~ four be~ home adjoining, Walker par} FOR SALE --- One 60 x 120 ft. lot on . _.~426-2078. A Hillcrest. Lot 12, Block 4 on East ~t~ Cascade. Terms available. Phone 426- 3361. H 6/24 tfn year round living, 115 ft. of! front suitable for one or two FOR SALE -- Three bedroom 1½ ilies' enjoyment. Call 426-85~ time. .......... L *, bath home by ML. View school. Will FHA for $450 down. 4~6-65~. 9/9 tfn WANT TO INVEST In rental prope.. AN6LE A6EN0 Call evenings 426-8113. B 11/11 tfn TWO LEVEL cleared canyon edge ' ACREAGE building lots. Inside city on Capitol 15 acres with small hous~ Hill. $350 each. You*" terms. Phone 426-8536. N 6/10 tfn well and pump house, neW d tank. Located just 4 miles nol TWO BEDROOM HOME including ap- town. $7,000 with terms avd pliances. Middle Skokomish Valley, half acre, Phone 426-6091. R 12/2 tfn 36 acres with house and ONE BEDROOM HOUSE for sale. Day~ buildings, ideal for countrY ton area, $1.000 down payment. Cal evenings 426-8113. B 11/11 tfn tleman who has spare ti hobby farming. Good fence room home, 1825 ft. floor space, fire- the cleared farm land. place, hardwood floors, plastered, six just 3 miles from town. A years old, double carport, built-in at $12,000 with terms av~ range. Fenced back yard. Located on 110 x 140 fL lot on Mt. View.R"DUCED~. FOR QUICK Phone 426-8481. M 9/9 tfn Club House, anytime. For informa- WHAT BETTER TIME than now to lion call 426-3959 or 426-2406. street parking. 9½ acres with a 3 tune-up your sewing machine? In M 6/18 tfn FOR SALE -- Older home at 604 Ce- tially finished home. your home for only $3.75. Any make JUSt a few steps from 3361. H 6/24 ttu a good spring and or model. Singer Sewing Center. Ph. E~~'-T~ Drive by 7th & Cedar Street, dar Street. Make offer. Phone 426- Olympia 357-7586. 4/1 tfn furnished. Large rooms, lots of clos- complete shopping ~ Priced at $7,950.00. - ets. Clean and neat, $55 per month. LADY WANTS WORK of any kind. References ~equired. Phone 426-8584• Sorry, No Petal 150 FT. x 450 FT. WOODED LOT -- miles South of town. See Call 426-4378 evenings. V 4/16 tfn S 3/18 tfn $8g.50 per month, inEXCellenton Colef°rRoad.bUildingPhone site,426.8004.close today. ~~~--~ ~ Also, furnished apt. available , O 12/2-9 i LET THE TENANTS WANTED -- Christmas tree sttunpage. I FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED See Christmastown Tree Co. Call 426- one bedroom apartments, two blocks LARGE HOME at Union for sale. Over- Pay for this older brick 8163. 9/30 tfnfrom bank, shopping center. Appli- THE MANAGER looks water and mountains. Three story commercial buildin ances, heat, hot water, garbage ser- bedrooms, den. large garage, and CONSIGNMENT SALES --- We'll sell vies furnished. Tiled sinks, bath- double carport. Fenced yard, wood- eially priced at $23,500. anything you have on consignment, tubs, showers. Ample storage. Quiet, shed. Carpets throughout. Phone 000 down, balance on Also APT n Union 898-2133. D 12/2 tfn payments. Call today. Such as: lawn mowers, boat and clean, attractive surroundings. "n || house trailers, cement mixers, cars bachelor units for single persons, iII~l~ El .... and trucks, wood saws, tractors, wood electric kitchens, tiled showers, ex- MUST SELL Immediately, 5'~. lots and oil stoves, plumbing supplies, haust tans, built-in dressing rooms. 426-25 Hood Canal view property. Only ,LARGE 3 BEDROOM tools, power saws, outboard motors, Three laundry rooms, automatic we- , those extremely interested need CLOSE IN etc. Come see us Hillcrest Hdwr. & shers, dryer. Abundance hot water .... write. Box 50 c/o Journal, P.O. Box Marine Supply, 1209 Olympic Hwy. and heat. Good beds, of coursei ~~---- 430. ' 12/2-. An older 2 story home, S., Phone 426-8163. 10/14 tfn Lawton Apts., 7th & Pine. Shown Mt, V|ew by appointment. Phone 426-2121. ACREAGE F~~"c~es has had excellent care and ADULT WILL baby-sit day or night L 12/10 tfn in your home or mine. Phone 426- EIwood Manor hillside. Ten acres with stream. Callspace.neat" %A acrelarge withutilityfiner0o: 426-3031 evenings. S 12/2 tfn large living room. $10,90 4304 S 9/2 tfn • • • ....... Classffmd Serwce WANT TO RENT --- Two or three 20- Unfurnished HOMEdrilledINwell,COUNTRYnew septic-- system,Five acreS,two owner will consider a trs bedroom furnished house in Sheltou;LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For 2 Bedroom Units bedrooms down, dormitory UP. 426- smaller 2 bedroom home. ~ area. Call collect Essex 7-4101 any- expert painting and wall papering, 3446. N 2/11. tfn mile from city center. time after 5 p.m. W 11/18 12/9i call Bennett Painting Company. NOW OFFERING-" ---------------------~ I 426-3248. B 11/8 tfn • Electricity FOR SALE by owner, Three bedroom CHRISTMAS TREES WANTED--Mail --~-- • Master Television Hook-up newly redecorated inside and out. 3 BEDROOMS AND VI| you*" price lists to Hi-Way Market, !EXPERT AUTO GLASS installation, • Water-Garbage Service Wall furnace, lots of built-ins, dou- Excellent value in this eel Route 3, Box 143, Port Angeles, Jim Paulcy Inc., 501 Railroad Ave, Wash, 11/25 12/9 Phone 426-8231. 4/28 tfn • Wall-Wall Carpeting onble acregarage'of ground,JUst outside$8,500.citY426_2386.1imits 3 bedroom home located col ______~ • Swimming Pool D 12/2-9~ vie~ lot on Mountain Vie TRAINEES AND experienced help. ROOFING, b)own rock w~ol ins~ai • Drapes • , ,,~bedbooms downstairs a~ for new Mobile Homes Facxory. t~ooa I non guaranteeu, k'n. ,tzu-uaJ.~. u/zu un wages and steady work Apply Shel- ~ • Appliances beautifully finished bedrc ton Mobile I-Iomes, Shelton Airport. [WE BUY SCRAP iron, batteries, radia-, • La-undcy Facilities 11/18 tfn tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. • Prelate Storage HOOD CANAL /'=i stairs. Large living roe: 'fir,S)lace, dining and utilit Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill • Private Parking Westside Well cared for yard wit [RONING DONEe--fast, efficient sere- Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn ice. 90c per hour. Call Mrs. William ------------------~------~- Close and Convenient Landis 426-4593. L 11/11 tfn FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in- to Schools, Churches and 2 bedroom home on Rocky Point. single garage. In new c stallatlons, oil conversions. Shelton Good frontage and parking area.and fine buy at $16,000. LICENSED BEAUTICIAN wants full Sheet Metal Co., ~21 So. Third. Dial Shopping terms available. or part-time work in shop. Phone 426-4792. S 5/1 tfn 426-4840. B 12/2 tfn GRACE PIANO SERVICE -- Tuner SEWING, ALTERATIONS and ironing, and technician. "Regular Care Prc- Apt, 503, Edgcweod Apts, 426-8584. vents Costly Repair". Call Olympia Mornings only, H 11/11 tfn 943-3712 or 357-6622, or Shelton 426- 8267. G 3/12 tfn Used Cars tREES TOPPED, trimmed, removed. , Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 1956 CHEV. -- 2-door hardtop. Six cyl- 4823. 2/13 tfn inder, stick shift, $350. Rao~o, nearer. Phone 426-6539. P 9/16 tfn FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces, chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason FOR SALE -- '59 Pontiac. Phone 426- 426-2278. 3/1 tfn 4~745. S 9/16 tin HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior and interior. Free estimates. Work • NEW PeR SALE -- 1952 V-8 Ford l-ton truck. Directional signals, all steel dump box, good motor and rubber. Call 426-2278. M 10/21 tfn '64 Volvo, 2-dr. Sedan '64 Rambler Wagon '63 Fairlane Wagon '63 Country Sedan '63 Ford, V8, Stick '62 Mercury Monterey '61 Mercury Meteor '60 Ford Galaxle V8, At, '60 Ford V8, At. '59 Olds Dynamic 88 '63 International ~/= Ton, 4 cyl. '63 Ford ~/= Ton, 4-Wh. Drive '61 Dodge ~/~ ton 6' "yl. '56 Int. Y~-ton '55 Ford Y=-ten, V-8, A.T. '54 Ford ~.-ton, V-8, 4 spd. '53 Ford V=-ton, 6-cyl. Children Welcome Contact Manager Apt. 201 - Ph. 426-3100 12-2/tfn Marine railway and dock. Beauti- fully landscaped. $15,500 Beach lots with access to club house, dock and float. $1400 and up. Low down payment, easy terms. In Hoodsport 50 ft. of choice business front- APARTMENTS age right in town. $4,000. guaranteed. Bennett Plainting Co. ~ ONE STORY Phone 426-~248. 5/10 tfn • INSULATED CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at ~ SOUNDPROOFING Saeger Motor Shop. Hillerest. Phone 41~ ONE and TWO BEDROOM 426-4602. 1/15 tfn Q WALL to WALL CARPET SAND AND GRAVEL, top soil, peat soil, custom tractor work. Johns • LARGE CLOSETS Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426- 8552. 9/12 tfn DAVE'S BULLDOZING -- Land clear- lng, road building, excavating, grad- lng, terracing, ~eveling. Dave Dick, 423-4360, Shelton. D 4415 tfn NEED A BABY-SITTING and house- keeping job. Call 426-2470 anytime between noon and 5 p.m. W 12/2 tin FOR A REALLY PERSONAL Christ- mas card. send a photo greeting from your negative. Zlegler's Camera Shop, 426-6163. 11/18 12/9 Bill -- Bob -- Bus--- Dick 5th & Railroad 426-8231 BOOTH Construction & Lane House Moving I~IOUSES RAISED, FUNDA- TIONS & BULKHEADS Phone 426-8147 4/22 t~ | Prompt - Guaranteed Service WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 8. 1st 426-4553 m i, Home Slaughtering Unit Cooling, cutting Lem ke's Service 426-6779 Glenn L. Probst Olympia 352-2255 11/21 t~ 90 and 100 ft. home sites. View lots. $1200 and up. Southside 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, large guest house, access to 100 ft. beach and dock. $27,500. 14 acres with unexcelled view of Living room, dining ell, kitch- Olympic Mountains and H o od en with appliances. Bath withCanal. 500 ft. of highway and riv- vanity and shower, drapes, er frontage. Picturesque landscap, Added storage area. Visit 2317 ing around 3 bedroom home en- LARGE OLDER HeMI On Hillcrest -- 3 baths and fireplace in Lots of remodeling this 2 story livable home. and start planning. al ~nvestment 600. BUILDER'S HOMI~ Min. F.H.A. Down New 4 bedroom family full baths, built-in range large kitchen fireplace, ical forced air heat, floors throughout. Priced 509; Excellent growing neighborhood. J~ bedroom house re~dy for the cleaning he~ a day, then move well wol~h the asking $3,000. Rental income .exCellent. Jefferson Street. Mgr. Apt. 7. L 12/9-16-23 IIIII NEW LISTINGS: 3 BEDROOMS MT. VIEW Like new. Close to High Schools. Large lot. Dining room w/patio glass doors. Spacious family room. Fireplace, hard- wood floors. $17,500. FHA $700 down. 3 BEDROOMS SO. SIDE Electric B.B. Heat, full base- ment, w/garage. Well built family home. $11,750. FHA $600. includes all. HOODSPORT 3 BEDROOMS Wonderful view. Living room w/ sandstone fireplace, w/w carpet. Moden~ kitchen, full basement, storage. Only $11,- 000. FHA $350. can handle costs. 2 BEDROOMS EAST OF HWY. 80' x 115' lot. Garage. Kitch- en w/large dining area. The FHA is expected to be about $5,900. Approx. $300. includes all. hanced by long sloping wood~d:! hillside. $28,500. For Rent .... Two bedroom home on Indian Beach. $65. ' " 3 bedrooms---on the beach, fdr- nished--until June 1, 1966---.$90 per month. 3 bedrooms, 17 acres, lease $6S per month. (References required on rentall)-i HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE Hoodsport Union 877-5211 898-2155 Here's one to look at room tri-level home on of Hillcrest with view pics.• Fireplace in bathrooms, and lots of cd at $16,500.00. ~. Commercial property. t0w~: We have several l~ downtown for those Commercial Buildings. interested. AID HERB ANGLE IcK Real Estate 401 Railroad Ave, Ph, • Evenings 426-4134 or State says, this one is "'Realy Special" TANKS PUMPED Mason County Garbage Phone 426-8729 If no answer call 426-2250 Sizes and Rates 500 gal. tank .............................................................................. $20.00* 750 gel. tank ........................ : ..................................................... 27.50* 1000 gal. tank .............................................................................. 35.00* Reasonable and courteous service. No extra charge on Sunday's * All pri~es plus tax 11/18-12/9 [ [ [[ [ [ SALT WATER FRONTAGES We have several lovely water- front homes. No bank, Call us for details. OFFICE 426-8544 Evenings; John Devereux --- 426-4251 Andrew Hulder -r" 426-6784 226 N. 1at St. --- SHELTON This family home offers 4 bedrooms, extre carpeted living room, rec room, convenient fenced yard, covered patio and view of the city' already F.H.A. appraised at $12,500, so terms arl ($650 cash required) or we can consider a .,, your snlaller home, This won't iast so call now,' HIMLIE REALTY 1717 Olympic Hiway No.