December 10, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 10, 1964 |
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Percy Pie
6017 8.E. 85th Ave
Portland, Ore
Young Fuces
r ~, • ~.e ~o.y ,oo~,om~n ,,**. ,.o nlin}u ft:sd IJ I dti~llP-~l~l i.i Ill'
IoN ii l El!! ~ I~' white whiskers and the rcd suiti'v~imi''WaSeagergreetedyoungstersbY aFridaybig erOWdevening,Of, , "'~i "' ''~i'~ii'"O |''''
when he aligl~tcd from the Shelton i ~ ~ ~ [] II I
Fire Department tn,ck on which ll~' i N I
49- hed in -"Ckristmastow ,U.S.A.", Shelt- -n, 'vVash]ngton -- 20 Pages -- 3 Sect- ons he made the trip through the 11A I ~ _'~ [] t I ll l ,I I
r~ .... t,.., in ~ nnA Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton, Washington,
downtown business district, mmnmnmmmmmmnmmmmmm mm k niimmNml Ill
,~ u~tz~,~u~ ±v, ±,v~t under Act of March 8, 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cota, 10 Cents per Copy Inside, Santa talked to thc]lviimlllO V~l mi~ Jr-l l l t II
id CanaiLonsl CizI~ ~et$ f~a ~u~p~ youngsters who had gathered toI Ui
• see him, finding out what each .... ,v ~ •
.... ~... r,~._~., ..... ~ .... :..-/ Tl~e Mason County Comzssmn I Distrmt 1 m gracing, draining and I gravel surfacing .6 mile of the
rter , out canQy to [ne n[ueo ..... ]am "which inC ........... ": - " - '-- " " '
.... Y ..... ,,~ " /Monday approved a 1965 road pro-:gravel surfacing" of 1 3 miles of IHaven Lake Ro~d at a cost of
...+ ...., .~... ~.~a..:'.:~.,.! g"" . -roses ~b6 UUO ill tie ~eeas t.oop ttoaa rnis amngi$8,000.
ve ...... .o=,. o_ .... ,L: ...... I "e "cad districts, surfacing on 75 mile of the Pick- chide ditchiw~ simuldets an n v
tie Will De ~ct~,~ (a~ttllI L/ll~ r~I'l" • ' " ' ~, ' ~ t~, * ', d j.a -
- " ., ........ ] The road program mehldes the ering Road and grading at a cost [ iiw with as,-hal+ eel-e-(*~ ,,¢ ,'- ,,
{la3 nlgnL a~lci balul'oay ano again " • r. ' ~ ' t, • ~,. ~ . ,., ~t~ ~,1 ~,,',,
tract ._ .^ -;-^ " [money lor contemplated construc- of $1o000 draining and gravcllmilcs of ilie .~kol~on-0sl, Vfl'
in iI .,w'-"" fen ana x,. .......... , a .... ...... , tion pro, eets only. not the money s, rf cing on .o n, ilc of the bibby, Road ,2~ nnn ,,,;,,,;' "" " ' ' ~" ' ....... .... ..... ,...;.,Z.,''eY
. ~ ............... .a ........... u ..... " spent on maintenance in each dis'- Road, at a cos~ of $4000 have ...................... s, ...... ~
tercd zn the building next to the] ........... '.- : ' , .... . [on the Dcwatlo Road, $15,000; rc-
I (' Members of the Western Pulp Mann Real Estatc office whiehn"'~[' . ~. . .... ,- . o.!~en given ~,~o. ~. priority m uzst-[decking a bridge (m the Bourgault
• aneplognam ]s SUDICCE 10 }lCL I RoAd 11 O00 (1o( tin r { z
/and Paper Workers Association housed the Rcnublican Hcadmmr-/ , • . ..... I , $ • r, 'a " ~, t "ound a
/have voted overwhelmingly in fa-~,.,r~ d,,vin~ thZm~ election ~7~'m [change should some uncxl)cctcd Projects with No. 2 priority in-ibrid~'e i;n l}']e Bour~' R-) -A
• I vor of a contract negotiated in ...... enlcrgency ariseor r~ght-ot-way cludo relocation o,' 2 miles of the] ¢,)~,~,, .... • ..................
1)~1~II " " ' ' " .....X .... I ~),UUU ~|,lt(t %~'ltl~lllll~ .~l) IllllC O[
I [ \¥ashington D.C. Nov. 24 which ~.." ..,m ,.~ ,~... ¢ ..... ~ ~ qn problems devclope (msome of the Phillips Lake Road northeast of [ th ~ ] OO SDO .... '
• .~ ..... ~,,: t ...... ', I," ..... .-o: ..... . . . ....... (, -1 ~, It. Ninth Hill I~otd
Friday and from 2'30-4 p m Sat- pJanll(,cl c~mmructlon pr(.)jects. ' the public access, $4,000; iigl, tI i.djacent toHighway 101
m |ended a strike of their members .,.a,,.; ' ' ' Tlll,] 1 i{OGAM incm(lCS one bit lmino;s surfacing oll 1 1 milch 5 ..... " '
I / here.
,,',,a.~. • ..... " " " ' TIlE l.,/'klt(IEST ro'eet in Roa 1
I ! The snnlauneemcnt of the result r),, T~oo 1R hl : h ....... ~, ill h~ b ederal Aid prale( t, with an cs l- ot the Coulter Creek Road $4 000" I ....... P . .I . ..
I ! of tile vote of nnion mend)ors emile 6-7:30 n Ill and on Dec t9 o'30-4 mated cost of $55,000 in addition widening the north and west sides ]~(h;~l, pr( x t t I }t
II ~ttm zecenl ftnlUnwhL I [ plog}am p, esentcd by ComH, l~n
informed inca le • ' .t y • % " to the nced for a special levy each .' ~ ' ~" ~ .' , - . "." ' "
.. : mediators. ' ....... . 1: ) ] SL 'lC[, , II( 1]¢(1 conlnllE lLSel] ~ ' .~
the Washington Surveying and qhe tloard approved a request~ year but that the oil .......... ,~ ..... ,grocer J. C. Bridget at ~ts meet-
:::::::/::: :: IChris Rating Bureau Lhat the district fr°nx Supt' R°berl Quiggle that he | (~)f tl~e aecl .... in ~'~a i; =,': ~'~.:.';~ i ing Monday.
" tmas Tree had been. ~,~,'ranted a classification. . . prepare an itenxize.d list. of ac-]. Ue. ...... [al~,(,n'-'-'~-'care ..... o~"'~"*"~ltnout*~L*":~oramlnf;......... I .........................................
• change'from 10th to ninth class,cumulated needs to be mchlded m[~ ,,~, ,e ,,,~ ~,,,a~,~ ,.ca [ ~SA~ ~ ~m~,,~,m,,,*
an inspection of lhc fire msnuct's to me ~oara. ~. zgg .... I comin ~ eaz" ' , ~ ~ • . A
• ilities b the Ratin Bureau.would robabl have the list ready g y " I ssav u~m-~ ..
fac y g P Y • [ ........................ . ...........
[Th ling , I me¢ of *he Tlt,,~ ~t ,,UUI. OOal a w nl nleel
firemen have been ~orking loward board fer its con,.ideration i • ' • " m amen© n H
e/ts Star
The commissioners and vohmteer, f)r the Janua'y , I ~ • , ." ;. , I- . - .
m [ Candidates for the title of "most
i [~.acking in Christmas spirit" are
m [at their sneaky work ah'eadY,
m /Mthough the Christmas trees have
• [been up on the streets less than __ _ _ 1 The meeting will be closed dur. ! ~igncd to instill in the youngxi.ers
• ~ , ~ws 1 ~a bc ~ g[eatel lov( of Amelma and t
I /Su week. , ~IIL____I_____ ~..--.a m. |in. the inler'~k., bu., n y I .... ' '
rE N I m The,first incident of theft and nrz .mu zruH~Z /opened late," if a reconunendatiol~I teeper appreciathm (if her heri-
PRESE TED--Ray Powels, O y pla, night. P,owels presented the charter, Wong was the [vandalism of hghts from the [ or decision is to be made. I *age,
Won.g,.Vancouver, B:~. and Milo Dilley, feature speaker, and Dilley, charter president [Christmas Trees placed in front . -- ..... II i n The commission approved call. I In making the announeement.
0rt, 10OK over the charter for the new of the new ClUn, accepted the charter during the [of downtown stores has been re- ~at~ Ml v Mnwk /in fo'" bids on roofin~ work on]Thacher said, "We are joining for-
r wm m ImHum IFIl i mwmNii m I ° " °I ,
;anal Lions club which was presented at aprogram. . |ported to the Shclton Police, 1 school buildin s to be aid f ] ces with over o )00 Javceo clmp-
• g p o - ., :, .. - -
dinner in the Moose Lodge Hall Saturday i POLICE CItIEIr Paul Hinton ...... ,h" - t]mold E Lakebm- 5!with a part of the $9700 receix~( Iters m the entire United States
• * '* * * /in reporting the first incident, A~ a nastenea pace ,~J zcn car . " • "t6 .............. , ..... "i 1 ux effmt t, m k,
..... " ............ ~ An-1^ """ 5/from the county m Federal Foz'e.~l I " " c a ~ our histor-
• ' ' ..................................... r.- vunds I ical nerit'~ge a living t" ~ct and gix e
)d crowd of Lions Club I WONG TOLD the nlemhers of i the charter dinner by Judge Chas /stated that his department would I lea it well past she naawtty marK, a ~-, ~ u I .-. ' \ " " •
from the Puget Sound the new club that the Lions creed T Wright Union, a charter mem" Ibe on the lookoul for those who the 40 & 8 Jounud Christmas fund A J Chris Cur'is o/ . • ' ' '
............................. ~" Th - d voted to w "" .- Imeaning to our struggles which
o+ 110011 vesterda,, Anonymous . e boar l'lTe the I - - . _ " , '"
hered at ihe Moose Lodge of service gives them 'an oppor- ber of the'new club were doing it and that anyone ........ ~ ..... ~ "" ~"Bill Miltigan' " ................................. 1/Olympm" School District' offering" | mane America ~sn'ong. '
-~,helton Airpm't Saturday tunity to be able to lend a helping' I Won~ was inlro(hmo~ hv ~ur |caught would be arrested and pros-" This reflects a $353 increase ov- ..................................
, 1 Sponsolmg the contest is the
P t ................. " er last week s report, which stood Mr. & Mrs. Gee. Cropper . ..... 5[ its support in the O ympia Dist-I.. ~-"' .= 7, ~ :::..s ", ..
he Charter Night Din- hand. ard Grimm hast m'e~;~,-~'k~ r~,~+ |ecuted. ' at $199 The ~oal is $900 American Legion .................. 25/rict's efforts to get a community ImacPenacnce rtah m ¢.:nicago anq
, the. newly-fornmd Hood I The average person, he said I rict 19 ' *" ' ' ~ .............. ~" [ Every year it is the same story _ ' " - - * • • -' ...... ~"- & Mz~ ~-~,~, P-;~; ' " 5/colleEe (stablished there m the United States hlnior Ch'~m-
;ons Club. | is composed. • i lit°f aThePersonalitYerso;{ and. J wnem'- "mvocauon ................. and benemcuon I---merctmnts.. and. other civic mind- tio~°mens __.heluedVery' maSXmstanUmke this theC°ntrn)U'most Mr""' and "Mhs,. Clayton''. -~'-"Rank ................ . ..... a[~" The~" I emgnation...) ' - of Halold" Wil- ber)~ of Commerce.. ..... Dr. S. L. De-
from Bremerton, several [ an zndzv dua y, .- P, , ahty, [. ---~ ,.; .... h,, ~, T ,~.,a r~ ..... ;'~.. |ed mtlzens strive to decorate the" " , " "" MI' and Mls Alva Bennett 10 .......... I L(ve premdent of Independence
Clubs Ol m za Lace he said m the mas we x~eal m ~ ~ downtown a~e
., y p', .y, I - ', ' . ''" Ir.r^merto'n ~' ..... / "a in keeping with productive ~eek so far in tile '. ". ........ /son as' assistan~ zootoau ana t)as-~Hall' an "edncali~nal 1~ " ' ~'/
l~aul o oul every day bnslness lives ~ ~ , ,,
sb , Aberdeen Port • . ..... " :. " . /'Christmastown U.S.A . fund's growth IJere's the week's Edna Rae Shively ....... 10|ketball coach was accepted. I , .... .',' . .:. on-pront
• " ' MI and MlS Pllll Jemison 5/ T.L n~an~n ~,rm-~,,r,~,.~ ..... morganlzatlon begun IU yeal's sgo,
and several bther' areas The individuality in a pcrson - The ~ mee.tmg was. opened by / And what happens? As soon as hst, of ~onors'. Anonymous'" '" " ~" ..... 1" ..... ,,E ...... ,~ ~,V~,l t ........... ........ s" u" selectea ...... Ine Jnnior' wnmnu('~# "',r of
Gott Oil Co and ................................... /gestlonoy ~4mgg e nat tne ~v~VI' "
hand for the festivities. [ comes out in this service to his I Jack ~rnauey, prcsioent of the/the trees and decorations start " ,'e E] Commercc as the force to promote
K .... " ,%SIISl, • Pa,uley ........................... Ipmkup the district owns be sold ....
Vqon said Bl(mc! ton blOllS Club sponsol Of n u the t}
. ay Gott Dlapmms .............. $1,. . .... ~. • . the contest because Jaycees be-
in~ the nro~'ram which [fellow man, .g' .'' 1_'" " ' .... " |goi g P:. ~eft of decorartions .~t~l l-lilllo. .5MI & Mls, R,llph Hoffman .. o to Art Chrlstensen an emph)yee .... - :. ,
• ,Y _. " • o ._ t Acdnff as toammastcr was Jack line new group. Iand vandalim~x Lo the decorations .............................. ~ VFW Posl 1(;94 10I ,~e +~ ....... ;.,~,,~pc,~ ~ ....... h~,.~,,~ here m ihe principles esttnllsnmg
~ne ¢~mncr was tne pre- ~ " ' ' ' ' ..... :'Chris' Ice Cz,--m ............ 5 40 & 8 Voiture 135 .................. 100/Christensen would use the pickup ] " /' . ~ ?. .....
of the new chlb's char- Vanderbee.R:indtenlatl°nal counsel- The d,nner was followed,by|starts by the fe~v ,'bad apples .~a,'s. ~eg ~yKes ............... , ...................................................... * .............. ,,,'( .... '
An (lz t and azc best mtuated to
&" 3°hns°"~" ~g:'e'hi'ne"Sh°;~'Mrs H "0" P,,h'n v .... .. 1020 SheltonPraetiealT,'ailhlazersNUrses Assn ........... 5|for| and wm,ldhiS 'dutiCsbe paid' with$2,)~" thea monthdisi'rietfor |.|pr°m°te3'°tmg~. ~ peoA'~'cricanp,(,.. _ nistm'y in. our
the chattel" by the Milol [ ............... Motorcycle Club 5~ "" , - -"d ("-"n" I ~ruce ~cnwar~¢ principm o~
,~ ' The " /'JuryHe-- Intntl. Asm,. of Maclfln- ,,.. ..... • ............... ::__y/its .,p~cep ~n 'xve ~c. /Si, ePo- , .......... :.~ .......... ~,~
arter president of the . , xsts" N.o 1600 25, weeJ~ s to~a~ .................. Saaa The board instructed~ . Qmgglc ........... a "eee- " ...... ,,, *~,s,,, P, .... e,,, , ....
20th Century Th~:iftwalv ............ 10 Previm~sly ...................... $199/to work out det~dls of a request[ J'~ ,.,e.s ]mtlatlve ~nd, p~tmest i!~
Christmas M essa e ars w,:a r~;.Ix, . " " ......... ~. G,'and l?otal .................... $oo2/from Father Mark Wiechmann| " , s .. ",~'"
r. pl O~. l(llng a nlost valuaom [esta~ cn
~r for the program was l . i ~ -- = -- m, --/ . | 8
Won~, Vancouver, B.C. m.,.,..~. IXT/'~TTT ~ or malleCl tO Lne dOllrYlal Io1" /d.c]{-/clasgroonxs for a Sunday school/ ~ ~ " '~" ''
,Ida past international In Iruth And Reality, Christmas [ pa,t Of f=,o ~:;~. &'Len Osterberg'. ......... ~ Cont!'lbutmns should be.]for the use of onc of the school]eP;~lg:]tU~rf¢;~;.s the seventh and
°L_Lio!I~ Inte_rnational. _] /" "" v. ..................... .X nowlcdgcment. The fired m kes/e,a ' * fee sufficient io cove,'| Ant-on (Tony) Mroz is local
p Donald B.*S~'~t.l:l~'~: ................ *~ poss!b]e of food!any expense to the district win[Ja.~cees cnanman tel the ploject.
-- .............. A bicycle-ear accident suit got
0D COLOR TV, eaks OfA Person, Not A 5e / far as the selection of the jury ..'~ ^..,~ " .................. "" ~. ty ,amines in unfertunate circum-I A letter from Willianx Briekerl,! z:~r,. IrI~rlPa~l~ I
I ason I.. . Royal Clinton ..... ". """ : " . 1 anatoys lO1" 75 to "ou _~lason ~oun-|be charged for usc of the |'oom. /7 .................................... ............
• ,It, ~J~, ~a~,),~ ............................... t- :" i , . t " /I l~JA'~k ll~JLm fi~ m
ds on serv ce & quality ......... ' .... . /and hearing the first two witnes- Dr. R. W. Norvold ...................... 5 stances. I and \Valtbr Clayton Jr. was re-/I "-" I
' rid ......... ; .... i "Yl astor,ltr'V'Ka,nih,heEA"L S.Co,n.BRADLEYchureh wihlhe trued° purposeS° fullYlntendcd.acknowledging,/"°" befole bern se tie , Ma __ ------------7--- ceiw~d asking thst they be gi':cn/! COLOR TV !
' - ...... v ........ • . ' ' '' ' County Superiorg t d nTues.- ~.= . .., !an opportunity tn apply for the|l I
Color TV ison Court H;~'h _~h~hl R~nll ~r-'~l_'~m~i~l~ T~ [head and assistant football coach-[] Eells & Valley I
~'[.(-IT~. ]I~.A]]I[(-~ i AS thousands and even millions Yes all nlust agree that ninny/day,
+~ .o~ cano I°f people aga;i~ this year celebrate will be moved by the "Christmas / The case ~as that of Core mmm~mm v~mmvvm ~mm~ ~,IIUIIIIJGI I U .ling jobs left open by the rcsigna-/I Appliance Center i
.__ the Christmas season very few Spult , but somethulg ~v]ll be m]s- |Cookston, by his guardmn ad ht- ~.hAIr" Pl-n nwo. . • ~ • [ lions of Bob Sund and Harold Wil- II Second & Cota 4.~6.4663-~ I
• ' "ring', Mothers and fathers, broth-/era Joa~ne Cookston,against vmuvmm m u vvuuv~uil H4~I~ ,~i@{'m('~-'alr]l~ [s(m" |1 I
. - ............................................................ ers and sisters, and friends and IWillimu • Bryallt. The Shclton Hzg'h School band: E/q~'~/ Nlld~IPll]FIbUIl& ~,- i ............................................. ~'- ................................................
relatives wil] be exchanging gifts, I The suit was for injuries the and choir will present their annual ,, ~. , . I . _.
2 lu'ge family " et-togethers" are [bo 11 suffcred when hit bY a * ' '
BAYSIIORE GOLF CLUB h, in ' "" g" niz, (" ' " Y' le lid ' • _ Win cr Concert m the Hzg'h School a.& ...... r------.,_~l I J I~
" g again orga ~.'.i, there is/car wlu ' mg his bicycle, gym at 8 p,nx, Dec. 17. i #i[|UI'IlIIy i.7($111 [CIm I llVlA
......... .l,'cady the around" to/ case wl ich was sel;eduled fir The program will inehldc nulsie' -- II "11'
:: ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY spend nloney that has bcen saved, ]today and Friday was Settled be- from Handel's "HaIlcliua" ch(,,'us Thc" Shelton Chamber of Com- I
• L ('arned and even borrowed, and be-!fore coming to trial, t.o original nnlsic ca!led "I#ranklin merce will hear Dean Floyd, As- II INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY
• ,t~]TI~]IIV |)]~,f~,|~,]~ ]~Jl~. 1Q lqllA[ fore th( seasou is over lna)}y will It was the ease of James A Kel
........ , ....... B ........ • ...... . I ". .... " Square March'. sistant Attorney General fronxllON YOUR SAVING~ ACPnUNT ==n,~.,M,M~ "AN" "4 1ar¢''~*
. - --- ~"~- mare office one con]puny so-called Iley and his children against Lores The 87-voice choir is under the i Olympia, when it. meets for iis I .................. , .....
~' ':l.llll I.',N61 P 11k1 Cln'istn]as parties being in a con- ]and Ruth Dowie for injuries re- direction of Bill \Villiams and the rcgular monthly menlbership meet- ]1
. o.~, - .**.,v ~..,~. dition• ' an ,thin • , " ' " "
. that]s 3 g but hon-!cened zn a tlafflc accident July
( MEMBE"S AND GUESTS orable. |4, 19!:3:s will le 62-piece band undc.r the direction! ing at 7t).1/]. tonight in the newly-]I " "~ ~k
of Gary Nicloy. = remodeled Heinie's Broiler iu Ev-I[ NATIONAL ~ ~ ~ 107 South 4th
ilAb:! pi (i ill ~ { ii:,i:! d:~ ] Jtlvie wn -~. rl~ensml gamst MCl- po, t Monday moln
Tickets may be purchased from ergreen Square. I ff ~ | .
&~ :): ~; :~,d' 1:?::- ~]~grt-°-xbegnl'l}ea'~'ingathecase-(!f '.,ny m,,sic student in the higlx, Fh,yd will speak on laws gov-J| BANK t ~ '
• ;: - -- Phone 42aa''',,-.,o3~
Ila m mmm
school or at the door. erning business reguhttion and con- I • ~ •
mlU|Ul 141, Imn ,~ , " ",' ~ " sa truc in-)vin Morgan. The suit is for darer .................................... Isumer protection. II OF MASQN CO, ~ |- --~
..~ . ..... ~ A~=...m=~. __~ deed.. Conseqttently., l'ealizin,', g that agoras from a traffic accident Ap]'i) MEETING SET I Heinie l'ecently reopened his res-/I
QI r~UR UUUi~iY facts have ahvays been facts .... 1.1, 1963. , ~, American native rhododendrons taurant after remodeling and ex-II
:lll(l II(:V fill .qlC"' .... " ana ha,-- . , I A case. Which had bct.n set fol will be 1he topic of a meeting o1' pansiort followino' a fire last s."mn- II MASON COUNTY'S HOME OWNED BANK
Member F.D.I.G. ~''~ ~ '' ~'' '~" ,M,.,...l,i:m:" lS::::n~:.,.S,'t1~ ,*.~,.,: l: : :=.*~U'10f ur" I is !:~S~I DeCco16t17thas blee~ ,~t~led,bO~lat the Shelton Rhododendron Society mer. 'Yhe expansion inchldes the !| AGGOUNTS INSURED TO $10 000
at' 2 p m Sunday in the PUD Aud- banquet room facilities in which I ...............................
og'nize the trend to which we as' McElroy against James Dorn. ztorium, me cnamoer meetizlg" Will oe nero. t~_ _