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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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WORLD %VAIl I VETERANS DINNER PARTY TONIGtlT V¢ot'ld \Var I Veterans of Ma- drona Barracks 14(;2 will have their anmlal Chrislm:~s dimmr llar- ,.ty at 5 p,m. t()ni~thl in the Mem- orial Hall. All gifts will be sent to tile patients in H, etsil hospital. for your choice at ,|IM PAULEY INC. '63'Ford C0mltry Sedan 4-door V-8, AT '62 Falcon Wagon 4-c~o0r, deluxe, stick '62 comet sedan 4-d0or stick '61 Chev Station wgn. 4-door V-8 '61 Rambler ClaSSiC 4-d~or ,6-cyl., Stick '61 Volkswagen 2-d~or, sedan '60 Chev Station Wgn. No'rna l. 4-d0br, V-B, AT '60 Chev Station Wgn. Park v0od, 4-do0r, V-S; .i T, grey '59 chev I pah debt harat0p, V-8' Stick '59 FOrd CUstbiii 800 4 door, V-8, Automatic tranmissioh '59 Ford Ranchwagon 4-door, V-8, AT '59 Ford (]talatit 2-¢ oor, heater, V-8, AT '59 Ford Custom 4-door, V-f, AT '57 Ford Fkii- ne 4-do0t', At '56 Chev Station wgn. 4-door, V-S, AT '56 Mercury 4-door', heater, V-8, AT '55 Ford Fairlane 4-door, V-8, AT '62 Ford Econoline Pickup '60 Ford Ranchero '56 Dodge -ton pickup '49 Studebaker -ton pickup 5th and Railroad Avenue Mason County's FORD-MERCURY DEALER CO! JOUT NAE-- Published in "Ohri t. ma. town, U.S.A.", helton, Washington TO BE WED DURING HOLIDAYS A DECEMBER 26 wedding date has been set by Susan Carol Abe, daughtel- of Mr. and Mrs. Olavl A. Aho, an~l Robert A, Me~rlam. His 15arent~ are Mrs. Jar~e Merrtarn; Atl~e'rt'6'n, ~l|f., and George Merriam, San MateD, Calif. Both are students at Wlllamette UniverSity. (Photo by Dean's Studio) Holiday Party Tonight For SheI.Toa Guild The Shel-Toa Guild of the Ta- coma Orthopedic Association will hold its annual Christmas party at the home of June Christensen this evening, Co-hostesses will be Lois Tibbits and Rose Daughcrty, Highlight of the evening will be the gift exchange. Members of the guild wish to thank the public for participation in the bake sale last Friday. All proceeds will be fo~-warded to the Mary tJridge Childrens' hospital in Tacoma. I • I[ I I MargtePaulsen Reservations Needed For Guild Luncheon Reservations for the Dec. 18 no-host luncheon of the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild rr~ust be ing will begin at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. George Gi~sdale. Members are to bring unwrap- ped gifts for cliildren in the Orth- epedic hospital and the usual fruit or jelly for the local hospital to the 12:30 p.m. luncheon to be held in the Colonial House. ENGAGED The engagement and June wed- ding plans of Miss Rita Mac ~Ut- ter and Gordon G. Klein have been revealed by her parent~, Mr. and Mrs: Harvey W. Utter, Shelton. He is the son of Mrs. Alvina Klein of Herreid, S.D. Miss Utter is a graduate of Shelton high school and is present- ly living in Seattle where she is Auxiliary Prepaces i F0r a!e O# Chrisl a J ']'lie ro_~lilar meelill,.,], ur t]'le Ln(1- l~.S AHxilial'y of th~ VFW met at p,m. Friday fol the reKu!ar o]'- c~et' (d' blfsirless. P1Bi'i~ we',e V, lade for a S/lie to be ileid t)cqTh]l~ ;).