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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 10, ]964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Cl ristmastow% U.S.A.", Shelton, Wash.ington PAGE 3 .... • = probable is often the impossible Marriage Licenses Summer Travelers Belfair VFW To --Leo Stein Applying for marriage licenses in tile lVlason County Auditor's of- To Speak To SEY • Entertain Youth fire this past week were: Kathy Flower and Jill Jeffery * ....... Leon O. Slate, 35, Brcmerton, will give a talk oil their recent ........ ~,, ..... day ,,., ,o ,Christmas pothick p m at GJ0uPS Tuesday I I ~,~,;,~h I ,~,ln-a and Norma Eing 43 Port Orchard. travels in Europe at the 6 p m . .:,a~t,, ,y,.:~--:::,..~2~,-,, on/the clubhouse ~,~uel Curds l~ost and Auxiliary I ..... - ---- , ....... ta, a.J~;u~ ..... 1,,r .... : '' 2" Bremer- ..~. .. .... ".-,/uiri bcout leauces ......... ~. v:o~, PUD No. 3 commission meeting, 5372 Veterans of 1,'oveigl, WarsI ~SED BAR PRIgES ARE LGWER I 2~uei v~. ±vtOLLUlgel, u, . 19 pOtlUCK Dinner nleeiang Ol ~ne ~t. a.ln., home of Betty VanderWegen. / N~o/~i7 !:ii!i!~ii!~~ii!!i i78 iiii;l?di!iii ~~!i!)i!!!~12!i!:~ii!:!l~!1 7i~!?~i~ne~:Lid i;~' [1 pm PUD commission room. will havea pothml~ Ctlristnlas par- , ....................... , F. " " :;: ',. '~" ",, ", .': :' ' ," "' :'i '.. '.'" 'i ~'.! " !'.~ "" i " ': .' :' "' .': county eomn'dssion meeting, 10 l y at6 p,m, next Tuesday ill tl:e [ ] am, courthouse Belfair Masonic rempm. £ouu] I lllF If!till| il=lUl llitllllilll [ 'Shelton Brid'~e Club 7'30 ~)m groups tile organization sponsors, I Ill LIl'lillllll lili' mll llll=l/ I ' ' ' PUD Auditorim~l. ' ..... Ayuhat Jr. Gi, l Scouts, Troop 271 I DILl [MUL.I | MVMUL' ' SATURDAY, no md Helen L Browni g '~'~:- can] n " ......... , , ' - -- Coin Club, 7'30 pin PUD build-and Chuck ~VaKofi Raiders and | ] ' ' u,c," uy ]oney aL Lms cmLc Shq-Toa OrthopeDic wmistmaS/in,~ " - " their families, have been invited I ] Seattle DECEMOER 12 ~, • and are requested to bring a gift- Party home of June Christensen ] ~helton Garden Club Christmas to join tile party All families are | '57 FORD FAIRLANE ........................ [ L0d¢,e O~ns 8 ~ m .... wrapped item of approximately 50- Sl~elton-Mason County Chamber] v~ ~" ' It is difficult to say what is ira- cents value for the Christmas gift of Commerce December meeting, I Party, 1:30 p m, home of Mrs. asked to take a hot dish and either I ~ ] HaI'ry Dee, gan'. ' a .salad or desert. . . ~. ~ $ ,l~rence H. Fisher, W.M. ....~;ible for lhe d;'eam of yestcr- exchange. Girls to bring a girl's Heinie's Broiler, dinner 7:00 p,m., ] ,,, .... , The evening entertaiamem w:l ] o7 FORD WAGON ................................ 4~-II[ I ~ld L. Cheney, Secretary Lcl~v is the hope of today and the gift and boys a gift for a boy. program 8:00 p.m.. [ TuesdL,, I)4(. 5 . . ..... Memorial Hall with Santa. making his appearance I 57 CHEV 6 - 2 dr. $ JI1 I re~iliLy of tomorrow. Due to the holidays this will be -, "'~ .... "i~ 11 ] Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, be furmshed by tile youth groups I , ___ __ I . --Robert H. Goddard ~he mat meeting until Jan ~ Fri(my, v '. =~" __ ............. ............ Vickie Lee Orthol:)edic Guild/ City commission meeting, 2 p.m., with a gif.t..for a!l. tl.le children.. | ~Fa~I~F ] ,!~,~.~ilg~.l~g~gi~.~i:~ggg.~_~l~~tl~~~ Chrmtmas sale, SeLr:d,ifflc~. m city hall. The auxinary stiu has tour sizes l ,~ ............... / !: Ru,y r~eoeKah 1~ g ,, p,., Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Ameri- of flags for sale. Anyone inter-| O$ • or ..................................... ] L.A~GEST TOY SELEOTION ~ ~ IOOF 'Hall. can Legion 8 p r~ ,Memorial Hall ested in purchasing one is asked I ] Patrick T. Orthopedic auild Shelt°n 3uni°'r Chamber °f C°m" t° can Mrs' Grace I:I- unt at CR 5- [ '58 PLYMOUTH Chlb Sedan ................ i bleW Christmas Sazaar BUD anditor merce 8:00 pm Airpm HaD 67%o,: Gordo. J Squir I(En9ine - Trans. Re-built) ~ / ALL TYPES TREE DECORATIONS 8 p.m., PUD Auditorium. " ....... ] .............................................. lll=ll*i~ll ] iur~Ey Club pothlck diame~en~eet- Shelton Rhododendron Society. a~ wt~ o-zut~o. | '.~l C][-[l~,V P]I~,][~|:[P $~.~ ALL SIZES BIKES & TRIKES ~ ~ ~~~P'I~L ing, 6 psm~rCha~l:Cheb 12 " Lions Club, 7p.m., dinner meet- __ ......... / / ing, Timbers Restaurant. rmge CIUD Winners | '55 CHEV 2 door ..................................... I Pill I | |&l~ TU ~ U| [|}~ ~ J~~'' " ~d~lll~% •] Southside PTO Yule log and Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Ma-For This Week's Play I w.-- soi,ie Terrrple. ' ".idgeClub metin "~ t~i 1M-Du~I) I rUI.L tIRe, 111 01 n,'-, tl , -- swag sale, 10 a,m,- 4 p.m., Sears ltabl~s~v~t~e~pll AHD A STORE FULL OF MORE MSh:l:dnM?:n;r2:aldH?P~ia:rris, l°f~Ce:vers' license ex~£ion~r, 10 a. nerR°Y:r]tyN, ei6ghpb?~;,s, CTA~n;~sdirns. daE:egnTtl' WILL LIKE THE 1965 DODGES Vmce Him!re. , .... [audiLoriun,. North-South winners l I ,a~n MORE ! uilcone a boy. December 3.bert m'PatSriePkm"TP.°l~thOpeud~) ~u~ld Drlve=rs license exakm.ner. 10 a. Attwater, Dr. Bruce Craswell and / WE INVITE YOU TO COME & SEE TIlEM . il4~lU ~ Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pro , [Christmas Bazaar, . '. . , ." .' ~" were Mrs. Bruce Craswell andMr, t -- .... ' ...... " .. I Mrs. Attwater, Etta Rector and | ' ~ Route 2, Box 255, a boy, December [ torium m to ~ p.m, pofice station .1¢ ~ n=~=~'~T~O ~ 3. [ Salty Sashayers Square Dance l~unor wnapter (9~ ~-ast MaI.-]~tona ~q'illi,~,. / /~kl.~L ]Uli~lt)l~i~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gray, Lilli- IClub 8'30 p m., Memorial Hall. rons Club 1 p m, Lilliwaup corn- ~'"'% ......... , weie Bil" l munity ciubhouse l~ast-west v. lnners " 1 IN OUR CHRISTMAS CATALOG ~ waup, a girl, December 4. ] Hikh'sch~fl basketball, Shelton " • , . ]Lucke and Bob Eliot Lou Hart-/ []~|ll ~V MATAB~ ...... ~_~.~ o~r~H ~ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Valley, [ vs. Centralia, at Centralia, B Mason County.Wome.ns Repu~2iley and Adelle Fletcher Bruce| rHuLZ;! I11g O ARE IN EFFECT UNTIL ~ox ~IRoute4. 3, Box 284, a girl, December[I p.m.Squads 6:45 p.m., varsities. 8:00n licanp.m., ClUbMemorialPOtlUCKHall.mneneon, /z:~u ] Kr..... ,o~o,_~7::___:27__~o_t._.::.;_~__.ndDick S ,~um,, ' l//Phone 426-81.83---- Front & ' " ------- .--------, * * * / High school wresthng. Shelto Women's City Bowling Associa- . ........... Railroad tlnn mootin 7"Rfl n m pITD fi~ud- [ 'I.TULn orings the emments ot llOer- .............. ~' .... v ..... ' -- E d ...... m ] ty. ---Mary Baker d y ~1 ,, Toastmasters Chlb, 6:45 a m.[ ~ " attend the church of your choice. Timbers restaurant. [ ~'i~l~l'l~l ~~~ ll-iIW'u '-- --- / .... . •' 8m, >> Poll Commission meeting, p. • , ~l~ ........ " ........... ~:: ................ ~ ....... ~'::::' ::::::~ .... . Golf CIUO S annua . ~t ~.~"~ ~';~*~ * ~"~ ....................... ~ .......... .~ Shel ton ~ .~ ~;~ .~:~:~:>~ • ~:~ ::~.:~:~:::~.:~ .... ~:~::: ::~::.:.: coui thouse / .... ~