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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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laAGE 4, , SI-rELTON-- AgON_CQUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in U.,q..A."_ qhe!ton, Wa l!!ngton I PITAL OFFICE MANAG iT CmSTMAS " bets Off/cers los E II I Position immediately available for exper- II hna'lcif'(:l'em(:nag tP?cia e ;tl~::~:n~4 I ienced" woman, with" good background • I/ the essntial issue to be In'esented I in l/i,, to r'esto,'e ou,' n:,tio t,, " .... a Godconscious people and tr ue accountm, cred,t and administration .... - . . ,' I Abl " g " " ...... l/ 1/cravens are willing u, accept m, th. I e assume responsibility ana super- To build a superstructure upon I ........... -- ~ I/s foundation of facts additional / ] VISIOn ot Ouslness OHlCe. alary commen- I/factoarc needed Therefore we • " • • set forth two pointed statements [ surate with experience. Reply in co,fit- It I. In truth and reai'liy C'hrist-' I uence to Mr. Hopper, Shelton General tIos- II mas speaks ot.a iFrso,,, .not j,,st • ..... I / a season of nolioay. The very I pital, Shelton 426-3361. II word itself contains "tile name (if [ [] timt person, ~ hom the Bible clear- | ][ ly teaches is the Son of the Living Thursday, December ,, God, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is tim one who should be the object , , of love, appreciation, thankfulness, NEW WESTINOH0USE 1965 15 Ib Capa©ily true devotion and commemoration SCOUT OFFICERS---Officers of the Tumwater Trueman C. Schmidt, Olympia, Evan Owen, Che- ' , not only this time of tile year Area Council of the Boy Soouts of America elected hal]s, andS, W. VanderWegan, Shelton, vice- but all year' and every year. Yetat a meeting Sunday in Olympia were, left to presidents. " -.oi0ad|n~'.......,,,=.f---a.---, men today have substituted Christright, Charles E. Devine, Olympia, president, and in Christmas with an "X" and this , , , Heavy Duty Top-Loading Washer LAF400 * 4 Water Temperatures • 4 Wash and. Spin Speeds • Automatic Bleach Dispen. ser • New Lint Filter and Circulation System . Porcelain Enamel Tub • Automatic Fabric Softener Dispenser • 5Position Water Saver • Rush Rinse plus Deep Rinse • Automatic Safety Lid Lock 419 Railroad 426-6283 may well be a true picture of what has happened in reality for' "X" can be, a symbol of the unknown. To marly, Christ is relatively unknown because He has neveP been supernaturally conceived in their hearts. Jesus Christ was supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary brought forth a Son and they called His name Emanuel, mean- ing God with us. isiah 7:14, Mat- thew 1:18-25. Yet today many are attempting to remove the super- natural element, but they would never attempt this if they were to experience, as th()usands have, the divine conception and birth of Christ in their hearts. In es- sence an attempt to remove the supernatural is an attempt to re- move God, but all these attempts will be proven futile. 2, Lh, lng today hi a changlnl~ world necessitates ~han~es in our lhinklng. Statements of this na- ture are commonly heard now days and to a certain degree they are true. For example: We no longer think in terms of harnessing the horse to plow. the field, the season being quite obvious because of modern tractors which are far more efficient. But the fact still remains unchangeable that the field must be plowed. Proper til- lage is still imperitive to achieve the desired result. In view of our changing society, changing culture, changing theo- ries and methods, and changing opinions, truth stands steadfast and sure, unchgnging. Two plus two still ~quals" four. The fact still remains that George Wash- ington was the first United States President. Ice is still cold and fire hot. The soil needs to be plowed. So with factual enthus- iasm we proclaim that Christmas speaks of Christ and His birth and that it is God's desire for all men to acknowledge Him in word and in deed, and to come into the real knowledge of the truth. Too Late To Classify FOR" RENT -- Clean two bedroom un- ftn'nished hotlse. Reference required. $55 Itt(}nih. Warelll'ont Realty, I)llon~ 426-8277. W 12/10 tf]l PA RT Y li'AV-() RS --fi~i:--i~eW--- ~r~:ml's~ horns, hats, etc, Phone 426-6784. • H 12/10 Pi.fPPII~S- TO-GIvE-AwAY-L-. Phone after 4 p.m. 426-8157. D 12/10 NOTICE OF (IROUND WATER Itl(iltT API'I,ICATION NO. 7400 STATE OF' WASHINGTON, OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES, Olympia TAKE NOTICE: Ttmt State Parks and Recreation Commmlssion of Olympia, Washington on Octoher 1, 1964, filed application for permit to withdraw public ground waters through a well situated with- i~ SE!~ISE!.I of Sectioli 19, Township 22 N., Range 2 W. W.M., in Mason County, In the amount of 75 galh)ns per minute, mflQect to existing rights contindously, eacli year for the pur- pose of domestic and general park purposes, Twanoh State Park. days from December 17, 1964. Witness my hand and official seal this 30th day of November, 1964. M. G. WALKER State Supervisor of Water Resources 12/10-17 2t Let us therefore as a people now recognize that to eliminate Christ, or to celebrate Christmas without Christ is to take one more step in the direction that will ev- entually leave Him out of our thinking entirely. An element in the nation now exists that would attempt to remove Christ and Christian principles, but we must not let this happen. America is a great country, and its greatness has been achieved not just because of a social order, nor economical order, nor political m'der, but because of God who has blessed a people who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us con- tinue to practice the well known slogan inscribed on our monies, entually leave Him out of our "In Go(i We Trust"! ...... V -- __ -- r -- -- m~ -- From Christmas to Christnms the whole year through is a to the $4.50 a year inside Mason County $5.00a year outside Mason County We send a gift card with each gift subscription Legal Publications NO. 3549 NOTICr,,' OF IIEARIN(I ltEI'OnT AND I~ETITION FOlt I)iSTitlIIUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON/ FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter oI the Estate ,)f L. M. KINGSB URY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that DOLORES SIMMONS, Exectitrix of the Estate .of L. M. Kingsbury, de- ceased, has filed in the office of tim Clerk of said Court a Rel)ort and Pe- tition for distribution, asking the Court to settle said rclm'rt, distribute the Prol)erty to the pel'sons Ill(~re|o en- titled and to diseharg~ the I)elitioner as Executrix; and that said report and petition will be heard on the 8th day of January, 1964, at 10:00 o'(',lock in the forenoon, of said day, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard at the court room of the above entitled court, in the Courthouse in Shelton, Mason County, Washington, tit which time and place any l)ers(m interested in said Estate may appear and file objections thereto and cmttest the same. DATED this 27Ih day of Novemher, 1964. LAURA M. WAGENER Clerk of s dd Court By Tc(~kla Vermillion, Del)uty 'GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washingt(m 12/10-17-24-31 4t NOTICE OF III,:ARING ON AI~I'LICATION Felt FRANCIIINE IN THE MATTER O1~ THE APPLI- CATION OF TIlE HOYT'S AQUA, INC., A CORPORATION, FOR PER- MISSION AND AUTHORITY TO LO- CATE, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, AND MAINTAIN WATER DISTRI- BUTION PIPELINES UNDER AND ACROSS ROADS AND HIGtlWAYS IN THE COUNTY OlC MASON STATE OF WASillNGTON., WHEREAS, the lh~yt's Aqua, Inc., a. corporation, has ll(!retl~fort~ filed with the Board of Cotnlty Con)mission- ers of ]VlaNon C(>ulliy, Statt~ of Was]l- ingt~n, under l)rovisiolls (If Cha])ler 187 Laws of 1937, an application f~w a fl'anehise to llSO, cr(IsS, alld o(!(~Ul)Y the roads and llighways in the Coun- ty of Mason, State of Washingtml, for the purpose of locatJn{4" and consiI'llC- thlg water disiribulion pipelines along, under, and across the (lesignated roads and highways ill said outty, d(!scrib- ed on the Plat of Star Lake No. 1 and At the anmml meeting of the Tumwater Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, held in Olym- pia Sunday Charles E. Devine was re-elected President. Evan L. Owcn, Chehalis; S. W. VandcrWegen, Shelton and True- man L. Schmidt of Olympia were elected vice presidents. Toni Mar- tin was re-elected treasurer. The bighligllt of the evening was the presentation of two Silver Beaver Awards. The first went to Lester Brunk, Scoutmaster of Troop 39 in Vader. Brunk has ser- red as Scoutmaster for the past 14 years and has been active iu many community activities and has hmg served on both the city cmmcil and the School Board. TIlE SECONI) award went to Trueman L. Schmidt, vice presi- dent of Olympia Brewing Com- pany, who has served continuous-' ly in Scouting since he becalne a Scout in 1925. Schmidt has been instrumental in tim development of Camp Thunt!erbird and for Imany years was active on the Committee of Troop three, as well as serving on the Council Execu- tive Board. He has been very ac- tive in community affairs and this year was Chairman of the Pay- roll Division of the Thurston Coun- ty UGN. He is currently vice president and chairman of tile Council Service Center Committee. Tile Silver Beaver Award is made by tile National Council for noteworthy service of exception- al character to boyhood by regis- tercd Scouters within the territory under the jurisdiction of ttle local Council. Tile featured speaker of the evening was Charles F. Osborn, attorney from Seattle and-mem- ber of" the Regional Executive Board, Boy Scouts of America. His subject" was "Space Age Scout- ing". There were 175 members in at- tendanee. Ttle Mothers Club from Pack, Plat of Star Lake No. 2 and by r~;f,~rroop and Post 118 prepared the erenee herein ineorporat(~d, NOW THEREFORE, candle light dinner which was NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN that ase~-¢ed by the Senior Girl Scouts bearing will be held on such applies-of Tall 2"imbcr Council. tion by the Board of Cotlnty Coln- lnissioners of Mason County, WaSh- - ............... ington, at theh" regular Jne(!ring l)hteo in the Courthouse at Shelton, Wasi~-,,n on Mond,,y. ,be 2 t,, ,,ay Teacher December, at the hour of 11 o'c]octl~ • l 1 a.m., or aN soon ,her,,aft,,r as such Dies In Seatt, e lmarlng may be had. Dated at Shelton. Washington, this 7th day of Deccndter, 1,(}64, ~ A ,orlner Shelton resident and 1VI'nson Cotlnty l:loard of Commissioners teacher, Grisdale Crosby, 62, died :By C. NOLAN MASON, ill a Seattle hospital S~turday af- County Auditor ]2/10-17 2t ter a long illness. He was born .... March 25, 1902 in Port Fortune, CAI,L FOR BIDS Quebec and moved to Shelton when The Commissioners of Mason County he was five ye'ars old. PIID No. 3 are calling for hhls for Mr. Crosby taught high school two 50' heavy duty over center all classes ill Shelton, Olympia and hydraulic aeriM platforms. These units to be installed on two all steel util- Twisp. lie had been employed in lty bodies 102 inch cab-axle dimensh)n, the Boeing Company resem:ch De- Complete specifications may' be ac- quired at PUD office at 3rd and Cota velopment Centcr ill Seattle since 1951. St. JACK A. COLE, President The funeral service was held in I F~DWIN W. TAYLOR, Secretary theBonney-Watson chapel, Seat- I Bids will be opened at 1:15 p.m. Dee- ember 21st. 11/19-26 12/3-10-17 5t tle at noon Wednesday. Burial will be at 10 a.m. Saturday in BY JOB'S DAUGHTERS At the last meeting of Job's Daughters Cyndy Russell, 5ean Davis and Laurie Godwin were initiated. Lnrene Hnibert was awarded the Jobie Bracelet for being the most proficient in the initiatory work. Mrs. George Howard was in- stalled as guardian secretary and Pare Milner was named Jobie of l the Month. An adenda was held after the meeting for Jobie King, Ed Dawson. Shelton Memori'al Park under the direction of the Batstone Funeral Home. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ly- dia Crosby, Seattle; a daughter, Mrs. Harry Hanna of Etna, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Edwin Lovell, Shel- ton, a stepdaughter, Mrs. Benita Hamner, Orange, Calif.; two step- sons, Gunar Berzins of Seattle, and Staff Sgt. Zigurds Berzins, Paris, and several grandchildren. The family has suggested re- memberances be made to cancer research. Lowrey Organ You play pleasing startl Beginners, children, adults-- anyone can play right away--it's so ea~ on a Lowrey, ,, and so easy to own! The Starlet brings you Lowrey's glorioU! organ voices--plus many exciting " and exclusive effects, • Finest wood cabinets enhanced with lustrous hand-rubbed finishes, in mahogany and walnut. • Touch.tabs for easy playing • Exclusive Lowrey Glide for trombone slide effects • Vibrato for pulsating effects • Solo tabs accent voices • Full 13-note pedalboard 205 Cota St. I sincerely thank all who voted for re-election in the reeent general JUDGE OF THE S YPERIOR Department No. 2 What kind of a tiger do yoIJ want under your hood? (Have you priced a tiger lately?) If you're handy with a whip and chair.,go for the 360:hp ,GGTTO~ It bites. But then, even the 335-hp alTO bites. If you uick Wide -Track 11111e want a slightly more civilized package (but with lots or, the ~ ~. mus, c, le),try the Le Mans. You can get it with a six or either of two V-8s. They all have bucket seats. Carpeting./~n~ cost less than some tame cats. So go price a tiger. ~nUac Le ~a~ • ~T~" BE[ ~ NEW BONNEVILLE, STAR CHIEF, GRAND PRIX, CATALINA, LE MANS, GTO AND TEMPEST AT YOUR AUTHORIZED" PONTIAC DEALER= MOTOR 00. o 2~ ~. ,s, s,.