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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE G SHELTON--lY[ASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December ........................ ........... '" ........................................................................................................... ,m -c. x0o, uas., ,,.,u,ur. COMMERCIAL TOTAL IN MIXED LOOP VM | H|IU I Shelton high school football squ,".d coach totalling five years. ----- MEN'S COMMERCIAL MR. &MRS. LEAGUE forces suffered a second heavy Hi~'~ coaching career will not W L %V L coaching loss in a month when as- close, howeve|', until the end ()1 Zicgler's Camera Shop ..40 16 Stock's Grapeview .............. 32 20 sistant coach Harold Wilson an- lhe cmTent hasketl)all season as Winvard's Sport Shop ..30 26 Gziffey Construction .......... 30 22 nounce(I his resignation this week he is Highclimt.)er B squad hoop "Wilson Company ............ 28' 28:Eacrett Lumber. ................. 28 24 after 14 ycm's with Highclimber mentor ,a position he has also ~>~ IN MASON COUNTY B & R Oil ........................ 28 28 J & J Service ...................... 28 24 and Blazer grid squads, held for many years after a ;'- :,~] Gott Oil ................................ 26 30 Sharer's Diggers ................ 27 25 I Early htst month head coach year stint as Blazer basketball '-J~ a~, -', : J - " ~,mamamm~w~,,ma~J~' - ' ' ' " ~~' Ritner's Highballers ........ 25 31 Donn Marsh Realty ............ 23 29 PERllINE BEA(]IIES TOP .Ier,'y Liles with an 11-0 from the Motel Timbers .................. 24 ,-,2 Thurston Comity S & L ...... 22 30 mentB°b Sundfrom announcedthc coachinghiSranks.retire" coach.~¢Vilson,.~ entire coaching carccr~ STEELHi~]AI) OF OPENER I I)°'~](~wallips for the over 10-pound- Vcrle's Sporting Goods .... 23 33 Allyn Shell Service .............. 18 34 Wilson, like Sund, will rcmaiu has been at Shelton, begimlim4 To Charles Perzine goes the hen- :rs. High ~ame -- Fr~,~ ~,,-, ....... High games--Florence Marler with the Shelton faculty and re-witll his graduati(m from Whit- er of bringing in the biggest stccl- I ken Hickam was the lone angler 222 " ~, ....... t, ..... 177, Eldon Todd 252, Roy PeLt,/ tain his teaching assignments, man College in %95]. At Whitman head of the opening weekend, at irepc~'ting two fish, at 6-0 and 5-0, High series ..... Ray Rice 608 223• . ~ which currently include basic and he earned four varsity letters in least, among those reported to]from the Dosewaliii)s. Others re- nign series--Shizley Engen 477, practical math and geometry, football playing varsity ball as ~ W' either Wingard's or Verle's sport- Iporting catches during the open- Ray ,Rice nicked the 600 mark Eldon To.dd 631. ,r. I WILSON HAD been chief as- freshman a.~ ~;.:'(.11 as 'his Sol)h, i ~- sheds, ling days w(uc Lou Joliff, 8-0, from • " • • ' mJaon Todd flashed off to a 2o2 "~,in, t .... I ,h,. ~T. a l the Cheh'~ is Madelinc Quinn and ians[n~llsC°m:~eare~'~lb~;~l_~%g ~:ry. opener and finished with a 631 sistant football coach for the junior and senior years, a~ P~.v_.e taz.~.-~ ...e .~amm ......... Highclimbers for the past nine Hamma fnra muscular 14-1b. 11- t~ildtle~l* Jcn)h]~on;_both. 7-4, fishing ,es:- wmcn ~" ............ aceu wnson worn' "an,total after following up with 193, WILSON IS A Highclimber ! t() a 3 ] viPer" o' • ....... P^,.3and 186 games in the Mr. & Mrs. years after earlier turns as Blaz- oz buc t The same wiiers gave g, ~' . e l-tumpunips, er line teach and Highclimber B graduate himself, having matricu- CHARGE IT. nis:' partner," L,,mg" ................... ,~u,~.y, ~t 6 ..... There were unconfirmed' ' r(po, ts• '" ing Goods (BYb'~]leV:ian~ ~;;.~ b°rWl ..... lated at Shelton high school in lb catch " Iof a he.evict catch than Perrine's Bnglle.ague Sunday at the Tim" -n,~;a 1946 after an outstanding athlctic Unfortunately, see • Wr'~ilin~" Perrinc's leaacr" " (ame land also. that..the_- Goldsborou..: g'h ¢~G°tt O!l .(B, ob Lemke 527) seer- The feat carried Eacrett Lure- career in which he earned a total honest person may' ~mnnie" " ': ~y~sma:2" • V~" " : Itj] a" '[ Z-- ~I~ ..... [[r() [,l'----'-- I pro(raced. .some z}sn~ , bu[ [ney. wele eq L,,~e mgn). s only snutout, over ber to a 4-0 victory over Allyn of eleven wlrsity letters---three it' with your cred h ..... ' .. . ~ ' ... ,not ,eporled at either Verle's or ~o~el il.lmoers (l.9oug Wicken Shell" (Vern Beeson 526). Dick each ill football, basketball and or charge-plate. Ear the Skokomisn, Fre(l Ioung With :~ ..... , ' • ~ I W-qsa, u%. ,.3b}, With wingara's ~port ShopSharer's Diggers (Fae Robinson %V, uhington State I atrol baseball, and two in track during .more than a m flh.on . an 11-:10 fromthe same waters, [ oo~,(Eld°nKnocmngT°dd 571offandB Roy& RPettYoil 453)um_halSo scored._ a ..g°°'se-egg' ..... tri- I Cars driven by two sailors, both the era when Climber athletes ]cans Jose their ~' ................................................................. [ g , ......... _/,Mcs. Hat WaMr p To .... ,, over penn ~arsn z~emty ~ from the USS Kittyhawk, docked were allowed to turn out for two cares.. ~ou can n o~( (I~ red ~nelgrove 576) by a 3-1 (Bill Staudt 474) at Bremerton, collided at Allyn at s~rin~, s"orts ~.reazt uara ~orgery I BL,JrJ u~ .m~[~ ii count while league-pacing Zieg- .- ...... " ........ . midnight Sunday. ~" ~' "*" ' erage at'little extra Opens, 6:45- Starts 7 p.m. " • • , ~. - ues zor ~LOCK'S ~rape- i Fri. - Sat. Only I I Head Heart Drive Here ' ....................... "]:ne oLner matches wt, und up in "' ' An assistant football coach un- with /Etna Cases ...... ~,,,t=~tt onup ~t.~iOV¢l ~larK 3 1 victoV ~ ..... Drivers of the cars were Carl dee Sund. Wilson has been primar- Homeowners policy. 568) drew with R]tners Hzghball-view "Joe En-en 51" .......... HAROLD WILSON Raines,20,and Ronald Braaten, ily concerned with the line. Sund I .............................................. II Mrs. Nat %Valdrlp, S.helton. will ers(Chub Nut£ 59,.2) • ¢ t;. ¢ u~ ovu," .au,a- Another Coach Retires 19. r [ . |~~1~[~ ]1 head the February He, art Fund ....... ton County Savings & Loan (Norm has often credited Wilson's excel- , e | ~l~][ i~P'~ |lcampaign in Mason County. An- ~. ---A--'-.---'---~-- _ Schimschat 500) and grfffey Con- " ...... 7- -; The Raines vehicle ~as north- lent coaching of the line with a Angle Agen , ~ ....... ,,nouncement of her' appointment struction(DelZtoz.nlo525")over ~HNEW, b°und °n Highway 3 when it maj°r share °f the fine rec°rd the ANGLE BLDG, Pioneer on0ol 6oard J & r " " stalled. A.s Raines was pushing the Highclimbers have enjoyed in " I ~ ..~ellq.lll~ Ilwas made this week by Dorsy P -- J Se vzce (Frank Maner 491) • , , " i vehicle to get it off the road, the I ~itlli~'~" I IMcDaniel, Bremerton: regi'ona] Expresses Appreclah0n .. '. vehicle was struck from the rear football during his regime as head 426-8272 i I/chairman for the drive. KAMILCHE KIDS For Forest Funds Secretary Barb Wolf called the bound. The Shelton school board offi- ] ' ":/~~]~ ~ I] Mrs. Waldrip's husband owns tile Lions near /alK by the Braaten vehicle, also north- grid mentor. cially accepted Wilson's resigna- i ~~01J~'r'L~=Pr~¢t~} a~Waldrip Oyster Company in Shel- last meeting of the Kamilche Kids Braaten suffered concussion, fa- tion at its meeting Tuesday night. ~ ,AETNA CAS~LII ! ~ '~ l/t°n' She i's the mother of three The pioneer Scllool Board at its OnWelfare Program 4-H ~lnb to order. "/'he flag salute cial cut'L shoulder and neck in- No indication of who will "succeed llflBO] AND SURETY COMP I ~ IJchildren: Joseph 13, Jeanette, 11. meeting Tuesday evening expres- Ervin McArthur, administrator and 4-H pledge was led by Val- jnries. He was taken to the Naval either Sund or Wilson has been ~ HARTFORD, CONN$( I ~~ ! I/and James, 7. She is a graduate sed appreciation for the financial of the local office of the Depart-' lerie Fisch'er. Judy Smith gave a Hospital at Bremerton. I I[of Shelton High School and now assistance provided by the Masonme~t of Public Assistance, spoke report on Scar's banquet at the , , , given by either Supt. Robert I ~ ~ "~ i]attends Olympia Vocational school. County Commissione~:s with Fed- to the Shelton Lions Club at their Merck Hotel November 14. Faye I , ~ ~t~. I/Mrs. Wakirip has taken Heart as eral Forest Funds• meeting Dec. 1 in the Timbers Fischer and Judy Smith volu'n- About 2 a.m. Sunday, a car Quigglc 'or the board yet. $ _ _- : .' driven by Leslie ¥ounglove, 19, ............ -~ I ~,~ ~~ I/one of hez' two volunteer services The Board also noted that theRestaurant. teered for the recreation commit- Shelton, left Highway 3 about four SENIOR LIFE SAVING CLASS I ............................................ "" ................ I/this year. She also is teachingnews article in last weeks Journal He outlined the various typestee. miles north of Shelton. Young- I ]~fl~~]~ ~t~ I]swimming classes for retarded~stated that, only two bids were re- of aid programs available to peo.- Nominations for new president love received head and arm in- I ~rw~,~m~wv~a,w ~i lichildren. ' ce'ived, in the sale of $95000 of ple m the state and pointed out were Carolyn Brewer and Judy juries, but, was not hospitalized, and other swim classes will be offered I ~RU~~.L ~ I/ The campaign will climax with general obligatim~ bonds. The two that public assistance fills a real Smith; vice president, Ronni'e He was northbound when the POOl Nuotare During Xmas Vacatio,r' I lie Heart Sunday appeal February low bidders were The National need in the community, handling Brewer and Eddie Fischer; treas- vehicle ran off the road, hit a I li~ ~i~~~l~i~ 1|28. " Bank of Commerce of Seattle and cases people are pronc to over- urer, Barney Lambert and Faye .tree and went over a small em- Those interested phone 426-8369 or I MARS i l *ltbough there has been a seven the new National Bank of Mason look or ignore. Fischer; reporter, Valerie Fischer. bankment. I ,~ .... .~' ~~i~ I/and one half percent decline in Connty. Bids were also received Without naming names, he cited Officers to bevotedon at the next I ' ii!:, lithe number of deaths from heart from Seattle-First NationaT Bankexamples of the types of cases meeting to be held December 19 in i l i I I| attack in the past 14 years heart and from the State of Washington, he has encountered in his years the grange hall• I]and circulatory diseases relnain the StaLe bid at f°ur Percent be" of experience in tahis work. Awreath and swagwork party 7"~ (~! ing the high bid. Sale of the bonds At the business session prior will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. I iI:~:~:= : . :'~ ~~L~ I| the nation s greatest killer was awarded to The National Bankto McArthur's talk, Tom Reed was ' Saturday at the home of Mrs. KeN ~< ""-;:'7i' - ............ of Commerce of Seattle. formally inducted and welcomed ley. ' _ :.,/ ~~ I/ Water ouzels are little gray asa new membe! | ~ ..... _- ~" i, birds that ]ooks something ]ike Principal Rex Me]ena discussed " ME--RcHANT i ........ -~--, ~. r IJ big sparrows. They walk around with the Board and others pres- --o--MF--~:;~ S I I] on the bottom of m;untain streams ' • We ~N S 12:30 LEAGUE ent, the type of Christmas prog- "~o* " 'i" "~- -", . ~ ta ur]l ........ 2~ ~, 1~ ', MAR(; PAUL~EN JO!NS i/ ~ --'-" i| to feed. [amL~°enb~hP~v~s~li-t;dlr;nstl~ui~- J~lh~l~s R~lcrl~field .............. 27]/, 20'/.~ CHRIS'! MAS'FO%VN S I'AF[e Or l .... n n'on ~ervice 21 27 Addition of Margie Paulscn o[ ]ng zs again avadable. At present ....... '".~ .t • /N CU'S l~narlnacy 1~ 2'.) all school programs and commun- Hi h ame Si;'i;ie"Stites 244 She]ton to the staff at Christmas- ity use of the Multi-purpose Build-g g --~ ' Y - . •town Beauty Salon w,ss announc- ing has been cancelled because of High series--Shirley Stites 580. ed this week by new owner-opel'-' the two temporary classrooms lo- * * * ator Ann Fulton. cared within the building. Shirley Stites rolled a recordMiss Paulsen is well lcnown to UHTiL 9 00 P H ~,, game in the women's 12:30 Sbclton women for her previous Plans were approved for approx- bowling league last Thursday but associations in be.auty work hcrc I imately 336 feet of drainage sys- that was the only game her Shel-while Mrs. Fult(m carries 27 years i ~t u ' tern and additional connecting lines ton Union Service won from John's experience covering instructor in ~!i~i~~ to remove groumt water on the Richfield (Donna Coleman). Cot a, beauty schools, stylist at Lipman's North side of the school. This Grill (Pat Austin 480)beat Nell's in Portlarld, and 12 years with :: ............ ~ ~~~~! ground water has been causing dif'- Pharmacy (Dot Barnaby 511) by Meier & Frank beauty department ..................... "AQUADAT ¢" ficulty with the.heating plant and 3-1 in the other match, in Portland. CROTON directburial steam lines. Installa- tion of the system is planned for ~- during the Chris£mas vacation per- ! rYF:-Bo-yse n Suc(umbs Here H I 49" ~o°~ L~ Henry F• Boysen, 428 East "T" street, died at his work last Fri- day. A resident of Mason county the past 27 years he w"rked as a to Aetgl ten the ¥'°ubl*4.".taa~e""d;~a?°'¢~'~"~*' ~!~\~'~~[~/~,~ general building contractor. Mr. Wln~O, WO~ptO0| y h,,} ,~,,. ~~~~.~ Boysen was born July 19, 1910 c,ow,, =,, c,y,,ot o,, ;,,oo. u~,t. ~~ in Huron, South Dakota. He was " - I,. ~,.I cose ~:~C~'v __.____ -~, a veteran of World War II. ~9...~;< The funeral service was held at ~} }~i~,~ 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Batstone ~:i~i~~:~!:!:!~:~::!:!:!~ ~ Funeral Home with burial in Shel- ton Memorial Park. Rev. Horace Mounts officiated at the rites. Survivors include his widow, Ruth E. Boysen~ Shelton; three sons, C. Fred Boysen and Ronald D. Boysen, both of Shelton, and William B. Boysen of Norwalk, Calif.; ,one daughter, Mrs. San- dra Carney, Shelton; one brother, Ernest D. Boysen, Seattle; four sisters, Mrs. Celeste Hand, Mid- land, South Dakota, Mrs. Bertha Neuhauser, Kirley, South Dakota, Mrs. Marian Cameron, Wessing- ton Springs, South Dakota, and Miss Dorothy Boysen, Pierre, South Dakota; and seven grand- children. Mobile Dishwasher .. No Installalion ¢osl GivJng MODEL DB43:E De luxe Mobile Dishwasher with Dual Jet-Spray washing action requires no pre-rinsing. Features Uni-Dial c0nlrol. GIANT CAPACITY $25,00 Delivers.-The Gift Thai Keeps Second & Cote & Valley Ap t~!}i$[:i [:: ::: ~. ]: The MARK VIII 4VF40 ~eries To ( An All Electric Gooking School Featuring Mrs. Betty Nelson, Itome Ecolmmist & itelen Brady Associate Wednesday, December 9 -- 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 10 --- 7:30 ll.m. to 9:30 p.m. P.U.D. 3 AUDITORIUM t Dozens of free prizes and a free rec!pe book for each person who attends. ,HIGH FIDELITY New Vista Stereo brings a high level of brilliance and realism to recorded and broadcast sound. The eight- speaker sound system includes two 12" "full frequency range" Diaphonic duo-cone speakers and six 3Vz" tweeL- ers for sound of transparent realism. Precision-builL 4-speed Studiomatic ,t, changer features the Feath' r ActTon Tone Arm that protects record grooves against audible needle scratch. Cus- tom 12-tube FM-AM-FM Stereo tuner for complete radio listening pleasure. For thrilling dimensions in recorded and broadcast sound, see and hear RCA Victor New Vista Stereo, / , Sponsored by MASON THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN SOUND COUNTY JACK COLE, president; TOM :E:B, :ce president, lls a ey Appliance Center ~ 426-4663 LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY ...... f'