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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PA E 10 ~: 7 " ii II I SkokomJsh Grange Members AfleM County lnstallahon l~y Mary Valley , SKOKOI(/fISI-t Among those atteuding the joint Grange In- stallation last Satu)'day ewming at Shelton Valley were My. and Mrs. George B~t)'kley, Mr. and ~rs. Bill Hunter) Mrs. Mary Htm- ter, Mrs. Velma Dock, Mrs: Clara Rosenberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Valley• Martin Auseth and his team conducted the ceremony in a very impressive maturer. :M~.. and Mrs. Chester Valley were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ~.nd Mrs. Ted Ferris in Olympia. Other dinner guests of the Ferris were Mrs. Sar'ah Lozier and Mrs. Marie Fish of Tumwater• Mrs. Loons Vaughn was the lucky winner of the Afghan which the Grange Ladies Club sponsored. The Womens Stewardship of the,Community ~hurch will meet this evening at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ida Johnson with a Christ- mas program and exchange of gifts. All the ladies of the Valley are cordially, invited to come and enjoy an evening of singing Christ. Inas Carols. The Skokomish Community Im- provement Club will meet Dec. 15 at 8 p.m. This will be a Christmas meeting with exchange of gifts and cold 'p()tluck'. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bearden called at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Cal- vin Gravatt Thursday evening. MISS EDITH Johnson drove to Burns, Ore., where she visited Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Hepner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kortntk of Bellevue spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Barkley. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lannin'g vis- ited Mrs. Charlie Dahlmm~ who is confined in the Shelton Clinic t" t" Club Plans r O 4'U.n L Hoodsport Students Tour Christmas Vy [U[IU5[t UIJl|t [ [l l]d Tree Yard On John's Prairie Last Week By Frances Carlo I Mrs. S. Josephine (Josie) Peter-lloodsport School -- Students in [ being used b the ei 'hth 'ride LILLIWAUP ....... Friday evening l son left Monday for Shelton, where Mrs. McKinney's, Mrs. Bryant's, late taken flYm the g~00 g, ords Dec. 11 is the monthly pothmklshe will stay for a~hile in the and Mrs. Moore's classes spent [most frequently misspelled in the supper, business meeting and pin-[Shelton M:mor Nursing Home. Friday morning touring the h:irklschools and (~olleges throughout ochle night for members and J Mrs Mattie Backhmd retnrned Christmas tree yard at John's]the country and thelefme me ]lot friends of tile Lilliwaup Commun-]early' iast week from an ovei'-hol- Prairie. The group was escorte(llan' easy ta[~k. lily v,:ii ,:ith ,,.,: by M,'si t Tile ninth grade tea,. • e.c potlnck' ' ' the]PortSOns ~tanley ant ~o/) ~mim in , ' • p, an anntl tI i • ' " on th s~ . • " "'~ '" ~ , . . • s shaping up into & wel balanced occasions as Angeles affair, will be taken early next]te,ml Their onno .... *, ~) ..... ~,~ ~, variety of interesting dishes has[ ..... wo~l, hv ~r,.~ .~h,,lm'o ~,:~ ~a,~ I .... vv ....... ~ s .......... e- a')-¢ai(-t "- o-" :- .' . * ': ~ Frosty nights anti mornings --'~",",' 7:" 7a .......... .2,' ..... W'•%lwar'e!The seventh and eighth ' t t~ ~t to g' llrrnel; palates ano . • " HimeDaugn s classes title NC|IOO • . . -.-~,m,,~ .;, ........ ,..,.,~... ~ [have failed to daunt a rank and . .... ". .. " :' .~. . '' [grade team m be~]nmng to sho~ ~e .... ~ ........... my ...,~.anges ot white "~ladiola that is*1 lo() winters wren to umna t;myton For- somo ,-~ ...... ,~. r .... : .... z eclpes. • " r . , . rier who makes tile tri ossible• • • . ....... for the secondtune at~ a rf]eld s ....... P .P '. difficulty getting around a basket- b..~lpePer.~s servefl at b.p.m.; tn.e [Resort. Mrs. Warfield cut the plant ~:~!l gl~ts each. cross ~v,tn u~fn'/b.tlI eou~'t ill the years to come. ' u u e s ls at ~ p.m an(] inocnle . LV[L(iILIoHal t.JlrlSLnlas u'ee Mrs. ' . -Is ............. " ' - ~ P ~" ' "r J back, as she did her dahha plants, c~ ,- ~ ........ '- . / What: the (,iris are l)omg -- p yn~N comnlences a~ ~ p.m. l~rl- |but if has -" ..... ,P ~',-~- ---* ~.-~ ,~ 'ao£u e~vey ot tne tiooosport n-~,~,. ......... , .... , .... :__ ..,_..^ zes are awaroed cud refreshments[hoe,, l~l,~)m-'-- ~ , ,h .... • .... ,~, teacnlng sJ, ali nnoerwent tuileries,, ¢~.^ ~x^,~.^.,_ ,~,--:-,.--.o ~,.. • ~" e to the card players at the [Nature is no* o-l,, ":~ ..... ~" ~, , surgery at Chmc Hospital on Tues- ] to h~, ~, r~,, ~ -m,~ m ..... m c~Oi~vi~)fd th;., ev::~ng: The pub!~f/courageous' we often think when ~ia~ M,:_Av.e.y.tell.s ujs she is g)et: /be prese.nted jointly by the Girl's • ~z ~z~*~*ttt_t o*zLt~, wlt,)t~$t LItl~ ~, ] t ll~ ~JOIL~ Vel'y IllCely LVLI'S 13i. • . '. ...." / e .see t~e struggle plans make ..... .; . .' . -. , [Leagt e and the Home Economms (omrnl mty alfan' • t~ryant ot tiooosport is suostiu t- . , . • ' ]even against odds m order to sur- in f "" . " .. ".2' " .. ]classes. The girls entertainment Lililwaup women were among]rive. ~rgatt°rcl~mvos: A vey. ~vtrs. tseramme ]will include a skit taken from tile members of the Hood Canal Gar-| MR. AND MRS. HAIIRY Jen- ood 'movieI nu?eentS~'l°~':~lt~x vte:(Y ]fi,'st chapter of the Little Women. den. Club who displayed some of]sen of Bellevue were weekend gay; a talk o I "- ~ t . ]The girls are also in the process their Christmas gift handicraft at ]guests at Beacon Point Resort. g , . ._ I the proper care oI[ of making Christmas gifts for the Dec. $ meeting of the gToup, t There was a happy family om teetn. J the mothers to be given to them r~oted were the novelty ornamen- [Thanksgiving ~athering at the re- Third Gmule -- The boys won |at the tea tal.l.~ey rings and.decorative pin-/sort' iucludi'ng" Mrs. I~ulu Smith, ihe tooth brushing contest in Mrs.~ All the Jm]ior High girls are cusmons maoe ~y .M. rs. :Larl Scho-[her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. ~3onolms room. Now they are dPitching to aid Virginia Mayte enoerge!'; the a~.'tistm copper work |and Mrs. Harry Smith; Mrs. Har- starung a 'new contest, hoping, I who was left with only the clothes in plan~ containers and frmnediry Smith's sister Mrs Rae Og~ of mayt)e that the girls can defeat I,.he was wearin~ to school as the pictures, made by Mrs. W. A. Le- |~v:anconve~, " and' res'o;'t residents the boys next time. Work is start- ] ~Iayte house burned to the' ground imbaclL and dainty gift ap~'ons|Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Morris ingon a.simple Christmas program Blast week.\ Another disaster to maoe oy ~ars. zoo Sceva ano mrs. |and son, Sloven and daughter, ~o oe g'wen ~y the Kindergarten [ strike our school personnel was Leimback. ]Susan. Mrs. Morris is a grand- andoo~Upils of Hoodsport Primary [the loss due to a slide of the house Christmas favors for the trays |daughter of Mrs. Luhl Smith. . . "he.exact date will be an- ~ belonging to Mrs, Miller, our lib- : nouneed late~ ~anta Claus has zarian of patients in the Shelton Manor~ "Sandy", daul, hter of Mr. and '. i " ' . Nursing home and for children ofMrs. Frank Emmst Smith of Lil- been !nvited to be present. Follow- Lower SkokDmi.',dt -- As has ~ mg tne program eacn room will b e the Rogers school were made by ltwaup, is to be ins flied Friday h " ' , ' e n stated before the fifth and or e Be ave a pmty and exchan e lfts the members, night as Rec d r for thel No. " ' g g' • sixth grade has bect~ ~orking hare They also filled tiny stockings 37, Job's Daughters, ~t their in- S~econd Grade -- Judy Wiliams on multiplication tables. There are Hospital Sunday afternoon. The only meeting of Skokomish Grange this month will be this Fri- day evening. A 6:30 p.m. dinner will start the evening off. After a short business meeting at 8 p.m. there will be a Christmas Dec. 19, at which they jointly en- party and exchange of gifts. It Is terrain husbands and families hoped.., there will be a nice turn- with a potinck dinner. Each club °ULuneheon guests of Mrs Bev caM(furnishes roast turkey for the oc- • ' ~ ' " ~ , on. Lyman Monday were Mrs Marian . . , ', ,~.: . . This was the last meeting of the Peaerson ana granason ~lcKy rio- club until Jan ~arrd,," Gwynne H,aigh, and Mrs. Matti~; Backlund and Mrs, watnezme Aznlagost oz ~nei , "" "" ' " " " George Moake are hostessing Eli- t0~: ....... not' Chapter Past Matrons Chlb at . we are nappy to z:eport tnat the Lilliwaup Community Hall in ~wrs. Alice wrossan m nome after Lilliwaun Dec 16 at 1 n m spending several weeks in tile .. ~, ~ :2 ~ ' ~. ~'" "._ ..... "" '.._ ._ :_ . " ~vtrs. LJ.LCK ~cnauner, premoen~, ~neiton ~enerai ~ospltal flue to a will conduct the business meeting, car aCCl(len~ . _. *.. . . which will be followed by initia- ~vtrs. ~oa Jonnson mace a ous- tion of new members iness trip to Tacoma Monday and .... " ..... ........... Au memoers are asKea ~o ormg also vislum With mr. ana mrs. ........... old, discarded jewelry, wide-mouth -z%orlald oonnson aI: iVlll[On. =K .......... ,._...~L ^_., ,:.~_ ,__ A new 4-H club has been form-i ...... " ........ making of table favors for the eam tno ~KOK01nIBn Valley. J.I: next Kitsch-Mason district meet is a horse project club and ls ...(2 * "- - " named The Valley Varquem~'. Travel talk 'was uppermost in The club has 10 members, Ben- di --e "c) r t" "'" - • - ..... : ..... an r c nve sa mn weanesaay Randy Linder, Beth Ann Robbins, ~'"~=~'.'k~,"~,."~'~,,"~'h" ,.,~"'o'~,,~-,7"~.~- Jamie Smlth, ArUe and Even Tel- ._.~,t,,~'~.~_~ .~_ .., ~_. -- . • _ . ~ , tut'l~t~tt Lr~V~.tUF~, LVLY. ~tllU £¥ky~. 2~_r- tel, and Cuz t ano Jayne Hu~tez "' " • • chie Calahan of Hoodsport, and Officers are Beth Ann Robbins some friends who are planning a president; Jamie Smith, vice pres- winter vacation trip. Guests in- ident; Curt Hunter, secretary, and eluded Mrs. Florence Ross, mother Randy Linder, reporter, of Mrs. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Allie Mrs. Jim Hunter is leader with W. Robinson and Mrs. Zoe Sceva, Artie Tozied as junior leader. ,who, with other friends, leave The club has had four meetings, in late Feb~mT on a tour to Activities planned inclutde trail Australia. rides and camp-outs. NEW RESIDENTS on Indian Beach are Mr. and Mrs. Tim O~'Neal, who will occupy the Col- lins property, recently vacated by with Christmas candy, They work-I ed like gnomes, but instead of "whistling" while they worked, they sang Yuletide carols, with Mrs. Jim Reeder at the piano. Mrs, Zoe Sceva presented a scrap- book she had made to send to the Washington Children's Home. GARDEN CLUB members will perform their traditional task of decorating the Potlatch clubhouse for the Christmas meeting of the Hood Canal Woman's Club, Dec. 17, and for the Christmas party the Don Joersz family. O'Neal, just separated from the Army Air Force, will be employed at the Hoodsport Ranger Station. He is a brother of Jim O'Neal, also a new resident of Indian Beach• Weekend guests at the Carl Hansen home at Ayock Beach af- ter Thanksgiving were Mrs. Han- Hen's brothers, Charles and Larry Witham, and their wives from Se- attle. A nephew', Charles Witham, Mrs. Witham and three children were ga~ests of the Hanscns last weekend. mrsday, Deeom c nun' The lean-cut Lee-Pr st "Contro IV" above comes out of the dryer like ordinary slacks come off the ironing board. Do your ward- robe a favor. Come in and see the entire lineup of new permanent press Leesuresl 6 ILY $6.95 • LEESURES® BY LEE ,lJ' !', I ' ' ,, 14 '1 %._ / stallation in Shelton. Gathering greenery for holiday decorating, was the objective of a Sunday trip to Lilliwaup by Mr. and Mrs. Pimlaont ,Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson of Tacoma. Mrs. Frank Robinson ser- ved dessert to the group when they stopped for an aftemaoon vis- it with her and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Catto. Holiday ~each clubhouse will be the scene of 'the annual Christ- mas party given by Tiny Tim Or- was the lucky winner of the tur- key. The turkey is a giant paper bird "feathered" by each member of the class. Gary Wilbut from Chinook and Ricky Michler from Olympia are recent transfers to the Second grade at Hoodsport. Phillip Arkin is presently home nursing an unpleasant case Of mumps. Second graders, Marie Ra- gin, Mary Rubert and Jack Jen- sen axe among many Hood Canal .~tudents who are becoming bud- ding authors. Their stories and now only three that have no1 passed the speed test with a satis- factory grade which means they were given only 15 seconds for an answer and they had to have a grade of 80 or .better. The re- maining three are very close to passing. ! Elects I!is 0ffmrs ooo, ,' v. h .' " ' : " '" ~ '.'~. Tv, o, de- TO DO t~lTI4 rr~ok)E,{ |~ Sog~VI~s~;;Ek,~ K~l~:l:.l St~s ~,],~gnt(~rc;)/~l:~bn,~.e,ta dg.iven' Linda -'---'-~----------~ OtO~ ehlb nleeting was ]leld at %¥alti]~ains gave a d('nl°nstrati°n °n ! ~~'-"~ "1~~~~-~]~, ~-"~ 1 Election of officers was held. Mell gave a demonstration on veg- i Those e|ected are president, Lu-etables. .~ cille Magnett; vice pr~sident, Walt Mr and Mrs Fred Stuck last i~J I .,,,~ + ....... ~. ' r o,,'is,~ ~.,...' .,, --,,~S,mY attenoe(~ tne Eag~s Jooge 7:- [I ~ [, ,,'.~,~t.; ~,'caot¢**~. *', *.~ ... e ~Cltial(IL ill O]vlnDia and reporter, Georgla Magnett. MIi'J,~-('itEEK What Nots 4-H The next meeting willbe imldelub met at ,lira Stones' last wee.t(. ~i~'. t"@~4//I-! at t!~e .George Magnett's Jan. 5. Renee Simpson gave the flag' sa- "~~ Pacific zone banquet for Westernlute and 4-tt pledge. Curt Snyder Dee. 12 at Cloquallum Grange hallmake a gunrack and Dorothy Gun- and the Silver Stars and Bell Rid- ter gave a demonstration on how ors are co-hostesses. Music will to make artificial flowers out of be furn'.'shed by Walt Allen's. ribbon. Club members drew names Rewards and trophys will be for Chrigtmas and are having n awarded. The Max Schmidt's Jr C~rishnas party Dec. 16 which will George Magnetts and Ralph Bar" be ch held at Dorothy ?unters. 4-H AVOID A001DEN iekmans are on the decorating:zub membel~s are ha)ing apa~'ty committee l~ec. ],'~ at tne uapitol riih cm~ Dangerous We'a" Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Fred In!use. Stuck, Myrtle Swearingen. Flo- Spending the weekend with Mr. driving time ishe rence Marler and Bertha Johnson, and Mrs. Fred Stuck was their attended the Eaffles Lodge mid- grandson Vic McCauley of Hoq- SO come in & let: winter conference at Chehalis. niam. t ' Mr ..... and Mrs Don Clark and Mr Fern Leaves, '~-m ....... clue met at check your and Mrs. Lloyd Holtman and two IVh's Ra~,~ r~ r. ~,,~.~,, ~,.,.^ brake system. danghters Sun ay visited Mr and led the fla'- 1 ..... - " • -~ " , .. ." ~ - E sa tile. q-rl melnDers MIS Dave t ogers ant-l iamlly oI de , , , , . v ..... cided to have '~ s~imming party ,.s..e. c. GeI Yol ........ l~tl ..... hzlstmas. Sandy Mell gave Vl,.~l'l'lff~O £ ano Mrs Free a demonstza'ion o - - " . " ~' ". ' " t n now to pre- Stuck Thursoav was their grano-"ale a -z e ...... " . " v ' g 'ap.II'Ul~, Joan Ausetn son Johnny Hubbard who has been ~ave a dem ......... ^--- selwing in Viet Nam and Thurs- v.S,a..s to fini UnsLratlon Oil __.~t~tlt • . ' , . .v sa a seam an(~ ,~inoa say dinneT gues~ of Mr an~ mrs s .... Auseth gave a demonstration on Fred Stuck was Glen Gardner of defferent kinds of fabric. Robin Mesa, Ariz. Bakke adjounaed the meeting and Live Wires 4-H club met Wed- nesday at the Southside school. Members discussed selling Christ- runs napkins g~nd will be selling them downtown. Live Wire are having their Christmas party at Sally Wolf's Dec. 12, it will be a. hmcheon and each 4-H girl is go-i refreshments were served by Shei- l't Holtorf. Guests of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Stuck Sunday for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stuck. We pardon as long as we love• ---La Rochefoucauld You Should Know... ,C-L i N T W I L L 0 U R In his NOW IS THE for your car's WINTER All work guaranteed, work on any make model at reasonable thopedic Guild Dec. 19. The affair many others of the district ap- will be a dancing party, with pear every month in the school members each inviting one guest i paper, the 'Hood Canal Hilites'. NEW OFFICE QUARTERS couple. Mrs. Wallace Smith of Lil- Hood Canal Junior Iti~h --- 8tl, iwaup heads the guild and Mrs. Grade --- Mr. Fellstrom w~'as quite I | ~ HlfliF~'ill 'l~li~ _~ /~lCK ~lmmons Or rlooaspoz't is pleased with the results of the t=~=:=, "'.w'u=."."~ v=. . ~.~k~rb~m *t chairman for the party, latestspelling test. Wart~en Ed ........ ~ w,th H=mhe Realty) , ,~I,, .~ ~ inger,William Essex, Darleen 4~O.~ZOS une may go wrong in many dif- Gray, Kathy Province, Jimmy d/W MA?I~MAL, i~ ierent ways, out right only in one. Reekter, David Robbins all received Ph 426 81-~9 7 .......... ---- llltli~l~ --Aristotle a perfect score. The spelling lists ' " " ~,i[not~lt~ f¢~~ ~ mm~mm~mim u =mmmm=mm= '.~. =1 ~ mm=~w=lP ......... . ,. ..... .,. . , ......... . ..... ........... .................... ................. .,. ........ ,.. ,. ............. .... .----V---. ..... .... } ~ "': ....... : • " .., ,~..'.': ..... , ". .... '":':"'.. . ". 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