December 10, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 10, 1964 |
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l, December 10, 1964
;on Harstine this week
~e seems to be recuper-
ra the glutenous binge,
taksgiving. Now, getting
back in order after the
°," . ~° • , ~ , . ,c()nl,
: --- Things are ra- mitres to ~mlctmm°latelnJanu
ary. It is vigorously anticipated
that a concrete plan can bc pre-
~entcd then. In the meantime, in-
dividuals throughout Mason Coun-
ty and any other tax payers on
;of company have re- Harr~tine, should call on Auseth
the mainland, freqnently.
hopping in town this
et Phil Murphy, Secre-
~er of the Simlton
~f Commerce.I asked
the Chamber is doing
bridge to Harstine. I
st now they are busy
the formation of the
!trict. This task will go
~me time, however, any-
ted in the bridge should
DEC. 1 MRS. JOIIN Budd and
]~l"rs. Jim McAuliffe spent the
day in Tacoma as did Gene Se-
ward. On that same day Mrs.
Nels Baunsgaard and Mrs. Jim
Lohrer attended St. Johns Epis-
copal church bazaar and hmcheon
in Olympia.
It has been decided that the
December meeting of the Harstine
Island Social Club will be a pot-
luck supper. A committee has
been calling about food for the
affair, and if you have not been
called, it is suggested that you
contact Mrs. Tom Tierney. The
Hall will be decorated for Christ-
mrs 'by that time, so the meeting
will be a real Christmas party.
Mesdames Emil Anderson, Ernie
Chamber of Commerce
Paul Chaffs; Treasurer, Hugo A. from $4.50 to $5.00. The next
Glaser; secrehu'y, Dorothy Chap-meeting will be held at the Har-
man; gate keeper, John ]3udd; st|he Hall on l)ec. 12 at 6:30
Ceres, Carmen Yales; Pomnn'L ~p.m., a turkey dinner for the
Alice l?,udd; Vlora, 1)onnett Giaser; members. It is a Christmas party
lady assistant steward, Zehla and gifts will be exchanged.
St):eckenbach; executive commit- VCE NOTED that our County
i eenmn, 3-year-term, Paul Chaffee; road equipment was recently ,o~I
home cco'nmuics, Beulah tliteh- the Ishtnd, cutting brush t~long
coal( and musi(fian, Celia Giaser. tile sitles of roads. \Ve hope they
Other news from this meeting eome back again soon, and fill a
was th"~t dues were increase(I few chtlck holes here and there
b building and plan with
[o get our problem on
Ltttee should be appoint-
his. Prior to this, it was
we confer with the
nmissioners to find out
as and obtain facts to
the Shelton business-
:Chamber meeting. Just
lminary, I called on the
]0mmissioners to see if
!have been made since
~d at the commissioners
JUst in time for the 10
C,~onda and Gunnar Johnson, spent
Friday in Shelton shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hitchcock
:left on their annual trip South
last Friday. They plan a leisurely
trip to Yuma, Ariz., where they
will stay for an extended visit.
Mrs. Toge McQuillin spent last
ilng and found them at weekend visiting her sisters, Ger-
attentive to my inquiry, trude Ziegler and Thora Seward•
[artin Auseth, most cord- ~ During the visit they all called at
~operative. He explained the home of Jim McAuliffe. I
ans are open and possible [ A group of Islanders will go to
he vote. He is working I Olympia Saturday afternoon to at-
al angles and will never ] tend Open House at the new home~
Until we have a bridge to[of Dick and Marlene Seward near
He resents as most of|Gull Harbor.
tYers do having money Dec. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A.
a doomed ship. Auseth Glaser celebrated their 47th wed-
that the Harstine Isla~nd ding anniversary. The Glasers
t ce Repairs ----1 Floor Coverings
[:Refers.-Washers - etc.I i . Linoleum
fMake - Any Model | . Tile
,.~teed Satisfaction | , Carpeting
. Fol~nlca
~Varren Refrigeration | REX FLOOR COVERING
I~ota 426-2445 [ Mt. View Ph. 426.2292
- i u i
Pert Installation
lallroad Ph. 426-8231
• Safety check
• Clean-up
• Minor & major repairs
Sales & Service
514 Ell|nor 426-4673
L i
, Landscaping
~aked Bread - Cakes - [ , Lawns, rockeries, trees [
basts - Rolls - Buns - | shrubs |
~tom Baked Cakes | . Top soil, tilling, leveling
HI'S BAKERY [ . Free estimates [
L 426.3179 , IHerbert Baze 426-4718 I
i13,l ~.~,~ ~i
, l ntal Service
ete Hair Care Almost Anything Anywhere
Norman Cosmetics Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps
demonstrations) Folding Banquet Tables
~ne's Beauty Salon & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc.
~urel 426-4582 2216 E. 4th Olympia 357-7731
Salon Sand, Gravel
~Pslete Beauty Care |l , Top Soil
, gs By Appointment |
~er New Ownership [ I , Peat Soil
• Custom Tractor Work
:n~astown Beauty Salon | [ Johns Creek Sand & Gravel
' 4th 426-4783 I I 426-3552 Norm Anderson
iZ?::c ' Operator Sewing Machine
e • Sales, Service Rentals
~reenWalt , New and Used
. E. Cascade , Free Pickup & Delivery
Singer Sewing Center
Phone 426-8550 117 5th Ave. East -Olympla
Ph. 357-7586
)castor l.' Ski Equipment _
vYanklin Street I
~lle 426-8060 I I Bikes - New and Used
I1 2-6 closed Thurs. | I 223 Cots 426-8118
'1 i • II I IIII ~ -iii1|111 I I '
Serwces , Tire Service=,, _
~r Service ]
~o Wall Carpet | [ . New OK Tires
& Upholstery | [ ~ Recapping
*ete Line Of Suppliesl [ , Used
4th Olympia 352-1367
, II Mr. View Ph. 426-4832
Travel .....
lena Rubinstein cos- I I , Air - Rail : ,Steamship
| • No Extra Charge For
~riptions [ • Bus - Hotels - Tours
, "Allergic Cosmetics [ I our Service -
~IL's PHARMACY | I Angle Travel Res. Center
eanklin Ph. 426-3327 [ [ 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272
~.~ , , ~ 426-4134
it banks.Morse Pumps [ TV Service ,
~.t~e Heating I [ • Radio- TV
~tinghouse Appliances I [ • Phonographs
:~ON ELECTRIC CO. | [ . CB 2-way radio
Ph, 426-6 63 1 | LER:OY'S TV SERVlCE
IMr. V,ew Ph. 4 .3172
"" Holiday
nloved to t-Iarstine in 1919 and at the home. of Hugo A. Ghtser
have lived he~,e continuously., since. I Nov, 27. Officers for 19(~5 were
Congratulations, to the Glqsers, lelected, they are: Hugo V. (Bud)
we are looking forward io that I Glaser, elected for the fourth year;
golden anniversary when every-[ Overseer Ghmn Yates; lech|rcr,
one on Harstine willg,ttherat{ .... '_. ~. " ~a~d "" "•"
• / ~orol.ny lYtrn('tt; ~1.e ' ' C W
your home~ " ¢ " ' ' '
• • / Streckenbach; asmstant steward,
The Harstine Island Grange met/John Hi~chcoek" chaplain, Mrs.
Eat Better
for Less
at Tradewell
I I I I iii
lilii Ill i ,t ,, ,am=
Shoulder Picnic Cut
Serve it with delicious hot baker!
Red Rome Apples (Amerflcas best
cooking apple). A hearty winter
time meal!
I U.S.D.A. Choice Shoulder Cut U.S. Choice Beef
Lamb Roast..., Ib, 43c Rib Steaks...,. lb. 89c
Boneless SHOULDER - Butt Cut Blade CUt - SHOULDER
Pork Roast... lb. 49c Pork Steaks... lb. 49c
Wilson's "Korn King Brand" U.S. Choice SHOULDER
Blade & Round Bone Cut
Slked Bacon.., lb. 49c
Rath's Skinless - 12 oz. Pkg.
Wieners.... Ea, 39c
Lamb Steaks... lb. 59c
Pure Freshly Ground & Seasoned
Pork Sausage... lb. 39c
any attention is appreciated.
Under the heading of Ferry
Tales, this week, we have a good
one !
Friday 'night my husband and Istarted back for the Island• It
I lined up for the 9 p.m. ferryI occured to me they were having
:n the mainland. One other car trouble seeing the landing, so I
was in line. :In il was ~r. Herb- jumped into the car and turned
err Hart]ey of Tacoma, who owns
a home just south of the ferry on my lights, where upon, Ferry
landing. His guest was a I)r. Long turned again and came to shore.
from Oklahoma City, who had
never v,isited Harstine before. We
all visited while waiting for the
ferry to come over. It came, turn-
ed in a swish, did not land, and
"k Breast
"k Thighs
"k Drumsticks
Wings .... lb. 25¢
Necks &:
Backs ...... lb. 10¢
U.S. Choice i~lb Cut Fresh Washington Grown
Lamb Chops..... lb. 79c Cal-@ Fryers.... lb. 39c
Yellow Cling 21/'2 Tin
No. t/2 Tin
Darigold - .Cubes
Delux 2y2 Tin
Bartlett Halves 303 Tin
46 oz. Tin
Whole Peeled or Halves
Unpeeled, 303 Tin
Tiny Green 303 Tin
--Your Choice---
Soap or "D"
Gravenstein 303 Tin
White 2p'z Tin
3 Sieve 30~J Tin
2~,~ Tin
Stewed, Solid Pack or
Small Whole, 303 Tin
--Your Choice--
Extra Large - Extra Sweet
and Juicy
Red 303 Tin
Creamed or Whole
Kernel, 303 Tin
Whole Kernel - Vacuum
,Pack, 12 oz. Tin
3 Sieve Cut or French
Sliced, 303 Tin
Diced or Shoestring, 303 Tin
2~/z Tin
--Your Choice--
Rome Apples
Extra Fancy Reds... Celery Cucumbers
Best for Fresh-n-Crisp Long Long Green Fldrida
Apples 2 LBS. ,~-,.~-
Calif. Green 9¢
Stalks .... Ea.1
,or 25¢
Prices effective thru Sat., Dec. 12, 1964. No sale to Dealers.
Reserve right to limit quantity. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.
LRepairing ----- TV Service ,
'~W Hamilto~ & I
,~Ldova Watches I Fast and Guaranteed GA L.
~YPes Jewelry Items I
TV and Radio Repairs
'."~ Jewelry Repairing I Antenna and Parts Service Bulk Pack
"~hwander Jeweler [ Armagost TV-RadIo Service
,," Boswell, Owner I 1919 King St. (Mt. View)
"lOad 426-6182 I 426-4342
[ .mee me ma v et em¢
Pamng " " ,-, 9 INCH SKILLET e nn
• " Printing •
Overhauls I • =us.t, Work' 11115 e • BeautifulANCHOR HOCK,NG -
~:~e'lg~ ~ qll o, A,I-Ki.d, II~i ,,, ., Jpeoai COOKWARE ONLY .'1
"~1 Wlnterl~ I I THE JOURNAL yveel($ st., to.eo o,et
ED'8 SERVICE I '227 Cots .......... Phone 426 4412 ii~ll your set for tne Hell(lays ~
Phone 426.4412 I ~i~]l~R~~l~~~l~ltl~t~t~Ng~l~}~%IV41~~~~=