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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December i i ll| i i PAGE 12 i,i ii i il I i Benefit Slated £niedainment Terrific Music by The Banjo King Trio Bennle plays many instruments Ind all requests, accompanied b) MARTHA & GENE FLEMING Members Only In January By Salty Sashayers Dance Club The Salty Sashayers Square Dance Club is planning a dance to honor one of its members, Mrs. !Harold Brown, who has been ill for the past few months. Club i callers, Bennic Berndson and Bell :Forbes, will call for the dance !which is to be held Jan. 23 in the Bordeaux school gym. Anyone wishing to share in this worthy cause can contact any club member or get a ticket from Mrs. Carl Downing at Himlie Realty, 116 North Second St. A ticket will admit those who do not dance as a spectator. Ben Forbes will call for the reguhtr club dance this Saturday night in the Memorial Hall. Danc- tng will begin at. 8:30 p.m.p.m. followed by a potluck supper at 11:30 p.m. Hosts for the evening will be Mr. and Mrs, Ron Gosser and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grun- art. A special invitation is ex- tended to anyone wishing to at- i tend as a spectator. gzve more than "l"us sto&ings"... give ULTRASON stockings by B E RKS HIRE i" Give her something extra. Extra softness that feels like silk. Extra beauty without the shine of regular nylon. Extra,flattering fiL And the practical benefits of extra wear. Give the first dockings fashioned with sound waves--Ultrasons ! $I.65 a pair gift boxed Third & Railroad Events Society Editor Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412 PEP AND RETA CARTE are synonymous. She is a member of the Shelton High sch,ool Pep Staff, teaches dancing and is active in Rainbow and the Episcopal church. Last summer she attended Girls' State and Pep Staff Conference as a representative of her school. A variet~ of interests make up Interests outside of school are the life of Shelton High school Rainbow and he'r church. She is senior, Beta Carte. Each of her l interests have one definite trend-- they require pep, whether she is i performing her duties as a mem- beret the SHS Pep Staff or teach- ing young girls dancing lessons. Reta's active interest in her school earned her a trip to Girls' State and Pep Staff conference last summer. She was selected as a Homecoming Princess this fall. Other activities include Pep Club, Board of Control and Honor So- ciety. Your Choice of @ Regular Rubber • Nut Shell • New Scasson Stud aS Rauscher's 2226 Olympic Hwy. No. a member of the Episcopal Youth Club and teaches the first graders' Sunday school class. She is Wor- thy Associate Advisor of Rainbow and past DeMolay Senior Princess. The main love of her life is dancing. She still takes dancing lessons herself and has joined with two friends in giving lessons to youngsters. Other spare time inter- ets include sewing, reading, snow skiing and swimming. Third year o£ French, physics, civics, literature and composition plus student teaching in trigonom- etry are Reta's subjects this year. She is also an office worker. Her tuturc after high school is still in the planning stage. She will attend college but has not decided where or what her major will be~ Rata is 5'6" tall, has blue eyes and is a brunette. She was born in Tacoma June 26, 1947 to Dr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Carte and came to Shelton when she was five years old. She will be the 3rd mem- ber- of the family to graduate from SHS in the same npmber of years, brothers Mike and Tim having pre- ceded her. A sister, Kris, nine years old, completes the family. GARDEN CLUB PARTY Mrs. Harry Deegan will host the Shelton Garden Chlb at 1:30 p.m. next Monday for the annual Christmas party and gift ex- change. Tea hostesses will be Mrs. Percy Kennerly and Mrs. Frank Travis, Sr. ~J They're in our showroom now-ready for you to see and drive. So come on in and get the full story on the beautiful new Chevrolets for '65. ..... ~ ~ ..... • ~lmiul ~~: i~~ fit's a Ionger, Iowa,', wider, roommr," road. And even that'll seem newer. quieter, handsomer, swankier kind Because now Chevrolet's Jet- of ChevroleL Tact is, just abou~ smooth ride is smoother than ever. evorything's new righ down to the .4 d wdre itching to show it off. And up to 180 hp avMlable in the new Cersas. Where do you find ou(; about this firsthand? Just follow the enthusiasts--to our showroom, It's a rac;er IooMng, qulcIrer steer- ing, flatter cornering, roomier riding kind of Corvair for '65. With a long% wider new Body by Fi Mr. TURNER BE INSTALLED BY TERRI TURNER [ ' More to see, more to try the cars more people buy Choose a new Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy Corvair or Corvette now at your dealer's 1ST & GROVE SHELTON 426-4426 A public installation of officers and the choir, Bethel No. 37, In- installation and will be assisted ternational Order of Job's Daugh- by past honored queens from Be- ters, will be held at 8 p.m. Friday thel No. 37 and Aberdeen No. 55. in the Masonic Temple. Terri Tur- Refreshments will be served at net, who will be installed as honor- a reception afterwards with a ed queen, has chosen "Circle of dance to follow. Faith" for her theme. Other elected officers to take part in the installation are Jan Powell, St., princess; Cindy Bead, Jr. princess; Diane Turner, guide; and Candy Joslin, marshal. Appointed officers include Joyce Powell, chaplain; Sandi Smith, re- corder; Darlene Gray, treasurer; Lurene Hulbert, librarian; Pare Mil~er, musician. Yvonne Van Laanan, first messenger; Vickie Pierce, second messenger; Holly Scott, third mes- senger; Aleca Rl.~ddcll, fourth mes- senger;Sandee Koch, fifth mes- senger;Becky Holland, inner ~uard; Loreah S,cljestad, outer guard; Nancy Swanson, Jr. custo- dian; and Meridee Anderson, Sr. Custodian. .~, Choir members include Jill SeN jestad, Janet Viger, Cheryl Cow- an, Louise Kostin, Barb Wolfe, Kim Michaels. Cyndy Russell, Don- na Reed, I~inda Pot~cr,. Susan Speece, Sharon Watters, Ramona Werner, Lawrie Godwin and Jean Davis. Outgoing honored queen, Marc- ia Dorcy, will preside over the TICKET DEADLINE SET BY GOLF CLUB A New Year's Eve Dance has been scheduled by the Shelton Golf Club. Dancing will be to taped music with tickets at $3 per cou- ple. The deadline for I)ieking up tickets at McComb Business Ser- vice has been set for Dec. 21. WOMEN'S BO~VLING ASSOCIATION MEErrlNG The Women's City Bowling As- sociation Pre-tournament meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. next Wed- nesday in the PUD auditorimn. D H¢ HELTON GRANGE MUSIC BY THE TUNE 1---"----" Nothing quite so this Hoefler's box of creamy chocolate-covered Bite into a PlUmp California walnut floating in rich Jamai; buttercream, ~hey're in a class by themselves!.., from original 1898 recipe in the favorite San Francisco Car package, One of many unique Hoefler'a ass¢ Third & Railroad WCTU Yule Party Held Last Friday At Mrs. Turner's A beautiful Noble Fir Christ- mas tree was the center of at- ~i~::i:!:!:::ii:i~;i:: noonChristmastraction when the Woman'Sian TemperanCein the party homelaSt Union ofFriday Mrs.held Christ- David after-its ~iiill !i~i~ ..................... i::ii~iii!i!ili::iiiii::!ii::ili}' :7 rrurner. Yule decorations were us- ed throughout the room. ' The afternoon devotions were given by' Mrs. Arvilla Wiley and Mrs. Nell Eads. Mrs. Nena Roberts gave the program. During the bus- iness meeting the group voted to send $5 to the 40 and 8-Journal Christmas fund. Christmas greeting cards were i~ ~ ! signed by all who were present for the Mesdames Olive Quartier, Car- rie Durand, Nine Bradberry~ Gla- i dys Rowe, L ila Znautz, Susie Dob- :ii::i~i!i !ii son, Hazel Barren and Susie Paul- .................................................... eYlvh's. Palmer Roberts and MissI ........ Marian Johnson distributed the ~~!~!!: Christmas gifts and assisted Mrs. Turner in serving the refresh- Past Matrons To eet Wednesday ,,, Elinor Chapter DES Past Mat- rons Club will meet at 1 p.m. next Wednesday in the Lilliwaup Com- ~mnity clubhouse in Lilliwaup. Mrs. George Moake and Mrs. Mat- tie Backlimd will be hostesses. Mrs. Addle Schauffler, president, will conduct the business meeting which will be followed by initiation of new members. All members me asked to bring discarded jewelry, wide mouth Kerr screw bands and lids for making of table favors for the ]ext Kitsap-Mason district meet- ing. PATRICK T. GUILD CHRISTMAS BAZAAR A Christmas ba:'~aar will be sponsored by the Patrick T. Orth- opedic Guild Friday and Saturday in the PUP auditorium. Every- thi]}g for Christmas in the line of decorations, gifts for all ages, home baked goods, and gift wrap- pad boxes will be on sale. ()PEN IIOUSE TO FETE 40 YEARS OF MAi~RIAGE An open house will be held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Itear- ing on ~heir 40th wedding anniver- sary Dee. 20 from 1-4 p.m. in the Matloek Grange Hall. An invitation is extended to their many friends. There will be a wishing well in place of gifts. Journal Want Ads Pay Choose your BULOVA now- while selections are complete! Avoid the Christmas rush! Shop now.., when our Watch Experts.= can help you choose the perfect gift-a Bulova. Just $1 holds your Bulova 'til Christmas. Visit us soon... and see our largest selection of gift-quality Bulova watches, Priced from $24.75. ; .......... ~All pflCes plus I~" $9.95 TIMEX WATCH FREE with purchase of any watch $39.95 & over Franklin Center Phone 426-328