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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 14 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December 2nd PRIZE: ' i CAMPBELL'S SWIFT'S 12 OZ, TIN 3rd PRIZE: POR ABLE T9 BONELESS BOSTON ,BUTTS POUND SEMI-BONELESS BLADE CUTS POUND OR BRAUNSCHWEIGER.,, ARMOUR'S STAR CHUNK POUND PEAS OR CORN, FROZEN 10 OZ. PKGS. SWANSON'S FROZEN DRUMSTIX OR THIGHS • ............................................... 1-LB, BOX MAXWELL HOUSE L B. 70¢ 2 LB. TIN FREE STINGRAY DE LUXE TOUR FOR TWO.. WORTH OVER $1,000.00 ..... 1ST PRIZE IN OUR SHOP- RITE ANNIVERSARY ..... No Obligation --- Nothing To Buy! Your Chances Are Good! BONUS PRIZE FROM SHOP-RITE NOTHING TO BUY . • . NO OBLIGATION . . . ONE FREE AT EACH STORE Dayton Ladies To Have ¢ Parly On Tuesda Dayton Ladies' Club V~lJi~[ its Christnas party Tlle~] ring aL 7:,,0 at Dayton I-Dilly} tosses will be Lois" Tihbit~t| ,v cs Nichols and Dorothy l~fltt There will be an exchange]l~'v and be, sure to rememU=l Claeer Sister. Names will 1~ • .2IilrIiTlglglgllllllggtTll;iBg[tglTlgtlTtTflHIp [ ed and new names drawn' =~.,~u=m,~.mR==t~,,,==~M~+ ~=~n _~=~0,~-~. ] coming year. ,', --. ~=I ~1 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ill III'S BAKERY four children are welcome ~ neighbors in the communll . ~T~ moved into the old Dend ~1 Applesauce Cake ~] in Little Egypt ValleYl! Benuls,.. doz. 39 weekend, ': =, Tho T, voling p..oc.I Cinnamon ~/was held Saturday evenill ---- . = ~1 home of Mr. and'Mrs. 1~ Uhunkms,, ea. 2-q High score winners ~= !" ~/ past year were the host sl .... ~i ess. "Special refrcshmentJ we l-laVe ~ sel'¢ed. Marian Booth aP ..... ~ Rayson were high prize wi~tl VllI|A I($1|d'~l ~ the evening, low went =,,I --vu~ m~.MnU ~ alld Charles Willis witll SERVEA PLAT , ~ ~ n ~= ' "= " ~ Pinochle to.Marg~mrite Le~ fit , ltOlAn iirand ~ Ed Valley. The next meet -- 1-, ..... =w.vwm ~ be Jml. 9 in the Sheltonl ton, accom'paniedMrs. WII _ Brown to Bremerton for ! IIJII]]IIIHI I||]]I B]I IIIi shopping: • Mrs. Clyde Norris of L0 SWANSON'S FROZEN' CHICKEN, BEEF OR TURKEY WELCH'S FROZEN EACH 8 OZ. PIES 6 ozl TINS PAN-READY . . . FRESH WASHINGTON GROWN . .. STRICTLY THE FINEST QUALITY AT SHOP-RITE 5-STAR FROZEN 7-OZ. BEEF OR VEAL .................... PKGS. CHUN KING FROZEN, SHRIMP OR CHICKEN CHOP SUEY OR SUKIYAKI ................................ EACH SWANSON'S FROZEN NO. 1 TIN WHITE KING GIANT BOX SCOOP V2 GAL. 59 DELICIA ~2 GAL. SUNNY JIM CREAMY OR CRUNCHY ............................................................. 18 OZ. JAR POUND PEANUT BUTTER PINEAPPLE SL,CES, CHUNKS OR MINTED CHUNKS ................................................ TINS JAGK,AND BEANSTALK .EAS CORN OR THE CUT GREEN B AN, 5 St ............................... TINS LARGE, PLUMP" FEDERAL'S .POUND PORK...OUR OWN BULK STYLE POUND PAN-READY ... HEAD OFF AND CLEANED...FLASH FROZEN POUND AA Large Ranch Fresh Dozell t FRESH FRYER PARTS... With Thighs POUND WIN6S .,. lb. 29 BACKS.., Ib, IO AND NECKS C & H Pure Cane Sugar From Hawaii 10 POUND SACK SHOP- RITE QT. BERRYLAND STRAWBERRY 40 OZ. JAR and Mrs. Allen Tibbits ~ S~tm'day from a three "a( in Evansville, Ark. They led there by the illness mother, Mrs, Jack Cushy, Recent dinner guests in ! lin Rickards home were Mrs. Kenneth Hatcher a~ MILK CA.NAT,ON DRY .................................................................................. 20 QUART BOX LIBBY CORN BEEF HASH 3 "o,. $1 ............................................................... TINS HESTLES QUIK COCOA .................................................................. ,.:... 1-LB. TiN HB¢ RITZ CRACKERS ......................................................... OUNCE PKG. 29 MACARONI MISSION ................................................................................ 1:LB. PKG. SNOW MIST TUNA CHUNK STYLE 2 '/2 .................................................... TINS ren of Arcadia. SUNDAY DINNER g and Mrs. Alvin Hul to celebrate his vere Jaydee Stroud and and Lm'ene Hulbert. Richard Woodall of I~i Pass spent the weekend Merlin Rickards family. Wednesday guests of Mr. and Todd were Mr. and MrS, Adams. Friday evening the had the Todds for dinner. Mrs. Howard Wilson @ Bill Johnson 'and childre! Wednesday callers in the Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloornll Motoring i.o Westport were Hr. and Mrs. where they visited witl~ Mrs. Albert Allen. Mrs. Arthur Stone Hitchings were Saturday guests, of Mt': and Mrs, Ric, kards. The Jeff and John now residing in the home ly occupied by the I~on rally. Satm'day evening Mr. a~ Pete Bloomfield and STY:,d~ Mr. & Mrs. J. Blomficld w~ Tnmwatcr to see the b l game between St. MarW "~Ve:;ten~ Montana. Belatt3d birthday Mrs. L, A. Todd who with band wcrc Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon celebrate. Mrs. Merlin Rickards Arthur Stone of Moab, with Mrs. Ruby Hitchings, for a sight seeing trip canal Tuesday. Wednesday evening Mrs. Hitchings and Mrs. son were dinner guests Rickards' home. Air Force Programs Explain Two special educattol~lJ WHITE KING rams are supported by,u~ L IQUIDQuART Force to keep its personne|;~ of scientific and technolOg'~i vancements. Techmeal sgt'~ 1 L Campbell Recruiter i~ ~i] VET'S REG, No. 1 Force enlistment office ~l OR LIVER Tins 4th Ave. in Olympia saidr~vat~ tion and commission'ing. | Hc explained Oper~ti0~,]l strap provides for active .~ Force members to conaPl | .................................... GIANT BOX quirements for a high sc~|~ loma or a college deg~'e~d~ MAXWELL HOUSE ~' officers and ai]~nen may %g off duty classes on camP~! ............................ 10 OUNCE JAR a school is located nea~,4 base", the Sgt. said som%~] i even conduct classes on o"'A SGT. CAMPBELI, poi~t~ the Air Force may paYS] EXTRA FANCY DELICIOUS 7~ percent of the tuitio, :,:l 0P: I such classes. When only "~ is required for a college~dl he declared, the member "~! assigned directly to a eol/~! continues to draw full V'l allowances. ~ ' Under the education a~ missioning program, Sgt. t.~ stated carefully selected a~,~'Pl ,(rive duty m:c assig~]ed • , iBr,. POUND ozeor mlivcrsity for u,,~,l; ,,ate study. After gradu~$1J atend Officer Training =~.;,;i~i three months and.are coPW] Ill r TEXAS j~_ ed second lieutenants. ,#J ,=, I PINK ........ ~ For More detailed informat~ cerning the Educational Fr~ ' ~ARRA~F SOLID HEADS may be obtained from s~l ~i,~*~,mm ............................ POUND beli by visiting him at ;~ ~I ' Ave., Olympia. /~ii Wl!h Aul0mahon Ex cry union nacmber,ft¢~'l c,mccr~aed about tlac c.~,ITI automation o~ his job '~';i~J tercsted in seeing'the "=d$*l mull television drama ~"~ m~(ler the auspices of tlv~ Mcanv Foundation, I)arr~~ "1~ pr(,sident of, the MaSO~ ',~'~'i L-ibor Conncil said th', ,P~ • , . , ,. er,, The television shOW, cOI~'~ "Balladof Isaac lind 'J~ ~f~ lwoadcasi over NBt;'~,| We Guarantee Everything --- Even Our Smile. Prices Effective Dec. 10-11-1.2. Limit Rights Reserved. New Hours 9 - 9 Mort. thru Sat. --- Sun. 10 - 7 work 1:30 pro. P%' program is incorporate .,~4 "Eternal Light' serieS, t~0! weekly Oil NBC-TV DYq~Y'~I istl "Theological Sc'la~10c~~ America. Check your ~ r~ schedules for ex']ci~ rinse pO¢ ! Station on Wh'ich this e :,I be broadcast Dee. _~,~"~ I !i .... i,