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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1964
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December 10, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 15 Hears Talks Here Co u n t y 1 Foresters Society 7 In, O [ At a recent meeUng of the Report Cards Are Given Out, Honor Roll O sm m sm m Basketball Team Begins Season With Two [ .... [ Southwest Washington Chapter, For Senior And Junior Highs Given " int v w u Games Last Week Wifll Olle Will, One Loss I i~7~,~o÷~t)~~ ]Society of American Foresters in Default Divor('es ] tvu~o~,~vu [ Shelton, members and guests heard By Debbie Rose I Dinovi. Other awards included Seven default divorces were By the way. Dec. 5, the Knight Owls / • _ ~ .**~ I talks by George Staebler of Wey- BELFAIR -- Repm't cards were I most valuable player--Dan Whit-granted in Mason County Super- N:m('y StrOdtl{~ll **~ ~la(* (~o(;klmrn [ traveled to North Mason for a ] ~m e. your cnua s I erhaeuser Co., and Ran Ring,issued at North Mason last week. I man Ladies Choice--George Din- Jar Court Friday with Court The Knight Owls played host I game with the North Mason Bull- [ thnrno n , /Simpson Timber Company. The honor roll consists of: 12thovi player who made most improv"Commissioner Bvron McClanahan to Green Hill Academy Dec. 4, dogs. After a hard fought game| ..... ~" -- tuture i Staebler, the principal speaker, grade--Allen Beck, Patsy Bixen-ement---David Dietz and coacheson the bench. - and wou 51-47 in a close game all the Bulhtogs canto up with 72| ~st~ ~Jat~L|tl mann, Ned Cokelet Arlene Dahl, favorite Jim Bold (:.tHn~ d~fm, U",t~er~ w~ ......... ] point~ to the Knight Owls 40| I[-U wl ~l1 ~ ]talked on "Thinning-Theory and .~ . .. ' ..... -- " -~-~---o.-~z .... ~ ............ • ..... I Marion@ l-lanni an K~tn 1.donmarl, .~ .~ .. • points. ~' t ~-.r~. ~_~ [ Practice". A well-know authority ~.. g Y .. , [ THE NOM/kHI NEWS editmn Cheryl Young from Gerald Young" I1-_.._ A..--,.a ir~ ..... [ ,~ ~ t| ~, ..~'~[~ [ in the field of thinning in Douglas- ~ete Merrill, Debb!e Rose, tba1"ol ] will come out Dec. 23. This is the Louis Barnaby from Alice Barna"I[~Q[~ H~[l| L~|V~ ] The Knight Owls will travel to|[a~, ",~:- ,,i¢.o,:.The,, ,oy p,!¢o, ~~~ ]fit', Staebler is with Weyerhaeu- ~nompson, wary Wuour ana "r*m/ Christm'as issue and will contain by; Barbara Eddy from Charles ~o A Iw , [Green Hill Dec. 12 for a return| .~,yyrb~,mona ~m~sa,e m e,,ac, ~~ ]ser's research center in Centralia. wing. ]about 15 pages. This should be Eddy; Robert Arnold from Mary ||OS un vu|e ]game. / ' ......... ~~~~ | He defined the goal of thinning as Eleventh grade: Chris Bixen-~ the best school paper ever put out. Lou Arnold; James Clifton from ~ a- .o [ Mr. Endicott, has had his pep| ~ ~]~~:;~| | the achievement of optimttm stock- mann, Pattie Criss, Nancy Dreher,/It will contain senior, junior, soph- Sylvia Clifton; George DePoe from 1]~.~r~|fn~ [ band at every game cheering the/ lll~~lll ~~~i!:| | inK, which is "the level (of stock- Marvin Fields, Laura Foster, Dee/ omore, and freshman pages. Edith DePoe and Eva Archer .......... Q | team on. | ~{~,;~4~q~'~[~ ~%~~ [ inK) whici~ produces the combina- Griffith, Frank Miller Diannal The Senior Class rummage sale from Kenneth Archer Here are some of those, holiday| * A~:,~ u,~r ......... ~ h.~-d| ~P-~'~"~¢/g'~A~I[~ ~_~: | tion of yield, tree size, and growth Timm and Andy Veitch. /has been canceled until January. * * * " helps that are so hard to find| ~,,=,'~=,~. ,,,,"~'~u~.'ne~ i=~[)'~he L~,'st[ ~,~J,~ ~] ~'~::i~ |percent which best satisfies man-Tenth grade: Julie Allen, Tim|The class was unable "to find "a Police Court: when you want them. | ~,~"~'~u-'(t~0e~artme;~t'ap,~ i~ ~[n| ~-~'x~'llll ~~)~]~ | agement". He stated that thin- Brown,. Alan Cad.y,. Chris Cheplak,/ place .t°. have it. More. information. Appearm' g on the docket, in I TO~MAKE~ YOUI~c ..... (~HRISTMAS| :~'~-~,~ ~'?.; ..... "~ ~.. I¢"~" ~'t~ .............. ~\'~; ..... e."~'~ "~;~| ....... "~- ~ "~~'-'~- :~lll~ M~ke Floury, Jams narstad John conce, mng the rummage sale will • ' d e TREE [FIRE RLSISTAN'I. Splay| ~ n " " "" / ~~%~b.~l~l ~l I~ ~ [ Ring should not be thought of as . .. . Shelton Police Corot befme Ju gI .......... hun u m the school eafetetm o,.~_.._.....~ _. ~_ ..~. ____ |[ ~ ~'~.~:?~1: [ a single application, but a series Merrill Bob Meyer, Nancy Saffer, be in me next paper. ~all, Halbert Monday ni'~ht were Iw*~n a somuon male up oi nine| t~d *with , "~'ar ~Mn" .~im~ | ~5~V~'~'Xill~ ~[ ~[ l[~'~[' ] of applications carried out at var- Nora Schroder, Cheryl Williams/ At the annual high school Jer,'y -B- Boyd.-faulty eq°uipment, parts of Water Glass( available at[ Su~'~-enough the owl~ezTtul"ne~i'~tp[ ~~ "~lll ~[ ~1~"~ ] ious intervals until the final har- and JaRls Zietner Christmas Concern, Dec. 22, 8 p.m., z~ fo,"felt" arthu- D ~ri,¢~ [drug stores) one part of water| ,...~o,,. ,~, ......... ~,. | ~)~.~l~l {~ ~ ~ ~ | vest. This, he said, will result in ~inth Grad~" T.i,d, R~hon l~i~l*/ the Music Department will gwe ,~ .... l~ ..... s~ ~ eorfeit- Sarah and one teaspoon of household de-| ........... | ~~ .................. ~" "" ~ "J .......... '+-- with sol• *^- -- ............. , ,e .... ' I tel•~rent ~"k" "~'"" ~ "no ..... r" for/ The Girls ueague llelct a meel~-l -'-~-='=~=-=-===-~ " ~I "~ / the "most profitable forestry" be- Bin•roll, Peggy CalJoway, Elizabeth| _ ,._ _ .- _ . . " . " Choate, drlmkenness $2,) forfeit', I .. ":. . 2.. " .... | in~ Friday and the cheerleadersl BRE TH ] inK practiced in a given area. Hunt, Susan Kowalczyk, Dale Lea-| chinK" bOOK aria a_ tranms- Russell Rodgers, drunkenness, four L the ornmal-y tree. ~rn!s. wul g, ve| were presented wittl nanie tags| Seven superb seres. Stunmingly ~F ~ ~ | He admitted that there is still • ~.rnu,~ ~ ..... .~ ~h MU / tar raaio. 'tinKers are 7-o cents each ,~,,~ i, ~,u ' ¢o ~a .... *~. W.lmer ] a Shiny, u'ansmcen~ immn ~o the/ .......... ' ~.. • set in ~enuino 14k -old ~j~ /that|a lot whatt° learnmayaboUtbe goodthinning'for andone thel manlard, Bal. ..... -bara Sehflhngei¢ .............. " ' • and ]Viar."| Ortamed. Rye from*t'r ¢'anyaU~musicma~' ............. student, i'~ u,- J. McBride," ~ ..... .... dI p. mg~-' ................ tn,.,,'" wu~n~h'le intox.~7~-'" I tree' ~u"~s='standing'~'~u v,~-m, water~U -~Vthrough_/,-= ! oougntGir]s .... LeaOYgutnee .... will,t~lrmg'iveJ~eagUe'away. 'rnel._ a| 11/2 Carl| S~ 44.~O" " " " sha_ T,pton._ .. ..... |Profits will be used to pay off l iCnated~ivn%:P:'in'~.a~i "~.~)-co:i~ ] out the holiday season for an ex-[ ~. Ip. DOX o~ ~nreunas caRRy. "l]~eI ~o,~lwe;~ht t~Tl~l"~u~' / stand of timber might not apply [~L~ ~f~ .l~lID~l | to another. He said that a primary The humor ~ugn honor rou con-/ ..... ~ r~,t a,h,o -urchas~ -e-, I ..... ~ J ' ,'~ • .::^ [ t,•a m•ecm,tinn" ! ucKets are ~-za cents or o-$±./ 1/. - _ ~ a'~"~ ~('~ • . • ........ t~ ........ , t~ ~ - "" Ronald Ra mond drunkenness, $±u -* ~.............. /a uarat,~i~t a, .~,,=., . ]goal for foresters is to delineate rests, of: Hugh Bowen,.Barba~a|music' and make necessary re-I~,,,~eit Y ' [ TO MAKE SUDS SNOW: Use a|The wmner w~!l .be selected the[ ~o,,Iwei~ht )l~T~[~ | the best growing sites and get carl ~naron ~)avls, ~)avla ~:mne~,,,l~.w,~ to *~'^ o-~ool instruments ~ ..... ~bi~ handful of -'acka~e SOl,- or] night o~ the ~nmsunas program.] .. ~ ,.,,i. ,..J. aL~--JI~J.I ~W | them under intensive management. Sandy Floury, Rmhard Hankmson,| ...... ~., ....~wa ....... I / detar~ent and a littl~ waler and] Follo~mg the'meeting a dmcussmnI ~/4 Carat ::~ dr~:~.~.) Beverly Huson, Ter,j Shirk, Mike] ~n~,~ o[,_.~u~, ricK- [ Shelton Police , . / urh/'~°~rHh ,~-" ,,n~n~:v -ho~t~," ~,~,~.[ period was held. [ ~ot~t weight tl, happiness, ~ " accompnsn-'" l1 Ring .spoke.briefly.L_ ,,,,an .... his~_,,com- ~,~.~,- .Tnhann.q 'Phnmn,nn Gall| eta *or aomts axe ava, ame now Robert Miller reporte(~ Keys ta-/":';A" ............. ~ 7 ...... ": ~'l l at a LOWREY niano is l panys' use or try ~v,peuo , a ........ ' --~.v:: % ..... ~'~'" - ":- ~ and mR" be ,,urchased at the tick- ~ ..... - ..... - ~ sLitI merangam consistency, p~an~ ~ • ~~::i~ • • • r. • sk line earria e similar to the Dahl, Don ~)mennurg, Steve jonn-I . ...~ _~ _ _ . :.. I Ken tram ms motor ume. / ,~ ,~ok~ drifted snow decorations | l ! possession that can bring [ Z. y ...... _g.i, -" - -~alle" "" son, Emily Uisler, Jim Kowalezyk,[ et office, nlg'n scn oo_~ oz.ime, .or [ Alice Devaney reported someone [ You"can make a thicker cia'S'like[ O~,~lmm~ OwAtt|t~t~ ] ~ii~iiiiii};!#:iiii!i!iii:iii!i!ii:.iii!i~:~iliiii to you*'child--lastingly. | ~Kag;~ ~Kycar .bUL S, nand ~.,_~e ~a-., La~•son EileenSande andl ~rom the L,ettermans mum k'rlce Ihit her uarked pickup. / . .;" ' _ . ".~- .i IOUlII|O II IU~IU~O / !k:ii!::;!!ii!}i:~i!i~~:ii:: ldcrafted by the makers ofl sail tna~ the '~gyear ' wy- ~ "z " , -. mixture wka more aetergent an(] ::~,~:~:~:::~::~:~:;~:~.:: ..... Sally Scott [ is $7 and ticket is good for 10[Jim V,rcher reported someone| ...... " | [ :i:¢!v ........ ;~:~~i~,~ famous LOWREY organ. ] ssen ' logging systems were not--- • .... v rsl s 1 J V ames six ross wa or. From l:nls vou can • • ~:~;~;;~;~# ........... o[freshman games, six mghth grade [o¢ ~,, ~n,i,~, a .~erviee Station|make s~ewballs formed and ft[ Sm"hSt Tex! ! ............................ [rangeofstylesandfinishes [ feasible in his area, but that the THE JUNIOR high cheerleaders a ty game , 0 . ". g , had broken a lot of beer bottles " le ::~;~!i~?;!;::;!!i: ..~ any. .... mahogany, walnut, [ "Torpedo" worked well in eedthe ~clv:r~;s Yuesaotna~n2;°nF~eur~,~]! lff.:l~es' pe~orma~oCe~tebY t:edb~rnid~l and that the ~lass was broken out [to h~dena:nqa p~;cetl~f ~3Xgp.~Pl~r [ God's perpetual care for manI i !:i?i!ii!:j~~} try). [ handling of smaller logs. Sp , cy Reynolds, Sally Scott and al- " y squa. ,m.j ~, ...... [ of the gas pumps. / • "- -- ' .... " -- ~ in all facets of his life will be the] [he said, is its' main attribute, t~t~nates Gall Dahl and Susan Iteam, ana ~/z ume exmmuons m| :Mrs J K VanderWald reported[ m~xture uu~ougn a pastry tu.~e. As] ................... ~. ........ rvi[ With its use, his company is gett- --- [ ~"do a"d wrestlin~" [ ~: ", .' - - ~ me snow ~ries i~ stiffens 1111:o a I t`,l~nlg at. x~,~£,~,~t, wt.~c~cc o~ -[ ~_~~~:i!i "" " ........ [ ............. son U"d its[ ................ s Grace Rob [porous texture that lastsfor[ rues thin Sunday. The B~ble L :] ~~:i . [ inK over 300 logs per day as cam- Schiller ~" "' ~" a coat stareR ~rom nor car. ~ " ' ' es- :?~::~u:~:~:~: -~OV.30 the semors reeelveta I ~, ~ ~urt.n~,~ ,~ I wars unv~n ~y ~w~.. .'/,,~ / son is titled "God the Preserver o~ ~ ~~:!::r: t.__. ~_ U..--|-- B--,,| pared with an average of 180 with ' • ht cm ...... , w~uu,~, ~,~,,~ ~[ly ~ ~U~lU UUA[conventional methods previously their senior pictures. Frames for|basketball Jamboree w,th North|bins and Mrs. Lois Albrec-1 _ " ......... 1MRn , / ~:~:i: • - ..... treets Any tuna oI ng~lre may De 1TI()IG- . Doubly o8,,1i.~ ~rom ?~. ki!i;iii~!] | used in similar areas. He also the off_picture could be obtained [ K,tsap, Bambridge, and Vashon.[ hded at Second and Glove .S . ' "] ~:u .... t.r,,m: ........ t.,e ~..~'~ee .--.-~,.-a .... ,, a-..'~'~,~ ~,--~--~h'~ [ Golden Text'. . "The Lord is my|_ ~ili!,4 o r ~:':: :::: Cota St 426 43021 mentioned that with this system, at an additional, cost.. The balance The. Jamboree was.. held at North|.. Rev.,. Eugene. Knautz. ,epo, ted|tist u, .............. v~,~s~ ~--'~ ~,r,~,~" .... ,.yl"'" ~o-"° ~] rock, and m-,~ fortress, and m,,.~ de:l ,l~:ii!Carat total wo~ ht :~= ~:¢!*~:~ was pa,d The senmrs were quite K, tsap Bainbrmge placed fnst,[a ~mdow bloken m the Bap ~ ................... " [liverer" my God my strength in[ ~/~~;ii; ' • " /breakage loss has been reduced pleased with their ictures with Vashon second, North K,ts P[church | ... . :. ..' ..... / _ '" ' .... ]t m buckle,-I ~~!il P • "" " r ~uas oatter that win aunere ro whom 1 wm trt s ; y ' ', ,~ ~ ~.t ...................... ,, by 15 per cent. Also the seniors recmved their third, and North Mason fourth.| Mrs Robert Snyder reported he [ .... • : ~| and the hmn of m-" salvation and| ~~ii! :college handbooks which tell about Satm'days game with Mary M.] son's wallet and a watch stolen| fgaiaSs' wax;~, m~Vbor 2~tia~ Sl~elmy high tower" (i~s 18'2) ' '[ ........... !E OUR SCHWINN "STING RAYS" beo ots Dec 1 the senior irls took the [ North Mason topped a t tal of / Christmas Tree lights t~ . / _.' . ~ _ • . "i ..... ~ ~"- , Edd in* • g ' • • , " ' n The pain~ may oe "tempera ~ype tures Dy ~aa-y J~a~e~ y - Betty Crocker Test. This test ,s points. The J.V. game ~as also| A pop bottle was throw | . " 'l................ .~ .... XM. ~hnl] nhe;[ 2 : ..... * SCHWINN BIKE ACCESSORIES open to all senior girls and the l exciting, when they won their[ through a window of the Grant|Promnts-. t-^ - fin~'er "lint base|an~t~'ad~o"~e~n'~'r~Tportio~'as~'e~'(P~" I , w" scholarships ~range from $500 to ] game with M?ary M. Knight. The| Lumber Company. ] __.~_~l~t~,l|~[¢t~t ~ l[.l'..I. ~.._ ~'/~4g, 1~, ~,~=9: I m-choRd the divine n'~tm'e*and'love[ ........ TRIKES $5,000. The girls chosen. .fr°m this next home game is Dec. 12 with John Lund rel~orted two rifles, n ] starcnC~)m°mewRn~'k ,~m~/a cup~aq~ corn"i? ..... wa~er.P'~] rnm ~ ....................... um~c~t.~tuu,,~6*y,: "w ~'''','" .... ~ ~..o[ ~-xcms,ve ,n ~ne,ton state competes wRh g,rls from/SoutkBend Dec. 11, North Mason[ a blanket and a flashlight take | ._. : ....... '] mine ove~ the car-o~ealit~ "~)'~t ~c"1 Rp~.m,m#.q,,,~ ' | s himacum there ~ is car | ~A(m two cups at no~ watercook 1o tne~| ~." " ' " affluenceP " Y' of ou~l" ' othe~ states. The g~tl chosen from play C , flora h ...... • . , r ~l=~||~ NE. & USED BIKES each state receives a $1,500 schol-[ Last Saturday several of the[ Vehicles driven by Wilbur H.|S[2a~;eh m,xLure and unt,,i~,~c:,l)g(pm14~).;e Franklin Center arship. The then run for nation-[ seniors took the SAT test in at Flint and Larry E. Ziegler collid-] ". . . .| " " ~- POLES- GOGGLES- WAX= GLOVES al competitYon. The national win-~East High School. The test lasted ed at Laural and H Streets. | ~ef:t~ °nne'Cncle;°Pel¢~;~a~i:;av~'~ t nor receives a $5,000 scholarship| from ~:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The * * * . | ~'~ *~ th,, >~.on];,v.d star,.h'I~;movc I1 ~i|m| InmlnA~lmA A~IPap~mUlmlalA A Nl~d~e~lM~ II The winner also receives an ex-i different sections. Kermit trespass. | I i "'"" ' """'""" ' "" "-'"'"'"'* """"" i PndenSewashiPgtonfree aid trig.c.tO New York| ~ * " l ~,~ .,.~, ~ ,4.,,,,,, ,,~,, ,~,~¢,,h,oa ]i. .... • f2:?::y I Neu, Used Sales Rental & Relmir The gir,slSehool-examinaUons are one-s,d- Sheriff's Office .|po~,;fil';odst~'er;tl'U~'a;!s .;;;';t*"co;o;:]• ... P ar ,'ud ed on ersonal obsel'vation ed; it is not so much academic John Anderson reported he los~I .," . . ~ , ~ " '2 "lI l¥1~" YUll~t:; [~.)ll)l IPl • e J. g . P ' ' "cku be wiLn Ioo(1 coloring or 'l'empera and mterwews. I education, as a. moral and spitat- a power saw from hm p*~ p "1. , . ~. . . ~ 711 ~l~r~,n,~l~'Ale~llev I CL ]1; lIKE SH An awards assen-~bly was heldlualeulture, whieh]iftsonehigh-tweenDaytonandMatloek. |~h~enal~e~e~t:r4:::g~l?~l~:l~:e~[i ....... ~LT:"~'" ........ a I last week for the football team. l er. --Mary Baker Eddy Ted VVhitechurch reported cop-I ,'v " ' • ~ l• • ~.. It;vv ~..~ ~z,~: t~tl4~nt • Each football player received a [ -- ................ per tubing, a steering wheel for] exc~lent g~ilt wrap: ....... ~,~,~ ..... n~c-ll ~:~(/:; ~,~|, I certificate and a letter. The team ~ Impossible is a word only to be a boat, a tire and wheel ancta ra-[ ~, ........... . ......................... ~ •l ~,~,~.~ ,~ ,, .,.~,~ ,~o .,,.. ,~, • /~'t- '~'~'~** II Cota 42(;-81.18 Captain was Len Whitman and|found in the dictionary of fools, diator taken from his place Prices Include Envelopes I the Inspirational player George/ --Napoleonthe Old North Shore road. | _ ._ v . v .. .'In II - ~.... o_ ..... S. lvester renortedl ana use this ior ~ecoraung wm-]m 7111~l~_m I~D~I~ t111)Ui~lB~ ~MA9 | n m m --, -,,-- ~ n n m • In I I ~,~,o. ~_~,~.,.~_., ~^,..~, *,.on'l her| daws. Tile whole window might be|1 £.l[:Ul.i;n 0 uMnnl~nM ~|~ur I i U i | m ............... m n .......... someone tmneu ..... a," ........ .. P ............ ,-wnnFamted with thin nuxture and thell~o~ ,,,.. o~ e, ~o~ ~,¢~ 1 (lrlveway onto a nelgnuur ~ ,~ "l .~' ~ ' ' .., Bob Huisingh reported a rifle[ oesign wiped off in reyerse. | ..... ............................................................................. "P"........ ,, "' taRei from hisicralCot|rt i ............ ...... ....... " ..................... ............... -- l . s.p,!r d Fete,a, ere/ From Miller s Al)pliance Department, give G'E. I , ,. Valley ~uppty an -" "1 ' - k ?: [ . • dit Union against Ronald and Lin-[ _ -- . _. /t~ .... da Fletcher, debt. % *;i::::" * " * * * • '~'i:~:i!" : .;~. • Sl,elton Fire Department / ~ , .~:!!!~ . i:.i'.: ~ A call was answered to ex-~ ~V • ~',4~,~l~r]ll~~l~,dlr~' J"x"~[~l ~ ~'~',dY~ tinguish a fire in a daveno at the ~'N ):/ ..~i:~!~i ::: ** Joe Lewis home, 1025 S. 7th at "-- :,: ~:~ '~i ! .. ~0:a0 am s~t~rd~v. .~ ! VETERANS ~ ..=:h ., ~ ..% ' ........... " i A~IICI~ ICAN LEG |ON ' - i ~ Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Amcri- ~ can Legion, met Dec. 1 for its il~ first meeting of the month. ~~&~w~r I t~ Vin Connolly, Boys' State Chair- i ~t" man, reported that the post will ~" • .. endevor to send four boys to Boys • ~ ! Statc again in 1965: Every year, p ALL IN • the post, with the iinancial lamp ~ i~lNI } .... of the 40 and 8, Rota*w an~l Nawan- ~~i~i~l" ~' is Clubs sends the boys tO Pacific . ~ ":~:+bq.~ n Tacoma ~" ~IW'Mod,I,.~Z APPLIAN¢EI Lutheran University i ~ " ' for one week of training in po- ~ ... litical education. AU m'm'~llA~l~ 1' ...... donatmn for /'qLuIVl¥|~kll~l~ m ASTEK Model G 42 Tl~e Post voted a " " ; " ' • the children of a veteran whose AUTOMATIC GRILL $, .. home burned last week. after hear- Makes nine shades of toastl inK a request from Clfild WelfareExtra-high toast lift; snap-out :i~i')~'*'~2"~'.;~* Chairnmn Ernie Campbell. crumb tray for easy cleaning, and WAFFLE BAKER Commander Delbert Weston, Ad- jutant Mel Dobson and Finance $1 488 ll~re's the most versatile appliance ever--actually three appliances ia ' Officer Vin Connolly attended the one! Perfect for breakfasts, snacks, lunches, suppers, informal get, togethers and teenage parties. Beautifully styled in gleaming ~ monthly seminar in Lacey Nov. 30. MEI~BERSHIP OF 204 paid-up (' .;,'...~, x.~.~ ~::;~:~:.~,,.%~.~ '~,:&%,~,~, chromium, it's fully automatic for easy use. Makes an ideal gift item. members was announced. ~~ Dobson announced the next ~~{ meeting would be his last as Ad- ~~ jutant. He has held every office -" in tl~e post and has served in his ~~ ) "~;" present capacity for nl~rly years. ~~ Dr. R. ~V. Norvold was appomt- .~.~ ";" ed by Weston to contact the prop- .~.~,z~.~.~v,~\~,=m~.,~~{~ll~~l~,~ ". ~. :er a{~thorit.ies in regards to pur- chasing rain gear for the Scl~ool -----4~~-~ odel EK .l Boy Patrol. . A c/eaner ~ ALL [ O N LY ......... .~ "~, Ed Faubert announced he had coffee , m- YOU Do I ~. -_ ~'~:" ~:;~':~:) ~%. Cliff V¢ivell and Jay Umphenour means II1 t I! 1 • ~:~. b. were appointed by the commander better \~ ~n, [/t I ......... ; ~ .,-_ ~ .~, to secure a bulletin board for the~/~ee \ II I I!1t I '... , Post inthe Men'°rial I~Iall" ,,e '~, [~ )l/IU ' alligator lust calf o,~,,oo~,.,,o,w..w,,,,,o,o,~,,o ,o~o r e door prize. The attendance prize was again carried over. l,e ,ost o,,,,,stmas 1 i x../tI IV Town & Cou try Shoes $19s n a short business meeting proceed- ing the party. Members arc asked ~~: Lo bring a small gift for a needy ~.,'...,,.'..,,*.~, child. ~x~,~,,~. ,,.-.~,~,~,~,~,,~,,~, Malching 3 los from and |i 'Managed and ~)perated by CHRIsTENSEN'S FOR SHOES, Bremerton lflUS tax The light-struck look . . . alligator calfskin shimmer- ing with Iustre, pale, exotic • . illumination for any occasion. in Malt, Avocado, and Blue $, \ WtNt~t, ~ tltta~{t tas omm oam t G.E. Model T 93 I The Automatic G.E, electric I Frying Pan is one of the | Kitchen's most useful '| applianccs [ $1 7951 G,E. Model C-11,1 U Everyone enjoys the con- venicnce of an Electric Can Opener '11s8 G.E, Model EC .l A| PLIAN(E I)EPAkT, I]LNI Always Shall Miller's First Buy At Home