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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACE 18 I I II I l'he Accutron Story No balance.wheel, no mainspring, no hairspring, no tick, no tock. , Accutron® made them obsolete. Don't even call this timeplec~ a watch. All the parts that make a watch fast or slow have been left out of it. Accutron time, is kept by the vibrations of a tiny tuning fork which di- rides every second into 360 equal parts. (Your present watch divides a second into only 5 parts.) It is the olnly wrist timepiece guaranteed for average daily accuracy within 2 seconds. Accutron is a Bulova development. It's worth the time to you to look into Aecu- iron. Above A¢CUTROH $PAOEYIEW "H" |0K g01d tilled case, water. proof*, luminous dial and handS, with matching 10K gold filled expansion band. $150.00 Pr;ces plus hllr. *When ease e~ltel 4~d cram are Inloct. .... i i i i i i LeBOY'S 125 Railroad Ave.--Shelton 119 Fifth Ave--Olympia OPEN EVERY NITE 'TILL 9:00 ,IUNIOII IlIGII BA,~KETBALL A' L Ill' I)a Hopkins ..................... 1 0 29 13 :M:ilier_ ......................... 1 0 53 30 :Washington ............... :1 0 39 ,6 Jefferson .................. 0 0 0 0 Shelton ...................... O I 13 29 Hoqtttam .................. 0 1 36 39 Centralia .................... 0 1 30 53 Last Week < Hopkins 29, Shelton 13 Wa:~hington 39, Itoquiam 36 Miller 53, Centralia 30 Today Contrails at Hopkins Miller at '~Vashington Frhlay ,lefferson at Hoquiam Despite an unimpressive 29-13 opening game defeat at the hands of Hopkir/g in Shelton gym last Thursday, Coach Walt Clayton has confiden'ce that his Blazer basket- ball team will improve as the jun- Ior high season progresses. THE BLAZERS cotfldn't find a scoring punch, three of the ninth grade starters going scoreless. Coach Clayton used a complete 8th grade unit as relief of the starters and they scored follr of the 13 points. The Blazers went scoreless for the first quarter, trailing 8-0, were on the short end of 18-6 and 23-9 scores at the other quarter stops. In the eighth grade garae, the Blazer~ won a narrow 22-21 de- cision after blowing a 10-point lead of 12-2 early in the second half. This represented the llth straight success for this Blazer grade, which ran UP 10 straight as 7th graders last year, but accomp- lished the success last week with its first five players moved up to the 9th grade varsity. JOHN FLOWER led the 8th graders with six points. The Blazers draw the league bye this week, won't be back in action until next week, when they go to Aberdeen to meet Miller: next Thnrsday. Last week's box scores: New Gift Idea For Him! 25 GIFT SET e'=,,= Handsome gold-embossed red package holds cool, refreshing After Shave 'Lotion, and new Man-Power Deodorant with aerosol spray. Both with ~e aroma of Old Spice that men like so much, both fine Shuhon quality. Third & Railroad i ,i ~ i.| i i i I I I Ill :lJ. ...... ~iG::,~;~-:.,.- ........... ,~,:~,,.~4-:..;;~.~ Climber cagcmen to he slnggish. VARRITY GAME !~i:;~:L~~4~:LT:~:~:;i:('((!~ Not against a foe with the get- ]][oifldns29 Shelton 13 ~::¢~;) ::~ ::~np-and-go of the Chchalis Bear- Fisher 19 f Swope :~. cats. Unfortmlately, that was ex- Logan 4 f Sparks / actly the situation "which Hovis 3 c Malloy E; ....... ;; so Shelton acquired its firstPrevailed'has- D. Lq'I~ICSCIn g I')onaldson 4 .... ; ;: :'~:~ ::~ .... ~:i ketball blackmark of the season, T. Isaacson g Swisher 5 r:~ 62-55, at Chehalis. Sub.~ : Hopkins Oestrcich 2, Schmid! 1, Jelovich, Mitchell, f~ ,:i;:;::~ ......... The shtggislmess which marked Wintrip, Wyckoff, Ellis, Strada, the Climber demeanor may have Walloch, Inane. Shelton--Close 2, accrued from the long hours of aaMarsh 2, Austin, Daniels, Pllr- : .~.~::.:::~,~:~ .~: college entrance tests several of vis, Pierson. ;,i~ '~ ~; ~i;t~.~L::i~, ::~; the seniors went iiu'ough most of Score hy Qttarters ~i the day, sta.rting at 6:30 a.m., in Shelton ................. 0 6 3 4---13 --' --'~,~::~ ...... ~::¢~::~. : Olympia Saturday. They left some Hopkins .......... =.:, ........ • 8, 1O 5 6--29 :11i!..r:~i~il (;;:.' clmmhers.°f their pep and energy in the test 8th GRAI)E AME ~ NEVERTItELESS, the Climb- Shelton 22 Ilopldns21 E ........ ers, led by Larry Powell, one of Bm'fiend 4 f McMeekin 2 the test-takers, made a hard rim Flower 6 f Hovis ~ at the Bearcats late in the game Tnson 2 c Ketola ~.~! ....... I~, ..... : when they 0ulled within two points Adams 2 g , Gire 7 at 57-55 with a minute and a half Schmidt 4 g Fagerstadt 3 to go. Powell hit on both ends of Subs: Shelton--Donaldson 2, O1- a one-and-one situation, then con- sen 2, Jackson, Brown, Puhn. Hop- verted a technical foul called on kins---Styles 5, Fraser 2, Lyons 2, ~: ,:'A:the same play. Erickson, Fhlry. "!~ " : :~ :' ':'/: ;: ; ::: On the out-of-hollrlds possession S(.or~ by Periods ~ which the technical gave the Shelton ................. 5 3 8 6---22 ~: ::~ < :~ ~>.~2~.~;,!;~ ii~!~. :, v~,L:::~ Climbers, Tom Fredson hit for Hopkins .................. 0 2 8 1:1.---21 i:~:~:~::~:~ :i,,";:?~ :~ '':: the basket which raised his per- ..... ?~~ ~,} sonal total to 13 for i.hc game. g But *he Climbels couldn't keep the rally rolling against the Che- :!i~i~;,i~ halts stall ~hich ensued and the WITH FINALE ...... :fieldBearcatSgoals workedand a foull°°Seshot forte ,videntW° JUNIOR LEAGUE : TIiE CIJMBERS suffered a ser- ious defensive loss midway through Hembroff Agency ............ 27 13 ~ !:: :!~,~ Beckwith" Jewelry .......... 24 16 the second quarter when Mike The Hut .......................... 21 19 Brickert drew his fifth personal Eagles Aerie 2079 ............ 17Vz 22V2 MIKE K E LLEY foul and retired to an early shower. Merv's Tirecap ................ 16~ 23~ Another Fine Performance That left most of the rebounding Joslin Insurance ............ 14 26 burden on Powcll, and Chchalis' High games---Peg Bloomfield had the edge from there on in this 195, Bill Tobler 249, 209, Rocky jmportant department of basket- Robinson 243, 213. ball strategy. High series--Peg Bloomfield 496, Coach Jim Doherty was cnconr- Bill Tobler 625. aged by one aspect of Climber After two near-misses at 599 play while disappointed in an- earlier in the season, Bill Tobler other. Chehalis used a zone de- finally hurdled the 600 barrier in fense all the way and the Climh- Junior League bowling at the Timber Bow1 last Saturday He overcame a weak 167 open- er with followirg 209 and 249 games for 625 as he shot his Hem- broff Agency to a top rung grab- ping 4-0 victory over Merv's Tire- cap (Mike Mills 484). Rocky Robinson missed a chance to share the 600 glory with Bill except for a 112 opener. His 213 and 243 follow-ups got him to 568 and paced tailend Joslin Insurance to a 3-1 success over The Hut (Chuck Thompson 401). In the league's other match, Beckwith Jeweh'y (Bx~ce Pearson 479) blanked the Eagles (Ray Bar- rington 498). Ohureh League Hoop Session Due Tonighl Shelton's church basketball league is about to embark on an- other season, laying the grouh~:" work with an organizational meet- ing this evening (Thursday) in the Methodist church at 6:30 o'- clock. All church' organizations inter- ested in entering teams in the league are asked to send represen- tatives (preferably adults) to the meeting tonight, or ff unable to be represented at the meeting to let Bob Sund know prior to the session ,so plans can be made ac- cordingly. TEACHERS LEAGUE 'Rithmetic ............................... 27 13 Readih .................................. 27 13 Recess .................................... 19 21 'Ritin' . ................................... 18 22 Skippers ................................ 15 25 Tardies .................................. 14 26 High games---Jean Temple 154, Bruce Schwarck 183. High series--Jean Temple 430, Jack Swanson 469. CANAD.IAN W HI.SK~Y :'.L A BLEN? : 86.8 PROOF .(Copyright) SCHENLEY I.MP..?,TS CO., N.Y~, N.Y. • • 11 '11 1/ • or giving on a grana scale. Back To Lewis County Again---At Centralia Saturday Franldin • ,. :, .f2 )th 4 Sizes Now Saturday was no mght for I(1 (hf~r]t to ~ r'; ' -.. "- , o "- ' ,th 48 seconds to wise, the l~,ear(;ats lnainlained a c