December 10, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 10, 1964 |
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7, Dec,robe[. 1.0__[, 19B,..,t L
,u it,tng ne
~f, or Shelton Elementary |[ I =
=Is and Shelton SeniorI~ i d=AIf |~
High School I/ Bit
eeek of Dec. 14-18 I~ ......
f- :Pizza, whole kernel I[ By Dora ]le'trinff
!elery sticks, jello with II. MATLOCK ..... Bringing in 1:he
cream cookies and || Yule Log" will be heh| at Schater
' I|State Park this Sunday at 2:30
I| p.m. It is an old English tradi-
)'--Hot roast beef sand-I| tion and hqs been carried o1!. at
" .............. ' "" *'""it I/ ~chafer $1 tte P'trk for lllany
,allow erispie surprise, || years, Cookms and spiced tea will
Ilk. / be served. The Grays Harbor 4-!-I
II Club will be hoste'ss. The publi6
~day--Oven-fried chick-|] is invited. Ladies plea3, bring
~[ered whipped potaLoes, |1c°°Ries.
'e carrot and ~reen ,~en-/ Matlock Grange had 19 men]-
e ko wi h o,,t last Friday night and
~nd' milk " | ] took in two members by derail, Mr.
• |! nr.d Mrs. Wit|tam Lun(Iquist. They
~y--Turkev and Noodles, / are old Mathmk Grangers an|1
butter sandwich e'lt" | Mr. Lundquist was Master of Mat-
,ks, apple crisp and milk./ lock at time. An open
| meeting ~tll be Dee. 18 and will
~- Grilled, cheese sand-| have the usual Christmas party
~tteredflroecoll or car-1%?c~c,&~:~t:~ o,+ w,,,
~11~ sam(l, cnoeomte cm~e| have its Christmas Party Dee. 16
• .,. I and the men folks are asked to
~Plement - our child's / join us that day for dinner.
W'" - y " l MR. AND 1MRS. R. E. Bradberry
,tn eqenamms Tram / spent Sunday afternoon with the
r ~ .... Wes Goodbtirn family of Johns
epp s Rexall I
Phone 426 4642 1 Mrs. Lud Rossmaier, Mrs. I. C.
. .r,,,,,,~-,~--,~-,, ~ Ford, Mrs. Edward Valley, Mrs.
iDO halT on/n
,r~ UU/ IL/IULilJI i~.~ • SHATTER P,ROO~'
iPlllt• ill Ilrl'lr -- A[~T~i~.~ • LAb'rs FORYEARS
Irl nrA/y lll' iJ li .l®
,s up to 40%on fuel s
Sq. YcL
i ,lust Cut and Tack On------'l
lus Such Other Winter Protectors as:
mmum Windows Storm Doors
Storm Window Kits
asulation • Weather-Stripping
-' ' III
' "fl "~ [~ ...... i ....... g 0 .... 0I ......... __ +: ' : : ............ " :]' :l: .............................
...... g' W ¢IIHOOL HE NS ! , I
Yule Lo tllSHE:TON HIGH,, elfmr hrel, 11
in&lA+,l @,,.Ja. Pep AssemblyistIeldBeforeBasl(etball I|lllV"-l-"nVu A'I:: 1 I 1, I 3]k
+dl.UUU +U|iUUI ] Jamboree, Soi)homores Win Yell Contest /I|UAItIgl? Viii , I [i [
,+e, bo, t Holm M,s Robe, t di' eted W r'nl Wimams Ti'° 1 "y "°"y cri"s Cadys Estate °ff'ee l° m ke[ , .t.
Trenekmann (allel on Mrs. R.E. A 50 minute pep assembly was/high ,~:ehool bnnd will also pm'-I BELFAIR ...... ()ffieers fro" the posters and plans for the t[peon~-] ~;,
"r,,esd+,y e.,e.i,,+ the',' ,,+-V'> ,,,,,,t+ ,.e di, ectio. ,,f
Tlles(ay cycling MI' tnd ~][l's t)t 1 jHlll)ore( at (2elltr:tl Kltsap iNtctoy, u~ +.e .... • ,+ t{o, ,.,,,~-,+- ;., r, . ..... . +
,r, ;, ". ~. • " ~.." ....... t I,h ,, ;.;,,,,t ^ ,,,+, ,,,'is ,,tit ,n b,'l:, .... ,: [ia,'y. M,'s. John 1 (,pe ,,,a.~ d,-.,t,.d Cl.ristmas trees and Mmtletoe at/
l-=eFt)el'L 15renlYleyer .31", spt:tt¢ ,,,- ,,,ht ~+,g~,+ .......... ' ' * .... ,, . '.+ , , , * ~ , • ,
the Elvin Hearinff h,,me. I six nlenlbers of the t)ep staff./ At tlw lnsl meeting the pep/p,vs,`l`,-t, ,,;tla M,e. Robe, t H(n- .Pop~ s alltt Sexve-](5 Hns year. The/
Sahu¢ ay Mr. "{rod Mrs. 1~.. I~. |Those lakittg part in lhe skit were [ Club mcnfl)ers received their w~sl..| ningsen, vice president; Mrs. kaynoys made a trip to oregon to oh-/
MI'. atul ]~h's. Llttt l{ossmaier. /13nad, Marcia l}m'c3, Toddi q',,axis/giris V,,lletl IlWy yell al, :l.ll nl .| '•. t t ', J ," [., Tile /~.yunat 4-1-I ClU:) ~r sel /
Mr. and Mrs. Eh'in Henring, M,1 and Cindy \Vill:trd. /p, ames. |Mrs. Willian)+I)eMie,'o, publicityi Christmas Swags this year to help[
~n(t Mrs. L(,