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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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pe Perm iola ions Generous donors boosted the 40 & 8-Journal Christmas Project fund from $190 to $345 during the past week with 16 separate contributions figuring in the $155 total. Two were of $25 magnitude, from the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge No. 62 of Shelton and friends of long ion ram The Shelton schools will open the gymnasiums to the youth of the Community on Saturdays beginning Dec. 12 and ending on Feb. 27, according to Louis Grinnell, Superintendent. The Mountain View, Bordeaux, and main high school Members of the Shelton Jaycees and their wives will host a dance for the Exceptional Foresters starting at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Jaycee Hall at Sanderson Field. City Budget Approved The Shelton City Commission adopted its 1971 budget at its meeting Tuesday afternoon. The budget was substantially unchanged from the preliminary budget which had been presented earlier. The budget includes $1,6 18,622.96 in expenditures and receipts for all departments• Salary increases of between $90 and $100 a month were approved for members of the city police and fire departments with smaller increases for other city employees. Street Supt. Robert Temple told the commission that while the heavy ram over the weekend had caused some small problems, there had been no major ones. I',,licc ('hi~' Frank Rains told the col i,,si,)P had . i'c(l a letter lrom the State ltighway Department stating the t]~ ! :~;III/CtlI as st! i.:b, il request from the city for a reduction of the speed limit on Highway at the North city limits. The commission approved the recommendation of City Engineer Howard Godat that bids be called for on a truck for the Street Department to be opened Dec. 28. A rock music combo from the Washington Corrections Center will provide the music. Refreshments will be provided by the members of the Exceptional Foresters staff. This will be the third dance in a series which the Jaycees are sponsoring for the Exceptional Foresters. Mrs. Jack Webber ls Jayette dance coordinator and has invited young people from several community organizations to socialize with the group. Groups which have participated are the Methodist Fellowship, Girl Scout Cadets under the leadership of Mrs. Pat Waring, the Shelton High School Z Club and the Catholic Youth Organization. The dances are open to the public and there is no admission charge• Junior High Sets Concert The Shelton Junior High School winter and Christmas concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Junior High Auditorium. Tickets are 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for students. The Seventh Grade Band, Llghth and Ninth Grade Band and the Junior High Choir will perform. Hurt In Arrested Patricia Stamey, 19, 1703 Eastside. Olympia, was arrested over the weekend on charges of possession of false identification, minor consuming liquor and possession of marijuana, the Shelton Police Department reported. PUBLIC OPINION, though often formed upon a wrong basis, yet generally has a strong underlying sense of justice. Abraham Lincoln Too Late to Classify FOR SALE Kenmore automatic washer/dryer. Dryer needs new motor, $25 for both. Call 426-8138. $12/10-31 LARGE THREE bedroom A-frame home in Union across street from Hood Canal Panoramic View. Low Rent to responsible family. 426-8211. C12/10 ELECTRIC GUITAR with amplifier. Also regular guitar. Both like new. Davenport. Metal bunk beds. Telephone stand. Miscellaneous. 426-8029 ater 4 p.m. $12/10 MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE Sale? Lot 64; Treasure Island. Saturday, Sunday, December 12 and 13. Van Horn. Vl2/10 FREE PUPPIES! Just the right age to give for Christmas. Phone 426-4530. O12/3-10' 26 IN. GIRLS bike, good condition, $25. 426-2075. RI2/10-17 Ray H. A. Parr, 15, Capitol Hill, is in Mason General Hospital for treatment for injuries received when the motor bike he was riding and a car were involved in a collision at Fifth and Alder about 4:30 p.m. Friday. Shelton Police said Parr suffered a broken leg, broken arm and hand, three broken ribs and a punctured lung. Driver of the car was Helen Baker, 67, 312 Alder, Shelton. The Washington State Patrol said Parr was riding his motor bike southbound on Highway 101 and that Mrs. Baker's car was crossing the highway at Fifth St. when the accident occured. The Patrol said the motor bike struck the car on the driver's side. Two Timber Tracts Sold Two sales in Mason County were among those made by the Department of Natural Resources in November. The Mason County sales included the Sandhill Sale, 270,000 board feet which went to Pope and Talbot, Port Gamble, for $10,500 and the Beaver Creek Sale, 2.3 million board feet which went to Harmon Van Slyke, Gig Harbor, for $79,500. Kiwanis Speaker Rev. Edwin Zschoche will be the speaker at the Dec. 15 meeting of the Shelton Kiwanis Club. He will reminisce about his years in Shelton. Transparent Plastic Eacrett 1332 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4522 standing, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill W. McKinstry of Seattle and Grapeview, who annually are among the first to send in their checks. gyms will be open each Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon to fourth, fifth and sixth grade boys and from noon to 2 p.m. to all ages of boys and girls from the fourth grade through High School. This Saturday recreation program will be supervised by regular Shelton teachers. Terry Gregg, high school teacher and coach will handle the main gym downtown. Allen Hopp, elementary teacher and coach will organize activities at Mountain View Elementary, and Pete Janda, elementary teacher and coach will conduct the program at the Bordeaux Elementary school gym. The purpose of the program is two-fold: The first purpose is to train fourth, fifth and sixth grade boys in the fundamentals of basketball. The program will give an equal opportunity for learning to each boy who participates. It will be a program to learn skills rather than to compete against each other, although the youngsters will be divided into equal ability teams for some play as time goes on. In late February a tournament for the boys who participate in the program will be held. The second purpose is to open the gym to all of the youngsters of the Community for organized activities, such as volleyball, ping-pong,shuffle-board, rope climbing, rhythmic activities, relays, tumbling, basketball, bombardment, etc. As the program develops the A $20 check from the ladies of 8 & 40 Salon No. 508 of Mason County, also long-time boosters of the Christmas fund, helped swell the total. Four assists of $10 each came from Madrona Barracks No. 1462 World War I Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, the Shelton High School Z Club, and one who asked for anonymity. Nine $5 contributions completed the week's list of donations: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Umphenour (he is the project's general chairman again this year), Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dahlgren, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Locke, Mrs. Martha Witsiers, Mr. and Mrs. Lennart Osterberg, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Doherty, and two of anonymous designation. Contributions may be mailed or brought to The Journal office for recognition in these columns, although anyone wishing anonymity is assured of it upon request• Members of 40 & 8 Voiture 135, co-sponsor of the Christmas basket project with The Journal, began preparations at their voiture promenade last week for gathering the materials which go into the baskets of food and toys and for their distribution to unfortunate Mason County families. Chairman Umphenour announced the PUD 3 auditorium again will be headquarters for this activity, that the basket assembling will take place Dec. 22 and 23, and the distribution Dec. 24. He named a special committee of Chef de Gare Phil Durand, Correspondent Clyde Coots, Mayor Frank Travis, Walt Nash, Herb Angle, Ed Faubert, John Luhm, and Bill Dickie to assist him with arranging for these final actions. gyms may be open longer on Saturday. Certain gyms may be County Opens specified for certain age groups, or for girls only, if thereisenough Bids On Rock interest in the program. Yule Lights Are Stolen The Shelton area is beginning to take On its annual Christmas season dress as householders and businessmen brighten their places with decorations of the season. As the decorations start to go up, an annual sneak comes out of the brush the Christmas decoration bulb snatcher. The Shelton Police Department this week received its first report of stolen decoration light bulbs from Mrs. Frank Jett. Mrs. Jett said the thieves took more than half of the bulbs from the decorations she and her husband put up the first night they were up. "Tell them they missed some", Mrs. Jett commented The Mason County Commission, at its meeting Monday, voted to award contracts on furnishing crushed cover stone for the county road department to Interstate Asphalt Co., Aberdeen• The county had advertised for bids on 15,000 cubic yards of rock to be stockpiled at the John's Prairie stockpile site and 10,000 cubic yards at the Mission Creek stockpile site in the North Mason area. Interstate's bid was $1.58 a cubic yard at the John's Prairie site and $1.90 at the Mission Creek site. The only other bid received was that of Pioneer Towing Co., Seattle, for the Mission Creek stockpile. County Engineer J. C. Bridger told the commission the contract on the John's Prairie site could be awarded immediately, and, that a verbal award, pending approval of removal of gravel by the State. AT CAPITAL SAVINGS e (With Qualified Deposit) 'EQUALS When Placed In CAPITAL SAVINGS * Two * $1,000.00 * Compounded Year Certificate Daily Savings *Penalty for early withdrawal Your account transferred free from anywhere In the United States=. SHELTON -- First & Railroad 426-8211 Home Office: O ympla Olympia -- Montesano -- Vancouver -- Shelton The Mason County Sheriff's Office arrested five persons over the weekend on charges of violating the county's minor forest products ordinance by hauling Christmas trees without a bill of sale or hauling permit. Gregory Dipola, 21, Centralia, was arrested about 5:45 p.m. Dec. 6 on Highway 3 for transporting about 100 trees without a permit. Duane Blackwell, 22, Union, Dec. 15, voters of Mason County and Grays Harbor County who are residents of Mary M. Knight School District No. 311 will vote on a special levy for the maintenance and operation of the school. Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Mary M. Knight School. In order for the levy to have a chance of passing, 56 persons from Mason County and 7 from Grays Harbor County, who live in the District, must vote. This number constitutes the 40 per cent of voters who voted in the last General Election in November required to validate the election. In order for the levy to pass, 60 per cent of these must vote "yes". Money from the special levy will be collected in 1972, but the District is authorized to begin using it for payment of necessary maintenance costs beginning in January, 1971. The voters of the School District authorized the vote at a public meeting Oct. 21, after understanding the very serious nature of the financial condition of the school. Absentee ballots are available at the County Auditor's Office in Shelton for persons who, for any reason, are unable to come to the polls. was arrested about 7 p.m. Dec. 5 for cutting a Christmas tree without a permit. Timothy Stenek, 32, Elma, was arrested about 4 p.m. Dec. 6 for transporting 16 trees without an invoice or harvesting permit. He was arrested at First and Grove in Shelton. Howard Pole Jr., 25, Shelton, was arrested about 4 p.m. Dec. 6 hauling about 60 trees without a sales, invoice or cutting permit. He was arrested on Highway 101 S. near the Mason County line. Gary Raymond, 20, Seattle, was arrested about 4:55 p.m. Dec. 6 near Taylor Towne for hauling eight trees without a sales invoice or harvesting permit. All five were cited into Mason County District Justice court on the charges. The Sheriff's Office in cooperation with the Christmas tree growers association has been conducting Christmas Tree patrols since early in November. The tree growers provide funds to pay off-duty officers to patrol in the tree growing areas. The county provides the vehicles and gasoline. The Sheriff's Office this week reminded residents that under an ordinance adopted by the earlier this year, it is transport one or more trees or one pound or other greenery without a or hauling or harvesting HOLIDAY GIFTS GALORE! From Our Newly Enlaraed GIFT SHOPPE Glassware, Colonial Candles, Candle Holders and Rings, Arrangements, Cards, potted Plants. 6 miles from Belfair on the North Shore Road ¢R 5-2S58 BUILDING CHECK THIS BARGAINI 3/4x4x8 Regularly $14.95 Per Sheet LUMBIBRMi:N'S "Building Mason County" THE PRESSURE of public opinion is like the pressure of the atmosphere; you can't see it - but, all the same, it is sixteen pounds to the square inch. James Russell Lowell Of Shelton • 426-2611 OPEN.SUNDAYS 11-4 UNTIL CHRISTMAS! Evergreen Square 426-3456 LL Solid state AM radio; instant play, cool cool operation. Slide rule tuning. Extra-powerful 2V4" speaker; built-in antenna. 6V4" high case in assorted white, avocado and tan with black face. i - year mfgr. parts and labor warranty. Model No. RC1089. Reg. $24.95. This is the time to pamper somebody. And everbody loves that refreshing Jean Nate fragrance, it's not just the gift to give, it's the gift to get. Tingle at the touch of Jean Nate. the new Kodak camera that takes flash pictures without flash batteries Instanl Pk. of 35 KODAK INSTAMA'rlC X-15 CAMERA •.. in complete outfit. Plus four other ' X" Csmera models to fit your gift list! Regularly $20.95 NOW / Choice of 16. Sitting Poodle, Shagay Bear, Mouse or Lying Wolf. A $3.98 Value. NOW SUNDAY SPECIAL--11 A.Meto 4 P.M. MEN'S CALENDAR & LADLES NAME BRAND WATCHES VALUES TO $55 OPEN SUNDAYS II A.M.-4 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS! Men's By Currier and Ives COLOGNES & SETS ................. Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County y, December 10