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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses ...... in the Mason County auditor's MASON COUNTY fine; Adolphia Young, Rt. 7, Box snowballs with rocks in mem at a office this week were' JUSTICE COURT 650, Bremerton, possession ofcar, breaking a windshield. Franklin Snvder III, 21 'Pearing on the docket inloaded rifle in motor vehicle, $25 John Long reported a car Allyn and Shernl Casto, 19' I County Justice Court fine. drove over his lawn. . Allyn. Judge Pro Tern Gerald Shelton Police Clarence Wxshonreported a Gordon Costa, 33, Shelton, ~rnb during the past week .... chelor 63" " " house entered, and Bonnette Hanson, 34 >huron t~at , i park . . , ' St Shelton nossession of Howard Smith reported a Shelton. rlshington State Patrol marijuana, d'ismissed; Danilewallet,l°stL ....... bert Beierle, 823 N E 104th Batchelor 631 Park St., Shelton, Jonn ~amlston reportea mau , driving while intoxicated possession of marijuana, $100boxes knocked down. ............ Lg a public officer, $325' fine, 30 days in jail, 25 .~ Vehicles dr)vex by,~ugene ................. five days in jail, license suspended. Klcnar.a_ MacKey were ~ e I ~ded 30 days; Michael Municipal Department lnv°tiV:r°rm C:~kl~SlsUn;e orted bb |II ~ ~ e,~ 823 NE 104th St., r~r,~ Munson 103 S 12th Y P | I ~ q~ ie o~,otructin. a ,,ublic _ " ........ ,. " ~,~ holes in a window. , ~,~ s e St., Shelton, speealng, ~3 ~ ~ a-;vex by Gnrdnn ............ ,resisting a public officer, ¢ ¢ .. D.t. a W~rd R* ~r~ ~ ~.a~ uH ....., ....... _-._-._-._-_-_-.; ........... al consum-tion of ,or,el~;,, ....... .,,,,_,ox Steensen hit a wall just off . . e 471, Olympia, improper lane of ~;,,~,. ,, ~n, c These are the tides tar the ',all " • xxl~:~lway l u x o. ~ts, $200 free, five days travel, $15 forfeit; Walter .......... Union area. For Shelton and ~teven Boysen, Rt. 1, Box Magelson, general delivery, IWO jumor ,mgn scnoo~ Oakland Bay add one hour and 45 ~t~e.lton, defective brakes, Shelton, no valid license, $15 students, reported as..truam.s, minutes and 2.5 feet. W~th vision restricted, $25 forfeit; Lois Miller, 1028 were p!c~ea up at. a res, mence.,m • $20 suspended; Felix Kanroaa, ....... ~neiton, no o-era'p tor's the .... city. .... ann returnedto tie Thursday, Dec. 10 u Jr., Rt. 5, Box 306, license ~35 forfeit" James Junlorrugn~cnooL High ...... 3:53a.m. ll.05ft. ~n, speeding, no vahd Womack, 628 Franklin, Shelton, , Low .......8:35 a.m. 7.9 ft. .rs license on person, $30 no operator's license, $50 forfeit; SHERIFF S OFFICE High ....... 1:47 p.m.12.2 ft. LGeorge Crabble, Rt. 2,Gus White Mason Ants, Shelton A number of hand tools fromLow .......9:11 p.m. -2.5 ft. 195, Mapleton, Ore., $15 drunk in public, seven days in jail'; th woodworking shop at the Friday Dee 11 !i Richard Hopkins, 638Patrick Lazeau, Wivell Court,Exceptional Foresters educational .... ~' " ....... c, iin, Shelton, defectiveShelton drunk in public, three building were taken in a break-in nxgn ....... ~.~ a.m. ,oz.~ ~ft- st, $1 5 forfeit" Lloyd ,4 .... ~- ;~;~ over the weekend LOW .......~:J~ a.m. o.~ t. erly Jr., P.O.Box 201 u,y .... j .... ~r ..... Cava~e re-orted twoHigh ....... 2:29 p.m. 12.0 It. • ' ,~,,~,,, os v . - 0 ft failure to stop at stop sign, COUNTY ..... Low .......9.53 p.m. 3. . "'""~'""-' """'"TS cnaln saws taken. ~rfei " DUILI~ IIN IkJ r I~ 1~ 1¥11 t" Dann Rmux Rt 5, Sat r 2~ ' Y ' ." .. ....... Robert Gordon reported u day, Dec. 12 ~, Shelton, no operator's t~uumng permits approved by ........... . ..... ....... ,, n f+ 0 ....... ¢'¢ ¢~-¢-;" the Mason t~oun* •Planner's~I.DO In cnange and a day s ring r[lgn ....... 3:.33 ~z.7 t. 11 plY|SOil, ~ l 3 IUIIK;It ~L~ ty . ,. . o ~ f ? ............. ' ......... tazen ~rom the dressing room at Low . 10:35 a m. o.o t. nnOerwal Kt z Box 831 UIIlCe during me oast week were ...... " .... ., ,,,. " ,,., ¢, ' • ' ' - the " art ....... o ..... silence swimming pool. talgn ....... 3:03 p.m. ~ J.t it. , tallure to slgnal, t a. W. t)osser,reo , - - - ~n Mrs Gertrude Partlow Low 10 35 p m 3 1 tt ' g linuor in public, $25$18,000; Loyed Willis, addition ....... : " ' " " " . -" . • reported a stereo taken , Gregory Bma, 2016 S. to dwelhng, $2,000; Dr. Emery .~ . . " . .. Sunday, Dec. 13 ~h-' ..... F~aser des ....... " Les ~Jeorge uaKer reported two c~ton no valid operator" , g t caoln, ~/,uuu ........ l-li~h 6-9q a m 13 2 ft I " • • ' or e tlSnlng tackle boxes taken. "-'~, ..................... on person, $25 forfeit, Freeman, garage, $2,500, Ge g ..... Low ......11:23 a.m.8.6 ft. a Lauber, 309 W. H St Fuller, barn $1 500 Mrs. B.G.~ mr. taoover reported a rJ;,h a a7 n m 11 4 ft ~, s eedin. $15 forfeit Greenwald, vacation cabin break-in, i"~,~, ......... ,~':~-~v'm' 9"of,' P g- . . . ' ................. e ..... " ...... ~0orhead USS Excel, FPO, $ 3,000; R~chard Henxnger, K~rk Christmas Tree Co. ~rancisco, speeding, $15 recreation cabin, $4,895; Mrs. reported fourtreestaken. Monday, Dec. 14 ; Lionel Neau, P.O. Box Paul Huxhold, cabin, $4,000; F. Mrs. Bengtson reported a set High ....... 7:05 a.m. 13.2 ft. ~helton, towing unlicensed C. Marler, storage, $1,500; George of tire chains taken. Low ..... 12:11 p.m.8.5 ft. le, $1 5 forfeit; VincentSpringer, addition to home, Shirley Cameron reported High ....... 4:29 p.m. 11.0 ft. h, 13409 40th Ave S , $5 000; GeorgeThomas cabin, gasoline taken. Low ......11:53 p.m. -2.5 ft. t e fo~ .... to ~iield $4'000 The Lower Skokomish f. , ....... . s.. ' " _ ~. ..... Tuesday, Dec. 15 "way, 420 forfeit; Wdham SHELTON POLICE Gymnasmm was orogen rata and u:_~. "'~ a m 13 2 ft e, St. Rt. 1 Box 18 Allyn ........... 15 play balls taken, m~. ....... ~.-, ..... • • Low ......12.53 p.m. 8.3 ft. may t~eue mcKam reported a to keepright of center ...... ~ ~ .......... Jim Cady reported a hound ........ ,n ¢ ¢, IS ~ e .. OOUK Ol Ioou btalmlp~ IL)~t • . tllgn 3:1 1 pail. IU.3 it. mrielt • m~ssmg ....... • John Smith reported someone " W Game Department had his car D. F. Sleightreporteda ednesday, Dec. 16 :auk Richmond, 1901 Bill clifton reported a car burglary. Low ......12:29 a.m.-1.8 ft. ~kI, Bremerton, hunting deer broken into and a pistol taken. James Latimerreporteda High ....... 8.:}7a.m. 13.0f!. ~Y to rules and regulations, Maurice Barnett reported four televlsmn and a clock radm taken Low .......l:~ p.m. ~.o ~t. ~rfeit; George Kingery, Rt. reflectors taken. ~rom a camn. _ . mgn .......~.~ p.m. ~.y t. e door to a tool shed The U S Forest Service 163, McCleary, failure toTh • " Thursday, Dec. 17 !fly notch elk tag, $35behind Shelton Hardware was reported a drill set taken. Low 1" 11 a m -1 0 ft !; Vince Levell, Rt. 4, Box found open. S. James Harris reported High ....... 8:53 a.m. 12.9 ft. !ltremerton, possession of Three juvenile boys were vandalism to a lumber pile and a Low .......2:35 p.m. 7.5 ft. !~ifle in motor vehicle, $25 arrested after they threw road sign and tools taken, lligh ........ 6:47 p.m. 9.3 ft. ' '~lNinn~ .,,nnlill. ~lmnnl~ .,eUliga,.. O ..~enmnla~ .,.~m~ul~ O ',.,II~U~ '.~nliau~ "'umnli~ "la~lln~ "nlllnnn~ "i~llUl" "~aullmm~ "~aimu" "nlm~mu" "llnn~lm" O "euinla~ O ""anllm°~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O ~ / : I WEEKDAY Nn6n ,'r I , vnnnmmvRi iL O° U I Home Refreshment 7enter[ S ooIs $24.95 l $79.95 ffdkll \ .... i tools $7.95 k IIv 1" 11,,9 m,.,--n.._.___ - v • • Any Certlf,cates Amount /lilt\II ililll Jllqilnli b I . ab,nets $169.95 !ill I I UlUIIIlI[A Ill /I i !qge Racks $17.95 Bill LLI ll nillllP'! li.,/I : LTables $119.95 Illi il dlllllllilr ! i, ers $se.oo ffk- lll ll illlillillll,l roD' ! I l ngChairs $79.95 I IlillllililllUlf I i qmg Ash Trays .$14.95 Ill Ill lr[illlil|lil / ? V ,,,d. "'"' i ]llllilill I]- : r Her: doir Lamps $6.95 U I ,,o.,o , Imic Vases $10.95 - Lr--'-" ; , .isr eor. This handsome C-Shaped : S ~ . ,, ,, ! V~r A.rrangements $9.50 bar IS 24 x 60 with a I i walnut formica top. Reg.$225.00. i line Racks $14.95 Prices li id AAA I $9.95 ..... *Wi| IUVV rn l e.,4 - zarz i ' ! | Pl" ' - • U , ~r With Two • Ih !!ows . 3.95 A Stools | . I !IIows Groupof 58.95 / I Pullows G,o-p of s 10.95 _ . r v 'rs 59.95 "!!' I'I T l $79.95 II t t I t II aYs $19.95 K. 11 I .1. I ! Clocks $18.00 ._ • ' I i tREE GIFT WRAPPING 4th & Cota 426-4702 ! ~ ..qmiull.. 0 o 4inn,..~aim~ O .,,inin,. ,q~ill...=iR~ .~nnnln~. ~ "aunum~ 'q~l" "giBm~ .qlUm...qin~ .eilm,.. O .eln~ O '~alOn" qlm~ qiil..~ummb o O O O ~ ~ ~~ --- _ _ Fred H. Stuck Mary Ann Smffh McNamara Baby Weather Taken By Death Dies In Hospital Dies In Hospital ~'--'--------------'-'-=-'--"- Fred H. Stuck, 8t, died last Mary Ann Smith, a 50 year Dawn McNamara, born Sept. High Low Precip. Thursday in the Mason General resident of Shelton, died Saturday 1 0, 1970 in Olympia, died Dec. 3 41 33 .58 Hospital. in the Mason General Hospital. Sunday in Mason General Dec. 4 42 31 .29 He was born Oct. 18, 1889 in She was 88 years old. Hospital at the age of two months Dec. 5 39 36 .86 Mt. Ayr, Iowa, and had been aShe was born Sept 25 1882 and 25 days. Dec 6 52 49 1 95 resident of Shelton for 43 years in Wisconsin She was' mem er She is survived by her mother, • -~ • • ' . * a b Dec. 7 5, 46 1.82 He was a member of the First of St Edward's Catholic Church Rebecca McNamara of Olympia; a Dec 8 49 29 .29 Christian Church' a 35 year ,,,' '. .... " grandmother, Mrs. Jessie Beaver ~ " ' bne lS survived by two sons . ~ ' Dec. 9 .9 29 1.05 member of FOE, local 2079, and William ti Smith of Union andOlympia, a grandfather, Bernard a past president and member of Elmer " " ........ n thre P. McNamara of Aberdeen" and ,-, . . r. bmltrl brlel[o ; e . . 1 ' the brand Aerie He was active In.u..t. .... c;~,~'. ~,..:^ e.,~;,uby aunts and uncles. ................... _ • d(1 ~HLK;/b ,.}lb t g I LVI d 111~ OIItltll~ ,/ . / / ................... the program for retarded children .... 7" "" v ...... of A gravesme servzce was nela at ILl I , n until the Tuesday prior to his~e, att~e, Mrs. t)a la.r~neetana es 1:30 p m. Wednesday in the NIlA$ IlrrlvnlC .~,...,~ ~neiton and Mrs. Ja.m Masonic'Cemetery in Olympia Ul~ll IPI//lillld~ ucat.. • . Gilbertson Tacoma' a Sister Mrs... .......... ...... He is survived by his wile E -e' ,_ / . _ '_ w~tn earner uenms WOOd ..... ~------~----------------~----- - ' mma K ynoms banta t~aroara, . ..... Clara N. Stuck, of Shelton' four -~ • a~ ..... n,,~,;~n ...... n an officiating. mason t.,enerat rtospital o~... ,,, .... ', Lal.' ,,,, ~..,,,u~,,..u.,~,, .,,u -~, • ~u.s wayne oI aoeraeen, Loren '. . .,,_ ' ' great-granocnnoren. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gouley, of Los Angeles, Russell of 3 2 0 Chestnut St., a boy, Shelton, and Vernon of Portland,Rosary was recited at 7:30 .... December 2. Ore.; five daughters, Mrs..Leveta p.m. Tuesday in St. Edward s ~olTlrnQ~e ~ale Se~ Mr. and Mrs. William P. Anderson, San Diego, Cal Mrs Catholic Church, and Mass was Challender, 2105 Laurel, a boy, Frances Coles, Kodiak, Alaska, said at 10 a.,,. Wednesday, with Kamilche PTO will sponsor a December 5 Mrs Dorothy McCauley, Tacoma,Father Gabriel Donohue rummage sale today and Friday in Mr. a~ad Mrs. Douglas Mrs' Laura Klien Alderwood officiating. Burial was in Shelton the PUD from 10 a.m. until 4 Shilman, 1213 Franklin, a boy, Manor,and Mrs. Nina Mac Memorial Park. p.m. December 6. McCord, Tacoma; a brother, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Allen,Kenneth Stuck, Oklahoma City,~.,~,~.,,.,,,.~.,~-,D.o-~,..,D,~.,~,,m.~oo~a Rte 5, Box 428, a boy, Okla.; a sister, Mrs. Leta Lemke, | December 7. R a p i d C i t y S D " "~ 2 ~ " ._ • .. , .... • Chrnstmas Hollv Hollv Wreaths i granacnzldren; and 39 ~ m m • great-grandchildren. • ............. O The Rev. Ed Chamberlain ~ ~loer-:~moKe(l vu et ~)ouno ~eaTooas . CORRECTION officiated at the funeral held at I Door Charms - Assorted Native Evergreens 0 The break-in reported to the 11 a m Monda,, in the First ~ • Mason County Sheriff's Office by. '- ' ~ . - " " Chnstmn Church. Burial was m ~ Gift Packaged & Ma led For You . Elsie VanderWal last week was at ...... • .... • bnelton MemorialrarK. • the Agate (}range Hall, not a l ................... N...PRI.Eo , house as stated in The Journal last 1 ' ve no i 5~te.~g ~ HOLLY LANI: PAKM I: IrK ~ ~ | week. A punch bowl, food, an WHEN.THE people na.. v electric heater a wall can o--ener tyrant their own pubhc opinionI Box 312, Union, Wa. 98592 Phone 898-2299 ........ , . . .v ,_,_ becomes one .......... .~ Please Call Collect or Write for Brochure I ann light DUlDS were taKen in the " ~uwaru ~_,c~,,~c | . . . break-in. Bulwer-Lytton~ ,.,~ ,.~ ..~.,..,~ ,,~ ,,~ o .~ ,,~ ,,~ ,,~ ,,~ ,~ ,~,. ,~ 0 ,~m.,. ) "~ What a ~reat ~ift idea. ...... ~ "~ iiiiii!!! A camera that takes flash pictures without flash batteries i [ Cartridge Load. Nothing to set. Just aim and I " ! I I I shoot. Indoors or Out. I ' r:iiil .:Mffi: i. =========================== ~~_~ ~om~,e*e ou.,* I /~-~//)-~'~1~ | Includes: Camera, color _ -- __ I ~! //-~~ t film, flash cube, wrist 11 aI 95 i ~ ~.~ a ~trap and ~n~truct,on boo~. "r' i ~ n .::ii;:::' " i Reg. $22.95 NOW .... m u [ MOVIE CAMERAS I SANKYO 21 Zoom -~/~l~l~ASO SANKYO Zoom $1 rASOI ;~ ~ sun,.~ ~-:,,.o~o "uu~ sun,-~ ,::,,,..o nn~ I LENTAR. i CANON. Zooml_ens SQQS01 51 Zoom L ns $1AQ50 SUPER 8 ,,-.,o IV7 SUPER 8 ..,. U7 I l~i .o~.~.. =.. w~,.,.~ FO. I I i 1,,- [ [ l I i Reg. $99.95 Re,. $29.95 I I MODEL 330 $60 1 I PANASONIC KODAK CAROUSEL PANASONIC ~dl~ ELECTRONIcl cmsm SL,. c, a 'hill FLAS. I TAPE RECORDER PROJECTOR STERED TAPE ill, !I'11 OUTFIT I ~/I,~.~ ~ PLAYER /1 "1 "'"" I ~/'/4i~p" ~ ~,.~ ~ ~~ ii I POLAROID n • ,~ ...... ~ ~ . v /,f ii ! ,o,... I t CA UP.AS u , ."qr~r{ r°"" ii~a!:ptho~f::on to°Tna}i~u~i~i,i~M~i!~2~?ie~)ni~i Completeout,,t,n¢[odese I 3 /z'' dynamic spea , Use with new 140 capa- '....... ' $49.95 electronic flash with I automatic record leve, pop-up ...... the utmost in szereo .sten0ng . . _ . . i cassette feature Solid State. Cl[y bilae lray. pleasure. Both manual and automat,c DracKeT ana camera ¢ora, I Complete with remote dynamic, WaS $79.50 ~h~2ge~l f2~i~;r ~:~hht 'l/Uwmontta;: $7.95 cherger, $11.95 four i microph?%e, e~¢~pheolnef~ casse4tte tore amp dual channel ampi,f,e; and ilf h " & b~tte s od Q-~05 - . " • "me Niced batteries, i Reg. $39.95. precise vertical head movement I system, All Solid-State construction. I ,29,s ,5388 Re, *99" :z,,. $39'S,.o;., [ I • I I I forward and rewin. : Full I state engineered NOW v 8' i ~ ~ ~ ------------------~ .~m_ ~"W~ ......................................... qe-S;rVice- Whc, i We Sell .... I ZIEGLER'S CAMERA SHOP ] Thursday, December 10, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5