December 10, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 10, 1970 |
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Paul Rogerson
High School Spotlight
Paul Rogerson, apparently,
has an honest face. He has been
elected treasurer of the Senior
class, treasurer of S Club and
treasurer of Key Club. He has
beeh for two years a member of
ttonor Society, and for two years
has turned out for track, and
He studies civics, journalism,
psychology and art, and he is a
student teacher for Washington
State history.
Paul is mailer for the Journal,
where he has been employed for
over a year. He also works
part-time at the Dairy Queen.
His hobbies are art and sports,
the latter of which he likes both
as a spectator and as a participant.
H~ is especially interested in
hydroplanes and boat racing, and
owens a boat which he enjoys at
!he Iarmly summer home on
Mason Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Rogerson
are Paul's parents, and he was
born in Shelton on November 1,
1952. He contemplates a career in
advertising and will enroll in
either the University of Oregon or
the University of Washington to
major in journalism and
Guild To Meet
In the home of Mrs. E. T.
Petterson, East Stadium Drive,
Grapeview, the Sarah Eckert
Guild will meet at noon next
Thursday for a C~tnt~rt~.
Mrs. Curtis Bell will co-hostegs
with Mrs. L. E. Soule assisting
with serving. There will be an
exchange of one dollar gifts.
Gift Exchange Set
An exchange of Christmas
gifts will mark the meeting of the
Union Ladies Civic Club to be
held at noon today in the Union
Fire liar
Dinner Planned
Mason County Salon No. 508
8 & 40 will meet at 7 p.m.
Monday in the Memorial Hall for
a Christmas dinner and gift
Today, Thursday, Dec. 10
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Care.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m.,
courthouse annex.
St. Edward's Woman's Club,
7:30 p.m. board meeting, 8 p.m.
regular meeting, at the church.
Elinor Chapter past matrons
club, noon potluck and Christmas
party, home of Mattie Backlund.
Hood Canal Federated
Woman's Club luncheon, 11:30
a.m., Potlatch clubhouse.
Broken Limb Bowmen
rummage sale, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.,
Nimrod Clubhouse.
Evergreen PTA rummage sale,
7 p.m. 9 p.m., school
Kamilche PTO rummage sale,
10 a.m. - 4 p.m., PUD.
Union Ladies Civic Club,
noon, Union Fire Hall.
Friday, Dec. 11
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. 5 p.m., court house
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m.,
IOOF Hall.
Broken Limb Bowmen
rummage sale, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.,
Nimrod Clubhouse.
Kamilche PTO rummage sale,
10 a.m. - 4 p.m., PUD.
Exceptional Foresters
Christmas tree sale, Lumbermen's
parking lot.
Saturday, Dec. 12
Salty Sashayers Square Dance
Club, 8:30 p.m., at the
Sunday, Dec. 13
Shelton churches invite you
to attend the church of your
Monday, Dec. 14
PUD No. 3 commission
meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference
County commission meeting,
10 a.m., court house.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Goodwill truck in town.
Phone 426-4847 for pickups.
It's About Time Tops, 7:30
p.m., County Health Office.
LANCE, 7:30 p.m., PUD
.... efft' l I 'alffl Organization, 8
p.m., United Methodist Church.
Christmas Bazaar, Candleliters
Club, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., PUD.
Mason County Salon No. 508
8 & 40 Christmas dinner & gift
exchange, 7 p.m., Memorial Hall.
Mason General Hospital
Christmas Coffee Hour, 11 a.m. -
1 p.m., home of Mrs. Frank
Travis, Jr.
Amaranth Social Club
Christmas party & potluck, noon,
Once again the Hood Canal
Federated Woman's Club will give
prizes to the three top winners of
Mason County in the local high
school girls sewing contest.
Garments must be submitted for
judging prior to March 5, 1971.
'[he top two winning
garments from Mason County will
be entered in the Peninsula
District of the Washington State
Federation of Women's Clubs
sewing contest. The District will
award gift certificates in the
amounts of $25.00, $15.00 and
$ I 0.00.
The top winner from
Peninsula District will compete in
the state contest with the top
entries from the other eleven
districts in our state. The
Washington State Federation of
Women's Clubs will present a
Bernina Sewing Machine to the
intent to enter. She will discuss
the rules and answer questions.
Her phone number is 877-5368.
Rules are:
1. Any High School girl can
enter. (Grades 9 to 12 inclusive).
2. Garment may be made at
home or at school.
3. Garment must be
one-piece, washable school dress
of cotton, linen, or synthetic
fabric. (no pants-dresses, skirts,
blouses, or jackets, for uniformity
in judging).
4. Judging based on
Appearance - 15 points,
Appropriateness - 15 points, and
Workmanship - 70 points.
Judges will take into
consideration the number of
details - collar, sleeves, plackets,
buttonholes, facings, darts, etc.
Girls may correct faults pointed
out by judges before submitting
garment to the next contest. The
dress may be washed before
contest to prove washability to
Please enter me in the High School Girls Sewing Contest:
Name ........................... School .........Grade ...
Address ...............................Phone .............
School Activities, hobbies, plans for the future: ...................
winner of our state Sewing ........................................................
Contest. In addition, second,
third, and fourth place prizes of ........................................................
$50.00, $30.00 and $20.00 will
be given.
~ffs. Harold Drake, P.O. Box
313, Hoodsport is local chairman.
Please inform her by mail of
Sale Planned
The Evergreen PTA will
sponsor a rummage sale in the
school auditorium from 7 p.m.
until 9 p.m. today. Donations of
good and usable items will be
For Christmas--Something Different
From $2.00 ° Earthenware Plaques
Pottery * Pendants ° Tile Signs
Candles ° Conversation * Coffee
Harstine Island Gallery
4 Miles South of Bridge on Maples Road
Phone 426-8840
VFW Meeting
Held in Elma
Masonic Temple.
Christian Women's Club
luncheon, 11:50 a.m., Hallmark
Tuesday, Dec. 15
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Timbers Restaurant.
City commission meeting, 2
p.m., city hall.
American Legion Post &
auxiliary Christmas party, 6:30
p.m. social hour, 7:30 p.m.
dinner, at the Memorial Hall.
Jaycees, 8 p.m., airport
Lions Club dinner & board
meeting, 7 p.m., Hallmark Inn.
Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m.,
Masonic Temple.
Wednesday, Dec. 16
Drivers license examiner, I0
a.m. 5 p.m., court house
Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,
Multi-service Center.
WARC, 8 p.m., chapter
Laurel Court No. 26 Order of
the Amaranth, 6 p.m. potluck,
family & Christmas party night.
Thursday, Dec. 17
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Port commission meeting, 8
p.m., court house.
Shelton Nimrod Club, 8 p.m.,
Mason County Democrat
Club, 8 p.m., PUD auditorium.
Multi-service Center board
meeting, 7:30 p.m., at the center.
Sarah Eckert Guild Christmas
party, noon, home of Mrs. E. T.
Welcome Chapter past
Matrons noon sack lunch,
Masonic Temple.
Family Night Set
Family and Christmas party
night will be observed by Laurel
Court No. 26, Order of the
Amaranth, at a 6 p.m. potluck
dinner to be held Wednesday.
In lieu of a gift exchange,
donations to worthy causes will
be made.
Department president Mrs.
Ralph Rohwedder made her
official visit to the Fifth District
meeting of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars Post & Auxiliary held
in Elma on Saturday. A no-host
dinner was served by the Elma
auxiliary at 6:30 p.m. and the
meeting was called to order at 8
p.m. by Fifth District president
Mrs. Robert Jenkins.
Attending from Shelton were
Mr. and Mrs. George Witcraft, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Swope, Mr. and
Mrs. Darrell Sparks, Mr. and Mrs.
William Gephart, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Chapman, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Robinson, Jessie Cox,
Bernice Hatch, Mamie Clark, Sue
Latham, Beatrice Gray, and
Elizabeth Simpson.
At the last regular meeting
Bernice Hatch reported that Fir
Lane Terrace Convalescent Center
was in need of scissors and cotton
material for the making of rugs.
Any member wishing to donate
these items is asked to bring them
to the next meeting.
A 17 year old girl, sister of a
Post member, is receiving cobalt
treatments for a malignant bone
tumor on the leg. If the treatment
arrests the malignancy,
amputation of the leg will follow.
Members are asked to send
Christmas cards to her. Her name
and address is Miss Susan Miller,
1847 152nd St., Bellevue, Wa.
Through the cooperation of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slettedahl
the Exceptional Foresters will
operate a Christmas tree yard in
Lumbermen's parking lot from
December 11 through December
Both fir and pine trees will be
available in various sizes, as well
as tree stands.
Those wishing to cut their
own trees may do so by inquiring
at ttte l~xceptional Foresters'
building at the airport.
ONE THORN of experience is
worth a whole wilderness of
warning. -Lowell
The son and the
daughter-in-law of Leona Clay
just couldn't resist playing Cupid.
When Leona came to Shelton
from Port Orchard in 1965 she
was a widow, and her son, Ernest
Dahlman, owner of Dahlman
Oyster Co. was married to Mud
Clay's daughter, Virginia. Mud
Clay was a widower.
Virginia, who had been
delivering oysters, became ill and
asked her dad to take over the
chore. She also suggested that he
take her mother-in-law along for
company. Leona became Mrs.
Mud Clay two and a half years
Well-known are Clay's
greenhouses where are grown
pansies, primroses and fuschias.
On the premises of their Spencer
Lake home wander flocks of
peacocks, 20 or more birds. Two
dogs and three Siamese cats are
family pets.
Leona Clay dropped many of
her former organizations when
she moved from her former home,
but she still retains membership in
the Eastern Star in Quilcene. She
also belongs to the Pickering
Homemakers Club.
She was for 14 years
employed in the South Kitsap
cafeteria, where she started as
cook and ended as manager. "I
still meet young people who
remember me," she states.
Many hobbies has Leona. She
dyes for bouquets the pampas
grass grown in her yard, and she
makes her own Christmas
decorations from styrofoam bails,
studded with sequins, beads, etc.;
she makes novelties of felt, ma ny
Winners Named
North-South winners for the
Monday evening meeting of the
Shelton Bridge Club were Bruce
Kreager and Bill Batchelor, and
Ousti Ooldschmid and Doris
Winners for East-West were
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stock, and
Gordon Bennett and Louise
Something to show and to IR , d ~
make should be brought to the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~II ~ It
Christmas party and potluck of
the Amaranth Social Club, set for By JIn l~nford
noon Monday in the Masonic .------ = ---
A work party and
exchange is planned.
a gift
Coffee Hour Set
The Christmas Coffee Hour of
the Mason General Hospital
Auxiliary will be held in the home
of Mrs. Frank Travis Jr., 502
Laurel St. on Monday from 11
a.m. until 1 p.m.
The High School Swing Choir
will sing Christmas songs.
Recital Scheduled
The Mason County
Robinettes annual Recital and
Christmas Party will be held at
Bordeaux School Sunday at 1:30
One should not speak
111 of the dead
For this is wrong,
Or so it's said;
But safer, this,
Than to contrive
To libel those
Who are alive.
It is entirely untrue that I was
last Monday morning sent out
into the wet and wicked wilds of
the flooded Skokomish Valley
armed only with a camera and a
rain bonnet.
Equally erroneous is the
rumor that I was told not to come
back without a fish-eye view of
the situation. I can't understand
how these stories get started.
Actually, I was merely asked
if I valued my job, and it was
suggested that there was no time
like the present to learn
underwater photography.
I most definitely was not told
to go jump in the river. I was
simply instructed to go down
with my shutter clicking, should
it come to that. It was requested
that I continue with the
picture-taking until I surfaced for
the third time, at which moment I
was to make an attempt to toss the
camera ashore. It was
emphasized, however, that I
wasn't to worry about it.
I was assured that no effort
would be spared to retrieve the
When the flood
Has come and gone
The strange new crud
Upon my lawn
Is not pollution
But the re-
of debris.
Ann Bennington says• •..
"It's still not too late to
Long Stemmed Tulips, Dutch Hyacinths, Parrot Tulips,
Calla Lillys, Grape Hyacinths, Daffodils, Ranunculus.
Mason County"
Of Shelton • 426-2611
THE BEAUTIFUL BASKETS made by Leona Clay are
decorative and functional.
of them magnetized to cling to a pipe cleaner; attach at the
refrigerator; she is constantly on double flat bow of the
the lookout for new ways to use of ribbon used to bind
peacock feathers. She makes leave lengthy streamers. Add
tassell ornaments of gift tie yarn, balls, poinsettias, ornamerlt.
and flowers of yarn and burlap, what y ou will as fur
Leona Clay received as a gift decoration.
an attractive wire basket which
pleased her so much that she
immediately set to work to make Reservations
another like it. Her more petite
version can be made in two hours, NEW YEAR/S
after the wire has been sprayed.
The basket may be used to hold 4 Hrs,
Christmas cards or magazines, or
it may be filled with holly or and
cedar boughs, heaped with
ornaments or fruits.
Although Leona gives Wittl
directions for a Christmas basket,
with a few changes in color and
scheme, baskets could be
appropriate for various occasions. His
Leona plans a pure white one,
flower-filled, for Easter. A red
and white heart-decorated
specimen could hold valentines;
the possibilities are endless. Mrs. Plus
Clay estimates the cost of
materials needed for a small * AllLiquid
basket at about one dollar. * Gay Party Favors
One starts with a square of* Midnite Champagne
hardware cloth (wire mesh), spray
painted gold. (Other colors could * Steak &
be used, as desired). When * Informal-9:30 'Til
completely dry cover the edges
with velvitized ribbon, stitching in All For $30. A Couple
place with matching thread. Leona (Limited To 85 Couple)
used red ribbon, which must be 1 ½
inches wide for her small basket 'IT'S ALL FOR fUlq'~
and wider for a larger one. ,j,
Bring two alternate corners of
square together and fasten with a
Matrons To Meet
Welcome Chapter's past
matrons will meet tor a noon sack
lunch in the Masonic Temple next
go St. Andrews
Phone 426-358
I have some
requests so..'
for the
of December
We will have
these st:
There is no Better Gift than a
Any certificate purchased during specials
will be honored at the "special price"
whenever the certificate is used.
We also have a large stock of wigs and hair
New customers are always welcome at
Phone 426-6659
Open M(~n. thru Saturday
Evenings BY
:: .t,,.ll,,,, tA,v,,,~ (.~.Jtlly ,h, Ilul~day. [)c~:ember 10, 1970