December 10, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 10, 1970 |
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ristmas Message:
thside Baptist Church
What comes into your mind
n you think about 'God'?
ttever your thoughts, these by
~1. Baille should be included•
with the human race.
Now look at the man God
created. He was given dominion
over the earth, has ruled it and is
realizing that if he is to continue
he must also preserve it. His
technological progress has
about, God took the initiative in
making it possible for man to
change. God wanted to bring man
again into fellowship with Himself
and also with one another,
Phillipians 2:5-11 is one of the
Biblical explanations of what God
d' is "something unique,
ething that cannot be fully astounded most of us. But yet we did through His Son.
lceptualized .... The word are also appalled at his Let your bearing towards one
r, rightly understood, is not a inhumanity to himself• In order and!her ariseout of your life in
~na ..... ~-,.* ..... er to pull us out of our pigpens of t:larlst Jesus l-or the divine nature • •
e'°'n .,,~. u~.~ ,, v;ue- " moral chaos and hypocriticalwas his from the first; yet he did
• ' 400 is not in any class.
God had to do a not think to snatch at equality at)t,~_.
Fe statements leave God still a
lStery and they are not tremendous work. He saw his with God, but made himself [y•
~ded to infringe upon yourcreation wallowing in its own sin nothing, assuming the nature of a
}tivity God is the One whoand it turned his stomach, slave. Bearing the human likeness,
]created this world and has The drastic action that God revealed in human shape, he •
~en to inhabit the planet Earth took is what Christmas is all humbled himself, and in
obedience accepted even
1 death-death on a cross. Therefore
~*ri* i
[_Bile --. -- IIII God raised him to the heights and L, irnng:
MDIICa/IOgS lell bestowed on the name above
|1 -- ~., • • all names, that at the name of Jesus
I out Evergreen college :::&, ~ee e:hr::ldanbd°Wn - th: |'.- FoRDRAWINGScHRISTMAsEACH DAY
I~wo new publications aimed f u r t h e r rn or e d e t a i l e d depths- and every tongue confess, " •
[acquainting prospective information about first-year Jesus Christ is Lord , to the glory liP' NO OBLIGATION TO WIN!
|dents with programs and academic programs, of God the Father. (NEB)
~edures at The Evergreen State The second publicat!on, In other words, God loves us ........ ----- ............. ---~=--- ........... - -- ............. -
[ege at Olympia were issued entitled "Preliminary Bulletin ,is enough that He chose to get tit)
|Week through the office of a 16-page illustrated book which involved. He sent His this for the fines
~etor of Admissions David W. discusses Evergreen's goals and planet, to be born of a virgin m
~n. objectives, the kinds of academic the humblest ot circumstances .to
h:------- J_
I I-..
I~Vashington's newest public program options that will be bring us back !o.Hxmself. Christ --_= • ummunu Q jewelrv
e au onz b av emn da was obedient in leaving the
~'Y~ar college - th " ed y ailable on up " g Y, , ......
11967 legislature opens ina d mi s si o n s p o licie s a n dspienaors oI neaven ann m eacn
e of and other step along his human path even to
~,ember, 1971. Processing prodecures, tuition .... See Beckwith's This Christmas
unsehn the crucff~xmn and resurrectmn --_-------------
~cationsfor admissions will costs, housing, co " g . . - ...... _==:___~ ......... _.,____:_=_=:____:_:__ .... =_-____=_____=_=___ _=_
lh earlyin 1971, followingservices, financial aid, and . This was not done justfor IIIll
show, but for practlcahty God
,.tie. first faci.te.
t~ ............. :---'o werewants us to accept what He did as
pug. lnese p LI o l I ~,aLlUlta • .*jr! •
10Be of the new publications is prepared to give prosp " "....... for a woman..
e sam that H we ut our commence
i~rnall brochure which briefly students of all ages sum .P ":::.'.'; ~'~.~
~Sses the climate for learning preliminary information about t n. Jesus as being Gods Son and :.'.".~'""~!~! ir Ire t..~,#" IL.~l.."~'~."l ~ ~~I |
l~Vergreen. It is designed solely what will be available at rtls ay,ng on the cross as u_e,ng
ember ame to take away our guilt from
[]Spur student requests for alreadyEVergreenhave nexrstartedSept . ' " China & Stemware I PEARLS
| Brown said. Most students oe.I.ore God - then. our sm and
serious guilt will be taken away and at
• S " ..... llllBlil I See our collection
| college planning and we're our mwtation, God's Holy Spirit
• z ns Ulrles each comes to live and work within us
tfc~.,,___&.__.,~ receiving do e of inq ..... • ~ {( '~, A fine gitt in many 1~ I .... Today!
[IU/IIIU/IUI I week. And He works to make us more
|l.-._ I __1_ I__/•- __. Persons wishing to receive revealsand moretolike God's own Son and .~..~" I ' patterns and styles. Our ~ I
tyallaDle copies of the brochure md us God's purpose for
• \ n We Will
l ,. preliminary bulletin should write °ur nd::kdUallives. ":" stemware is made of ha d I "
t~)rwl I I Ll'l k,/~"~P''~ r,l/%.j / to: Director of Admissions, The your Son toY°UEarth,G°d for sending :~.!.:",:.-'2 .............. , ,~ " crystal.", ~ I Soon Have
I.~' 7 Evergreen State College, Olympia, " .-. mane ~ I
L~!though a student might Washington98501..t'..~:.:~..~" .............. ~ I
[M school in a town which , ::'~'.:::::"
ht n°t contract for services I -- I !'f!.:.! Leather Goods Men's J I-ewe'ryb-y ANSON
Timberland Regional I / . I
tarY, he is still eligible to use I J t "'"'~.2:"''~'" by' ~ I
l Services of the library if he I ,/"// • . ~...~ [
i-n an unincorporated area I / "- / • " J'gl~Ir--- ~ I ":':';;":" , From ~.~t'~"
| orting Timberland's service. I / / PRINCE GARDNEa i Men s and Ladies Lighters by I r
l~or example, a student I / / I ///'/7/'7"4 I " , open tar
[ ding school in Shelton, l I .At'Ill I 1 ,r I II/I 1/i I PRINCESS GARDNER [ ZIPPO and COLIBRI [
[eh d°es n°t c°ntraet' but wh° | | / | : [ [
[0utside lhecity, may borrow I v , V - -- --'" " " "t I . from s .so s .gs Watch
r l'~k, magazine, pamphlet or l ~ ,d~ I
tother library material by I ~ ~ " A IA ~ I ;:;~e ESp:cia'l, Dosil~ned il i , .~p.% I .... | I' | I J[ r~1 I I I n~tmi~,--:l
]lePhoning or writing [ mM , for... __ I we rosa nave rme I Rt)OUl[
l~erland libraries in Belfair, I lIE I :,..,;:-...
|'Pia, Lacey or Tumwater. I ~q~...,~l~[~ , :;ii f I Select,on of I •
~ student may request I ~Jl~~l'll['"L~qlll~" I i![%unty region, including the I ~ _ I ":~':~ -~.~//~d~~~ I I
|etials by letter, post card or I '~r~r ~~r~¢]Wr'~$~~r I :~'!:('~!: i
| Phone from any other I ~im -- "" "'-- ' " .. BAROMETERS • TRAVEL ALARMS Jewel
[Iberland Library in theI W I -~
l~Ulistrative Office in Lacey. I I .' ~i~~ i |
i~s. lrvin McArthur, I I NUK~KU:~o ~..~Ku= I I "'~:..'-! O ER> ~~:l I
l%erland regional board I I -- I I '. "~~ •
[ber from Mason County, said I I Box of 25 I I RINGS I FANCY GLASSWARE I Diamond
it this service is free of charge | I T I ---- I I .'.o'.t~,::.
l lstudents living outside of I I From i I I-:.'::. .... ,i> .:!,o . "' I .
towns, as wellas I | I ' ..:.:).:::.. Our Collect,on oF S,Iver , - I Setting
|th0ser%ntractingliving in towns or cities I I "':';'1" " " "i~ "~ ..... ~'
• .-.:.':.. ~: '~': ~'~-" . v
~edo contract for library I DISTINCTIVE new I
Consists of ~~ ,'~i ,,~. I •
]Requests|a~yquestionsf°r library materials ,about library , ,.L,,,o":"¢ -,~v,,a""'~" ,' .@ 1S47 ROGERS SROS. ~ ~ :i~ "~ :~q' ~: 'i-~ j Enaravln
[Vices may be sent to I .. ,-~,'P'e~. I."r,.'~,..--. I ;'i:~'~" . .~i--~, o~, ~d i 'j-~,' . , ~ aq#
e herland Regional Library: I IN/|'K A/IU AL I .:i.:.;':: COMMUNITY SlLVERPLATE : :_J ,