December 10, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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~0UTttSIDE - Little
Christmas party is
11 with a potluck at 6:30
:at the Little Skookum Hall.
will be a fifty cent gift
Dan Nye, Foreign
Student, is going to talk
pictures of Norway.
guests at Mr. and Mrs.
Asche's home Sunday were
Mrs. Dale Way and two
Scott and Teresa.
at the Mr. and Mrs. L.
home Sautrday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
and son Gary and Mabel
and Mrs. E. A. Wetmore
~riday went to their son's
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
and their two daughters
of Bellevue, for Thanksgiving and
stayed over night.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wetmore
then on last Saturday went to
visit friends at lssaquah.
The Live Wires 4-H Club held
a meeting Dec. 1 at the home of
Kim Wheeler. Those present were
Sharon Johnson, Nancy Eveleth,
Kathy Bailey, Julie Kamin, Kim
Wheeler, Mrs. Bedell, Mrs. Wolf
and Cheryl Bedell. They voted to
go ' Caroling" with Mrs. Wheelers
4-H group the Bachelors, Dec. 19.
Mrs. Wolf gave some door
knockers to make for the
Southside School Carnival and
they are to work at the dinner
there. The next meeting will be in
January and members are to bring
sweet rolls, said reporter Cheryl
brnmunity Club
Rs Good Turnout
- The Lilliwaup
Club had a good
~ut for itsFriday night
dinner, meeting and
There were nine tables
First prize went to
Lee and Mike Stolen.
Nicholson and Matt Kaare
~econd prize winners. Mattie
and Lloyd Wilton held
Finning three hundred
and the door prize went
the clubhouse, with a midnight
lunch furnished by club members.
There was an error in last
weeks item concerning Mrs.
Swearingen's California trip. Patti
Jo Gonzagowski, whose wedding
the group attended, is Mrs.
Swearingen's niece, not her
granddaughter. My apologies to
all concerned.
Mrs. Grace McGrady, of New
HARSTINE - The Hall will
be the scene of the beginning of
the Holiday festivities here on the
Island today as the Women's Club
gathers laden with oodles of
good food and to enjoy the labors
of their handy work. As is
traditional all the women on the
Island are extended to contact the
food committee for what to bring
and come with a $1 exchange gift
and join the gals for the Christmas
And if today (Thursday) is
the dessert then Tuesday of this
week must be the whip cream.
For most of the gals agree that
while the decorating does
take some effort it really is about
the most fun of all. This year the
gals decided (and did) purchase
lights for the tree after having
borrowed lights in past years. And
the ones that were borrowed from
Wayne Browning last year made
such a big difference in the overall
effect that the membership
decided it really would be worth
the small added expense to have
lights of their own.
Following the Women's Club's
Thursday Christmas Party the
Community Club will have theirs
on Saturday night rather than the
usual Friday evening for
December only. This year the
club has decided to add a gift
exchange to add to the fun and
festivities of the holiday.
Then on Wednesday of next
week the Grangers will enjoy the
holiday atmosphere of the Hall
for their regular meeting
preceeded by a simple pot luck
Gladys Anderson have had a
Hobby Shop on Cota Street in
Shelton specializing in items that
would appeal to rock hounds for
about the past year. One day last
month Beulah and John
Hitchcock, who are enthusisatic
rock hounds were browsing
around the shop and in their
conversation mentioned they
lived on Harstine Island. The
owner of the shop said they used
to know a friend that had riven on
the Island when he was a boy and
mentioned the name of Gene
Seward. And it wouldn't take
much of a super sleuth to figure
how the old friends got together
again after all these years.
Helen Lammers held a card
party at her home last Saturday
evening in honor of her cousin,
Gene Seward's birthday. Fourteen
guests were present for the happy
Also heard a few of the
highlights of her recent trip to the
sunny south with the Seward's
son, Dick and his wife, Marlene,
They encountered bad weather all
the way into Sacramento and it
didn't improve until they reached
the Mojave desert. Most of their
time was spent in Arizona around
Wickenburg which is a little
northeast of Phoenix• They
prowled the mountains in and
around that area hunting for
rocks. At one old mine they
picked up some copper ore.
While talking to Irvie and
Hilma Wingert we learned that
their part-time neighbors, the
Archie Doolittles were on the
Island recently after they, too,
Adams spent the long weekend on
the Island.
The Ted Nesses recently had a
note from the Andy Anderson
family from way-points in Old
Mexico saying they are really
having a glorious time. At that
writing they had their camper
parked just about 100 feet from a
delighfully warm lake. They
planned to go on further south.
And apparently have altered their
original plans a bit, as they had
said when they left they'd
probably be back around the first
part of December. But Elsie
reported their letter said, 'see
sometime after the first of the
The John Budds enjoyed
having their daughter-in-law
Vivian Achziger spend about a
week with them recently. While
she was here several of the gals in
the neighborhood got her to do
their hair up for the coming
holidays. She returned home to
Vancouver last Friday.
The Everett Simons took a
two day trip up to Port Angeles.
Their primary reason for the trip
was business. However, they also
called on a number of good
friends they had made during the
years when Everett worked in
that town.
Lila Peugh's niece, Cleo
Seiners and her husband, and four
youngsters drove down from
Seattle last Sunday afternoon to
cut one of their own trees from
their ten acres here on the Island.
They dropped in to say 'Hi' to the
Peughs befroe they left the Island.
Several Islanders attended
together at tile Park next summer.
A retired Army Sergeant he was
born in Tennessee in 1917 and is
survived by his wife, Eileen a
nurse at St. Peter's in Olympia.
Although he had had some heart
trouble his untimely death came
as a tremendous shock to his
friends here and they extend their
heartfelt sympathy to Dan's wife,
That tremendous wind we had
a week ago Wednesday sure raised
havoc down at the Chuck Bridges
home. It blew off a big chunk of
roofing and giving Chuck and
Mirja an unexpected shower
about 2 a.m. Besides rinsing
everything in the room tile water
seeped through the floor which
didn't do a thing for Mirja's
recent paint job in the living room
This past weekend another
storm hit and although Chuck
made some repairs on the roof
this past weekend's storm told
them a few more were still
needed. Mirja's cousin, Carol
Martinez and her husband, Marty
and their youngsters joined the
Bridges over the weekend.
And speaking of Mirja, she's
only about 63 per cent here these
days. Now before you readers
jump to any conclusions and
think she'll prc" ,~;, have her
lawyers lined up reaay to sue this
writer, it's really true. About ten
months ago Mirja joined the
Weight Watchers Club. And since
that time she has lost between 80
and 90 pounds and received her
pin for attaining her goal• And
since she received her pin about a
dinner, had been on a trip to the sunny Christmas Shows this past month ago Mirja has shed a few
lerickson York and Lilliwaup has written _ . .
• ' ._ ana while on the subject of south• However, they spent about Monday. Naomi Lohrer and Gret more pounds and reached her
Dec 18 club meeting has her family that she will be on me ....
• , _ _ Lnnstmas parties, five Islanders a month near Scottsdale. They Simmons attended the Episcopal doctor's goal! A big bouquet of
melled, and there will be a TV program 'To Tell The jrum" . ........
neaueo [or tne airport last Friday have several relatives in that area Bazaar in Olympia then went out ro ses to you M irja for a
ar s Eve Party Dec 31 at at 8 30 p m Saturday
' • " : • " • evening for the Annual Christmas and they all enjoy getting to South Sound Center to spend tremendous accomplishment and
~..,D-.,~...,-..m..,i,-.~--.~.,m--~.-.,,D -i-.,~- ~-.,,D1 County Party. They included Bud together occasionally for a the rest of the day shopping, we know what she'll do with that
Glaser, John and _Alice Budd and sun-break when weather in our AI and Monica Pridham took bouquet, she'll promptly pass it
PUBLIC AUCTION I the Glenn Yates. a Country area leaves a bit to be desired, in the Christmas Show at the on to the W, W. Club to whom
V Western band of four provided The Otto Goldschmids took a Winthrop Hotel in Tacoma which she gives all the credit for a
$100,000 INVENTORY REDUCTION AUCTION ~ the music for listening and dancing week s jaunt to California over was also held last Monday. lifetime dream come true!
__~[V~nf'""~ IJmmI~ ~----~Bh~'V'~ Av for the gala affair, the recent holiday. They spent Jim and Ella McAuliffe were Now for this one last story
- ~ One member of the Yates part of their time visiting their saddened to learn that Dan which could almost qualify for
SAT. & SUNDAY, DEC. 12-13 at 10 A.M. I family, Lisa, had an invited guest close friends the Allen Wheelis Gafford of Olympia had died the Believe It or Not Ripley
Located at San Juan Building Supply Co. V w h o a r riv e d d u r in g t h e family in San Farncisco. The rest suddenly last Friday• He had also column. One routine day recently
in Sequim, Washington. ~ Thanksgiving holiday. A guest of their time in San Francisco was become close friends of Grace and friendly husband and a fellow
This auction consists of: • that accompanied her all the way spent with their daughter Johanna Bert Campbell through his work County employee were busily
.............. ! between home and Seattle, back who is a librarian there• Enroute at the State Park this summer. He cleaning out ditches in and
LUm~-~ r'LYVVUUU V through Federal Way Auburn and down and also on the way back had served all summer as Jim's around the County. At one point
I Tacoma to the [stand That guest they stopped in Portland to visit assistant. Then this Fall while Jim in their work they glanced up to
IILD NG BLOCKS HARDWARE SUPPLIES | - a Irlenu caueu Mumps. put their other daughter, Lisa, where took a month's vacation Dan see a deer and a dog curiously
• V !
ICRETE SHEET ROCK then we belie e in sharing, she is attending college, filled in for him in his absence, watching them. A little bit later
~TS LADDERS ~ Recent dinner guests at the Many of their other Point The two men had enjoyed the deer came closer and nuzzled
S ........... And many moreitem~ .......... |,-~,ene,-Se.ward home were ~ome old - Wilson neighbors, the Murry working together very much and Glenn s leg. He scratched the
Ct~,~T'ING • too numerOustO mention: V- friends they-,hada't~on for,,abo~t. Motga~,along~vithth~irdauglge¢, hoped to complete many projects doe's head and then shooed .her '
-- " r" A -i neor I 35 years. Through life's various Lane, who was home from
uary Lear vv, ucv o I paths they had become separated. Stanford University, the
Phone Quilcene, 765-3590 J Unknown to the Seawards, A1 andElliots and Duffields and Mary
out of the way and went on with
his job. A shorl time later he
walked over to the County car to
get another tool. He discovered
the deer busily investigating the
backseat of the car. He tried to
coax the animal out of the car.
When that didn't work he walked
around the car and opened the
other door and gave the deer a
gentle but firm shove. While he
went back around to close the
first door the deer crawled right
back in the same door she'd just
been shoved out! The two men
finally managed to get back to the
Shop, without said deer. But
when the head of this house came
home that same night and told
the story to his family the
youngsters promptly wanted to
know why Dad didn't bring the
deer home. He explained first of
all it probably was somebody's
pet and it wouldn't be right to
take another person's pet
anymore than they would want
someone else to take any of their
pets. And second, the dee~" we
have around here may not be pets
but we certainly don't need any
~ait to draw any more moochers
nto our orchard!
The best wish we can make
for you, our customer, is that
you will never have to have a
prescription fillet~~
Unfortunately, however,
chances are good that sooner
or later you will need medical
attention which will require a
corrective prescription.
When that happens, we will
be ready immediately to
supply exactly what your
doctor orders. Our stocks of
modern , effective
pharmaceuticals are maintained
in abundant fresh supply to
take care of your needs.
We wish you (to be) well!
We can help you when you
are not.That is the main reason
why we are here.
Neil's Pharmacy
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00
Now you can dial direct from 10 p.m. until
8 a.m.,seven days a week.Talk for ten minutes
anywhere in Washington for no more than $1.
(Many calls are less.)
That's worth dialing home about.
Padfic Northwest Bell
Sylvania wide screen color picture tube has 315 sq. in. viewable picture area (25" diag. meas.).
Other features include rare earth phosphors for brilliant natural colors and black composite
surround for superior contrast. Provides the biggest, sharpest color picture ever!
BILITY. This 18" (diag. meas.) color TV features AFC. Gives
a perfectly tuned picture at the touch of a button. Walnut grained
wood composition vinyl finish. Big 5-inch oval speaker. New slide
rule UHF tuning lets you select your favorite station quickly and
easily. Includes dipole VHF and bow tie UHF antenna, Model
CD74W. Special roll-about bedroom stand, Model TB30W avail-
able optional, extra. Only $429es
Little Pinto has bigger horsepower than the leading import . . .
75 standard, 100 optional. Wide track makes it stable. Rack-and-
pinion steering means precision. Get into a Pinto... you'll find six
inches more shoulder room, more rear knee room, too.
"Manufacturer's suggested retail price. White sidewalls, $30;
accent option, $60. Dealer preparation charges, if any, trans-
portation, state and local taxes not included.
The family economy Maverick lets you bring the gang along. Seven
more inches of wheelbase. Room to get in, stretch out, move
around. It's still the "simple machine".., to own, drive, park.
COLOR TV SCREEN EVER! Has 315 sq. in. viewable area! Instant
Push-button Tuning. Authentically detailed Mediterranean design
cabinet of Pecan veneers on select Oak solids with decorative non-
wood material. Chairside Color Control with Electronic Memory
optional extra. Ask to see Sylvania model CL862P/962PR.
TM--Trodemork Sylvonio Electric Products Inc.
NEW EXCLUSIVE LIFT-OUT DOORS... for easy cleaning
•.. stay shut-
open easily
We Also Have ....
Glassfyre doors have a built-in slide-
catch to keep them firmly closed. To
open easily, put your hand under the
handle at point "A", lift up and pull
gently at the same time.
Glassfyre doors are held in place with
a spring-bar at the outside hinge.
They are easily removed, then
snapped back into place, No tools
• Replacement Glass for Glassfyre Screens •Glassfyre Doors & Screens • Fireplace
Tools •Fireplace Tool Stands and Fireplace grates at
Olympic Hwy. N., Mt. View
Thursday, December 10, 1970- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15