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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 10, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 10, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Matlock By DORA HEARING MATLOCK - The annual event of "'Bringing in the Yule Log" will be held at Schafer Park, Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Everyone welcome, ladies please bring cookies. Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash were host and hostess for the Pinochle Club Saturday night and five tables of cards were played. High Score went to Bill Barnes St. and Mary Chappell, Pinochle to Sue Barnes and Edward Valley, low score to Kathleen Barnes and Edward Valley. The next party will be Dec. 19 with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barnes Sr. host and hostess. The Moody Science film will be shown at the Matlock Community Church Sunday at 7 p.m. The name of the film is "Red River of Life". Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin spent Saturday in Olympia with relatives. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. tterbert Helin were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trimble. Mr. and Mrs. Les Bozatth were Friday evening visitors at the Elvin Hearing home. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers, Alberta and Roy were callers at the ttearing home. The community mourns the death of Mrs. Donna Singleton who was 91 years old and lived at Matlock since 1918. She leaves one son Chester Singleton of Livermore, Calif.; two daughters, Mrs. Lottie Ford of Matlock and Mrs. Lois Simpson of Bremerton; two sisters Mrs. Myers of Calif. and Mrs. Ethel Magill of Vancouver. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman spent Thursday at Elma with Mrs. Thelma Leortscher. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trenckmann attended the joint installation of officers at the Progress Grange at Kamilche Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Haskins and family were Sunday visitors at the R. E. Bradberry home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley attended the wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitmarsh at Hidden Haven Saturday afternoon. Kevin Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard, is at the Orthepedic Hospital in Seattle and is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Singleton of Livermore, Calif. are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing were Tuesday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walker. We want to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barnes St. who have moved to their farm here from Mercer Island. ENTIRE STOCK LADLES PURSES REDUCED ONE DAY REG. TO 2.00 VALUE ONE SIZE REG. 2.00 FAMOUS BRAND LADLES PANTIES REG. TO 2.00 LADLES NYLON REG. TO 7.00 FLANNEL REG. TO 5.00 PEIGNIOR SET REG. $25.00 OFF REG. RET. Grange Plans For Its Annual ihristmas Party By MARY VALLEY SKOKOMISH - The Skokomish Grange will hold its Christmas party this Friday evening, starting with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. After a short business meeting there will be an exchange of gifts. The ladies are to bring a gift for the ladies and men gifts for the men, not to exceed $1, Miss Edith Johnson will be guest speaker at the Skokomish Community Church this Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. She will be returning soon to the mission field in Columbia, under the Evangelical Alliance Board. Mrs. Ida Johnson, Mrs. Mary Valley and Mrs. Marie Miller of Yakima, who has been the house guest of Mrs. Johnson, drove to Seattle Wednesday, where they attended the Ice Capades at the Coliseum. Mrs. Josephine Cole was unable to accompany them due to illness. Savings Bond Sales Reported "October s~es of E and H Savings Bonds for the State of Washington tot',tied $5,531,980 compared with year ago sales of $6,512,614 . . . a decline of 15.06 per cent," Mason County Volunteer Chairman Harry James announced. "However, October 1969 sales included Freedom Shares totaling $690,140, since discontinued, on June 30, 1970, so a true comparison of E and H Sales reveals a decline of only 4.99 per cent," he added. "'Mason County sales totaled $11,177," he continued. Mrs. Arvid Johnson accompanied her daughter, Edith, to Scandia Sunday, where Edith was guest speaker at the Scandia Bible Church. Arvid Johnson is spending several days at the home of his son, Stan, at Toppenish. Thirteen members of Skokomish Grange attended the Installation at Progress Grange, Sunday afternoon. Deputy Martin Auseth and his wife Gyneth were the installing officers. The Skokomish Grange Ladies Auxiliary held its annual Christmas dinner party Saturday night, at the home of Mrs. Phyllis Brown on flood Canal. (;ames and visiting were the diversion for the evening. Mrs. Edna Hunter of Shetton was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter. Weekend guests of Mrs. Mildred Tanner were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rowan and daughters of Everett and Mrs. Ruby Fulton of Tacoma. Sunday they celebrated Mrs. Tanners birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Deyette and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Anderson and family of Monlcsano spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Deyette. THESE BUYS! "TOUCH-DOWN" FLOOR TILE PIONEER Week of Dec. 14-18 MONDAY -- Meat & gravy, mashed potatoes, buttered corn, peaches and milk. TUESDAY -- Navy bean soup, crackers, meat sandwiches, apple & celery salad, apricot pie with cream and milk. WEDNESDAY -- Spanish rice, buttered toast, buttered spinach, carrot sticks, jello with fruit and milk. T H U R SDAY -- Beef stew, crackers, raisin-orange muffins, vegetable tray, fruit salad and milk. F R IDAY -- Pizza, buttered beans, Christmas cookies, carrot sticks, ice cream and milk. Supplement your chiM's diet with vitamins from by Kentile. A self-adhering vinyl asbestos tile. Do-it- Yourself! "LITTLE JOB" SPRAY ENAMEL the 3-oz. can that gets that small paint job clone quickly and easily. In 52 colors! NEW! "JIFFY" SHELF CLIPS ready to use! Build that bookcase anywhere! Instantly ! for an easy tile cleaner, look tO "TILE 'N GROUT MAGIC" in spray can & guaranteed by Good Housekeeping! For cleaning wood paneling, woodwork & furniture look for "PANEL MAGIC" in hanay spray can & guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. Olympic Hwy. S. ShMton 426-4282 i MEN'S & FAMOUS WATCHES REG. TO 69.95 TO TWO LARGE RACKS LADLES GOWNS AND DRASTICALLY ROBES SHOE DEPT. | Regularly $12.00 by • BLACK • CHESTNUT BROWN Vba,,r, Cela~ese" Arnet hnmg topped with sueOe Italian made eyelet speedlace t~e ~ceberg seals Ken tru~" Regularly $12.00 Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 10, 1970 DRESS COATS COMPARES TO 100.00 REG. 49.95 ENTIRE STOCK LADLES COATS RACK I REG. TO 23.00 RACK II REG. TO 34.00 RACK III REG. 16.00 LADLES 3 PC WOOL SUITS REG. 49.95 LADLES 2 AND 3 PC ORLON ACRYLIC KNITS SUITS REG. TO 26.95 BLOUSES ..... ......... REG. 8.00 LADLES CARDIGAN REG. TO 12.00 LADLES SHELL PULLOVER STYLE REG. TO 7.00 FAMOUS BRAND FOUNDATIONS BRA - SLIPS - GIRDLES LARGE WOMEN REG. TO 16.00 COCKTAIL DRESSES AND PANT SUITS REDUCED ONE DAY LADLES CAR COAT PLAID -- NYLON WET LOOK REG. TO 48.00 LADLES NYLON TOW BELTED SKI COATS REG. 28.95 LARGE RACK LADLES DRESSES REG. TO 12.00 LARGE ROUND RACK LADLES REG. TO 10.00 LADLES PANTSUITS REG. TO 35.00 COORDINATE TOPS 00 OFF REG. RETAIL 99 99 OFF REG. RET. RET. 00 AND O0 PANTS 00 BLANKETS SPECIAL 72 • ,iO REG. 16.95 NOW 108 x 90 REG. 21.95 NOW LUXURY POLESTER KNIT FABRIC REG. TO 7.95 YD. YD. | STANDARD SIZE BED PILLOWS REG. 4.98 NOW GIRLS' SLEEPWEAR BRUSHED ACETATE AND NYLON REG. 4.00 BUTTERFLY PRINTS TOWELS REG. NOW BATH ..... 2.65 ...... i.66 HAND ..... 1.80 ...... 96¢ WASH ...... 75 ....... 44¢ GIFT DEPT. GIRLS' PANTIES REG. 69 GIRLS' QUILTED SIZE 4 - 14 REG. 7.00 ENTIRE STOCK ONE DAY SALE OFF REG. MDSE. GIRLS' BLOUSES Reg. 4.00: REG. TO 3.98 SLIGHT IRRS. KING SIZE PILLOW REG. 6.98 GIRLS' TIGHTS Reg. 3.00 For GIRLS' HEIDI VEST 4-6 71 Reg. 3.50 THERMAL BLANKETS WASHABLE ASS'T. COLORS REG. 6.98 GIRLS DRE: FAMOUS BRANDS DINNERWARE 3 YR. REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE GREAT SELECTION REG. RET. GIRLS COATS ONE GROUP COOK WARE EXTRA NICE OFF REG. RET. WASHABLE PILE 4 TO 6X 7 REG. 20.00 BATH ROOM % OFFREG.GIRLS' WRANGLER ! RET. CHATEAU AREA RUGS 21 x 34 Reg. 5.94 .......4.88 27 x 45 Reg. 8.98 .......7.88 36 x 54 Reg. 14.98 ......2.88 Lid Covers Reg. 2.99 ..... i.88 CARVING KNIFE SET 8 PC REG. 12.95 3 TO 6X 7 T REG. TO 3.50 BOY'S CREW PR. FROM PERFECT WOOLEN MILLS 33-1/3% WOOL - 33-1/3% ACRYLIC 33-1/3% NYLON BONDED FABRIC BOY'S 3 TO 7 SPORT SHIRTS FOR BOYS BELTED CARDIGAN REG. TO 6.00 3TO7 REG. 5.00